
8/25/2017 18:08 – Facebook Post

3:38 p.m.


The Nature Of Power…

The Battle over Nothing….

The Ultimate Trick…

The Only Power which Exists is Harmony, because it Manifests Everything.

Symmetry, Perfect Timing…

Focus Awareness are its components.

Because if you do not Focus on it, you will Miss it.
And when you miss it, you will find there is a Gap… Lack Need..

The Greatest Trick has been the transformation of All that you know, all that has been provided- all that is within you, into a Trick of Lack and Need.
Nature Money… N.M… All Manifestation of Nothing,

Nature is a Placebo, I was just telling Lisa Natalie Johnson, it comes from Nothing, because it is all Expression, V.O.I.C.E…I.D…I.E.

Expression is Wave of Harmony.
It makes Music…
Everything moving Seamlessly.
All Nature is Manifestation of Expression which is the reason I posted the articles in the New York Time…
such as “Alive with Lights in the Deep Sea”… A.W..L.I.D.S..
And Donald Trump looking at the Eclipse from the Truman Balcony at 2:38 p.m ( and even finding myself writing 7:38 am and then having to Explain yet again, why I wrote 7:38 instead 2:38 am because if I am always in Harmony, then why would I make a mistake.
Only to find an Evil Harmony… ( such is not meant to be possible but in this story there is) interfering with me, forcing me to go back and Check- only for it to be a ruse, to get be to provide further Clarity… Expansion of that which others should know, an intentionally tripping me up”- knowing that the most fragile thing in this Script, or in Holding peoples attentions.. The Avatars attention is there Trust.

The posts from the New York Times are the evidence of Manifestation.
I have been demonstrating this non stop for 5.5 years publicly in ALL Areas.
But the people who witnessed even what they called the most astonishing feats.. forget.

And despite it being recorded, they do not go back and read, because they are Lazy, because they think it is not a matter of Life and Death, and the Insanity is that they expect others have to convince, them fight them to pay attention, to give them the Evidence.

At least this is what this Script of Nature- Nothing the Placebo who was decided that Expression Waves Manifest Energy Frequencies which create Everything is the Nothing, while It is Something.
Because it has conned a whole world of being Infinitely Bright- into be the Epitome of Stupidity Idiotic a Species that they have moved themselves into Non Existence.

The Evil of this Script is the notion of binding me, or anyone to get the attention of that which has used its divine intelligence, its free will and choice to focus on that which does not exist…
Itself.. Themselves.

Trust of a Species who have gradually learned to trust no one, and thus, this Evil Harmony created a set up to bring greater clarity to Its Avatars and Descendants by using that Deception to play into that Humanities Lack of Trust. In each other and in others Expression ( unless it brings then instant gratification, Money Nature’s Resource… Nothing.
Because they spend it, they luxuriate in it for a moment then they defecate, shit it out, forget.. and are instantly hungry once more seeking the next instant gratification.

The System of Nothing.
The Stomach as the Consciousness of Humanity…
Fill your Belly with nothing, for a temporary filling.
Then shit it out and then look for more.

4:04 p.m.

A Species Never Satisfied.
Ritz Montes had that tatoo on her…

Awareness Memory… A.M.

People are often astonished by my memory…


I was just speaking to Lisa Natalie Johnson – or basically listening to her speak.
Suddenly, I just could not take any more, not of her…
But of this Set Up of Nature-
This set up of explaining that which is as easy as A.B.C to the World.

5 years ago, in fact 24, years ago when I was formally asked deceived, into the revealing explaining…

I knew it would be a waste of time,
just as I looked at Lisa Natalie Johnson today as she spoke, conversed and I was reminded at just how much a waste of my time this explaining has been.

That this was all a Script of Malice Evil..

People I was led to are already in Harmony, Lisa Natalie Johnson is already in Harmony.
I already saw her move back to age 19, when she knew.

The person, and persons I have been talking to are habits, illusions of themselves.
People Bodies who create their own misery and suffering themselves, by simply being stubborn.
I will not even call it Habit… or even laziness as I called it before, that lack of self mastery. Self Discipline.
No, it is not even Forgetfulness, for I have proved that the Eternal Indention of All Knowing is in All.
That all remember.

One might call it simply an inherent contempt.
A Lack of respect of not being able to give them that instant gratification of Nothing, that filling their Bellies with nothing.
That gross satisfaction with lies- the complacency of Living in Lies, as Lies..
Always passing the buck, blaming others, shaming others, acting better than others, refusing to look in the mirror and then lashing out at those who call you out.
Who do it finally in frustration after calling it to your attention over and over again. Because they Love you, because they see you, because they have been placed as impediment in your path to move forward.

