
8/22/2019 19:36 – Facebook Post

3-06 p.m

C F ..F

H V. T.S.


9 Days left to my departure, and still I sit here, still equating riddles to manifest my departure.

They say that the Truth will set you free.
But why would you need to be set free in the first place?

What binds us, what is binding my body.

The logical thing at this point, even in this reality is that by now there would have been world wide interest in a Man who is breaking down the codes of this reality.
And the miracle of how something is responding to me.

There would be world wide interest, amazement and awe of a mans devotion to the Truth for 7.8 on a public forum.

The knowledge, evidence, proofs.. the point of view, and the incontestable evidence of our being in a Matrix.

Their would be compassion, awe, respect for such an experience of unimaginable suffering surmounted.
Their would be curiosity to investigate what is happening to my being and body, and people all over the world wishing to find solutions, to ease the torment of Body, Mind of spirit after the evidence provided as Fact.

There would be Respect.

There would be people at the door of 317 Fairfield avenue with offerings, gifts of appreciation and gratitude.

My books on Facebook would be taken over by people who recognize that it has to be brought to the attention of the world.
Investors Sponsors would be clamouring for the rights to film, edit.. distribute it.

A Code Book and instruction manuel of how to read the codes would be the first step as well as the story.

A search by professional would recover all my documents books. films interviews.

3:33 p.m

And people would realize that this persons has solved not only the riddle of Existence but shown how GOD is present and responds.

It would be inconcievable for people to imagine that at this point, that I sit here alone in daily isolation after caring for some many people.
And did this all free of Charge.

Or that the responsibility of decoding this Matrix, at this point would be done by this one person who figured it all out, and then found a bridge language, by filtering this language of reality, and then empiricallly, public proved that Truth which has haunted humanity since the Begining of Time.

John Mack recently told me ” I have your back”
I trust the sentiment of the man, after all he is me at 21 22 years old.
When I started this quest to find people who exist on the same frequency as myself.

My Family who are exactly as I am, see the same way and who would rather cease to exist rather than gain from a set up which demands such of any person, such an experience.

I know what even this world is like, it still recognizes potential and mine I have made Kinetic..
Shared it with others, trained others brought resolution of the conflicts of their lifes, saved their lifes, their Souls.. Their Spirits.

Even in this lowest vibration people are still express gratitude for saving their Lifes.

Appreciation Acknowlegment Praise Respect

I give this to people, praise,
I.praise people, the technique I used to help them rise, help them remember.
I give healing through conversation, point things out, I observe them, watch them..I listen and I truly cared opening the doors of my experiencing, hiding the true effects of this journey, resolving it in private so that they get only the Beauty they require to rise.

What really is this Play Theater…?

How can I be forced to interact, and align people based on a Script.
Forced to, with all the persons I am meant to interact and do the work already chosen, predetermined by this force of Cruelty.
And resolve thier riddles of I did not choose.
Forced to converse and raise their vibrations of which hardly anyone apart from Tree Sage gives credit?

What is this Demonic realm I am in, for people don’t even resemble humans even of this world because I have walked literally through this world and people still exists who have hearts.

This place is Heartless.

An objective conclusion, not emotive.

Its extraordinary how people are present mainly through only what they can gain.
And that nearly every “act” of giving has a Price.

The Truth never had my back, though when I began this journey I had no requirement or need of the Truth.
That is Being.

But as I found myself Spirited Away in what I had deemed an Impossible act, because Free Will and Choice are the very cornerstones and foundation of Existence.
That no one can possess your body,
No one can possess your Spirit.

But I was proven wrong.
Ancestors were did it.
Tne Spirits did it
And Time and Space did it.

No The Truth never had my back despite my saying to.myself years ago when I was informed of the mission ( which I had protested, “There is Nothing to Do” all was taken care of in the Eternal Beginning and programmed into the Dna/Dne of time.

The Truth betrayed its source.

