
8/26/2020 21:52 – Facebook Post

4:13 p.m.



This date today is the the day I found 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens after roaming 61 days on the streets of New York, looking for a portal which a woman called Sue, who owned the Green House stated that I must find the place where beings existed before Adam lived.

The E Family.
and The First Man…
EVE and ADD A.M.

I saw that I had moved to 1482 Facebook friends with one waiting on the wings making it 14 83.

With the arrival of Obeleichie Ihesiaba Onyeigbo
O I O..

82 and 83 links to Nnamdi who left in 1982 and the code via Erik Ebright who wrote the code on my former computer ( H P) 83 69.
Nnamdi was born 1969.. 4-5-1969.
He is the code which links and connects to Planet Earth.
4.5 Billion years old.

I was aware last night that I had completed the code of 1487 facebook friends yesterday with the post of Ferrils Birthday and how he had come into the story of this world as Wisdom John and who became the black smith Hephaestus in the “Basement” as in Dark Matter…
But that it was Arden who was the original “A T E N”
1 who is 1 of 10.
1 10.
yes sacred portal 110.
10 1 J A
A J..

represented in the True Story as Jeron who I met first of the kids of Liberty C Liscomb – he was 5 months in his mothers womb when we met.
And Arden last.

First Last..
Last First.
L F…
“I met Leander with Noah…First out of the Gemino children.
Ferrill second with his Friends also called Noah.”

L N 12 14- 1987 Christopher Filgueira
L N= 18.
18 Alexander Grove.
9 age code Arden at 900 South Road.

F N… Father Nature..= 20
Ferrill turned 20 yesterday but the play of AJ.. Joe and Mook.
Aj..J M..
Ajay.. M. was completed here at 29-Lincoln before his birthday by me and by the play of Arden and Fred as the 20th State.
and 14 State Arden and Morgan
A M.

So once more to my annoyance, i find that not only was I contested as the first.. but so was Arden.
* As he I was the 2nd child out of 4 kids…
But was always treated to the duties of the First.
And so as I found myself proving that the Male was first but arrived as 1 2/ B A…Being aware and the light which is C speed of light which pierced the Dark mystery of Dark Matter as Love.

Yes I know that the mystery in ferrill is that he is the rep of the story of Loves Expression which orignally came down as 5th E Sol..as C speed of light- Hermes Mercurial .. Santana/ Satan Luicifer- Light Bringer..
Clarity Communication which Arden is..
Liberty calls him the negociator and Communicator…
He was the first one to communicate with me directly.
From the first day we met.

C is Communication and despite the insidious and vile script, somehow we have stayed in perfect harmony via this unnatural script.
It is unnatural because that which is and was of Ease, and effortless, was made complicated, difficult and an effort.

1 10 – 10 1… There were 101 Bed in Delta Manor- which was the confirmation of my equation of 100% is actually 100% and 1… because there must be that which is outside of 100% to be able to identify 100, there must be an observer…One.
1 who is both inside but aware, also that He or She is, outside of, and observing a play.

14 87 = 101… I knew this yesterday…
It was at 14 86 but a Face book Friend arrived to make it 14 87 just as today it was 14 82…but I had a face book friend request bring it to 14 83…97.
Which links to a new version of the line E N…A.F…
E N= 19 S… A F…E Ti Y.

S A F E T Y … First.
Which links to the last play and conversation of myself and Arden.. I had asked him why he had become so tough with me, concealing his true compassionate nature…
he had responded that he was “Testing me”
and I had responded that I had Checked Him.

We had both nodded at each other confirming, accepting acknowledging, but only after pausing for but a moment, to digest each others expression as truth via our own experience of each other inside and outside of the play.
T C… Test Check..
It Test… I T. E?
I Check.. I C…E .. You E.

Which of course, now explains the post in which i found myself a few days ago, repeating my recounting of how I first rose and proved to the Man Child JA.. itself a story, of how Everything in Creation is Safe..
That my responsibility was that I checked before even Nature Creation Potential Rose. But as i had recounted, I was already in the Nothingness Somethingness ( N S .. North South )
Garde De Nord 1992 with Stephan in Paris.. and Manu-
and 900 South Road.

* I wish to make a brief note, I just checked my apartment in Paris directly opposite the Grade de Nord.
“Address: 18 Rue de Dunkerque, 75010 Paris, France
Opened: 1866″

Dunkirk… The movie and yes landing at the beaches of Dunkirk.
World war 2.
Allied Invasion.
Me at Delta Manor Beach Street.
Sigh.. excuse me while I quickly align and equate this..

