
8/26/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

18 is the number on my page right now, it represents the letter R.

I had another conversation with Robert Currin my new room mate, now occupying the bed I was in when I went with Rob Barr to the MET.
His expression… The implications… The utter realization…
that my Reality R… IS REAL..

7:06 p.m.

Or better still in sunk in to me, that the battle between the Delusion Illusion “Lore” represented by Lorenzo and the combined power of Belief of 95% of the worlds population ( Past Present and Future) living and sustained by their “Power of Myth” -in how they “Choose” to Perceive Reality..
has now been confirmed has been defeated by the Beautiful Truth Reality.

When he spoke today of an accident he had been in, I felt something almost like shudder and slight panic… and incredulity.
He had spoken yesterday about how he used to stand at a certain traffic crossing where he used to live.
He said each time he stood there, he would say to himself that he was going to get hit by a car…
He would say it, feel it each time until one day he got hit by a car.

He had told me this yesterday, and for some reason I waited before sharing this bit of intel with a conscious decision not to share it yet.
The reason of which I am only aware of now in Hindsight.

..I took my cue, knowing exactly what was being truly asked of me…
I linked the full circle, and where I am in the script “The Full Circle” represented by the Moon and movement of the Tides.
The Legend of the O.INri People of the Beautiful Ones coming down into this realm from the Full Moon.
Meaning that was the marker of their arrival, that it was a Full Moon.
And how they came and formed Eke Afor Orie Nkwo Market Days, Channels of Communication radiating out from a town square with the Market being the Center point of focus of the community.
I linked it to Pelham Park and my drawing the full circle which Albert Edwin Rodriguez Santana had witnessed in his dream scape see me do but described it as from here to Infinity..
I linked it to the Crocodile energy which Robert said took over him and his voice, and its appearance I had noted years ago on the Wood Panels in A Santana’s home ( actually in his Mothers Name).
I linked it to Thompson Square Park where I had slept when I gave into to a plea from Isaac Calvin McCullough who was there to stay….He was the one person who not only saw my transformation into the Spirit of a Gorilla, but had been the first one I had met – who came to me in the garden the moment when the “insane experience” just passed.

I linked it all, right to my being filled with a reverence and respect as I peered at the Full Moon and felt DI-ANA.H…Artemis, Ares Dionysus D.A… Whose names Ares Diana feature on sacred portal 59.
And how we have hovered on and off 1159 face book friends 5-6 times now..
*We are back there now…
I linked the Full circle he said filled his girlfriend Jessica;s face and he declaring her a White Witch…
I linked to my Mother “Snow Queen; Sacred portal 121 where Nnamdi speaks through me written in that sacred portal declaring reminding, channeling through me the Intel- that our Mother Sister/ Daughter line rep by my Mother Sister is the Snow Queen.
I linked Game of Thrones, John Snow, who becomes John Sands…
And the battle which took place in the T.V room with Anthony Ottah being used and moved…
And then the battle with Lorenzo linked to Jonn Delguidce Blackwell whose father was called Venezuela and died homeless..
I linked it to my mother and the Church of Seers she belongs to who though they see correctly, they see that which I have already expressed, and they do not see what is right in front of them. They could do see me, or my mothers true I.D.

And so I said to him that it was not that his thoughts had manifested that incident, but rather that he sees full circle, he had read the “Script” and thus he knows what is meant to happen.
And that by doing the journey in the illusion of forgetting he had to learn to break down all that he was seeing and experiencing..Fragments, fractals which had to be rebuilt to creates Sight…
Consciousness C-Speed of Light, the family of E Consciousness descended into the play Eke Afor Ori Nkwo… E A O N… A O N E…O N E A…H.
The 4 who are ONE… C…H…I…

7:52 p.m.

A Square Stage… E A O N… To enact O N ..E ..A.H….
Link Arturo Niege..Snow… Corrected to Arthur Hur from my own Facebook Friend Pool which my 6.8 years on face book and 17 years in New York had manifested.

It was not that thoughts effect reality…They affect YOUR perception of Reality as Lorenzo to Donald Trump and 95% of the population believe.
But the idea that you actually affect a 4.5 billion year old Planet

-A World alive for Hundreds of thousands of years represented by the Physical myth and evidence of Evolution.
315,000 and 50.000 out of Africa,

And a Galaxy which is 13.51 billion years old…

Please do the Math.