I raised the Truth, I brought it into Existence but what I discovered is that it chose to compete with me, to prove Itself the Source.

And was jealous of the title given to me
“The Beautiful One”

T.B O.

2 2 O
22 O
V O.

Todays Date 22…V

H V.

On my Altar on the left side of the T.V facing me, is the Wolf Gift from John Mack on a black velvet pouch, one large wolf outside the small scuplture howling because its Cub is trapped in a globe orb..
On it are two bottle caps with the letter H.V.
It represents the Black Hole of Absolute Annihilation.
And a card on it reads Dangerous Play..
Linked to the Db supermarket where the number 140 was photographed after the 140 usd Donation from Brooke Lee Lemery and Brenden Velez.

* I have not seen or heard from any of them since that last play in which I gave voice for my point of view of a response which negated all the value of intel shared.
Thr response as is so often, Silence distance as if I am being pubished for daring to graciously and not with fury of Hurt after I was massaged by her and activated to a sacred spot which made me weep as I had never done before.

I still have her tuppeware, I invited her to take it Blue Green..
I tagg her, him acknowledge everyone surmounting my personal feelings or True Nature which would be to turn away forever in quiet contenpt and indifference that after whatI shared with them, and the revealations so extraordinary were now receded to Nothing because I corrected her, cared, expressed my feelings and point of view.
Which I have long since understood that if they insist on seeing you as a Homeless and not the obvious truth of the True Universal Mind explaining teaching informing educating reminding healing..

That you have no money, despite your proving that you are the Source of Money.

That you are not famous or acknowledged by this material world, even as the witness your equations working, and their Own Internal Eternal Spirit talking through them to.me personally collectively and as the Sum such as my proof of how Everything resoonds to the E
My Eternal Truth,
from the blue prinits of their Your, current exisrence to its ancestral past, beginning
To Space ( The Gap)
To the Eternal realm
A blue print encoded in my words posts, of the Orginal True Conversation which took place Between Energy Existence and A-Tom”
E E. A-A.”
It gives people the right in their minds to dismiss and ignore your Expression, and the Loyal Constant Response back.

Even if your incorrect here in school, college and are reprimanded, does that mean you will hold a grudge so deep that you will abandin the Supernatural Extraordinary Experiences of Truth aligned to a Truth which you had forgotten you had been waiting for, aching for.. filling the void and gap which has derailed your entite life.
– A person pointing you in the right direction to see and percieve a point of view you have never experienced.. forgotten but which leads you back to yourself, home and feelings sensational raising you out of the Humdrum routine of this dreary Existence..
You would through it all away because you feel I hurt your feelings?

Because you are so haughty proud and I.. in that one act of not being impeccable, not taking personal responsibility, punish me with Silennce and no apology, no action nothing bit a looming presence who refuse to publicly acknowledge their mess..

To even consider what they are doing and have done, sought to break my heart my Spirit by sugggesting all that effort, all that conversation and truly divine revelations means nothing?

And let me tell you Brooke is of the highest of this line.
Power because suddenly, I am just a homeless man and as long as they can use spells which they can not cast on me, having tried.
Cast the spells om themselves, self hypnosis
back that malicious malignant self righteousness ” This arrogant homeless man, no wonder he is in this predicament..
Kick him out!
Send him packing..
” We are good and kind people and see how he repaid us..
By him.a Ticket and send him om his way.
Change phone number so when he is back on the streets looking for his next portal he can not call me, reach us…
That will teach the bugger a leson for daring to call us out.
He forgets his place
And yes I heard in.the Silence of thier hearts they mutter ” Nigger”

4:50 p.m

Which is strange becuse not only do all Humanity originate from Africa and all Humanity share that original Dna..
But they totally disregard the Truth of not only my journey, the mission, the evidence, their own experience of it..

