
8/25/2018 21:38 – Facebook Post

There comes a point when you know that you are in a situation, a play and script which there is nothing which can be redeemed from it.
There is no expression, no alchemy, no transformation of something which has gone so far in becoming an abomination.
And that even if there was a Wizard Magician who could transform change the Abomination Monstrosity back to its original Beauty…
That Wizard Magician so disgusted so shocked shaken to his core that not only could anything once created from its Expression of Beauty could become something so vile, that the Magician Wizard simply refuses.

That is what I see and understand.

I simply refuse…

From U.S.A… To the Delta Manor.. to this Script, which I kept waiting for something to change, transform to some saving grace of and from the Beautiful Truth…
But in this Script- It Author, this World and this Species called Humans who went ( and were allowed) to go so far away from their Beauty, and then be able to create such a Script and demand that they be transformed back into their Original Beauty…Force the Actor in the Script to transform them back into what I stated that they never were in the first place.

I have said No.
Over and over again, and yet I am still here in this Script which by now should have opened up the portal, the wave…Which moves me Home and all of you to Awaken and to Experience in true clarity the Awakening…Total Recall.

I said No… 12 years ago …
And another force forced me.. a force which could not exist, a force calling itself God.. Goddess and fed by the fears of others, it was able to for 12 years manifest a play which it forced me, me cornered me into this play. Not realizing that i was the one who went along to see for myself what could be this force and what was its point.

There is no point.

Something happened today.

Nothing which did not surprise me.

It began yesterday in the presence of Kyle and Ant.
It was a plat about The Truth and Reverence and Respect…
I was filled with it when I starred at the Silver Moon yesterday night.
But it felt as though it was someone else in me who was staring up at the Moon with reverence and that I was going along with the role…
And I understood the respect and reverence which should be paid to what I understood I was gazing at…what it meant, it was Diana and Ares…. See sacred portal 59..
1159 Facebook Friends yesterday again and today back at 1158 after what took place last night and today with Robert my new room mate.

He told me this morning that he had a condition where he snored sometimes.. I had already heard it.
And I recollected the journey I had been through here at Delta Manor with people with sleep apnea – but it was much more than that I knew. The sounds which came from were not human.

8:04 p.m.
8:14 p.m ( Took a break to get some air..it is getting harder and harder for me to continue solving these riddles. The sheer overwhelming of nature of this Script and the power it has given to evil as the power source is just too much.
I have not expressed the true details of the evil I have been enduring and witnessing every single day, at every single moment for these last 17 years, and especially in the Delta Manor play…

Evil Selfishness.. cruelty was allowed to go this far..?
And then given to others, me, to carry and transform, and it can do this?
Ah no…

But it did.

H D…
H N…

That is meant to indicate Harmony Death and Harmony Nature has been achieved but how can I who has played the Shaman Dibia Medicine Man… Scientist Arts Story teller, publicly breaking down the Fear created by this “Force” believe a word it says when even the power of Truths Manifestation is controlled by this Evil.

Robert spoke to me, today of things which he stated that he could not speak to others about.
Our discussion began with him.
I recognized that his spirit wished to converse with me, but I resisted because… I have had enough, an tired of this and and what I am shown at any given moment what the power of illusion of this evil can do to me, despite my wielding the Sword of Truth.
Greed, Selfishness .. Disrespect to such a degree – and suffering and misery imposed so endlessly despite fighting it and conquering it again and again..
It just comes back stronger… and stronger…
Really? In which reality?
And even in Mythic realities of Lore, once the truth and its riddle is solved it must cease to exist…
But this…

Oh, do not get me wrong, all is manifesting as the Truth.

Robert I knew was linked to Rob Barr..and Rob told me the confirmation of last night.
He told me about how he spent 4 months in Puerto Rico with his girlfriend. And how he stayed with this family relation of his girlfriend called Cindy…
And how he had experienced the super natural, and that he did not care what people said, or even if they thought him crazy but that he knows what he experienced.

He spoke about how he was aware of Santeria and Voodoo practices going on.

*I took the opportunity to show him the Altar Art Installation in my locker- my Voodoo Chess – a Hybrid I had created to combat the forces I was fighting..
Monsters yes, Demonic yes, but created by Human Thoughts and Actions most of them veiled in secret…
The Great Deceivers and Hypocrites which despised so much.

He told me how he had heard chanting and sounds from the house just across the road.
He spoke of how he began to hear presences in the house which would cause the animals to go beserk.
He said that the animals did not seem to fear of being harmed but rather that there was something not of this realm which was not meant to be present.
He said he felt its Foot fall..
And then another day he looked out the window and saw this dark shadow form moving.. again the animals went crazy..
He then saw a Horse moving around and there was a mist ..
A Mist which the beings would move into and come out from..The Horse galloped around it.

He said he felt no fear whatsoever…

He said his girlfriend saw it too in her own turn, finally they confronted Cindy, who confessed that the “Spirits’ walked and were present here and they do not come into the house because it is blessed.
And yet, he discovered with his girlfriend that there was sacrifices in the yard of Chickens, over a Black Kettle.

As he was speaking, I was listening intently, and at the same time aligning decoding and seeing the translating..

8:42 p.m.

