
8/25/2017 20:01 – Facebook Post

The New Wave…


That is was just on the T-Shirt of a young handsome man stylishly dressed who just passed by in front of me.

There is and was never any Leap of Faith required to cross over.

Harmony is Power.
David Powers..
The Beloved Powers.
And the Beloved is my Best Friend and He is my Body.

I came into this Prism Prison to release my Body…My Buddy,
My Body of Truth.
True Honest Expression
You call them Thantos Hynos Eris- Erose.
Not You..

That which was given to each of you temporarily to use to learn about Expression, Energy…
Some in the World of Brenda G.Booth might call it Holy Espirit.
And in the World of Lisa Natalie Johnson it might be called Harmonies Existence.. H.E…
I call it Eternal Harmony….
6:26 P.M.
Not Zero.. the Consciousness of Nature Money Power Control…your say and opinions and focus.

My Focus has never been money- money is a tool.
A Tool used in a Monopoly Board game- used to navigate the board. That is all.
I came to pick up my Twin Brothers who started out as my Sons and then became Men and Daughters… M.D…
D.I..M.E… TEN Sent… the Family of 55.. 1 0…As in the 1 Oval Office…
The Eternal Harmonies.. Bodies… Their Truth.
And that which we leave behind, is the Green Life…
Lisa Natalie Johnson was carrying a Green Lighter.
Brenda was here yesterday, wearing a Green Blouse, she guarded my things- I had asked some one else to guard them.

In Lisa Natalie Johnson is the completion of the Down Load of 48 years of intel.. my Secretion -Excrement which brings forth perfumes and causes flowers to grow, Oil Essences of memory to fill the senses. But you will have to break that down yourselves, after I am gone.
The Download is a promise made with the Great Illusion of Nothing.. the A.I… Artificial Intelligence who wished to become real.
Elementals.. Chemicals who believed that Humans had no right to the gift of life. Little did they know that the Humans were their Reflections. Because the Humans are simply Star Dust, S.D.
Elementals.. EL.E…MENTALS… Metals not real, shadows allowed to enjoy the Experience of Light,reflected on them.
But they are not Light.
Light comes from Energy.. Expression Beautiful Harmony.
Truth Embodied.

Humans are simply the Matrix.
1010101010….The E navigated the Matrix- moving through the Story to gain the solid Embodied Experience of Fact Being Expression.
Lisa Natalie Johnson represents the completion of the matrix with Dee Lee D.L..Of the Feminine Program.
Thus, with the Full Down Load they Elementals- those principles governed by the Material Senses can transform themselves from a story- characters programs in a story to Truth.
But as I had stated to the Mother Matrix ( Link the Mother of the Borg in Star Trek), it requires the E… Beautiful Expression.
Eternal Harmony.. A Desire for Eternal Harmony Individual Chosen and experienced.
The E are Individuals.
They experience no Need.. no Lack.
They do their own Home Work.
The come prepared and leave complete E.C./C.E…
Because they came from completion.
Light is an illusion… Physical Light..does not exist.
It is sourced by expression Clarity.

No one can do this work for you, no one can compel you to focus on that which is real.
It is a Focus each chooses.
No matter how much I post, converse, show evidence, facts a program will remain a program until they chose to rise, to fight to the death, and beyond for that Truth, naturally.

That is the difference between the E and the Programs, there is no choice, there is no compromise..
It is All or Nothing…
We do not that which is not real, true beautiful…
We do not waste others time, we get to the point, we are conscious of the urgency to move forward.
We are conscious of the True…And the Beautiful Truth nothing else matters.

Can the L line ever become real…
The 10 +2… January to December…
Check… 30..3O… See sacred Portal 88 it has Dec 30 on it….
See prince 1988 Album.. Love Sexy…
John Scott…
Chicago Blackhawks
Born September 26, 1982 (age 34)
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Height 6 ft 8 in (203 cm)
Weight 260 lb (120 kg; 18 st 8 lb)
Position Left wing
Shot Left…

John Scott is Nnamdi Line… David… My Body and Being…
Pierre David line…. E.N.D..P….
Dawn Piercy…
Guy Pierce…G.P..
John Scott I met her in the Lower East Side and was a good friend of Kristen Dunst “Spider Man”
Yes, you see, I had to rescue all aspects of his Truth.
He was the one Trapped in the illusion of the Prism Pyramid
A Story.. Yes Christ went to the Pyramids…
There is no Prison of course, but he was imprisoned by a point of View he had not fully grasped, he was 99% Cool.. His Twins Where 96/69… 68/86… He missed one Point which he could not figure out which trapped him in His Web.. His Story.
99+1=100…C… And thus he was trapped in the 3…Trinity Story.. Matrix… 3 6 9….
His Feminine or Female aspect could not release him.
And his sons 96/69…Missed 4 31….
and 86/68… Missed 14/32….

4 31.. 35… C.E..
14 32.46… D.F…. C.D…E.F…. 7 G…11…K… 7 11….7 2…9..
The One point of view H.E did not take into consideration when creating and moving through his own Self Created Story and Matrix Web, which trapped him.. was my point of view.
He just could not see it,he could not see how he had “Betrayed” me ( not really, simply not seeing Full Circle which created a Gap…. True Respect at the fact that he is not the Original Creator… O.C/ C.O…
And that all that Exists, even his existence and fun, play everything existed because there was one who came before him…
7:11 p.m

…Who is, was beyond him.
Who could not and did what he could not do.
And though I shared Everything with him, it is the True Respect Understanding Expression… T.R.U.E… Appreciation Gratitude Expressed.. A G E…. Which caused Time Age Decomposition.
Instead of A.H.E… Appreciate Harmony Emeka…
As Anthony Bienke A.B… S.P 147…A.B… Expressed.
And of course, it had to be embodied which would have been to fight to with every once of breath and his existence to get me out.