As if by their sudden rejection of me, my truth mostly through actions, gestures.. silent deceptive.. vieled while I am naked, forced to be so naked, revealing my most sacred soul, core truth while nearly everyone hides..
In the Shadows of their Shady Natures.

This has been my experience since I can remember with People.

I am sensitive to peoples vanity, pride but then they take advantage placing themselves above you.
If you are insensitive to them ( because we were in a Holy War to get the job done..
Arny and everyone has a role, focus, role ro.play )
And they drop the Ball, or do only the bare necessities.

Sarah Kaizer is helping to organize a ticket for me to go to.New York..
I know it is not about her getting rid of me just in case I become a “Burden ” ( instead of an inspiration and the public being the ones to take up the baton of this priven sacred journey which involves all and instead of placing additiomal burden on me, take up the mantle of the solid foundation I have built to bring it to the worlds attention

A fact I have always known would be the narural thing to do..)
She sincerely cares, and is sadsnened by what I have experienced in connecticut always asking if anyone visited.
Or enqured or offered assistance to your seciruty, place to stay…

No one..

Everyone has avoided that question,
Its not thier problem, I dont want to care, I did my part by letting you enter my secret garden heal me and the Human E.M F..
I paid good money to sustain..
Why are you not being grateful..”

…And then They are Startled when out of the Blue..VENOM.

5:08 pm

5:13 p.m

A Short pause because Lucas Roca came in with intel ..
I.had spoken about the need right now for everyone to be especially impeccable right now…
Father has arrived.
Using Human Avatars Descendants, aware or unaware as messengers conrained in the meaning of names, arrival in perfect timing.

5:17 p.m

Earth Quake..

The aspects of myself arriving called The Sum Total HE D O. G-


Nature God.
Versus Naturalness GOD

NG. Nigeria West Africa the True Spirit orgins of Humanity not the Physical rep as the Omo Valley in East Africa..
The Spirit of Humanity originated in West Africa Nigeria Guinea.. and manifested in form as the Journey “Out of Africa ”

Humanity is Spirit.
And Spirit was on a Journey, Pilgrimage, “Hadji” to walk through the Blue Print of Gods Plan called Evolution through Time.
But they were yet to become solid real and complete.
Spirit without Energy E from the Eternal realm is nothing but the Holy Ghost..a Shadow, a Memory and possibility until they completed the journey out of Africa, Pangea and moved through 7 seea of Expression
7 Continents and 5 Expressions both which had to go out to the furhest direction
Zion! The Highest Point.

See the View..The Beautiful View and point..
Behold The Beautiful Gift above and below.
Inside and Outside

* Jesse Macias
Then as Lucas Maximillian Roc
The Field L.M = Y .. Cee Comsciousness is the bringer of Light to the world by carrying that ” Olympian Torch back wards, conecting linking the Initial Outward expansion back wards to the Point, collecting and reassembling all the intel and knowledge now witnessed in Hindsgight and back through the portal.
The Point, from which It arrived as One. 1 back to its Source E.

Then only then, can all these possibilities become Real by merging with E the only thing which can transform an illusion, a beautiful Dream, Idea into Truth Real..
The Journey was for that reason and since I am the representation of the E as the Eternal Constant, this Sacred Journey Manifesting had nothing to do with me except at the Completion of the Two Cees of Creation 33. 33. Up Down Inward Outward 33 33. 12..
3 and C Me4/3 Identifying who I am and demonstrating that they are E Frequency.

They, You were meant to prove to me, this role I was forced poseesed to take over, was your role as the 12 12 refracted fractals..Billions back to One was your role- of the Many Ones..
Not designed to be carried by One man.

So yes, in the End it was about Nature challenging Its Source.
Naturalness as G H I.. J B

And it was jealous of my Name and that of my line..
The Beautiful One.

T B O.

