
8/21/2017 21:19 – Facebook Post

Oregon.e…South Carolina O.S.C….


E.R.O.S… C.E. Cosmic Egg.

First Contact has been made official.
Within me and outside of me…

I do not wish to tell what what just happened in me, or what took place and moved me…
Let that Truth Manifest Individually for each of you for yourselves.
I am tired of Speaking to the Past…
Especially the Non Existent Past.

I will say that I have to complete Three Posts today,
and annoyed as I am by these “Instructions”
Let me assure People, that those aligned- those people who have sustained their True Nature- will discover soon enough just how literally the Hu man Body aligned with E the Frequency and Waves of Existence.. True Existence, are literally Radio, Receiver, Transformers, Televisions.

Oregon-e 33rd State… South Carolina.. 8th…
33+8…41.. D.A…
See sacred Portal 41.

4 is 1…
1 is 4…

3 Posts…of Expression…

C.E….P.T….So let me just complete the Intel…

7:50 p.m.


G.E.O…G.R.A.P.H. Y E E…

The Moon Ate the Sun…


Oregon 1:15 p.m…. A.O…. Alpha Omega.

The Moon Cast a Long Shadow on across the Earth.

The Total Eclipse concluded its path just before 3 p.m. in South Carolina….8th State with Clouds obscured the moment of Totality.

Depoe Bay ( D.B….4 2), Oregon the 33rd State.
“A chorus of gasps rang out amongst the crowd the scattered crowd of about a hundred at Government Point ( G.P.. 7 16)
as the Sun disappeared. Then a Cheer went up as all dropped into darkness”
New York Times.

In Charleston S.C…

“Then the Moons shadow headed out past Forte Sumter in Charleston Harbor, across the coastal wetlands and into the Atlantic.- “John Eligon-e…Henry Fountain and Mitch Smith.
New York Times

Codes Deboe Bay… Government (is the) Point.

Forte Sumter…F.S… South Carolina… 8th State…
F.S…..S.C….O.R.E….( Musical Score… Wave)

Delta Manor Mental Health Mens Homeless Shelter….

DE B.O.E…B.O.A….B.AY…B.E.Y….
Of Being O.E…Body Alpha Omega… Bay “Mouth of the River” Delta…BEY..Name of the Director of the Shelter…

Delta Room 4B Bed 4-16….2016….4 16…=20…16…7….
Deaths Body- Desires Being… 4 16..Dawn Piercy Sent the Image of Desire Sacred Portal 8, she promised it while I was in that Room Sleeping besides David Dawn, it only arrived when I was in Room 5..Bed 5-006…( 56…See sacred Portal 56..Arrival)
20 16…7… G.P…T….Harmony E ( Emeka Eternal ) is the New Government of the World Existence Universal, not only in this World but has (Finally) proven it is the Unifier ( 5-20-73/37-02-5) of All Levels of Universal Existence Unseen-Seen ( U.S/ S.U… E.U.S/ U.S.A)…

*That is and was the True Play I spoke about for years and the Project I wrote about in Detail in my Book and for the first years on Face Book until I stopped explaining and simply quietly encoded and wove it into Being when I realized that I was wasting my Time seeking to Explain it to this “consciousness” of 0.

Forte Sum-T.E.R… Truth E.Robert… F.S… Feelings Sensational…
South ( I am wearing the South Pole Jeans Given to me by Eric Eposito… “Eternal Ruler ..E.R” is the Outside of ..” after returning from Erik Ebrights hoome “Casa De Bodhi- Bodi Buddha” C..D.B…C..Deboe Bay… in Miami 2 months..
2 usd the last money gift given to me by Lisa Natalie Johnson)

Erik Ebright. E E,,
Eric Eposito…E E…
E E E E… T… 5555..=20…T… 2 O…B…
Bonnie Tyler…. Tyler Room 5A..Bed 5-10… Area 51…
My Chill Spot Taylor…
Sacred Portal 51…
Sex God of Creation..

8;51 p.m right now.

Code Charles Taylor… C.T….E…/ E T C… E.C.T….

Carolina is the Name of my Aunt who was possessed her immediate elder brother Lord Charles…
Carolina and Charles mean the…
It means “Man.. Free Man… Strong…not peasant”

C.C… 3 3.. Oregone.. 33rd State…. CC is a Full Circle..
It forms an 8..when the two three;s are joined…
And an O when the two C are unified.
And Mathematically it form 33…6…F…9..I…
C.F.I… Circle Filled Infinity/ I.F.C… 96..96% Dark Matter…
15..Letter O.. Fills all Space… 69.. 15..letter O…
With 6th Sense… Of Expression… Thus absorbing Expression Silent Sound or Language… Something in the Air or Space not Empty but filled with Something ness
Expression Energy Waves Words, Particle Points… Is a complete Understanding….

See how the Animal World and Birds Responded to the Total Eclipse…
Birds went Quiet it was reported…
Respect… Awe…
8:46 p.m.

Caroline Freedom…Song… Forte C.I S.U.M.T…E.R..I.C. E..

Charles… Man… Charles Caroline… Charles rep by two people
Charles Taylor, Buchi Okeke, C.T…B.O…
Two Carol Downey..C.D… Carol Kubai C.K..

Woman is Man… Caroline means Man…. And a Carol is a Song of Praise…
Emeka literally means the Expression of Praise…
Well Done.. Doer of Great Deeds… Etc…

C C.. O… E… .. 33 6… F… E F… 11…K.. 2 B…Breath 1..Air…

They were selling perfume and some electric gear on the Metropolitan side of the of the Ave,
The Eclipse was seen from across at Macy the Junction intersection of Woods and Metroplitain…
But I am and most people were viewing it from Woods which is where the Total Eclipse took place…

O.K… I am getting annoyed so I had better stop…

But yes, it is First Contact…

96 is Dark Matter and it is Music of the Spheres Expression Music… E HARMONY….

9:06 pm.

..But then I know all this already..
And have been repeating myself since I first wrote the Story in 105 Wiltshire Bay, Windsor Park… W B… W.P… Winnipeg Canada.. W.C…
1005 Face Book Friends….

9:08 p.m.


Sacred Portal 98…

Diamond Hearing
and Have been in contact with them since…
And so yes I hear voices…
But like a Radio…

9:09 P.M.

18… R… Robert 22…
Peter is here….21…

R.P…. V.U..
And yesterday Raven…and Indian boy who is 17…Whom I see all the time…
They mentioned him… he is 17 18 Years old…

R.P.T.S. ( T.S…Myself… Truth S is Both myself and Lisa Natalie Johnson)…


Now, I am getting really annoyed…
Enough messages…
Manifest or leave me in peace…
I have had a life tie of this…. doing this undercover in THIS world of Lie…

9:17 p.m.

O R.I EN.S… L.A….P.L.A.N. E.T…
C’est Moi!

9:18 p.m.

Infinite Reflection…

There is No RESPECT…


9:19 P.M.

I.S… I.S

This is Evil Beyond.. not Beautiful Truth…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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