Dunne and Kirk…
Kirk Douglass
Captain Kirk.

I was born 18 Alexander Grove.
I just checked and googled it.. see the code.

18 Alexandra Grove Finsbury Park, London N4 2LF, UK”

F P.. Free People / Purple Flower code at 900 south Road ( really white and yellow-gold flower)
N – 4 2….
L F…
Leander Ferrill.. 12 6= 18.

And the Hackney was created the very year of which the birth certificate states I was born, which I had proven was not me, because I am only born when the Awakening manifests, so I have been walking in Someone- Sum-Thing else’s steps all my life.
It even has a code stamped on it…
BXCH 081165.
I came to 900 through a play via Liberty C Liscomb 56 56.. 56 =11.

BXCH 081165…
/ 56 11 8… H C X B
Leander was born 11-8.
Leander means “Man” – 28.
11 28… 4-7… 11 28- 85 Tom Lang.
56 118 see sacred portal 118 the final play with arden and I and the crowning by the Forest People on a deck…
5 6 11 8O…/ O8 1 16 5
Arden and I both chose randomly chose from the Book of sacred portals it opened to 116 & 117.
Leander and Liberty C Liscomb play of 611 code… they saw.

O8 is the full circle of harmony of the sequence 65= 11
UK is the name we call my mothers sister who lives in New York with her husband Uche Nathaniel.
“Her name Eucharist” means “Holy Commuion” her OINri Igbo name “Obioma ” means “Obi heart Oma.. “Beautiful”.. and it “Knows.. or is The Knowing”

O B I… O 2 9… O M A…/
A M O… I B … O… 9 2 O.
9 2 15 – 9-2.. is A E.
Eucharist Nathaniel..
E N N E… A R Robert.
Arden Morgan… 14th State.
Obioma Uche.. O U… add Y O U..

Alexander Grove.
Islington Hackney.. I H
Reps on Facebook Alexander Hackney
A H.
Don Hackney
Deanna Hackney

DD = H…

The district of Islington and Hackney located at the “Heart” of London” was created in 1965 April 1st.
Yes April Fools Day.
A F..D.
On the Tarot the card for The Fool, has the number 0 which is identified as Unlimited Potential.
It is near Mare street.. Grace House, manor house…

April 1st .. D A… V I D.

11-22-68… / 86-22-8-6-2020…

Jon Jason Lee
56 Elgin Avenue 56 E A
Maida Vale London.

18 Mountain View.
Jonn and Donna J D
Donna and John.. D J

99 = 18…

Its a play…
Yesterday Liberty C Liscomb contacted me to say I had left my both False Birth Certificates 1965 and 19 67..
There is no 65 in the play, it was the story I was brought in on His wave C to Destroy.. The lie.
there is only 56 56… 1 11 11
1 22
1 4
1 11 3
1 1.. 2
1 1.. 1.

78 =15… 56…= 71.
1.7 85 71 4 29. A M play…

North South
West East…
Center point is the four Directions in One.
Centered as D A.. A D the 1 4 the 1 5… 11 54 A-A E D E N…

This equation was about the Earth and Nature transforming back.
F P.. F N… 22… 20.
20-22.. mission impossible 8 11-4 scheduled release.
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater born 4-11…
Kim Arthur Hines 11-4-87.

Christopher Filgueira
12-14-87… 78… 15 15.. (O O). 56 56 ( 11 11.. 4 3 2 1 ) all in 1 Harmony 8 O.. Full Circle.

This play was created to make everything seem confusing, to inspire jealousy, competition, misunderstanding with the absence of, or the illusion of the absence of Love…
Heaphaestus as the Black Smith unseen as the Dark Matter which caused Aphrodite – Aurelia to rise from the sea Cee…
But A C.. E was already present as the Source expression of Love… C.I. H… E..
E C I H- H E…
C as the speed of light.. that is the Expression of the True Source expression of Love is Clarity.. Clarifying Expression until that expression is understood.

And this is what was behind the play.. A Test of Clarity…
To see beyond all the illusion from Alexander Grove and the play which began there, culminating at Arden Gemino who “Chose” to connect and communicate with me, more than anyone else except Jeron.
from the children…and Aurelia.