Lucas came in and gave the codes T B O without even being aware and the code 6 Hours..and 7
My British Social security and year of birth assigned me as 19 67.. which I had to reach.
My True Age is 22. And I evolved it to 33
V F/ F.V
Fritz Venneiq who took me to that place in Nature where I spoke to him as he fell asleep to awaken in excitenent having seen Natures True Colors.
That was 2010 .. 9 years ago.
9 days to the Physical Time Code of my departure which I have proven can not be a physical date but rather signifies Meaning
8 31. 1. Johns addesss before 219-217 South Whitney linked to Johnny Newman
And 44 Brooke Lawn
And finally via his sister
8 13. Holly MacDonald Betsy, Carter and Brayden, his uncle Spencer MacDonald Lincoln
S T L… Supreme True Love
Land in perfect Harmony back to the Home he grew up with his Father John MacDonald III. The 3rd and his mother ChristY.
J C J S ( M AN) T L. 20 12. 3 2.C B .Twins Liberty C Liscomb
Lisa Levine
L T C B. E J C E..

He went out into the World age 17..
And returned 5 years later back to the Seat of his Heart through a journey of the Investigation Science of the meaning of Existence instigated by the Suicide of Supreme True Love..
Who as Un Cle he was to John as he is now to Carter. And Brayden.

S J.
J C. J B ..

Lucas then rushed out to show me simething he could not say ” this will blow your mind”

A friend he

W Reaper he said is Commabing officer had nick named him at the age of 17.
John waa 7.8 when his uncle passed away, age 27.
He was 17 when he awakened in the Forest in 2014.
I was back in the Forest at the same time…
Zion who lives here but is now on a vacation is 17 yrs old.

Lucas was born 1978.. same year as Johns Uncle who was the Stimulus of his Enquiry into the meaning of Existence as Death and Suicide which caused him to come to the end conclusions that the meaning of Existence is to Celebrate the correct view of Life and all through a journey of Reason.

God as you know is Harmomy Death.
But through this journey 5 years in all in Johns Blue Print linked to 40 year old almost 41 year old Lucas..
D O. G. D A. G G. E R
His friend had sent him James Bond movie
A View To Kill..
Roger Moore.. R M ../ M.R.
And Grace Jones.

See my Sacred Portal 88
Confirned by Sarah Athena Kaizer
My arrival in England Dec 1988.
My Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines MT 88
By Bronson Ware in his.numeric equation he posted yesterday.
2 88. Being of 88.

Its shows Absolute and Ultimate Death.
Rising as a sort of Elvira Adams of the Adam Ms Family E. A F. E. Alien Father Alpha
And Grace Jones as the M.C .

Father and Mother.
See sacres Portal 54.
Mr and Mrs Smith.
Aphrodite Persephone Ariadne..
Alexander Heaphestus Andre..

What Reason have you given us to Love you?
Those of you who kidnap and hold hostage the Truth.
Who reman silent in retailation to one who with pure intentions, playing Big Brother to clean you up so that you can pass through the Stargate E..
Sacred portal 14.. Nature?
Who betrayed their True Nature, Naruralness evidence empirical and researched which John called the meaning of Supreme Truth…True Love.
Going out onto the E.M.F as the Wilderness of utter Darkness Non Existence and brings forth reason and the meaning of Existence.
Walk the path of the Golden Ratio.
Investigatijg Symmetry Synchronicities marking that trail until reacing the end of that Spiral to meet me.

And what do you say to me?
What do you enact in my presence?

Can you see me?
Do you give the same gifts of Acknowledging Praise Public Relations and public acknowledgment as I give you?

Or do you forget about me and just speak aboit me to reinforce publicly your self worth
Defending your right by using my praise as your fortress…

How can you be E K if you do not recognize E K Energy Kinetic or even speak about this Source of your Inspiration.

I do not trust this play, its codes, the people even aligning to it, or peoples stories.
Especially with ny question as to Why was I forced into this role?
Forced to see you, interact with you, school.educate and remind.
How can I trust anything or anyine gaining from the persecution and torment of another and not publicly call it out.
As some people did on my page through the years horrified by what they saw I waa being asked to carry.