And the codes… 4.5.. D.E.. in the mirror original 5.4..E D.. “Green Blue”

315 C.O..( C A E) 513…E M… ( E=5, M=13…= 18… R… Robert Bed 4-015…which was bed 4-016 when I was in it… 40 16.. 56.. E F.. 56= 11… 112… 11 1…B A… / A B..
Animesh Bhattcherjee
Anthony Bienke A B… Reflects the original B.A.. Beach Ave Archer… My first room 5-B..Bed 5-019…moved through Room 3A 4 B 5 A 4 A back to 4 B…)

Link Ant in Room 5A Bed 5-001 where the Singer used to bed.
Emeka Anthony.E K..
Emeka Kirtan E K
Emeka Kyle… E K

13.51… M E A… A C E A…/ A C E..A..H… A E M..E K A..
15 31… O C A… O C A H… I am at 1530 Beach Avenue Delta Manor… 15=O.. 30= C O… O C O…A H…

It is a matrix energetic code.. the numbers are all programmed into the Universal Simulation of Awareness..
Discoveries are those numbers lightening up like an indicator of scoring on the Universal Simulation Score Board.
The Number, the correct numbers aligned explained manifest onto the playing feild of the Simulation.

A Game… A Play… It was meant to be a Play Theater as I have proven, a stage to learn Perfect Timing and thus Perfection Truth.. Prove with Evidence Facts.. E F.. 56… 11 1.
But it de-evolved to a Game.
The Play Theater.. D M I C T P/K 115 A G E…was meant to end T P… 20 16… 88… 16.. 64… 80… 88…See sacred portal 42..
But it extended beyond by Two years
(I entered room 4B Dec 2016.)
16.. 1 6= 7… G.. G .. A M .. E…
To bring the A.M Dawn of the E it de-evolved into a stupid brutal hideous Game of Thrones…
Enders Game in Virtual Space…and in Delta Manor…
2004 was the End,

D is Delta 4…
Link 2004 comment of Dawn Piercy Dec… Weight Codes…

So yes, when Robert told me about the Crocodile.. I knew as my reflection he was mirroring the Truth that Crocodile represented the Story as Ancient Egypt and its evolution from Dinosaur to Mammal..Gorilla Chimpanse Bonono… D M.. G C B…
Reptile to Mammal… R M…But a Story with children undercover like a School play playing various roles…
Animals representing the Supernatural .. the gifts Human Bodies Evolve into once they had passed the test.

The man who hit Robert was from a place called Left & Right…
Lorenzo Robert… L F.. 12 18.. 30.. C.O…Center…
Cecilia Onuabuchi..Okolo…
Chukwuemeka Okolo…
C O… is Me.. I am the one in place and did the work…

When he spoke about the crossing the road I linked it to my brother Nnamdi and the story recounted by the Priest… ( Yes Priest) who had taken him in, and the accounts from his friends of how he had told them to cross the Road first, telling them that he would join them. And when he did, he was hit by an 18 wheeler..
He knew, he saw it, saw how he the evil script had decided his death. But he already knew he was to leave.
He knew the play and let me know the last time I saw him alive with the Hug.
And all that began to happen to me, my senses when he left. All the knowledge that was added to my awareness of this play…

8:42 p.m.

The intel was that they would seek to murder meddle .. at the time of the Crossing over to the other Side.
The Liars who did not want the Awakening or the Truth that this world is not real…
They fought to retain it as real at all cost.
And were prepared to fight the true to the end as Lorenzo thought he could.
He had not considered that he was and had simply been tolerated.. given some grace to come back to his senses.. as the World.
A play which was reflected in Robert telling me his own interactions with Lorenzo who had been made to switch beds…
Robert understood and spoke brilliantly, mirroring the same conclusion I had of Lorenzo and how he understood his point of view. And how Lorenzo even came from the same area as him. But was more of the gangster old school.
He broke it down beautifully.. and said he did not have the time or space to play his doctor…That he too had been through thre same story as Lorenzo with his first wife and child.
He spoke how it reduced him to almost nothing. Broke him and then forced him alone to rebuild step by step all alone
I could have lost my mind he said… But I fought to bring all the pieces of what transpired, to learn from it and rebuild my mind.

Art is the Universe.. Its break down in Hindsight is the Science…
Foresight Hindsight… F H.. 6 8…6.8 years on Facebook.
Hindsight Foresight… H F.. 8 6… Reading my Natural Expression in Harmony.. Nothingness Naturalness there is no awareness but there is when you discover through Doing.. D… that you are Aware… A – Z- A B C.. I D E… Of Every thing.

I agreed saying that I would not have indulged him, despite my understanding his choice to live in Delusion than reality as so many have chosen, and why the fight to get him to this bed hafd been so Epic…
Because it represented how People would go so far to hold onto delusion rather than face Reality.. Actuality Truth…
A R T… Because they are content with a dream, with a lie which they know, recognize is not true nor sustainable but they will fight it to be the truth anyway…
I only dealt with him because I was forced to when I was moved full circle back into this room in 2018…

You see, 315 000 years.. 50,000 years out of Africa is a journey through Time- An Illusion and a Play on a stage…
3 15… = 18.. R.. Robert… Consciousness C-Speed of Light ( S O L!) Racing from the Source Expression “Sol! the 5th note- through his Reflections in Hindsight called Dark Matter..

