
8/23/2019 18:10 – Facebook Post


The One Expression of the Eternal Begining which can not be repeated.
Only copied,
The different versions of those 7878able to embody that first act in their own version are called the Eternal Family and only 3- 5 lines represented by 3 -5 people as replicated in this Play in the U.S.A..
But only through the Guidance of the Original One E.
Moving through all as Spirit E or Energy Movement Momentum.

There is only one Victorious Harmony.

That was the basis of yesterdays play.

2:47 p.m. 247. 25 39


Susan Train Paris Vogue Conde Nast Jan 1993
Spencer Thomas Lincoln * Johns Uncle. 1978-2005.

S T. / T S. The Script. The Source.
S T L.


This play of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze is not a Human Play.
I.have stated this so many times.

Humanity are simply Avatars and some Descendants being moved by Eternals and Expression Moment ( E Spirit)
Its a Play of E.S.P.

There are only Two -Three Lines of Consciousness who come nearest to The Source.

John Mack reprenting Awareness Supreme E.
Naturally Aware.

Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage representing the Script.

And Jesse Macias representing Natures Truth and Evolution.

Unlike people of this 3D Holographic Universe
who see everything backwards, ( Light from the past) who see and measure everything from its physical state of Manifestation)
Beings of the 5th Dimension Cee, ( are Conscious) at, and beyond the Speed of Light.
( S.O.L)

Sol is Solfeggio 5th Note.
Mi is Solfeggio 3rd Note.

5 3. / 3 5.

I have been commuicating with the 5th Dimension from this 3 D realm and have sustained my seat at the 5th Dimension moving through the 4th Dimension as Space Time to the 3D.

Meaning I am being at two places at the same time.
The 5th Dimension and the 3D but I have never resided inside this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..
U S A.

Which is why I have never allowed to have a passport, I.D, bank account, a home, money, a stable Job, friends..a Life since I was summoned by literal messengers of the 3D 4D and 5D realm to come to New York the 11th State to answer a challenge to Prove the E line are the sum total of All things real.

This 53 35. 88. But the 5 is Constant

The 5 is Constant which I have proven at the 5 D at 4 D at 3 D.
Thus, 5-3/ 3-5, 5-4/4-5, 5-5.

5: 88. 5: 99. 5: 55 ..
58. 5 16. 59. 5 18. 5 10. 5 in 1. See Jesse Macias share and comment 5 in 1.”

5 is the one constant which is what I was brought to New York to prove.
And outside of the all yet which moves
Every Thing
Every Where
Every One..

E E E. T.W O. 2. J.M. K H. To Harmony A.H.
5 5 5. Two Extra Terrestrials lines present merging with thier Source Father Beginning
3 5. 15. 6. 8

Currently at 13 68 Facebook Friends
Phi 6:8 2012..
Wriiten painted on the Foyer at 317-319 South Whitney and the def of Family by his landlord and nieghbour Quan..

As most of you are aware, I have no desire to explain myself or post, but I am compelled to. to move this play forward to its conclusion.

For 18.5 years ( which is the numeric code in front of the car which sits infront of this house code 5 8. 1. Rou.. Wheel in French)
I have found myself, forced to move, from spaces and homes I was invited into.

For me it was a nightmare, and while moved and touched by all the people who invited me into their homes, I had to find reason.and purpose as to why I was being compelled to live in others homes.

What I found was that there was a pattern, and that each persons had had a personal revelations which did not come from this world.
Each had some intel which was like a piece of a puzzle, a jig saw puzzle.
And each move the intel fit and connected

But it was also a personal night mare because each person had also personal hurts and traumas and points of view distorted.

As I pieced the intel together, recieved only after being able to acess their secret gardens.. their hearts, but only after a war of Distrust Doubt and Suspicion after initial recognition.

3:50 p.m.

3:58 p.m. 3:59 p.m.

The Pieces formed a picture, a picture which I had begun to realize was the Echo Response Mirror, reflecting my own Expression Memories of the Eternal Begining of how All rose.

