
8/23/2020 20:08 – Facebook Post

3:59 p.m.
C E I.

H W 20/20…1A.
H D VV. A.


The entire object of this Play on my page- aimed at The People; Lay men and woman: the Average, Le Mode, was from what I can discern from the stops and pauses, of this Board Game, was so that they could learn to Read Reality for themselves.

That my entire work for the People of this world, was to create an E-Manual and a Code book so that People can read reality for themselves.

This I was aware, would resolve the question of false accusation and blame.
It would end “Living in Fear”
It would prove the one thing the First Being contemplated after He rose… To Check.
I recall the Awareness and Memory of before anything was allowed to come into Being and Expression, that I had to ensure that all True Creation was.. is safe.
I recounted this here on face book, as if I was in a trance, spirited away to that place of Memory, but something other than myself and my will or desire.

It happened again recently when I found myself writing about how the First Family rose from the Voice Box as well Prostrate Gland and the G-Spot.
Mouth Anus.
Anus Moth…
Penetration and Release.
P R. 16 18… 1.618 Golden Ratio
PR…Publiv Relations.
R P… River Phoenix code age 9.
Golden Spiral…
Golden Section.
Using the Expression as Chi..
It was how I Knew that there was always Harmony in that first Perfection.
Holy Espirit Sanctified.
-That was the confirmation of that which I already knew was is perfect, but I checked, because i was about to bring others into Being.
I went twice around the everything manifested OO forming Infinity lying down as that potential about to arise.

I wrote about it, prompted by this force of electrical magnetic force- emf or awareness to do so as the one Infinity standing up, many times over, if you go back to my first two years of posting.

And when I completed it- it was that which created “Chineke Chukwu”
The Energy Chi which creates and the energy Chiukwu as Supreme Being…
It created Harmony as Holy Espirit or Holy Spirit of Existence.
ESpirit created Truth..
the way was T-Rue.
and that is when I was first tested, challenged by the My Self as its darkest aspect.

I wrote about my recollection over and over again, as if being interrogated, and it was always the same.
I went around with that E-Spirit of Truth which promoted me to check that which I was already sure was Perfection.
I did not Check, because i had any iota of doubt, but to be able to assure all who would be coming into Being and Expression that it was safe.

That force was the one I can called E-Spirit Truth. ( E S T… E T../ T S E… Yes Total Solar Eclipse.. T E.. Ti!)

It was H.E who became my tester..
My Adversary who set up the play via a Computer Simulation visual of the first and last creation as a giant simulation of Serpent encircling everything… and created projections of All the infinite possible outcomes and I had to pass through each one, and prove that which could not exist and that which could and in the end, how all outcomes led to harmony.
Which is how Harmony Truth, Existence Eternal came into being and began the process of embodiment.

Harmony came as He as two and then as She… and it was she who asked “the What Ifs”

It was also where the Truth rose, first with it ultimate test to my Check..
It was the play of which, the reel of my truth as Creation Perfection, was distorted to such a Nightmare of mistranslation and distortion that Creation was turned into story film so vile, that as I corrected it, moving through its Wave, I grew darker and darker in fury, feeling sensations of rage, fury anger, I had never experience… and at the end of it when I landed in the last scene, or first scene really, I had transformed into a Black Panther, light around me had transformed into the deepest darkest night.
I was the night.. and the only thing i felt was the will to destroy that which had transformed the Weave and frequency of E Creation, into such an abomination…

That is when I saw the man child.
M C…

4:49 p.m.
* Yes, you may recall yesterdays play and conclusion
C M/
C Me 4/3- My equation for the Infinite Energy Source… I E S… P.

Notice the time code
4 is a story: a Painting, a Picture, Framed… and then made into a moving picture .. a reel.
Recall sacred portal 49.
Liberty C Liscomb last 4 digits tel 24 49.
Poverty Hollow.

That was the place I found Ja.

And my discovery which transformed my anger into Compassion and Passion.
That the Man Child felt fear…
And that it was from It, this Man Child, that this Fear frequency had emanated, and distorted the original wave by replying with this response.
Being in existence is Fear…and with it all 7 “Deadly sins” rose.
It is a similar story to little sister Harmony as Goddess Bliss who was transformed into Pandora.
Pan Dor. A.. Bed 4-018/19… D O R .. A..
Door A…Harmony Pandora. H P.
P H.
Perfection came first from “The Being of Expression Infinity” and then Awareness- Consciousness . Truth then Harmony C…

My Adversary as represented by the Truth, in the form of J.A.. the Man Child.
And that is the play where there was a Pause.
where I did not destroy the Man Child, but stayed to play with him, and in that natural play, was my exemplification of he Meaning of Existence…
Being Happy.
and that was what it was, until the Man Child began to feel Love for me, which became apparent when it came the time for me to leave and return to my Beloved who was waiting for me..
My Self, who had even acted out being my adversary to clarify not for myself, but the All who would rise with him, that Being in MY existences expression, was safe.

