
8/23/2018 20:38 – Facebook Post

From Dawn Piercy.. D P…

Always in Harmony.. even in this insane script…

This is what I found myself racing to link and connect as I posted… as if a wind took me over again…

The codes she has posted are all Intel…

187… A H G… R G…

127… A B G…( Ariane Grande Butera.. A G B.. is then not correct in sequence is it… A B.. Amoza Born G… Grace … Line of Isabelle Ilic and Dawn Piercy as well as Gabriel Binky Signar…)

127… in masculine.. 12 7… Message she has given me is that I am the completion of 7.. The Crown Chakra… and that 8 came first…

12 7 began with Male Form… Rep Geoff Lacour in my Template.. and Randall Michael R M… here at Delta…

60 Left.. Which is the Awakening of The Human Species 6th Sense full circle is Left….

14 is N.. Naturally.. it will happen naturally….

To get the full message of which she sent me through the play I.Q… Lady../ Q.I… to create Quantum Infinite Transformation Change of the Body…

See the sacred portal… 1.. 1A.. Joy Us… 87.. The world back to their Senses and Sensei’s…

127… “Royal Epiphany Thor David… And Earth Quake..Side A B..

14… Evolution of Consciousness… E O C… *Address of Delta M.. .1530.. Which is O.C… E O C…

And 60… Sexual Orgy of the Family at play which creates amazing sensations felt through out the Word…
SEX.. DESIRE… S D/ D S… 23… 23 23.. 46….

See S P. 46…/ 64… 8 8… 16 64… 80…

See the play of 60.. With Vaïhéré Cardonnet… Sex generates 6th Sense
Oh.. Kundalini – to Crown to the Magician “Tarot” Infinity… I…

