
8/24/2018 10:06 – Facebook Post

Max Park versus the World…

M – A X P. A . R K …M…E.

X is todays date…
R K M.. Iinks to the portal Robert Kyle Murphy I just passed through rep Terrible Death ( Really Beautiful Transformation )
M A.. P….A…/
M A P. A R K … X… ME…

Generation X Gardens.. 2006.. East 4th street between Avenue B and C….

X AM….
K R A ..P.

At Delta… D .. E L T.. A. / A .. T L… ( 2012.. 32.. 5.. E) D.E…A…. R … E…. R A.. R E… E..
Do..E… A D E A.. R E…

I Brought to the Publics attention that the my Body literally felt as though it is a Rubic Cube..
And that it literally feels as if someone is using by body like a cube and that each day , I have to solve the riddles which allow me to move my body and re-align it, only to find that the next day that I have start the process all over again…
I became aware of this process was going on in my body 13 14 years ago, but it actually began 17 years ago when I first moved to the States.

I was not joking..
It is the main reason I have stayed in this play… Game.
Because of what has been done to m Muscle, My Bone Structure.. and the Music Rhythm Flow of my Movements… Co-Ordination.
I Dance…
So when by body as well as my Being was taken from me, I knew that this was impossible.. and only “God” could do this to me..
But who is God… “Michael.. :Who is as God”.. Samuel..”Name of God.. He who Listens… Heard…Ishmael… ? Zachary “God Remembers..” Does God forget?

God is Music I discovered his Name.. His Meaning…
He is Memory.. Music and Memory…Perfume Sent..

And so I knew that the Music did this to me.. to my flow,..
But Why… Why… would he do such a cruel cruel viscous thing?

Solve the Riddle of Existence…I .C.E… C U B E….

C .I..

Ignacio Choi I noticed liked a post recently…
So I knew based on his timing and the Scrip that I C… ( That people have begun to finally See me… Cee Me… Not me personally but rather what I have been representing)
and then the next day my new Face Book Friend through Dawn Piercy arrived
Chris Inabnitt ( Director of Human Affairs)
C I…
That person they are now saying I C.. I Conscious…
C I…The Consciousness of Infinity is represented by the Individual…

I C. U B E… D E L T A… D A W N.


I C Sun Song.. Rise..

I thought o Dawns Son… Their Song…

Put my Music to Words…

“Make what they see as my Silence.. is really the Quiet.. and thus, the Pause..
to Praise , ( not Pray)
To Appreciate the most Amazing Grace.. The way you move,,,,
Break It down… Explain.

Put words to your Music…
Make it a Song…
Break it down..”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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