
8/24/2016 13:28 – Facebook Post

From Kristina Michelle Womack

Yes.. Literally.. the Extra Terrestrials are literally our Evolved selves.

The play was very very much like the matrix where we come down as matter as an illusion creating the illusion of our being separate as Matter…
Energy.. Creating an illusion of Dulaity.. but it was really our being the “Avatars- Descendants”
Jordan means “Descend Flow”
“Jordan Michael Zuniga, Jordan Colon Jordan Diesel
of our selves evolving back to our original selves…
Which is why I have kept calling attention that we are Evolving our matter based Avatars back to our Energetic Selves…
And that the meeting of the two through a Universal Simulation called “This Idea of Life” brings the merging and converging of the Two…
The Original Self and the Beautiful Illusion..

But like musical chairs, you had to be able to be in your Natural State which creates the Natural Evolution of Naturalness..14 moving to 1=4=5…Back to E..
And if your body is not allowed to be Natural, then that body becomes lost.. And the Energetic being loses the chance to have body and also that Energetic being ceases to exists,,,

Energy can not be destroyed..?
But Energy to be called Energy must reach its original state of Completion…

Which means Whole.. And whole is that the first being was and is.. T.W.O I,N.. O.N.E… Meaning the First Being had and has a body..
H.E/S.H.E came into Existence Complete as Every Thing, Every Where, Every One….
EEE..TWO… N.E…The N.E is the last evolutionary state to bring the E.T and the Human Species into O.N.E…

Thus instead of there being only THE ONE… there is now THE EVERY ONE…
That was and is the play….why the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.. was Created.. The Universal Play… U.S.A.M..

This was the play of Evolution of Every Thing…
And was delayed and allowed all the interference and meddling because the “Gamers” had forgotten the play and Evil became a real force which threatened the entire play.. not of the E M.E… But of the you…reaching your manifest Destiny…

1:28 a.m.

I explained this over and over and over again…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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