
8/23/2019 0:49 – Facebook Post

11:27 p.m.

Line of Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage
John Mack and Jesse Macias
Have arrived .

Moors Pangea Blue Black Brown to Pale Pink Rose…

Black On White

B.O W. To Honor and acknowledged but never in servility..

BOW and Arrow.. Yes Jupiter Ascending Sagittarius J A S. M I. N E.
Natural Evolution.
E A S E.
E A S. Y. E S. H U E S. A H. Christ Y
Male Chromosome X Y. 24 25. 6 7.
13. Manifest Via Trinity Man Y

Jump Man.
K A H.
J. E M.E K A H. E

Yes, the E was missing Rep of the Eternal in this play.
Yes, me but I had to first prove what the E is, are and prove that it waa not a dream but “A Goal!

Evolution back.to E…
Through an Examination Test of The Eternal Ones..
Your Truest selves behind the Wall of the True Men Show and Tell.

5 7. 7 5. Seven Contiments
In Balance
Liberty C Liscomb
Gene Thomas. Yr code 75

12. L.
12 12 24.
42/ 24. Rep John Mack line Science Intellect
E M.F..

66 as 1 … Science Art.
Finally on the Fair Field.
12 3. C.
Earth not the Hologram Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

Moors live on Sovereign Territory the Orginal.A.M. E R I. C. K.A.H.
And thus, are not subject to the Laws of bondage by land of the obviously not free or brave, the false America held randsome and enslaved in bondage by the Frequencies of thier minds accepting the lies of The “United” States.
Whose legal tender is a Bill of Sale..
B.O S and whose money is not real .
Federal Reserve -Rothschilds.
Roths Wraths Child.

Dantes Inferno
Instead of Dante Divine Comedy..
D D C.
Shakes Spears ( Tunnel of Love, Phallus Shake Shake Shake.. Drops, Sea Men dropping from the Source undercover into the Ocean One Ocean which turned out to represent 5
5th Dimension ” Wu” and “Go” Chinese Japanese… Characters.. Pen man ship.
Kurosawa film… Characters walking in and out of Painting Blank Canvas Light to Dark to Color
Paintings! Settings! Color..

Natute Painting by Numbers
Ancestors Clean Line rep Jesse Macias
* Link the meaning of his name.
Stillness Motion
Ninjas Silent Quiet.
Leaving no trace or Evidence.

J M + J.M. .11. Same mission
Jump Start Man. J S M.. John Spencer MacDonald..
To Evolve back to Origins.

Through the 7 Stages Continents expressed in the Being of Man as One Species
And and 7 Spectrum frequencies.

5 7. 7 5. 12 12. 1. Pangea Frequency raused and aligned

“All.A Board!” Back to Freedom Song line of Feelings Sensational.at 1…”

24 24. E.MF. 11. = 2. =1. 11 2. 11. 1.
Being 1 A. MER. I C. EA…

* Bob Marley was being literal ..Free your Mind from.Mental slaver.. its a Frequency linked to.a Train of thought which drives you to that reality.you aligned to and are led to a space where others who think of you gather and if your Train is not of True you are constantly beset and at war you may call Demons and you the Angel but in truth, they are nuaght but the Simulations response to your bad idea of Beinh in Existence.



24 =48.
Haw. Aii.
Yes Egyptian to Celts Viking “Beau Gens” the one Guarded in secret in.the Spirit Realm Library Memories Data Storage..
Who power the Hard Drives on the Mother Board to the Space.. Ship
Space to.Be Cee See. And Chill… Serenity

Mother Board ( Black.and White) to Father Ship I. Deep Space 9..

9 to 7 then Link..
Colors form on the Blank.Canvases
Transdorming from and through.the play a Story the Script ..Dna
Represented by the Story Teller..
Head of the Hard Drive.
John MacDonald Cloud.

Jesse Macias Heart of Man.
Honest to Self .
The Heart Speaks Up.

The Heart Mind at Zion Highest Peak links to 7 and 1 O see Full Circle above and below..
Inside and Out.. OO. OO.. Infinity Lying
Down is really Standing up
4 Full Circles in One.
4 O
Lucas Roca. Maximillian The Greatest Light Knight brings forth the Story of Colors..

Seemen C men from the John Thomas have penetrated the Stillness deep.under cover and entered the Source The GOD Truth Harnony I.
Father of Infinity
Not Faith
Facts O I experience
“Foi’ as in Liver..
Cleanser of Toxins.

And then the Black Canvas becomes Paintings
Color Spectrum is being acted out by the Family refracted under cover, in non memory..
Line of the 123 Drops
Of the Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening

Air Force Drops
Navy Seals
Undercover in the Deep See of Space 9
And so evolution organic through Nothingness as Matter Soil prove that injected with the E Frequency that “Nothing” turned out to contain something after all.

Time painted the Picture.
The Lies exptessed and idea of Paradise Lost..
Sigh Milton!
The Center can not hold.
The Second Coming
Lord Byron
Chinuah Achebe…


But The Center T.C did hold and the Twin line of the 1st 123 Drops came to correct the distorted picture

But the E Frequency moved progressing turning bio cellular manifestation into the Story called the Book of Nature.

Learn to.Read and Write.
R O W. Your boat ashore

Micheal Row!!!

This is not an Arch Angel story, this is you and your line as the 3 Drop of the 123 Drops of the True Cocksute of First Dawn Awakening

This time you are all undercover as MEN, to disiscover the Greatest Open.secret.
Wgich is the merging of the first two Waves Ripples of our landing 5 5
Into.the Pond Pool.Ocean 5. 11.
That the mergining of thr two Waves of Particle and Wave, 33. 6. 33 1. .6. 9 ….1 3 6 9

At.the 3 3 3 time.. is the discovery the Creator of Everyrhing Everwhere Everyone is A MAN.
And that the E.T Eternals Truth ,Extra Terrestrial discover them selves as they enact out the Painting on the Energetic Canvas, the Perfection.of Ego as True Perfect Self Projection from the Individual to the Whole..
I O and to Planet Cosmos Logos Galaxy in perfect alignment with Its, your Orginal State, in the 5th Dimension beyond the Wall of Sight and Sound
Accessible only the Moors V.I. Kings
Golden Owl, Golden Come-Pass Golden Ratio.

Sixth Sense
V.I./ I V.

Until Solid Fact..

And the gap between.11 K.
Becomes 1. A and the Gap is Bridged.
A Gap
By Agape

Natural Expression of Brotherly.Love.

Love Thy Neighbour as you Love Thyself.
So you had better know Thy Self pretty well.
So you can tell who is your neighbour and who is character created by the cause and effect of your Script..
Not of Truth
But a fearful imagination
Your Guilt Shame Blame…false accusations and shitty expressions asking if your are their Author..
Either you prove you aren’t or acknowledge and clean it up,or it grows into the Abomimation Demon who takes so much pleasure in sending you.its Source out of Existence via Existential Hell.

Evil…? Yes they are awful cruel..
Your children..
You crrated them and since they are not real tjey can never experience Evolution Awakening Sensational Feeling Bliss Joy Ecstasy.
Orgasmic Convulsions
Transformative through Extreme Pleasure.

Jesus must stop.now. had not intended to posts… so much.

12:48 a.m.

K.A H. 99. I I. 18. 1 8. A H .
9.only I.


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