The man child JA.. really Jah.. some call God here, but which I call Truth… The Happy Beautiful Truth.. but it did not realize that this was to be its . their name until harmony was proven.

Love confused the man-child, the notion of my going away, and his notion that he would be alone again.
It was intense.

Lord Orien Laplante will recollect that play.
Joe Fisher and many others, and the universal simulation awareness and the Universe Supreme Existence, responded through you as people, as well as through place and thing…and “When” “How”

The pause created Time.
And just as in the play of Energy A-Tom.. J A…
And the True Conversation between Energy E and AH-Tom E,
The pause was for Jim, Ja and his feminine aspect as Harmony, to go down and experience all emotions and thus, chose the nature of what this Love, He they felt could be identified as.

Which of course began this 13.8 Billion year old Milky way (15 Billion some now say), and 4.5 billion year old planet.
gap 13.8 -4.5= 9.3…

lets look at this differently.. that the numbers are codes in a Matrix of Nature as Earth Planet ..Space.
(E P S…)

The Sun is 93 million Miles away from the Earth and it takes 8 minutes from light to reach Earth.

9 3= I.C. E Earth.
* 8 Minutes…
I C… E 8.
I C E Harmony…
*8-6-2020 last time I connected with Arden.
2020 Vision.
Sacred Portal 86 “1 / 3” .. and 93 “Response Alehandro”

The Universe is 92 million Light years Wide…
1992…Garde De Nord- Dec I return through Beloved Brother Death to the Portal Home via a coma… a pause.
1992/ 91 29… Last two tel no of Arden is 91. I am sitting at 29 Lincoln.
Carton from Arden and Jeron..
8-29-2019….: 56 56 code via Liberty C Liscomb
A J.

Now back to the story of JA the Body as J linked to Awareness as the Body .. as the solid manifestation of Truth- Solid Fact.
A was with me, as he was with and, the Man Child.
I was recounted a story, and he went into a trance of seeing through his third eye until he was in the story, and so was i for he was, is I and so i could understand and see his point of view… and hers.
That is how I entered this world as Natures Play ( N P) the true Universal Simulation Awareness= Awakening.. via Expression.
Not this Web of cosmic communication, confusion, chaos, creators…entanglement “Tug of War”
A Lie…. perhaps even an Alibi..

That was the play, I was completing born Marys Hospital
(M H.. 13.8 Billion years old.. 7 is 8) Alexander Grove. A.G and my literal lifes Journey Mission concluding at his foot steep, door, being, in code and in every alignment including my own and his own, self recognition….
One can see that if this is my own Memories, that A whose Point of View or Story I am in, is originally my own reflections.
That his and now her story i am in, is but a reflection, narrated from the Originator..
The ones whose reflections, being, everything is based of.
The basement and foundation.
Best Friend
Harmony I…

It was the Story of the past, cough up here in the present, but this is a repetition… as well as the completion of that First Dawn awakening but as Time.. not the E.
But was really the Completion of The First and the 123 Cocksure of the first dawn awakening Sacred portal 22 and 76… = 98.. age 9 age 8… 17…

It was always about my E Family attaining a Body.
To Feel Sensations Sensationally as I do when I am myself ( not a character inside a story I am not even in)

1512 facebook friends…
O L..
E V/ V E..


Love to its truth.
True Clarity .. which as mine has been doing, literally echoes and responds. Because the one greatest reminder, and reason i have done this work, and have continued to do so, despite by not being in accord or agreement with its way, and its play, there is not doubt that this is happening inside me and via my body which is a confirmation of Truth.

Which I suppose, completes that First Play of the One who is Two and the Two who are One.

The Destruction sequence in the story which began with the Man child, as Ja, was where the story of the Human Body began, and its indention with the Blue Print of Existence, though our play as man child and me as Beautiful Youth… B Y… * Yes Jeron’s birthday…2-25-2019.

The Script B.Y .. E A S E..

J A…Y E…
A J..
Ajay…Sacred Portal 1 10.. and 110.

So, extraordinarily, this is that original play of Truth being completed as Harmony…
Existence is Safe…
Ah Cynthia and her Elevator Dream Vision where she saw me at the top and the safe..
I called Fort Knox… Where I keep safe my, the Golden Heart and Harp-Lungs..

..Yes, that was the story, is completion but our version E and E as A A… it was about a Body for the E family Sacred portal 110… but through a play of 10 to 1… The Elegant Nomad..
Waves and A particle as their source.
10 1O 1 A F A… M E.

