
8/25/2015 21:27 – Facebook Post

8/25/2015 21:27 – Facebook Post
8/25/2015 21:27 – Facebook Post

From Michael O Donnell…

How do I know that this is Fact and that Lord Michael O Donnell is in perfect Harmony in this Human Consciousness.,,?


established codes (and my knowing of course that I am weaving and solving this Fact into Existence Awareness right under your very noses…)

T.M…Terence McKenna…
Agape Satori..A.S,…

Tom Marina
Alberto Santana…

meaning :Twin Marinas Noble Bright and intelligent… Self Aware..( jonn donna)
T..S A M

Terre ( Earth Land Anna Body) N.C…E…(Ngoka Charity) E
MC Master Ceremonies… K.E…NNA ( Kolo ’round a round” E Father)
A Gap E…( brotherly love), S AT O Ri…(Ah I..A HI)…RI (Rire..Laughter..laugh with Joy)…
meaning of the name Terrence…. “Tender,, Roman Clan name”
McKenna means “Celtic God of Fire”

Agape means ” Love.. Charity…brotherly love”
Satori means “Nature, Essence..N-E…Letter 14..1+4=5…14-5
it also means Zen “Enlightenment”a Bodhi…prajna…Buddhahood…

Ken means to See…mc ken na… to see home…

a message for me from Donalds Espirit…

From Candy Nna

To Emmy Darling Candance

“Land on Earth and in your body with great blessing and generous outpouring of love, with the masters of ceremonies as Nnamdi resurrected and evolved you from the past. For the gap in his heart was you his brother, the supreme laughter filled with Joy of the tender hearted one, of the Roman clan ( Roman the Novel Roman ce… longing to SEE the Saggitatrian, by Jove, son of Jupiter the God of Fire and Light Love.. The Enlightened one I call Energy…)
After this play of Evolution… 14-5
cant wait to see you at home..



BODEE HI…of Existence
EriK Ebright..
The Bright Eternal Ruler…

Twas a message for me…
but it shows that this post is Truth.

Emeka Darling..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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