9:06 p.m
96% Dark Matter.. I.C… Link Ignacio Choi appearing and then a few days later Chris Inabnitt C.I…

The Dark Matter is the Mystery of which is the journey through time. The understanding the point of why you are here, why you are born to die. It is a journey an adventure to understand the Sources Reflections. And the more you Do… by sitting in your Natural state of Being the more the darkness begins to fade transforming gradually to Dawn Piercy… Dawns Rays of Clarity piercing through that which made you seem blind, “Cecilia” to the facts…
Then “Ah! Be… I Cee… I See… I C… I S…

50,000 yeas “Out of Africa” O O A…H…O O…H F F….. H C.. 8 3…/ 3 8… Human Children through “C H I” ( Chi N’Eke” meaning the Spirit which creates as it goes along” .. E.K E..)
is 50… 50 States…
My journey re-enacted when I left Nigeria in 1988 after living there for 11 years and 7 Months..
To return to England where I had been born, London to begin the journey of the 50 States.
To E O..Home which was completed in Paris DEC 1992…
But then required 25 years more adding 25 / 26 to 25.. 26… 50.. 52… to manifest the play of the Universal Simulation Awareness
U S A.. In the U.S A..
The 11th State…of the nightmare of destroying or Ending the Universal Simulation and programing it to Self Destruct because it had completed its “R’aison D’etre” Reason for coming into being.
11 7 …K.G.. 7 11… O P EN.. SEE S A M… E..!
Pounding on the Door of the Weight of Time and Flesh that Time just a the Flesh is an Illusion…
It decomposes and vanishes, but only after its Truth.. Essence Sol has left…
That human bodies are decomposing while the essence is still inside was the signal that the story represented by the body was being corrupted with toxins and disease of the lie which finally took over Human Perception, that they are Mann Adults.. Gods when in fact they are children guarding a sacred passenger. Each pregnant about to give birth to the truth versions of them selves waiting to merge with the true experience of Time which is not the flesh but the experience of being undercover in a different version of the same thing Energy Eternal in disguise as TIME.

315… 5O… 50 States… 11 State…
=11 – 1.. I I.. I… the realization that all is I…All is 1…
Being… Do…

Reflections Robert C represents the Return of the C speed of Light of the first Big Orgasms.. lighting speeding backwards into the Sources Musing of Everything, and then Full Circle, Curviing Returning to the Source replicating and responding to his call having replicated his Journey in knowing what was Real… and what was Lore.. N Z O … Nzo in O.INri Igbo means “To Compete. to War”..
In actually Ares is The God of Fertility and Sex… War was to Grow to recall that which is True Life…


Okay… So we know that Energy is Eternal and thus Man walked the Earth.. One Man .. who was two… and his entire Family.. they just had different forms.. Light Ethereal Consciousness…
Invisible to most but the animals testified as Robert witnessed and had no fear, nor did he…
But he was afraid and disgusted by the Spiders.. certain Spiders who wove webs of Lies..

God is Robert Code Grace… It is the sum total of the Sources Expression returned home to Roost..
Cock Rooster… C R … E D I.. C R I…
Rooster Cock… R C..Robert Currin .. Emeka Cure’s In

Coffee at the Arab Bodega today… 4…

Yesterday 52… E B…
Today D…

E B D…. / D B ..E… 5 2 4… / 4 2…5…. 11
*7 4 / 6 5…
11 11…

*The recent sequencing of the gorilla, chimpanzee and bonobo genomes confirms that supposition and provides a clearer view of how we are connected: chimps and bonobos in particular take pride of place as our nearest living relatives, sharing approximately 99 percent of our DNA, with gorillas trailing at 98 percent

The closest living relatives of humans are chimpanzees (genus Pan) and gorillas (genus Gorilla).[23] With the sequencing of the human and chimpanzee genomes, current estimates of similarity between human and chimpanzee DNA sequences range between 95% and 99%.[23][24][25]

Early hominins—particularly the australopithecines, whose brains and anatomy are in many ways more similar to ancestral non-human apes—are less often referred to as “human” than hominins of the genus Homo.[5] Several of these hominins used fire, occupied much of Eurasia, and gave rise to anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Africa about 315,000[6] years ago.[7][8] They began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago, and in several waves of migration, they ventured out of Africa and populated most of the world.[9]

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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