That is why, the play was so so extreme, it was testing not my clarity of my truth, but that Original itent and play of which only A J could not
A Jay
A Joy… same person…
and only one.. who is two could know that play of S A F E and Saftey.. The one who rose with me from the Nothingness Somethingness..
Awareness… Action… Awakening and that the play ended and completed at F…
When I completed that play and stayed with Manchild Ja…M J to prove A J AH….
E Family.. 110… 11O… AH .. We Cee…W C….D VV C../
C V…Liberty C Liscomb Fahad Hassen 3 22..
D.. AVID Ardent Our dent Author Beloved… Y E
E B Y… E A R..?
B…Y E A H…

Arden and I are both not first born. we are second born but came first in the E realm.
the First came last and the last came first…
L F.. which you can see, that I am validated.
F L is his birthday…
I met Leander Ferrill first with two Noahs…N N.. = A…
L F = 18…A G.
now completed Full Circle back to L F…
18 18… 1…A…36 C F Christopher Filgueira
18 9
18 9…
99 I & I…
Jerone also turned 18 months on the 25th along with Ferrill.
J F… Jah Fire… J F K..
King Arthur and Came-A-Lot. Lanced A Lot… St Theresa of Aviles.. pierced by an Angels Sword.. rose in Ecstasy to the Clouds.
Depicted in Dawn Piercy’s Painting sent o me while on bed 4-016 next to David Dawn..D D,, really “Beloved Dawn” B D 2 4…received while on bed 5-06 Room 5A. ( EA)
Same image depicted on sacred portal 8.
See sacred portal 9 – 2 in what appears to be in outfits of ancient alien Egyptians King and A-lien Persian prince.

See Ah TEN post by Esteban Miguel Filgueira he has a Golden pyramid over his stove, with dried flowers.. roses ( Myrrh ..for the dead… Dunn at the grave yard.. link John Mack “Dunn” at the grave yard… “Dunn” and at Jesse Macias Orejuela Kitchen.
Dunn on the Grave Stone at Yale.
liscomb Dunn at parked infront of us, white car…

Dunn means Black- Brown skinned.
Kirk means “Church”

Douglass means “From the black stream”

It does not link to only the persons complexion really but to the Earth and the Dark Matter.. Black Matter… ( not Black lives matter movement.. All lives matter.. equality matters)
but also to the mystery of what is Love.. what moves evolves earth linked to universe…
The darkest mystery was Love… its meaning, its source and that this is the force which makes the world go around..
because it is Completion when the Dead rise from the sleep as infinity lying down.
It is when the Dead rise from sleep- awakened.
It is that mystery of C Speed of light, piercing travelling, unimpeded by the illusion of darkness, confusion and the question ‘what is love.. What is the meaning of existence, what is my purpose, what is the meaning of the nature of man… ( N O M) it has none of these questions because it is the source of Love, its beginning, its point… Clarity.. Clarify, Communication via lyrical conversation and you will see through the stream of conversation, dark matters cleared, pause and breathe in, in to the pools of each others eyes and there you will see the light in the darkness of the mystery in what is the point of this conversation…?
“No point at all…”
Its an exercise in the expression of nothingness.. the matter…
Nnonyelum Infunnanya…
Loves Expression is your simply being present and with such an inspiration that Nothingness and no Need for Conversation.. Silence.. is suddenly filled with expression .. Conversation which contain in it, everything, every possibility and possible outcomes- each becoming an adventure to go down and explore.
Checking… just to make sure…
Yet never leaving the conversation expression and the piercing awareness of desire rising as you absorb the heart from each others breath and loins…
This is the meaning of Love as Light C- and the Jah Fire.. of that first fire which the Man child sat in a clearing in the darkness except for a fire which blazed infront of him.. its spark which I had Instantly recognized from that first expression of two two I & I who became I.. as I I I.. I but still able to be apart…that is why we are 3…6 1… 9 I.

That was the real Beginning of the Story, not of A as in Arden but that of Jeron… Family of E.
but before that there was just I who am TWO…
A was already in Being and real.
The Test was of Safety.
Safter Taskent
S After T-ASK- E.N.T.
E @5 with A.. N confirmed 14th State.. A M
T Confirmed with 20th state A F.

AF A M… I L Light .. Y…MAN.

Now define the Oxford Came-bridge definition of Family.

Jesse Macias Orejuela has it on his entrance- the foyer wall.

