
8/25/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

12:46 a.m.


My Body is going crazy, I feel everthing..
One day what is really taking place within my body will be of interest to all…
But that day is not today.
And when that Day comes… it will be too late to offer that comfort which comes from understanding “Context” of what makes this Script Intentional…
A Horror… Scope.

12:48 p.m

When you truly grasp the meaning of the battle it took, and the riddles it took to solve, in such a Void of Human compassion or compassion full stop which comes from having ones experience and expressions truly not understood.
Especially when it concerns the literal pushing, birthing, evolution through a pathway too unbeleivable for people to fully realize that it is true.

Which is to manually move through the Maze and Labyrinth of the Human Body transformed into a Universal Body and then designed based on Human Belief system, become a Game of moving through all Human Stories and Cause and Effect of those Stories and Belief systems.
To clean and realign it all to the truth, through a viscous play created by the Cause and Effect of adopting these very belief systems, without the basis of solid fact and conclusion completion of getting the full picture.
– Which ceated a resistance in nabigating and pushing through the body from within “Inside” but played and projected outside in this world and then a playing field or chess board reduced to a site New York… and then further reduced over a period of 17 years to a venue in the Bronx called Delta Manor…

Death as the Body as Question and Answer…
A.G. Anamla Qayin..
Death being Universe and Earth…

The Body as the Matrix..
Cause and Effect as the Toxins.. The Invaders.. the Alien Army..
Enders Game…
All bad ideas made real…
And the challenge to solve the riddles of the attackers faster than the attackers strikes prokected in the World Playing Field and actred out by Humans- used as Avatars in a play of Good versus Evil…
And both being as much as responsible for the Hideous cause and effect which takes on the form.. in the Playing Feild as that which is powerful- it manages to fortfiy the illusion .. and truth that it Controls the Play.
Becuase until you prove it out of Existence, it does control the play.

And it sets the rules.

.. but I will not..
Not today…because it is too late to do anythning about it now..

Look Ignacio Choi pressed Like two days ago…
To understand the signifcance is to understand the History, the context, the reason ( I met him at 268 East 4th Street when I lived as the “Guest” of A. Santana and his garden Generation X Gardens…It was built like a model of the United Nations…
It was…
A Model of it, in what one might call a Voodun, Santeria, Wizards Druids, Shamans..Feng Shui p Magical Play
How to move objects at Will using Sound Vibration Waves, Words, Intents Suggestions.. etc…
It was 4th Street. 4 Delta…
X is said to be the Symbol of the X Chromosome.. Feninine Creative Power… Woman….?

Ignacio Choi lived with Alberts fomer long tiime girlfriend, Sandra..
I at Alberts,
But though both going through difficult situations each lived it in different conditions.
Mine Horrendous because of my aware ness of the play made so obvious to me by the play and the charcters themselves..
But both witesses to the dance “Upstairs Downstairs” between the Volaltile enduring Mad Passionate affair bteween He Albert S and and Sandy R.
A S… S R..
I was with A who is aso called Edwin.. E… Thus E A.. E E.
And Ignacio who is Korean, with Sandra… S.I..
i already know the code being that the equation is Spelling out..
E A… S I…. Staten Island 911…
D I..S E A S E….S.. and D….

S… E S A E S I D….

S.. ESA….E S… I D…

ESA… Essa.. Issa… I S ..A S…

Issa is the name Jesus Yeshua Atlas.. is called in the Quaran…
I.E. “J A Y” …

123… Sigh.. A play took place with first Kyle Murphy as the Avatar portal Channel.. and then Ant…
But it began with my sitting besides a new man in Fluorscent Orange sitting in “my spot” and Yuin wearing “Elizabeth Clarizio E C” Glow Green…Fluorescent ..

Stoney Joseph came down but I do not choose to interact wih him much and never invite him into this world or play…
But I noticed him when I arrived and that he came sat and then left…

And then the play began with the Arriival of Ant, and “Ghandhi Joshua” .. which showed a play of J.G conning Ant of 30 usd.
It then followed another play

Kyle came after the set up was complete…
He was Wearing Bright Marine blue… same color as my Ligher as well as the Dog Eared America Spirits pack I had been using to hold my cheaper Bugler tobacco- because the pouch was stronger…
I did it out of convenience, but in hindsight put two and two together that I my subconscious e-spirit was setting me up to show me that I am .. was still in a play a set up…

I asked Kyle just how are he was of the posts meaning, again he confirmed that he truly understood.
I decided to test him and told him that I was about to and he did not have to participate.
But he accepted the challenge… something I realize now that he had said earlier..”I never back down from a Challenge..”
“Nor do I” i had responded.

He had tested me about the Color… a day before and it was something he had spoken about the first day we had spoken months ago..
Color and the absence of color…
I had reminded him that I had taken his Egyptian Pound and placed it on my Altar Instalation and I had placed the Dark Chrystal rep the Black Ice… and K’abba stone in the center so it formed a Pupil…
He had brough a Brain Game he was playing the night before for me to obsrve the Dot – a video of the how by focusing on the Dot the colors around transfomed into black and white…
I had been impatient with him and his sly testing..
I solved it…
Dee came and stared but did not acknowledge the play..
I told him that Color is not formed by the Brain ..
And I reminded him of his telling how he had watched “In iving Color’ the night before..
“In Living Color” . By Doing the Do.. In Living Color we the beings of Light manifested color.. The Rainbow.. the lines of color through our, and the Doing which is Being. Which causes the Emission of Color..
We created Color, I almost snarled…I did..
Family of Ten did…
They Lived Before Adam..
I lived Before Adam…
We Lived Before Adam…

I had looked at him with a glint in my eye… he should have seen it…

Who is the Pupil and who is the Master.. Teacher.. Tea Teh Master… Huh Ja…?
I knew this play…
You my older face book friends know this play. I spoke and was forced to explain expression and expound on it so often…
Birth of Jah… The Baby.. and how I had arrived as the Black Panther to destroy that which was sending vibrations of Fear into existence and Creation and this distorting the clear projection and reflections ( R P) of the full Circle of completion of my Creation Inside manifested outside…
And the play of me transforming back into a youth and staying awhile…
Joe Fisher will recall as well as many others…
And it is written

I tested him… on his reading the script of the play which just took place.
Insead he gave a correct answer to something which had not taken place but was the meaning .. as if he had already read the Book.
He had as well as my face book page which he still reads as well as Clevelands who has a following 200 strong… etc…

I was about to explode into a remark of Thunder and Lightening consequence for him… when his phone made a sound..
It rang… It forced me to look at the time 10:58.. a.m..
I stopped… It was a set up..
“Its my friend Jay” he said…

Recall I met Jay… and Taun .. at the Collection in 1996 in Chelsea London in a Swedish Restaurant?

96 Percent Dark Matter… I had recognized myself .. and he me.. I called him Father.. My E-Sprit…

The Collection.. T C… My Echo…

Then he left and only Ant remained…
He gave me some Candy and anoter play took place but in Silence as I my body and being ascended and I was in a differnt dimensiion in dialogue with Artemis Dianah.. The Archer…
Ant was present during the whole thing.. and Yuin Chen..
At 11;23 p.m from out of a profund quiet silence he called out the time…

11 23…
K W… Kew Gardens .. Holy of Holiies..
A A W…

My coffee was 274 today…

4 Usd left…

Delta.. 274… 47 2…

A play.. Game….

1:59 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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