No, Awareness Memory is a choice.
Sustaining memory is a choice.

Even our most recent ancestor, dedicated their life;s to all the inventions we take for granted today.
Use and distort their truth, their meaning from Nuclear Technology to knowledge of the Woods and Nature..

I was listening to a broadcast which Jose in bed 4-05 was playing…
One hand his DVD was displaying a Film…
Another device was streaming the Floyd May-Weather vs Connor McGregor fight….
F M…F.M.W….. C M..C.M-G….

And on the other, a broadcast on detailing the weaponry- the Military arsenal which America has…
It listed Stealth Fighter, Jets… all with code numbers..Y.F-22 Raptor “Lightening II” The 35 …
I will post some of them…

I listened, my silent expression was of such contempt…
Ah the Bullies of the World Consciousness of 0..
Zero… Whose National Sport has a man carrying away a purse of 350,000,000.00 USD dollars- with what is happening in the world…

And Military Aresenal which they can air on the Radio Waves to bolster the arrogance of a nation, a world filled those whose Majority focus of the Consciousness of 0…
Zero… Non Existence.

The Notion that there is a superior intelligence which can defuse, destroy the Biggest Bullies, the Conscious Intelligence of a Superior Humanity who invested the things, own the patten can exercise control of these Paten’s, Copyrights.. never occurred to this Species, even their so called modern scientists who Know how the Laws of Nature..which is a Reflection of A Source Expression works .. at least on the most basic and fundamental level.. that True Energy can not be destroyed.

A Consciousness of such stupidity that the idea of a man posting for 5.5 months, calling to the World that He is Free Streaming from the Source Expression… S.E… as well as from the E.D.S….Expression 4/5…5/4…44 is 55…
Its is just a matter of the View..
From the View of the Creator, the Observer.. C.O…

I am being sent a gift of 30 USD… by Check….
I asked three people to send me a literal gift, no code to move me from the Evil play.. of Dark Wizards… Elves Fairies.. Witches and Warlocks…. All present here in this World Story.
-People enacting out these their own creations without even being aware… Creators of Nothing…
All three responded, for the the first time.
Only one could send by the dead line I offered…
Code J.D…
J.A.D.E… Actually yes “Stone from Heaven” Asteroid Meteorite.
Yes the Jade Elephant I bought with Billy Hung from Go Antiques Daniel Maman D.M ( The Hebrew Scholar code 66 who alerted me alarmed to the sacred texts of warning that when Syria was in chaos and war, Afghan that it signaled the End had manifested…Prophecy).
Valued at 950;00 USD… It is still with Joseph Carey.
Two days, one of the beautiful very black as ebony men here, ( Beauty the do do maintain…) called out 19 95… Loudly for hours as people gathered on the Terrace…

Today Dee the food dispensary quoted that number 1995…Saying her 8 year old daughter born July 28, had a phone which she gave her temporarily… was stuck in 1995 with her model phone…

Again and again… 19…95… S…I.E…/ E..I.S.

Thus, the supreme stupidity of a species, witnessing a man for 5.5 years, saying he is that generation of Great Human Beings, the Noble, the Best of what the Species was- that which brought forth the Greatest most astonishing creations.
Whose Consciousness was Noble, Trust worthy, of all the qualities of the best of Humanity…

That he is E.T… The Link with the Middle Earth… The GAP…Which links Eternity and Time.. E.T…
Extra Terrestrial…. E.T… “Et” in French… “And” in English, “Na” in OINri Igbo.. Links Adds…

And is Eternal… From the Eternal Realm and gives non stop evidence of having commanded all Numbers 1-0.. 1-9..
A-Z.. And All Language.. Chinese Mandarin ( Man DAR-IN-E…David Arro Racz…) 989 Million Speakers..Spanish … English 372 million quoted in New York Times Two days ago…

*1 Mandarin Chinese (incl. Standard Chinese) Sino-Tibetan, Sinitic 897 million 1 193 million 1.09 billion
2 English Indo-European, Germanic 371 million 3 611 million 983 million
3 Hindustani (Hindi/Urdu)[Note 1] Indo-European, Indo-Aryan 329 million 4 215 million 544 million
4 Spanish Indo-European, Romance 436 million 2 91 million 527 million
5 Arabic Afro-Asiatic, Semitic 290 million (2017) 5 132 million 422 million[5][6]
6 Malay (incl. Indonesian and Malaysian) Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian 77 million (2007) 15 204 million 281 million[7]
7 Russian Indo-European, Slavic 153 million 8 113 million (2010) 267 million
8 Bengali”