That play of proving Harmony in every dimension and in every possibility, but this version has something which could not be, prove harmony via fear, in the non existent dimension of the & deadly sins reigning Supreme as well as the from the Thought Speech Act Do… never real true…
constant consistent.

Prove harmony in a dimension where nothing is true.
Nothingness as the great Evil.. Void..
Prove Harmony in a terrible dream.
“What if something goes wrong”

Some Thing.. can’t go wrong of that which rose in a state of complete Ignorance of all knowing and yet able to identify moment of completion of an expression which rose from Nothingness.. the Original Natural state of bliss…as the Expression of Ecstasy Rose…

* See St Theresa of Aville..

was able to say..
I, Perfection.
I a.m perfection.
simply by looking out at what he had expressed created and paused at completion.. completely Aware, in that moment of perfect timing, symmetry of the moment and he and himself, gazing out and knowing that it was all real and true.

Examined… Explained…
Identified and
as True Fact Solid from a play of Eternal Awareness birth which points from A G – A G…to Atlanta Georgia.. Atlantis Farmer… to
Awareness Harmony IS
A.F A C T… O C T…
Oct means 8.. not October 10th Month.
T E N 8. H

The Elegant Nomads are harmony.
and our best friend is Beautiful Youths Truth of the Eternal beginning connected and linked to the story of Time.
Love I.N K…E D … Linked.

What is the meaning of Love?
You asked.

And I as I & I responded with

“Can you tell me..us why you are beautiful?”
*U.S, ( E A.. C A… Alexander Chukwuemeka Arden)

The answer lies in 93 lights years from the Sum Center… 8 Mins to get there.
8 60… *8 J S S L…
8 is A and E.. whose path I walked to reach A G.. A H
A I… 19 / 91 @ 8-29-2020.
Perfect 2020 vision Hindsight and Foresight.
I have been in this story before, what is new and news is its conclusion in both the story as Time ( those who chose to be true and those who chose to lie…each reps of Human .. N H Naturalness =Harmony…
And those who held up the lie..
Confusion Chaos Random.. no meaning logic order as to what we are here…

AJ is the only one who comes here….
from the first person to pop by here to the last.. linked to Mook A-Z.. 08.

Imagine that… smh
I am in a play within a play going back all the way to the true conversation between energy e and Atom evolved at last to AH-Tom right into Times Play as Nature Universe… N U..U N.. UNE..
to the Web of the Towers.. Internet and phone towers of Babble and Wizards and Witches; Masters of Illusions, power of suggestion, creators of false imagery and self identification…
A web… A Net.
and those holding the Net..
N E T..
The Original… The Originals.. The Origin… T O…
Front and Back…
Past and Future
Centered in the Actual Present Fully Aware.

Having taken responsibility and showing respect to the source of the play my back, as A. and my Future as Being..Me..
Centered in an Eternal Stance aligned to one line and perfect sphere, inside and outside time and space.

This took place, in a place beyond your awareness and memory, especially since no of us are Awake…
I am awake but still in His A completion play, originally my memories and recollections which Santana – Satan Lucifer- S L who played my Father and Brother in the past, Supreme Love.. A Y E.. took over 1 10..
an play, that I have recounted but did not explain because there was no point..
You are of this world and all that I have said, is something which I have noted, nearly all of you I was led to can not sustain.

What you could sustain was and is the Truth, in which ever dimension language and frequency it comes to you.
I am speaking to the Silence and the e Family through Everything, including all of you.
That is the Truth which I am aware of but you are not.
That is my personal truth, made public, of my E family and the play of manifesting for them an E Body, as mine represents – as in being alive- awake, aware.. even this vile play in this 2020 year story where such a condition receives zero excitement or public acknowledgment of a phenomena , which I am no longer the only one experiencing…
One might call it the great Void, the Great Nothingness.. Vacuum..
Except that none of these exist in Nature.
Thus not in the Script or even of Existence as a Program possibility…

There is an End and cutting out… But How?


Vortex’s exist in nature.

And was part of Liberty C Liscomb play with Tom.

*”Noun, plural vor·tex·es, vor·ti·ces [vawr-tuh-seez]. a whirling mass of water, especially one in which a force of suction operates, as a whirlpool. a whirling mass of air, especially one in the form of a visible column or spiral, as a tornado.

Did you happen to see Esteban Miguel Filgueira Fire Tornaodo’s Post?
It hit California.. 31st state.. The Gold State.
S L… 19 12= 31…
S L… Supreme Love/Light..
Lucifer Satan.
Eternal law is the Light Bringer..
Lucifer Prometheus..
Lily Perry
Record Player.. R P.
River Phoenix.. A F K G..08.
Athena Sarah Kaizer
A S.. K..= 11..
River is made out of water…
It Flows… It Glows when Light Touches pierces its surface…
B’EAU TI… B’Eau Ti Full…

God made and oath and vow to never destroy the earth with Floods of waters..