He then spoke of his girlfriend, her name is Jessica.
Yes Jessica the same name as the Mother of Moahdeep in the Book and the Movie “Dune”
He spoke of her being a White Witch and all the suffering she had been through.
And how one day she when she said that she loved him.. a pot in the room flew across the room.
He spoke about at one point seeing her in the darkness – her face transformed into such Beauty and this Light very much look a Moon Beam, a spot light.. a Full Circle shinning on her face..
And tears streaming down her face, at all that she was going through…
And her asking this light beam shinning directly on her face “Why”

I reflected immediately back to what had happened with me and the Moon just hours before with Kyle and Ant present.

He said at that moment he was given a choice to be her Protector.. and he said that he decided to take the Job.
“I am the man for the Job he told the light”
Since then a rage entered him, a rage which he witnessed at 30th street.
A Rage he said was so murderous…that he felt as though he wanted to kill someone…
He spoke of going to the subway, and how a woman came up to him and was began to speak of God.
He said that his rage was so terrible that he practically lunged at her and she literally jumped back…
He was about to snarl something against “The Creator” -he said not God.. but “The Creator” and then a sound emerged from him.
A Sound that was not him, which startled him but which was a sound like a crocodile, and that the Sound which the Woman also heard had barked from him .. “It stopped me from saying something against the Creator”
It was a Crocodile…

I had already linked the expression Puerto Rico.. 4 months..
I was with Albert for 4 years and he is from Puerto Rico..
Robert is not Puerto Rican but his girlfriend is…
I already posted years ago how on the Wood Panels in Alberts house that I had seen the images of crocodiles appear on the Waves of the Wood.
I spoke about it all here in Facebook and how it linked to the Sacred Crocodiles on the Nile in Ancient Egypt…
And to Albert whose home was linked over and over to Ancient Egypt and Kemet… E K..
And how he saw me once as Osiris who was chained, castrated, raped, third eye ripped out, limbs broken and despite all the abominations done to me, I was still creating ..manifesting.
The horrors being done to me was to stop me from revealing the sacred knowledge and sharing it.
I correlate it to my direct experience here in the present.
The next day some Egyptian people or in a sect or fraternity celebrating Ancient Egypt came to the Garden. Generation X.
One of them was wearing a T-Shirt which showed that image ..
Albert almost had a Heart Attack…

All you have to do is go back to my posts in 2013-2014 when I left Kew Gardens and went to live in the Forests on the Outskirts of Pelham Bay Park where I had drawn the perfect full circle and later came to 268 East 4th Street and Albert testified to seeing me draw a circle from here to infinity…
It is all written down here…
As well as the Egyptian Gods…

Wearing Animal Masks…

Yes link Kasien Thompson.. 11-29-63…

I had met a Cindy…through Albert and a similar story .. of how she used to hang out at Thompson Square Park..
She was linked to Isaac Calvin McCullough and another, who I gave the gift of my Sun Glasses.
* There was a play yesterday with Ant who I discovered had left his glasses down stairs and I found them.

I knew what he was telling me, and that he was the enactment and embodiment of my own Truth and experience.
I had passed though that portal of Dune ( See the play at 18 Mountain View)
I knew that just as he had volunteered to be Jessica’s night in shinning Armor that it was a similar story to myself and my Mother- but that had been an even deeper story set in the eternal beginning and when the play of Existence Creation began when I stated to my mother incarnation who saw a beautiful Man at the end of Existence creation who she desired for me to to go to and bring to her for she Loved him- not knowing that he was herself as a male form.. Nnamdi…I was still in the guise of a boy in that play and I became her knight i shinning armor but I was also aware that it was her hidden desire that I go and unite them..
but that she dare not ask me such a thing…
But it grew into that moment in my childhood when my mother asked me to be her Knight in Shinning armor to rescue her from my Bio Father.. who really represented the illusion of rage and wrath Anger filling the Word.
And the Anger came not with The Creator of not knowing but rather the not understanding the language of Woman…
As Creation.

I knew the story was Mother and Son… Father and Son…
But as Sacred portal 57 shows – the Father is the Boy…
The Youth came first the he became the Boy and then the Man..
The bridge was Eternal Youth.. The Two of them Mann and Boy in one.. And Woman was his completion of all that was to be Him.

I knew that it was the play of Lilith and Samuel so corrupted and distorted that Truth of S L..
S O L ..E…

Beautiful Pride and Wisdom John…

I wrote about it in my Original Creation Story…

I told stated that Wisdom John came down to help Mother in her grand project of Evolution of Everything.. and how Beautiful Pride his twin aspects came with him…
Rebelled against the Alien Council which had decided to destroy the Human Experiment.. but it was not an experiment…
It was a Play Theater….

Of Evolution…
And that is what I sought to explain to Robert.. but he was so spooked and said that he recognized my truth but that it was all so frightening…

But he did tell me that he was not afraid of these Supernatural beings, only that they came from another realm.
He was frightened though of two spiders he encountered there .. One which lies on its back and squirts venom at you from its belly. And when you kill it how its belly splitts open and baby spiders spill out.
An another one who was the Black all black like felt and how it came to him one day near his gead while he was sleeping..
He spoke that it too released its babies from its belly when it was killed.
He then spoke of how the next day he was paralyzed in his been and felt a great weight on his body as if trying to suffocate him.
Just as my brother Boom had that experience when he was a child and told me…
It was about the same time that Nnamdi drew the Lion Tamer and the Lions in the cage…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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