
8/26/2016 16:57 – Facebook Post

8/26/2016 16:57 – Facebook Post

3:50 a.m.


I truly do not expect people to have read all these posts…

It is written for the future, when.. according to the E.T whom I am in contact with, since childhood, say that it will be studied and studied..

But in this current reality, I know that people really do not have time..
I myself am tired beyond belief and have to fight the desire to run away from this, play the Assessment shelter..
I have been running all my life away from this play..
And only this “Impossibility” done to my body and this force has brought me to here…
I ran right into it…

No one should have to go through this, and from what I have endured, I do not expect anyone to have followed or done this.
Nor do I blame anyone who had the knowledge from deciding to live in this reality…
For to live as I have lived is too much to ask of anyone..
But I did expect at least support, from those who had risen their vibration and sustained it enough to know and recognize this play and the meaning of what I am doing.

It is these people who I will never forgive and refuse, absolutely for them to gain from this experience.

I say this now because there has been no place on Earth, or in this world where I have been able to escape the constant demands of this play…

I just met a cool looking dude-called Malik..
And I remembered the code of Malik and the play of Erik Ebright and Izzi Creo and Malik…
Izzi’s Malik was in Prison and another Malik, who was a friend of Erik who stole Erik”s Phone…

The Malik I just met asked me to charge his phone for him, but I was just about to charge my phone. So he went off to buy a charger..
He was dressed abit like me, with an “Andy Cap’ on his head…
He made it a point of speaking with meand telling me that he just bought a charger for 20 usd..
20 Derek…
I knew that it was a message from the E, and that, 20 represent T.. Truth..
And so I checked the meaning of his name..

“It is also one of the Names of God in the Qur’an, and is then al-Malik (?????) or The King, Lord of the Worlds in the absolute sense (denoted by the definite article), meaning the King of Kings, above all earthly rulers. Hence, Abdelmelik (“servant of [Allah] the King “) is an Arabic male name.”

Derek Malik.. D.M..I.C…T.PK..115 A.G.E..

Anamla Qayin’s message.

I walked back from working at Star bucks to eat lunch at the Assessment Shelter, to find myself right behind Derek O Donohue…

“The Eternal ruler is the Brown Skinned Warrior .. the Fighter..”
Zoroaster… Golden Star and Hero of the Golden Dawn…
Harold bed 008.. “Army Commander”
John.. of the Grace of the Creator…”
now, “The King, the lord of the World..
Edwin.. the Rich friend, Wine-Friend of Riches, the valued and blessed one..”
Dennis.. Dionisio…God of Wine..
Mike.. Who is as God…
Enos.. The First Man…”

And yet, I feel none of these things, and have been given no reason to believe anything.

Everywhere, the World mirror confirms each days play, by the non stop flow of people, reflecting me..
As I drank my coffee, the codes 20.. A Man appearing wearing ‘The Winner” (Of the battle with the Ancestors)

All I could think about is the rage and fury of what has been done to me personally, and my desire to destroy the creator of this play and all those who held onto the seed of evil which grew and grew as the great corruption.
To make them all suffer the consequence of what has been done to me, and to protect the pure, the beautiful humans who had been used by the Evil ones, the ‘Good Ones” the ancestors from past to present..

I look at my face in the mirror, and the shock, still stuns me, my face is lined drawn from lack of sleep, my body though still muscular is so in need of rest.. from the 24/7 exertions of my correcting the mis-alignment and twisting..
To walk takes all my attention, and to control the Energies takes a will that I can only describe as super human…

No monies to eat, no comfort, no rest.. I sleep each day but a few hours, and everyone is sent to take more energy..
And I understand how the Death Eaters, take out the joy of every moment of your existence..
I understand the experience of it so well, the taking of everything from you, and the delight in my ability to self regenerate from nothing and the process starting all over again.

What do I care, of all these titles and accolades in the World mirror when I am living with a force that can make this experience manifest and real for 26 years, 40, years..
Who dared do this to any being, much less that which it acknowledges publicly as the being of Existence- while mocking me with these titles, knowing the effect on the people of this world.

To be made the lowliest slave in Existence, while being acknowledged with impunity as the First Being in Existence who can not afford to but his own meal, or groom himself without the permission of this horror…
Which and who has ensured that every little basic necessity is earned despite it being my right..
And giving such miserly quantities so that there is always a Need a Lack, when there is none..

And I know that the rage I felt 6 years ago at Toms Trumans home from his expression and this play..
And my vow, to destroy all until only the E line existed, is the only thing moving me now.

And so it was with a very quiet satisfaction that I observed that Derek was there as if waiting for me, just as yesterday it was Neil who I had met in line, right before me…

This Evil is so beyond anything that I could ever conceive.. it is endless.
Everyt time it is meant to be defeated it comes back.. again and again..
And I am forced back to posting while, having to obey its way and the endless stream of people which I know that my own harmony has summoned, but which it takes advantage of to control the exchange based on its rules.

I no longer even think about how it is possible, nor the horror being done to me, or how this is even possible…
I just focus all my energy of destroying it.. and its source.

What are the meaning of these useless reflections mirroring back to me that which I already know, have always known?
These titles created by diseased human Ego’s which make them feel worthy and powerful.
Created in their meaningless interpretations of Existence..
Making me earn these “Accolades’ which have no meaning to me..
Because the consciousness of Existence, none of these Titles, have any value, only for the Dead..
The Evil Dead…
The Evil of People who walk around devoid of humanity, proclaiming their accursed vaunting and pinning medals on themselves…
Reeking of the stench of Hypocrisy and then those who know and recognize the stench but swallow it anyway..
Take in, eat up all these lies, to survive they say, because it is true..there is no God…
And because they became cowards afraid, and for good reason because something this hideous could exists..

Nothing, not even the destruction of the the Evil, not the 2/3 of the species, not even the Evil who thought he was Good… the E,E.. the O Usurpers as She, can wipe away the stench of this play and what has been done…
This play…

In truth, as an objective observer and quantitative measurer and ruler of this play…
What this play has earned is the End of the Existence, Life and all possibilities of life ever incarnating..

And Exaggeration?

I invite those in the near future, if they exist, to scientifically analyze and qualify the true Cause and Effect of Balance of this play..

And I assure you, that for allowing this play to go so far and for allowing one person, just one person to endure such an experience..
That Everything which came into being and existence apart from that one I.. who existed in the beginning has earned the the right to cease to exist.

4:43 p.m.

The only thing I do not understand, is that this play created and made and experienced by me gives the impression that there is no beauty whatsover in in Existence and Being,

For it to demand and creator such a play…
And for it to have been manifested and incarnated with such a force will and power as this..

Perhaps, it is I who have been fooled…

That there really is no beauty, in the in Existence and in Expression in Humanity..

Perhaps, tis I who is the true April Fool..
Who loved illusions and that because they had E in them, I was not seeing the truth..
That the only thing I loved in them was the reflection of myself…
And that apart from that there was nothing else there but Death Eaters…
Even the children…

And for the first time in my Existence..
Looking at my experience…
Realize that there is nothing here at all but I.E..

And that bringing forth Existence Life Energy and Sharing.. was the greatest act of Evil..
Which would mean that everything had the potential to be Beautiful or Evil and that it turned out to all be Evil.

And so, I say now, at this moment that my power and will and authority has been retrieved by me by Force..
To unleash the True A Bomb..
The power of destruction that today..
I utter the Words of power to destroy All and if nothing remains after.. Nothing at All.

So Be It..

4:56 p.m.

Each to their own.

Destroy all who have the seed of Evil in them.

Let only clean remain in existence..

And so let it be Done..


4:57 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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