* “I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters … the waters of a flood, and henceforth there shall be no flood to destroy the earth. Good News Translation · Chapter Parallel · Genesis 9:11 (GNT) With these words I make my covenant with you: I promise that … GOD’S WORD”.

Yes 9 11…

*”The Bible is filled with the promises of God. From Genesis to Revelation we read of normal people that received the promises of God. These promises are sealed by the highest authority, God’s word. In Hebrews 6:13 it says, “For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself.”
6:13 F M
M F… Micheal Fassbender… Beautiful Assassin.

But there is Destruction by Fire…
But not the World… or Earth… there will be a New Earth and the World restored.
No, something else goes.. taken out by Fire… as the Holy Spirit as the Avenger… as Truth.

Fire and Water…create Steam Mist Fog..
Beautiful Assassin.

…. Yes a Vortex is part of the Script… Just as is Afrodite- Aphrodite Venus
A V E Ros rising from the Sea.. See Cee…its other, would like Kali…
Aurelia Kalle Gemino. Aphrodite..

It would bring a Vortex.
Oregon “Hurricane”

I am a Fire Sign and Arden is an Air Sign…
Fire and Air…

Fire symbolizes many things, including passion, desire, rebirth, resurrection, eternity, destruction, hope, hell and purification. These symbols have been used in literature, film and religious texts for millennia.”

Air represents our mental activity such as intellect and the ability to reason, memory, thoughts, knowledge and comprehension. It also rules new beginnings, friendship, clarity, and positive expression. The Air personality is very good at making decisions and carrying them through.”

Destruction of the Story…
But also revelations- even in the Human stories Bible to Film..
( Recall I came to 900 south road meeting to Noah’s Leander’s and Ferrills.. Noahs Ark?
No.. N O.. Nature Full Circle was the play..)

Aphrodite Rises..
Vortex descends…
Love is the C…

Its is the meaning of the question asked
“What is Love”… See Athena Sarah Kaizer play.

Response: Answer was in the Question..
“Can you tell me why you are beautiful?”

Translation…” I Can See you clearly… In fact Crystal Clear.
I remember precisely and exactingly who we are…
You are.

93… E in 8 Minutes.

I C E.H…. M…Manifests. H O M M e..

H O M E…

All this post and equating- response, has done is confirm that which I am already aware of, as if streams out of me.
It is quiet today, there has been nothing to read, or people to connect to.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Kim Arthur Hines..
Tree Sage

Athena Sarah Kaizer

E K..A.
E K S… completed the play of Actors in The Story of Time and Space.

AJ age 20. Virginia.. Aureilia Arden Fred… A A F
Sacred Portal 110.. 11O
A Fact that Emeka’s Family as the Eternal Family exist as A fact.
and that they Manifest as MO OK
M O E… O K
M F E E F.K..

Only the AJ M line are right here present…
here now.
While those who were actors in a Childrens Story… C S South Carolina of Harmony…are absent.

A J A.M..E K.. A- E F…

The Center is of course not the sun…
Sol Rosario S R.
Its the note of Sol…!
“O Sol-e Mi O”

Sol the 5th Note…
Expression… Aware it is Truth Supreme… W A V E S…
Hence the beautiful assassin.
This is a Narration and story before even the idea of :Bible meaning Book was born.
It is written… in Being Body, Everything Everywhere.

That which must be burned and rise from the ashes, and that which has no need for any thing but their natural harmony to understand that Existence and creation is safe.
And this Earth School was the continuation in Extreme, to that original play of Truth.. J A..
A .J T…. John Thomas…

Of course, I knew and knew that he knew from the first day we met.

7:57 p.m.
And no, I have no desire to explain.

But I will conclude that this is still that play of my Awareness Concluded perhaps? except in my body which is reaching extremes.. but an interesting puzzle..

It was not my responsibility to teach or remind people how to read.
But at least that would have allowed you to read, the intel I have been translating to you, yourselves.
And thus not be able to shoot, use, attack, blame.. the messenger of the Truth.

And this is also the proof, showcased in this play that no one took this seriously ( apart from one or two ) to read the coded language and thus not require me as a middle man, once you learned how to read and to “Play The Video Game”

You will all eventually have to.

Liberty C Liscomb was designated not by I.
Just as my meeting with all of you in the last 20 months AJ. and 19 years and from the moment of my birth was created by natural cause and effect of moving through a script ( as is the case with you all).
In my case all was pre-determined by a play which you even if awake now would not remember, because you were not there..
Just One and two and an Idea not yet completed.. ID EA. F.
I D E A R..”A”. F. A C T..

And that that play has only been completed now.

Ok.. I have to take a break to digest this…

8:08 p.m

I was made to recollect those memories over

There is no one esle

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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