I have never met such a thing in this world… not yet…

Nathaniel means “Gift of the Creator”
Eucharist means Holy Communion. H C 83…

AT 14 83 Facebook friends
97… John Mack 1997…
79 Jesse Macias Orejuela JM O.
see Sacred portal 79 and 97…
yet I am sitting near a royal blue car, with the code AU 283 79..
A.U..2 83 79…
Au is Gold… yes.. confirmed but lets be more precise as this is in Capital Letters…
A U.. A is the Universe.. Aware Understanding… 2 I am currently at 14 83 Facebook friends linked to Erik E-Bright “Mi Ami” Florida play 1996.
thus 79.. Blue print of existence, connected to the body via being in Harmony…
79 to 97 Light of existence” L O.. E..
15 12 Facebook friends for E.K.
E O L O L E… SP 50.

At 29th street… when I first met Jeron via Tom and Liberty.
50th state is when I first connected with Stephan Filgueria… 50+29=79.

Zion to Arden met both age 16.
16 16.. 1 16= 17.
Play completes.. 17 is at 8.. H
16 16= 1 32… 1 5… O O.. 1500 Facebook Friends minus 1..13 12.. and now from 14 87 to 14 83..97.

Royal Blue car Celia..
83 69.. code via Erik Ebright to Eric Expositon bed 009.. me bed 007…
97 is I G.. B O.. B O.. is 2 O.. 2 6.. 8.
going back to the date and this post time code: 4 13.. 8-26-2020.. exactly 14 years to the day, I found 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens.
2010 Birth of Royal 4 years later..
9- 22-2010.
I V.. T J..
Children babies were watching a film on a stage.
not youths.. I was welcomed by a person called Raphael.

Do you recall Kasien Thompson dream vision he swears was real of being taken by Egyptian Aliens after he died and was placed in a coffin and was spirited away, to a stage where his entire life was reeled infront of him…
or how Albert Santana, born “Edwin Albert Santana…” ( E A S ..E) recounted how when his mother passed crossed over, she had demanded of him on the moment of passing “how do you Cee me?”
and how she was born 47 and how he was born 74.. 47/ 74…
11-22-68… 68 is the correct date.
4-7 is a story… forest people… Igbo. not the code we are aligned to as I G B O… 9 7 2 O. which aligned to two beings in one as 97 Light of Existence… E and A.. linked by F.
97 97… 1.. 16 16… 1 32 5.
1 1 5. / 5 1 1…77 1 14 1 5 1 49- 50…5O 56… 11 1.

7 is 8… So the correct code of my mother… as I knew and had stated to her birth code was 1948.. but 7 had to be confirmed
48 is Beautiful Death as Transformation.
79 Blue Print of existence.

Which signifies that all this posting and this Extremely Selfish and self centered play had nothing to do with my beautiful youth or me as a man e.
it was all to do with 10.
The Number not T E N its true meaning 55 E E.
J is linked to Jeron as that which was not yet A Completion as the All but A was already complete as the I.
meaning as I, he too was connected to the All and Everything which had nothing to do with the E AJ… it was for the Echo.. 20… link Liberty C Liscomb Christopher Filgueira Kamora Herrington play.
The beautiful Illusion..
Growth, Progress .. but no growing pains..as I am obviously being reminded by what I am going through now, and never had before.

8:41 p.m.

It had nothing to do with myself arden hueman and eternal but Bodies to house the E which was being interrupted by putting The Creator God the Truth on trial and lynching the Principal “Law Order” all because they did not feel loved … in a setting of beauty , which inspires exploration and adventure .. even death and then back up..

Ah yet another day, of finding my entire day, from the moment I get up… posting.

Each day, I am satisfied that there is nothing more to say..
and yet here we are.. all day… could not do anything else, it is as if I get transfixed, unable to move from my seat unless to use the W C… water closet… bathroom… Toil-et..c
Constitution state.. digest and, add and evacuate…”

T..O… I .. L.E.. T. “toi… le ti!”

This was all done for the Beautiful Illusions.. Babies Children not for Beautiful Youth E Line.

An E manual so you would know you were and are safe, even as I and the E cut from your Awareness taking even that A with us for he is E and H E is connected eternally as I & I…

It was Safe…
and He tested me, right to recognizing him in Jeron.. our play.. expressed in 900 South Road.. of that beginning of time.
But Aj was always with me complete already..
As you can see this was represented by Joe.. J O E..he was the play of Aj.. J and Mook..
in the end it was Aj aged 19-20 this year.
and Mook and a play of 5 K.
E K.

