
8/24/2018 10:52 – Facebook Post

9:06 a.m.


96 D.M….

Dark Matter .. Light and Dark… and their Source Day Light.
also known as Transparent Light… T L..
( B E E T L E… J U..I C .. E.)
Space in between caled the “A G A P E” which connects us, the Space to Converse Breathe.. and Express.

H -B D ( X) T R…

I was reading an artcile in the New York Times by the Astrologer Susan Miller…
“She always has a Story To Tell..”

As well as another article called the ‘The Children of the Cube”
The Rubrick Cube . whose Champion is an Autistic Child.

I believe that I myself could be described as an “Autustic Man… child… who lived in Silence literally mosyt of his life, but not the Silence which people equate Silence as here…
But Silence as a deep quiet, where I could hear and see and dwelt in a perfect realm where everything was , is in harmony of Beauty and Perfection Supreme.
And the idea of leaving that inner world, of Perfect Harmony where everything made sense; not only that which was seen from withing my Quiet world blanketed In Dark Matter, but also the world of Light which when I peered out to, everything in Creation made sense ..
Except Human Existence…

Not Human Being… Energy Beings…

Not the Human Body… Embodied Beings..

No, only Human Existence…

I started writing my journals Talking to the Silence, first as a boy newly moved to Nigeria, from Canada and sent to boarding scholl, but later as a young man because I had no idea how I was going to exist in such a irrational world.
So I decided to study people and interveiw them.
I decided tha it was best that I learned how and why these Human Beings and Human Bodies… lived in such chaos when they are obviously, Beautiful and made of Harmony.

I did not know that what I started in 1989 would last now 29 years…
Or how much I would discover, and how far people went is distorting the natue of Being and Embodiment.. The Body.

My First Collection was the Body as Living Art.

When I read the article and then I noticed that Ignacio Choi
I C…
Whom I know personaly having met hm and his sister at 268 East 4th Street.
And I made a note conatact him. which I have not done so yet..
Then Chris Inabnitt arrived C I.. Through the portal of Dawn Piercy..

D P.. C I… Delta P C I… Personal Computer ‘ “Delta Operating System” D O S. D S..DeLores Spratley…

I found myself doing the code of Beetle Juice.. B J ( Baraba James- J B.. Jaymes Bond.. 007… played by me Idris Alba.. I A.. 9 1…)

And Betelgeuse the Star System Orion… / O NOIR…
it was a riddle..The Bee… Pollination.

The riddle was that before the Bees and the Butterflies that there were something else which came before as the pollinators.. distributors which enavled Food and Flowers scents and nourishment and more to manifest…

They Lived Before Adam … T L A B…
They came from a Star System…
.. a distant Star System

*Betelgeuse, also designated Alpha Orionis (? Orionis, abbreviated Alpha Ori, ? Ori), is on average the ninth-brightest star in the night sky and second-brightest in the constellation of Orion. It is distinctly reddish, and is a semiregular variable star whose apparent magnitude varies between 0.0 and 1.3, the widest range of any first-magnitude star. Betelgeuse is one of three stars that make up the Winter Triangle asterism, and it marks the center of the Winter Hexagon. It would be the brightest star in the night sky if the human eye could view all wavelengths of radiation.”

Eke Orie Nkwo Afo are the 4 market days in O.INri Igbo System..
Market Days.. M D.. 69 .. M W 69
Dark Matter… D M.. 96% Add 4- 5… 100-101% 10 11…
E G-ALA.. XY… 1O 11 C I..

Yes Brenana B Young who passed away at age 39 but not before relaying to Robert Kyle Murphy the designated Home of the E.. Origins of MANN.

Ghandi is also means “Origins… Perfume.. Chemist Grocer”

Nasa calls it Galaxy 1101 I C…

That is like seeing from within a Mirror Reflected Box Zone O zone…
Seeing outside the box..
E H/G ALA XY… 1O11 C.I….. I C… E. Eternity…

And that is what that riddle of the Beetle And Beetle Juice was about. those who came before the Bees Butterflies.. Birds…

Those who werre Eteranal and Constant and did not have to go through ‘The Process” The Journey of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” Break down…
The ones who came down from Eternity.. Already Complete .. My Family..

And so I completed the riddle fo Dawn.. and so I read about the astrolger who is likened in style to Jackie Kenneddy Onassis…
J K… 10 11…
Which links to The 13th Astrological Sign..
Aclespius.. Ophiuchius …
link Kasien Thompson- the meaning of Kasien is ‘he who distributes” – 11-29-63…

See his testimony I posted encounter with Death as Ancient Egyptians Gods..
E G..
Ender Game and the Stage ..

Susan Miller spoke about the Word being a Simulation… but she did not recognize that it was not a mindless role to have no control and that everythng is pre-determined.
A Universal Simulation has a purpose, which makes it have a Plot.. ( a Space to Exist.. Lot…. and his Wife and the Two messegengers)
It this has a story.. and IS staged…

Thus it is more a Play Theater… P.T.
About Perfect Timing being the True Point of it all because it allows you to Cee and See Pierce… the illusion of darkness by seeing in perfect aligment with the Speed of Light..
Which allows you to see as IS…
And thus Darkness and Light become one. Day…
24 Hours.. 12 12… 8 8 8.. 3-8…
Day Transparent Light.. Able to see Day or Night through Consciousness..

M S…

S A I D… M…. E G H A N… M A R K LE.. S PA R K L E…

That is the completion of that equation.. S AI D…M E…

Said means Happiness in Arabic…
M E…

Harry and Meghan… H M….

She represents the rising from the family from “Genet Genets ” play “The MAIDS” As a Lie… ME R M AI .D S…. M E. R M… A.. I D S…

S A … I D.. M E…Meghana

*The meaning of the name Meghana is Cloud. The origin of the name Meghana is Indian. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language.’

Cloud 9…

She was the one I met and Loved…

10:52 a,m

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