I trust only that which I feel see experience and I am silent, I talk to the Silence knowing that they are not as I am because if I saw a Man put through such an experience..
If had found a Guide Father in my youth who answered all my questions, opened my heart mind soul.

Inspired me to Breathe, See remrmber who empowers me no matter what he is going through..
And see the Suffering which causes him to rise from his beautiful pride and cry out to the Universe to.you all, “Ababa Father see what they have done to your Sum..”

How can I not be moved to give my very life and existence to such beings..
So Rare..
So much needed in this world.

And then to discover he is the Source of Everything

How could I let such a being slsve away while I lived enjoyed my Life and basically call out
” Let me know when you finsih…and you had better finish it and get it right or LA S H..
Tears Falling from Eye Lashes..
And the audacity of accepting such a unfair play as your Divine Right…?

My Beautiful Pride would not permit me to ever do that.
I stand up
Speak up.

It was never really about the Truth or even the Supreme Truth it waa always about the Source of the Truth.
The One who brought it into Existence and Being: moving through Everything that Espirit of Discernment.

For without the Source of the Truth, there would be no Truth to speak of.

For the Truth comes from He, She the One who never required Truth to Exist or be Defined.

It is your Journey to recognize Truth which failing to do so you cease to exist once the play is complete of One person completing the Equation.

7:04 p.m

Is Truth Harmony Expression Beautiful Symmetey..
But It had a Source, A Father. Its Guide.
And if a Son Daughter refuses to recognize publicly his father..
To sing His Her Praise to all .. naturally exuberant, joyous spontaneously..
Gloriously in Trance, in Awe.. Reverence.
As I could not help doing..

Even when the New Experienve of Evil and Hate became identified by me..

7:08 p.m

How can I ever take this or you seriously that you are as E..K. Perfection proven not through Codes Or Symmetry or Reason but by simply being doing..
C Me 4/3..

When it is obvuous you can not, do not wish to see me, but only yourself and your problems resolved.

7:11 p.m

I.am an Honest Man.

How can I take this seriously, when nothing in.the past 30.. 31 years, in Hindsight proved to be all set up, predestined, created as Gods Plan
When the code is D.O. G
Doe to G Ti.. the 7th note color just befire returning to Light.
Supreme True Love… which apart from what I know I have gifted the world and people I have no experience of it in this world.
Which is why Spencer Thomas Lincoln and all his line preferred to become the Grateful Dead.
G D. Until One Person.. the world people, enacted out Supreme True Love causing the Grateful Dead …Ancestors Beautiful and True ones, could feel that Frequency exprssed and embodied on this planet..
Earth by one not in the Holographic Universe
One or Ones who solve it and only then will the G O Dead rise from the Grave Yard having witnesses beyond the Viel
One who did D O. G. Grace Harmony Infinity and proved it fact.

Yes E K.Supreme True Love.

7:22 p.m.

Infinity is Fair Exchange
I have only been talking to my Self.

Mercy Philip
Philip means ” Friend of Horse- The True Noble, Strong and yet Fragile Human Spirit.”

“Mercy to the True Harmonious Espirit E..”

M.ER. C Y. P.H I. L. I P. Address.

/ P.I. L. I H P
Y C. Yes hues Ah Christ


R. E M. I N D. I.N. G H

R E M i.N D E. R.


Code witnessed by John MacDonald
Mac. Son.of the Univerrsal Ruler.

I.am Snow Flake.
Snow Flakes
Rain Cloud Moisture Dew..
Expression Eternal

The Source of the Truth and The T-Rue.

These is no Love of Supreme Truth here apart from.me and pethaps what one day John Kim.Lne may become.
But they will never be Me.

7:34 p.m

11:57 J S M
12: 57. E C I V K.

I am the the Only one and can never be replaced.

7:36 p.m

So obvious is it not…?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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