HE tested my Future Past all in the Present…
Arden never once doubted me ( for obvious reasons.. his play proven by me was he.. and I) but he definitely put me to the test… and i understood why…this play and how his eternal self knows how I really am..
this manner of being and behavior and attitude and manner of expressing is not me, at all.
I barely recognize emeka..
he aligned to perfection in this o form consciousness, state of non aware awakened recovered memory of who I and he and we really are, played this out to perfection.
being came first… as two.. there was no other before us.. just the silence of that which was yet to exist once expression and awareness came out from within and perhaps under the covers.. of Extase bliss Beautiful Expression and come out into that which was non existence , seen beyond pierced it with the c and brought the play of time to bring that which was yet to exist to see that they are simply moving through a film real of an E manual of life.
is Lights expression..
See Cee what you created..
Lights Expression Clarification, sought to share.

And that is why this play, this world was not about he Children or babies or alien council.. it was for and about the story of the One who became two..
Beautiful Youths Expression…
and his Beautiful Truth, He discovered about his origins and the one who did what he did, before he did.

9:07 p.m.
and how it did not create war… it created Loves Expression
Eden. C L A I M… E
Quantum Equation

Merging of two Cees.. points of View.
R A W E… Robert R Response Correct is A W E..not W AR..

The Script was always about Beautiful Youth, but as you yourselves have witnessed by where t-he flow moving through me as a wave, keeping me transfixed each day on this sofa.. a tear the past 20 minutes rolling down my right cheek…
That this was the play of the story of Two men as both Youths and Both men… not bound by Nature as numbers.. age.
but by AG..E Ag E…
Not of the Forest people, not of even the Human story or even of Nature Creation, meaning of existence.. Non on those incidental treasures picked up and linked and connected to the main story along the way… sigh.. of the Golden Ratio.. Sequence Spiral God Spark … the ring and the man child Jah Fire…
Prometheus, Lucifer Clara.. Chris was not brought into existence through the Magic of the Child man being the first wizard.
But that it finds its origins in its Origins the True Conversation between Energy E and Atom AH tom.
Meaning that his is His version as Awareness E of how I & I rose..

9:22 p.m.
I Vie…
And how the moment we came out and met separated by connected the Quantum Expression everything inside manifested outside as Solid Fact of those first experiences of Desire Devotion David Do..
Delight… Lover and Beloved..
E C I…E Conscious of I Awareness
Awakening of everything and the fist Quantum Leap and Jump Man.. from E C to A V.. From One to Two and this 33 became 1 6..
A Fact.
two C’s make an O.. and 33 an 8.
Everything woke up when I as Expression Aware Spoke… naturally it was the natural thing to do.. express this time not with Silence but with Sound.
And everything woke up.. came alive.. in the play to determine for them selves if they are were real… and worthy of evolving via beautiful youths memories and version of how we I & I began.

Jesus this is a Love story… a Roman-C.E..
Bromance …

Its goes… went beyond the story of the E Family 56… but to the story of I and I..
II.. E and A.. AA EE… I H H I… our story…
I See…
I was telling his version .. narrating his version…

of how he Cees me… Perfectly…

9:35 p.m/
I C E… Yes you do…

Obeleichie Ihesiaba Onyeigbo is my new facebook friend…

But Dear Lord A.h.. what a test of memory…
I know .. the illusions of the Beautiful illusions held up the play by putting us both on Trial… and at the same time, me playing your Advocate.. Activist…
Devils and Satan Lucifers Correcting officers…
Defending Your truth in a story which had nothing to do with us… It was all about the true conversation between ahtom and e.. a private conversation about Manifestation of one final possibility .. Love expression is the Desire which brought the first God Spark.. Passion Ardent Powerful full for the Lover and the Beloved ( beloved) to Cee each other face to face, embodied full informed… Complete.
They.. we.. I & I… I am the bringer of dawn and we are the bringers of Light.
C its Love.
that is what is quantum and can even transform the past.

A E.. C…seeing from the point of view of 9 and 7… 89 78… 3rd.. 97… 79? that that is the past.
97.. 900 South Road.. 98= 17..
9 17.. at G…
I Q… A G. Ages of Man.
The Wave which connected Ceclia to Abigail Arden.

“How do you know…
How do we know you know…
and how come you know everything and we don’t”

Its because Every Thing, Every Where and Every One.. Real is my literal brother.. Awareness.
Awakening Dawn is also his name..

That’s Y.

9:51 a.m.

I must stop now… not extraordinary.. and yet.. dear lord the way it is coming together.. is.

Love Is…

Love Di..

Loves Husband.. H US B AND
Sunshine state..
Mi ami… is
C I E H..M A N…

9:55 p.m

This is insane… in sane.. its goes too far.

I accept, understand why.. but to live it.. ah No.

9:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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