
8/24/2018 21:52 – Facebook Post

9:13 p.m
I M..

9:18 p.m.

I Manifest.

I R..

I Reflect..

I do not Project…

I received some intel from Snow Tresmegistus…
S T…
The meaning of the play, and his being moved to contact me in perfect timing, can be seen in the code T.S.. and the meaning og his name which each time a Person arrives they are Manifest Reflections of that which I am the source of…
Snow.. Snow Flake…
Aturo Snow….?
John Snow.. Sands.. of time.. “Game of Thrones”

J S.. 10 19… 29…20.. 2O.. 2 Full Circles..

29 year old Kyle Murphy showed me a nickel with the head of Mercury on it…

Trismegistus is

Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus .”

Snow .. Snow Flake.. Rep Individuality… And the Sum..
Children of Father of Infinity..
S.P.. 147 A B…
Rain Drops.. are the symbol of Infinity and the Children of the Father of Infinity.. F O I..
“Foi” in French means “Liver” and “Faith”…
Liver serves as the Cleanser of the Body…

To transform the body filled with Toxins back into a Body of Lightness… Purity.. Water.. Stream of Consciousnes which evolves to Snow Flakes..
*See the posts of Stephen Filgueira I shared, they appeared in perfect Harmony of the Script… Perfect Timing…
S.F../ F.S… Feelings Sensational is what he represents in he Script.
F S… 6 19= 25….Y.. Male Chromosome…
I D.. Mann.

The Source.. Evolved now from XY Chromosomes ( using the Human Template..which this script demanded I use, much to my chagrin)
X Y= 24 25… Add.. 49…
My first Bed number… 49 .. D I.. * N N A M D I… to Keith Grant in bed 53.. B R C.. Green Point where I entered the System of the Damned, for the final show down of this Play of Evolution Awakening of the Species by One Man, who came undercover to awaken his family of E.T.. Extra Terrestrials.. E T.. 5 20..
* OBoom Boom.. 5-20-1973.. and harvest them after their journey and adventure through the Illusion called Time and Duality ( T A D/. D A T E) invented for this play of they earning and meriting right to evolve to the E…
E means Eternal which I represent.

The challenge given me ( which was not part of the original plan.. to endorse the testing of me… as the rep of the E)

It was this challenge to prove that a Lone Man.. a Hue Man.. even a Human could alone Evolve and Awaken all Existence and Creation E C.. Back to Harmony Infinity.

That was the challenge I entered and which began in 2006 .. 12 years ago…
And which was set up from the Invisible realm for a designated venue set in new York and which was to last 17 years.. Q.

That is the Challenge which I refused, but was forced to do because of what was done to my body and my being here in this World and to make rise my family…
And have them rise with Bodies intact in this world having passed through the aspect of my sister line as the End of Everything as a possibility if I did not prove that the Source and Creator is a Mann…
Hue Man..
And prove it as a Human Being.

49.. = 13 ..4… M.D..
That is the code the E-Spirit in Keith Grant indicated that I had to do..
And the venue Delta Manor.. D.M was chosen as the venue of the Challenge that a Mann could effect all Reality Creation Exisence and merge Cause Effect .. C E.. 35. 53.. to 88 .8..
16.. P.. back to Perfection …Harmony… 16 64= 80…
Kofi Annan.. K.A.
E ME.. K A.

Delta means 4 in Greek..

49 +4= 53…

Robert Kyle Murphy is in Room 5C.. 53… E C…Bed 26.. A-Z..
And he has played out with me the perfection of E C..H..O…
F… E…( 5 6 =11.K… 11=1…A … K A)

The Echo of my TRUTH…

Snow Trismegistus.. Hermes Mercury ( Prince Harry ..Princess Meghan Markle.. M M… 85 58.. 13 13… 26…
1385 Metropolitan Woods Ave Starbucks…

S T… 19 20… 39… C.I…

11 28.. My Birth date…. 47… 11 28… 39… C I…

E Galaxy 1O11 C I…

Brennan he met in South Carolina the 8th State…

49+4.. Delta.. 53… Switch.. 35… .. 8 8.. E M E K A.. K O L O…
1988.. When Robert Kuyle was Born…

Delta 4…

4 7… 11 New York… K..=11…

2-8 usd…

Heather Bush.. H B… 2 8..

Chris Inabnitt C I… 3 9…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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