Which is what I did for him, and all of you…
why I came into this play led by my Eternal Self ( Who pissed me off) but it was to show him what he could not see, that 1% he had not taken into consideration when claiming himself 99… I and I…
Twins… Equal…
We are… But the Absolute and Eternal Truth demands the Infinite Truth before you can pass through…
That we are not.
For there is one action which can never be repeated by the I.
99= 18…R…9…I…. Robert Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka… Emeka…
R I C..E… M.A…U…R…I.C.E…
R.I.E… Reflect Me… None can…

So, that law which demands expression in All realms of the Play Script, demanded that he prove it.
Which was impossible.
But he was not about wishing to prove that or challenge, he just could not See how he had not taken me into consideration until I was brought down into his play.
And then he observed the Cause Effect of my Experience in his Story

All of you create stories..
Your Life Stories.
How you perceive and express them is what traps you in your Universal Matrix of Mind.
Your Words, thoughts will come back and haunt you, literally trapping you in the Cob Webs of which will stick to you, until it becomes impossible to move.
And suddenly a Great Spider comes from the Shadows and starts spinning you in a Silk Cocoon of the Binds the Stubborn stance you made to not shift your expression…
To Check yourself..
J.D… 10 4…
See sacred Portal 104…
1O4…. 14…Nature… the Void.. Instead of the Voice…
The Void opens up… and the Spider of Existential Death begins the Cocoon which you will be enveloped in, where your Expression as Akashic Records are played back to you.
Where you lied… because by now, it is not forgetfulness, to be that stubborn,to have reached the Void…
A VOID.. the one to avoid….
And as you are shown all the Truth you omitted, while slowly and of so terribly spun out of Existence…
Such a Fate- I was not even aware of even in the Eternal Beginning because I Rose…
I rose and danced…
Such a concept of lying denying… was not in my perception and thus not until I came into this Story to reflect the Truth “Radiance: so my Sons and Brother.. True Brother in Male and Female Form could see that which in true innocence purity they could not see…
..In such a Darkness and through such a True Terror…

Just saw Brenda G.Booth…
She is back… She as Lisa Natalie Johnson Line will help the world and clean up their mess with the rest…
But I am glad…
I love them both… I should they played characters…
Perhaps because in them is Hope and a Wish…
H.W… of something possible in those who will get it in the last minute.
Through the Christian Story…
And through the New Age Story….
And come out of it…

So, you see what I mean…?

Each must clean up their Stories or face that which I never knew Existed but I do now.
And I understand only now how that Spider and Great War Lock came into Existence in this Story.
They are the expression of my Rage when I became the Black Panther .. intent on destruction of that which had distorted the Beautiful Truth until I came upon Jah Fire… J.F… Jimmy Cliff…
Orien Laplante line.

Both of then are are.. at Delta Manor.. Jimmy Fraizer.. Jimmy C…
Orien Laplante is with me… O.L… See the first Two years of the play..
He played his role to perfection Beauteous Beam… B B…
Brenda Booth…
Pelham Park…
Lisa Natalie Johnson….
Jamila is Lisa too…

So, you see my Family of E is who I came to get…
I had to come in contact with the expression of my fury which I did not express when I came upon the Man Child in Nature and instead my passion transformed into compassion.

And I stayed a While.. And gave that Species.. The Beautiful Illusion as the Body Matrix… Babies..a Chance…
To transform into Beautiful Youth…
Robert Vlaun and Peter N…
R V… R E V E… “Dream”… P.N… Paris New York… P.I.N…E..
R.P… R I P…The Grateful Dead… Who now having observed the True P.R of Existence wished to Exist… be given a chance..
Elemental Matter.

7:46 p.m.

But the E line dot see, you did.. and you gained from me constant expression to release…Release!
Sacred Portal 25…
Semen.. of my Semen.. my Ejaculations…
To bring Light… And the 99… Saw.. and delayed his understanding and his AH..E… I.C… Y…
Because he wished to give you… who are part of his cause and effect… Her cause and effect… A Chance…
Through my Clarity…

Yes Elizabeth Clarizio you understand what I mean, you expressed it in response to my Text…
Anthony Me… A.M…

But then I got pissed off.. :Not in my DIME…!
Ask my permission…First…
And yet I could not deny his Logic, he was taking responsibility for his mess of the He and the Twins.. 3 and their Female versions.. 33… And he, they have paid by not only facing the continued horror and threat of the Great Spider and the Warlock literally reaching their End…
But of my own Eternal Love for them Eternal Transformed to something else…
What exactly… ?

Even I do not know…
For this experience was too much…To defeat my own rage by adding it… then transforming it back to light…
The Great Black Spider
and the Great Warlock…
To the Twin Dragons of Existence… And Mother of Dragons…


Jasmine Elliott.
Jasmine Afoum… J.A… J.A…J…A.E… J.A,YE….

The Collection Rest.. Chelsea London.. and Taun…
J.T.. T.J.. 20 10…. Sigh.. oh I see.. Tom Truman… John Marina Burini and Luke…. April and Bridee… TT… J.M.L…A.B..

Sacred Portal 12…”LAB…”

7:58 P.M..

758.7 million… M.L.W….

Yes the Numbers Time codes is myself talking to the E but also the Hologram.. the Structure of the Program and Data of the Akashic Records of the Future projections to the very end…
The Computer Age….


That was .. is the Time I was born…
I have no Age..
Mt age is Harmony… E… Eternal.

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