
8/24/2015 18:31 – Facebook Post

8/24/2015 18:31 – Facebook Post
8/24/2015 18:31 – Facebook Post

5:O4 pm.

Jonn Blackwell informed Donna O’Sullivan today that Lu-C Besson movie “Lucy”
(He was also the Direcfor of the movie The 5th Element)

-that today’s date 24-8-2O15…
8-24-2O15 ..code X.H H and H-X-H ..
Is the very date in the movie where everything changes for Lucy..

What is the relevance of this date?

The alignment with the play and the Victory of Donna and Jonn ..J+ DD= 1O + 4….14… N…144…18…A H…9..I
JJ+DD =28…B.H
N is Nicholas meaning “Victory of the People ”

InĂªs Guerreiro..meaning “The Holy War’
Her sons name is Dionsio..
Follower of Lord Dionysus
” The God of Wine and Pleasure.”

*Chris Franco means “Follower of the Annointed One- the Freeman.
*Note how in D-U.N.E, the rebels who have the prophecy of Paul Attreides are called Freemen.

Being Harmonious.

It means by the play acted out here right up to yesterday that Jonn and Donna are the last of a long line of people stretching back 26 years and 47-48 years of my Human Existence, are the final Victory played out of rescuing the Truth of the Human Species.
And because of them and all who came before them, have resurrected the ” Faith” in man and his-her worthiness to evolve.

5’22 P.M.
Emily Vera
Elizabeth Victoria…

Vera is the name of Donnas Maternal Grandmother whose links to my own grandmother whose English name was Lucy..
And who herself “Took the Spice”
And could remember when Humanity were Light Beings who lived in Paradise.
Her Mother’s name was MBA Afor Ocha which means literally “The Bright Loud Sound of Truth Clean…’- Lightening? Or First Contact.

Which is in stark contrast to my Grandfather Daniel, who as my Grandmother conquered memory as the Buddhist do (See the Golden Child) but who recalled when Humans looked like Babooms…

Yesterday the Play left my mother’s as Cecilia proven to mean 6th sense, and my Father Maurice (The Moor -the Black Well A..the Actor)
Obiekwe Ikegbunam (The Heart is appeased but may my Pride not be the cause of my downfall)…M.O.I…Me Me in French…
Code Names C.M.
And myself as Emeka.
See Jonn Blackwells post on the X Wave…
By proving that the line of man who had unintentionally played and created themselves as God, (Always Always Right A.R… Alex Ashlea Reyes.. ) but were acting out a Truth of what is the cause and Source of a Touch of Evil in the Human Species..Jealousy Competition.. Envy.
That they wished to know the Truth..the E.Truth if they too are truly in thier own right, worthy of Being called the Beautiful Ones…

And this was proven, moving us up from C.M.E..

To J.O.Y!…C.E….
Joyce Cox…
The Cock of the Awakening…

Recall the play of Generation X gardens and Donna and I aligning both to Garden X by her posts seeming to Manifest the site of me looking at the Generation X garden.

*pls refer to the scholarship of Nenad M. Djurdjevic on X and the Enugwu Ukwu artifacts and most ancient Bowl marked X.
My Grandmother Lucy is from Enugwu Ukwu…
Top of the Hill
18/Mountain View.

Recall Andrese Harris Burton photo in the Sky of The X.
Recall Dragos Gheorghe becoming a Facebook Friend and then the Dragons appearing in the Sky…
Dragos G-he-org- he. (85=H.E)
Not 1958 as The Book 1985…

Notice the date of my birth posted on F.B 1984..
Daniel Lucy…
George Orwell 1984..
Not Orson Wells…

*See Sacred Portal 48 and 84.
5-47 pm.

And recall I posted a Eulogy to my Grandmother on Facebook, who passed away in 2OO8 who waited for me but could wait no more after sending me a message through Beautiful Magic (Love) that “They” the Evil.in man is trying to stop the Awakening…

The Eulogy which was written in 2OO8..28…
Donna is born 28…7 years ago…
*There is a number 7 lime green which sits in Donnas Desk…7 is G.
The Eulogy is 16 pages long..2(8)
8+8= 16..P..Plan-E.T..
Which aligns Jonn to Daniel to Nnamdi..to Emeka..

1+6=7 Donna to G…Grace Goddess
G.T.J… Game of Thrones Jonn?
No Grace True 1O..Balance.. J.B
E.H. is Donna Licence Plate. Mercedes Benz M.B
Manifest Being…
5:55 pm..
Meaning that not only is J +D aligned as Twin Lights..
Jonn Luc Picard.
Jonn Luc Besson…

Donna Captain Jane Way.
Jane Frances…
Jane means John
Frances Frank “Free person”
14 N as Nature.
Elizabeth Vera
Lucy Ojugo Meaning “Dove” my Grandfathers Igbo name and Lucy..L.U…C.Y

I.Fun.Nnaya..Fun is loves the twinkle ight in the Eyes..Evolve.

Yesterday Donna navigated the Enterprise: Awakening.
Jonn had done the same
Both Captain and Navigation…

I have been behind the scenes Directing then acting and linking and writing etc…

6:O5 pm…

The Book by Francis Herbert was published in 1965…
Pls see Sacred Portal 65.. The Creation of a black hole by an E.T female form for those who make others suffer by making them repeat over and over again information for their benefit by not paying attention P.A.

I am representing Sacred Portal 48..
Sacred Portal 84 represents two people a Male and a female
6O8 pm…
Nnamdi and Nnonyelum code.
“Father Is, stay near to me always”
NN…seeking balance.
*See the Demon behind him.
And see the sad Lady pineapple behind here…
Nadee Nakandala represented that play supremely.
N+N = 14+14=28..
Donna is born 28.

Thus the play of unity between Man and Woman M.W (Milky Way..68-96..15…O…1+5=6..to reach 6th Sense opening the One Ring which Links all humanity was based on Man conquering his own fear Demons of Worth and Strength,
And Woman to be seen by her mate as having supported him and as an equal.

A Hell of a play.
Please see sacred Portal 28…
It is me as Heremes and Jonn and Donna as Apollo Artemis…
With the symbol of X.

Thus the Sacred Portal 84 is represented by Jonn and Donna..aka My Grandfather and Grandmother
…7…12…(D is G…)
48 as Beautiful Death
*Turning poison into Water “Lafont”
Turning water into wine..
Joyous Cock Crowing…
Evolution Awakening
Bliss Ectasy.

Fill Circle
Circle Filled with understanding how the one E became Two EE…AA….

J.O…1O O. ..1O…
Not Alejandro Juworski….

Jonn Luc Pi. Card.
Lu-C Besson.
Aka Lucy..
Captain Jane’s Way….


Daniel God is my Judge…
The Judges Bench -Chair…
Elizabeth Palace….
The Way Home and the Way of Homme (Man)
Now affirmed through the Victory of VV
Jonn and Donna in an Invisible Energetic Spirit Expression Thought play..
I.E …S.ET…P…G..

I.E ..Set the Page..

The Facebook Page play…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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