Code of 8 Languages…

B.R “O.E”… M.A..S.. (Michael A. Smith) H.E ( 85 @ 13 85 Starbucks Woods Meadow…Heaven Earth..)…C.M..e 4/3…

The LONE Winner of the Powerball was sold at Chicopee, Massachusetts at 6:45….. “See sacred Portal 45.. They are Peeing…

The 20 year old clerk ( T…S.P..;Lady Echo) Angelica Merced ( A,M) Sold it to 53 years to a 53 year old Hospital Worker…

5:33 p.m… right…

Called Mavis L.Wanczyk… M.L.W… Michelle Lobsinger M.L..A.W..E…
M.W… Milky Way… 69… 5-4/5-4…Nnamdi..was born..
Metropolitan Woods… 13…85… W.. 23/32..
She had worked as Hospital Worker for 32 years… ( H.W…8-23-2017..)
The Store the ticket was bought “Pride Station & Store.
The Amount was 758.7 million.
7 58 7…75/57….58/85…87/78….Nasa Classifies Milky Way M.W87….

She took the Lump sum… 480 million… 48…
336 million after taxes.

These codes are the codes which reflect mine…
And has been Reflected Translated through the Pyramid On the USD bill” Prism-Prison as Money… Matrix… Your Matrix your Prison.. Your Hell is value as Money…
My codes are reflect the Beautiful Truth… That is the Light Rays of the Creator Observer’s Truth… Pure Undiluted to bring your Awakening Manifest…
But it has been refracted by YOUR Consciousness 0 into your Ugly Truth… Money… Power Ball… That is your Pride Station…
Having Money.. Having Power…

5:46 p.m…

I am M.L.W…. 13 12 ( 25) W…A VE… W= 23/32…55… VV…2222 44…Room 4 04… 8…Harmony.

M= 1000 L= 50… 1050…W…. 105…J.E….
Welcome Jasmine Elliott who just arrived as the 4th 1006th Face Book friend after Lisa Natalie Johnson left…
I was at 1005…

15…O… 6…F….E…
5:51 p.m.

13 12 23….48…. S.P… 48… 33 6… S.P..

Keep the Money… I prefer Eternal Life…

New York Times
*The Great A.I Awakening …
How Google used Artificial Intelligence to Transform Google.

By Gideon Lewis-Kraus. Dec 14, 2016…. ( 14-12…20 16…N.L..T,P….PT…L.N… Lisa Natalie Johnson…)..
G.L.K… Lisa Kelvin… 7th Avenue… G.L..Phone.. G.K.. 7 11…
G..LOOK… Donald Trump Looks Up… 2:38 p.m.

Each to their own focus…

Jean Ann Dortch spoke to me about her Wizard…

Recall the book Rahul gave me?
“The Sword of Truth?” But I read it in French in the Title
Le Premier Lesson de Sorciere”… The Sorcerers First Lesson…
L.P..L.D…S…. T.S. F.L….
Dee Lee….TS… 20 19… 39.. C.I…. Galaxy 1101 IC…F.L…
Florida.. The Sunshine State…

5:56 p.m

Each to their own….

Humans Need Pain and Suffering Misery Hatred Rage Anger to learn… they frustrate and enslave others to bring them knowledge and then not even have the respect and courtesy to pay attention…
And if you call it to their attention they lash out and covertly subversively put you down, undermining you… challenging…
Such is the Consciousness of 0…

Recall the Journals of Kolo.. the Wizard who is trapped and left to die by other Wizards, trapped between a Rock and a Hard place to save the World from the Great Evil which rose to destroy the World..
Remember Geof Lacours words “Your Brothers have betrayed you”
Recall David Phillip Gil and his testimony of the Great Evil he remembered in a past life he was given the task of Having to Guard it…
And… Yes it goes on.. including testimony from Harvard Grad Dr Asuah… Wood Stock of seeing Evil attached to me to Eternity… The Horror…

Yes Yes…. the Black Box with Kolo written on it Marina Burini’ found in here house…

And me in Delta Manor.. Trapped …? By the Great Evil…
Ha… Stupid Stories…
The Evil was the You as the Consciousness of 0…ZERO…
I am Z…ERO..S..E… Zorro E Rose…
I came to Collect my Father Sons.. True Brothers… And Lady Harmony E…

My brothers betrayed me.. yes as Woman… but that was a Story… Not Real created by your perceptions and World stories where the meaning of Brother.. Family.. Nucleus.. Center.. Words… Mean Nothing at ALL.

Just MEAN People…

Poor Ghetto Ugly… No Class Style.. Space.. Room..

6:07 p.m.


Tomorrow alor…

NZ 67 67 46 B…S S… I.E… London England.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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