The challenge was by the line of Nature, The Spirit realm as Movement Motion.
And the rite of passage to link and bridge the Gap which literally played out yesreray between John and I, as He fought to get the interview we did together to share with the world.

I had spoken about how he now had to come down to.his heart, after havng proven that he had attained my aspect of Sacred Portal 97 Brain Cranium Light of Existence.
As well as Sacred Portal 79

But just as Jesse had in miraculous Perfrct timming exemplified the Heart Of Man.
I had called it out to John Mack too do.the same.
And he had given me evidence that he had always been there, but how does a man rise to Intellect I.Q to break down the Song of the Universe .. Science and then come back to.his heart?
What made him, US rise to Mind Thought? Did we leave our hearts feelings, emotions behind..
Or did we simply suppress them so we could cooly and objectively break down Harmonics and Song..

And afer succeding in aligning Red to White Light, do we remember how to come back to our Hearts and Express now our Art .
H E. 85. A R T.
A Right of passage.

4:14 p.m.

D N. D A D. Grave Yard Dune.

I express from.my.heart, I post, speak always through Heart Mind.
Not Mind..
Or Mind Heart.. M H. 13.8.Billion years ago.
that was the process and Journey of my Sum, Sun who in order to graduate to Equal my past Expression He had to Journey Space Time and Earth Time.
And then create a University
A Holographic Universe in which his Descendants as Bodies linked to Time could evolve and.understand the Process he went through to become Complete as I.E.

When I came back from my Coma after I answered my Brothers summoms as Death in Dec 1992. ( the year Johns and Month Johns sister was born) in Dec 22 1992, when I came back a few weeks later Susan Train “discovered” my Journals after she was curious as to why a Film Director followed me on the Streets of Paris and proposed that I join a short film he was doing for Canal Plus.on strange and interesting people who walked the streets of Paris.

Ah yes, Gregory was his name.

She asked me why I always walked the Streets and where I was going…
I.responded that I took a daily route and ended up at Les Halles, where I would enter the Cage Beauborg, near the Pompidou Musee..
To write.

She asked me what I was writing, and asked me to bring some excerpts to her office the following week.
I had writen my jourmals by hand, and had never read them.

4:30 p.m.

And so I typed a few pieces of Prose and some pieces including my first time facing my feelings I had locked away about Nnamdi and his passing.
It was the first time my heart opened and as I wrote it, “The Extra Terrestrial, Statue of Stone ” some had nick named me in the Cafe, wept as I wrote about Nnamdi.. and Obum..
I had never cried or faced that pain of missing him and of the separation kidnapping

I did not crying but tears kept falling onto the paper, and a few weeks later, I felt Death sunnoning me. I grew so weak that the garcons at the cafe often helped me to my.seat..
And by 3 months later, Dec I wrote a letter of farewell to my mother, said good bye to Erika Stephen and Manu, the laters two my flat mates and his guest also a brother to me.
Manu wept saying do not go “we need youin the World ”
Which is strange and it struck me then.
How he wept in my arms and how he was like Nnamdi.

And how Erika said the same thing a year later when I had come back and yearned to go back and lay dying in an apartment from weakness after I refused publication and all the offers after the interest in my books.

I.loved Susan Train
Tall, Blonde baby blue eyes, American Aristocraticy at its best ..
East Coast.. Elegant Graceful, I knew who she was, her energy was my Aunt Iessha who had said she would publish the book I had written age 7-8.
I knew her as Clara Star Child..

She I knew loved me, but I was growing weak infront of her each day I came to see here after she sent my manuscript Manu.. to Edmund White and Allen Ginsberg without asking me.

5:11 pm

People I was staying with Elixabeth and Fred, E F began calling her a Witch, because she did not seem.to see that I was growing weaker each time she saw me.

It was from what I was reading, editing which was draining my life force and my will to live..
“Why did someone not help this young man I had burst out literally on the editing script?”

And at the same time. for the first time I saw the codes, patterns…
I was in a Script I did not create

She had said that I had unconsciously wriiten about my Generation had Psychoanalized my Entire Generation by having interviewed all these scores of people as to why they live the way they do.