8:38 p.m…

“My Dearest Dawn Piercy- everything about you- everything you have been through has been aligned to the great battle to manifest the play and script you have been proven an integral part of- “Elu” Elected amongst the Natural Humans Beings left to represent pieces of a puzzle which form a sort of rubic cube, or jig saw puzzle to put the picture back together of The Human Origins story and the evolution of not only human consciousness but the physical nature of everything, including the Human Body and the completion of the evolution of the Feminine Principle. You might notice that I have been “hollering” at the top of my voice “And Howling… It aches.. Eros Allen Ginsberg”about my body and what it is going through. This was never to flout my own condition as being more important that the legions of people going through physical challenges and fighting off so much of the cause and effect of human stupidity and refusal to see perhaps a different way reality. I have been calling attention to it, as prove of not only evolution ( the awareness and consciousness of Flesh which played Death- Dead- Awakening) Did you notice that the code of y script aligns to the Beautiful Past rising spinal chord of the Universal Sensei?.. Sacred Portal 55.. Code E E.. Elemental Ethereal’s=Embodied.. in Fact.. E F… And how I have moved through all the diseases in my script and it has boiled down to structure rep by the Skeletal… And the number of people who are affected by the Multiple Sclerosis… Now, I wish to point out your codes and how they are linked to the script I am in… 7:29 p.m… Wait, let me continue this on my page because its relevance is so important for so many people who are Naturals who have been each unknowingly been carrying a play… Link Ma at… Egyptian Pound with the Boy King Tutankhamen on it given to me and the play of Pounds as Weight… Lb.. the phonetic pronunciation is LAB… See sacred portal 12… “A Female Simulation of a MAID .. pulling the Strings of the bodies representing Man and Woman…. Puppets… And her hand the serpent… ” Please recall the play of Amoza Born.. Isabelle Ilic and yourself Dawn Piercy which creates the code A I D…. Add Manifestation M… M A I D… The Queens lines we call the reps of the play were made to be treated as Maids but the Hologram Simulation Controllers as Humanity Unnatural which was given the illusion of controlling the Matrix Simulation… But really it is a play .. a GAME of Awareness of Words Letters W .L. ( not the story handed to me of Witches Landing… which became acted out… Witches as Ancient Goddess Cult not re-emerging as the #Meetoo movement… ) Yes link Lorenzo Widget whom I had to oust from the Room 4B.. 42.. D B… “Deaths Being” L W/ W L…) the play is a computer simulation which reconfigures words into various meanings operating on the vert similar principles as a Rubic Cube…* Ref New York Time August 19… ;”Children of the Cube”- The Letters form Words- like a generator.. but the words formed linked to Numbers which the Matrix represents and the game… to link and align Numbers to letters .. Meaning to Manifest alignment.. The words formed by the letters are based on the Cause and Effect and the Energy or consciousness C… With the C words form such M A I D without the correct meaning it turns those carrying that play ( unknowingly because they are in a play of Naturalness which forfeits Memory and gains it only in being victorious in aligning the Rubic Cube as the Body… Sigh.. ( so much words explaining.. so tired of it this silly play)… A I D… is the code played out by three of you ladies who each sent aid to me which was meant to be since the numbers on the money the codes were all prove that I got the answer correct as to who was designated to send a monetary code. I had to move you naturally by which each by your own free will gave from the heart understanding this being a play… Woman was thus representing a play in which she was Death… But that was not correct.. She was representing the Feminine Principle in both man and woman evolving to completition of the two Principles of Existence Masculine and then Feminine evolving back to one… A I D… add M… A I D..M… And the play of S= 19.. S.. Supremacy of the Simulation of Dead Death as the Body was to wake up the Body as Dead by solving the Riddles of Death which was playing the role of a Simulation a Body as the Matrix… Universal Body… Look at my recent post D E C… In 2004 I was living with Michelle Lobsibger on 57th street ( yes coffee 57.. E G.. Enders Game… E G…5 Oceans 7 Continents.. “World” 5 as Expression Do to Sol.. D S… DeLores Spratley… Dina Singh.. David Supreme… Delta bed 4-019/18…Moi… 2004.. 24.. X… I wrote the Origin Story of the Family of Ten… and then moved to 33rd street to enter the illusion to prove it fact… 33 6..9… 15..O… 1 5.. A E.. 6..F… 7:57 p.m… There.. that is the play stating that I am in Harmony at 15 O… so I will require a bit more expression to move it to 5+7=12.. Sacred Portal 12.. DEC 12 Month … 2004.. 24.. Letter X..Family of T EN.. The Elegant Nomads… Spinal Chord 31.. R E.. Robert Emeka.. Reflection of Expression is Matter Energy.. R E M E…Manifest Being Expansiate Reasonably..”R E M E M B E R…I N.G-Harmony Infinity.. HOME……” Though 1-5.. 1-7/8… 5 8… 13M… Manifest Fact fir all to see touch and know this IS Real… DEC 26th… 26… Z Kyle… bed 26.. 13 13= 26.. 26..S P.. Perfume “Ghandi Joshua… ” Benjamin Joshua Melendez Oluku Joshua.. B J M…/ M J B… ( Asia Argente and 17 year old Jimmy B. Correct code J B..”BEN/BEW From James…Ten USD from Isabelle Ilic- .James Bond.. Bed 007… 187 Pounds.. 18 7… R G… “I was used as the RAG… American Rag .. Correct code… Robert.. “Moon Light”… Grace,,, “Amazing Grace “Aretha Franklins last top single was 1972.. 7 2.. G B… Green Blue..”Amazing Grace” which is the corner stone “Plaque” I found in E street .. “Amazing Grace how sweet the song.. He next top of the Chart single was 2018.. It was at number 7.. G.. R G… / G R… Golden Ratio ..R G… Robert is Grace… Amazing Grace.. R A G…. E… 187… A H.G… A=1=8/7… Yes… 8:12 p.m… 14 years… N.. 127 lost.. in 14 years… 12 7… L G…LOG… The Body your line was carrying was the log of human cause and effect.. The Weight is the cause an effect of humanity through time which had to resolved – solved to create a lightening… Your battle was aligned with my battle to solve the causeand effect of Human Existence in this play – if they had literaly been on Earth and not a Holodeck..Playing in a Holographic Universe… 127… 1 – 7… 1 2 7… A B G…See my post yesterday A B G… 12 7 is the correct code.. Dec… 12… 7.. July 28.. My sister Line… Randall Michael 7-12.. Geoff Lacour… Sarah Lawrence and Hunter College.. Sarah Lagrange.. Rep… 8:17 p.m.. These are the reps of the Male you before your forms transformed into the Female Form…’

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