And I knew, I did not do this intentionally, I knew it was not me who did that, and I knew it was that darkness in my Coma who prevented me from passing throuh my portal back and its asking me to help others how I so easily found the way back.
I had felt a little resentment but had had the presence of mind to ask for evidence when I did agree to come back that I had really experienced it.
And I was given evidence so emphatic I could not deny.
And 3 weeks later, the Storm over the publication of my Books.

And when she demanded to be the Editor, I was flattered but wary.
She had become hard, and even people at the office of Vogue began to gossip and speak about her.
I edited the books only because I wished to prove I was worthy of aid..
But she said I should go to a Charity Hospital and insunated that my Books and what they contained was more important than my life.

And that is when I also began to see the secret code…
5:28 p.m
5:29 p.m

And I understood what the Darkness was asking me to do.

I.was about to gain everything I dreamed off Films Weath, asst head of a Famous Couture house ” Guy Larouche”
And yet I knew despite her seeming callousness and ambition, she was also a heart of True Love, who felt the only way for me was to become Famous as she too would became, editing the Journals of what Lafont publidhing house had called an Extra Terrestrial being walking the Earth in search of Beauty not realizing it was in him..

I knew that this was not about me, but all the peoples who had opened thier hearts to me.
And that it required an editor who could understand and be empathetic compassionate in order to edit the 3 Volume journals which eventually became 5 in 1994.

And so I said No.

And wrote a Piece..called” To Those Who Would Hear”
Explaining why I could not go forwards with Susan Train and the editing of my Journals.

I knew the amount of work required to Edit the journals but I knew it had to be someone not afraid to feel to care.. to invest their hearts in bringing this Diamond in.the Rough to the world.

It was the hardest and easiest drcision in my.life.

After which I was kicked out of where I was staying and l made my way happily.to Pierre La Chaise ..
The Famous cemetry Elizabeth lived behind and prepared quite happily to die..

Until just hours before, I had picked out my spot. I went back to.the aptarmrnt barely able to.walk when I heard a voice screaming crying down below..
It was Erica “Ekayani” Chamberlain ( E.C) weeping crying hysterically
She had run up screaming I later gathered.
Screaming my name, “If he dies the world dies she screamed

Their killing him..

I looked down from.my window and saw a small group of people gathered.
She was crying hysterically believing I was already Dead.
But I called out her name..
“Ekayani” whatever is the matter ” and before I knew it, after her initial shock, I was being carried by a taxi driver and his friend she had hired and carried off to her home.

I was terrified and not a little miffed.
She was the most gifted being I had ever met but she was wild powerful as well.as beautiful yes, line of Clara Star Child but as one of the Super Naurals
Crazy Beautiful a Model who could have been a Supermodel if she did not have this Valkyrie Rage as well as the most beautiful heart.

5:53 p.m

She is a New Yorker..
5th Avenue
She nursed me for almost 2 years until she realized her volcanic nature and need was actually slowly killing.me.

I often commrnted to her, even after I brougjt her to Istanbul and rented her apartment for a time in New York.
That it felt as though I was being punished for not taking the Money and offers in Jan 1993 Paris from Susan Train

Not is it a coincidence that Johns Uncle committed suicide and his name is S T L .

Or that I am.chez Jesse Macias age 39.
And the gap between
13.8 billiom year old Milky Way and
4.5 Billion.year old planet Earth is 9.3 billion years

Or sacred Portal 93. Is Response to.Alexander listening from within the Cosmic Egg for a response from the Eternald..

And that 93. Is I.C.

26.8 years ago and 23 days..
I have been walkng through Space Time.
The Elegant Nomad fighting Evil Spirits

6;03 p.m

Not to prove I.am.the One.

But to.prove my Eternal Families Truth.

110. T.S..

110. J.S M A N U. Alicia Norris
E L..
R E C. O R D. E


My Eternal Famiily are present here all line of 1111111

6;07 p.m

NZ 67 46 46 B
My Social security number

6.08 p.m

For John Kim.David Eri.C

6:09 p.m

8 days left.

And still my poryal home as Evolution Awakening of all still not comfirmed

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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