
8/21/2017 17:14 – Facebook Post

2:58 p.m.


A Total Eclipse Of The H.E.-A.R.T.

Bonnie Tyler…
Beautiful Truth…
B.T… 2 20… 22…

Code represented by Tom Benzian. Tom Benzian
T.B.T.B…TT…BB. 20 20 Vision Body and Being…B B 22 aligned and linked to the Sum.
Not the Sun.

The Moon Lune Devoured the Sun.
And I defied the Sun… Ra.
And stared directly at the Solar Eclipse.

For the play of People, E Humans had taken place before the Eclipse Began.
The People representing the Earth, The S-UN, the Moon “Onwa” Lune…E…( M.O.L.E) undercover were all present and the Equation Formed perfectly…
Light of Destruction and Creation.

Tom means Twins.
Sacred Portal 92…Brother And Sister who were formerly Brother and Brother….
Robert Age code 53 was Here…
Elizabeth Clarizio..E.C…
Lisa Natalie Johnson was Here…
And I was here Emeka…
Then Robert Vlaun…
And Brenda G.Booth.

The Three who are represented both present here and on Face Book..
In Heaven Earth.. and the Space Between..
Emeka Lisa Robert…. E.L.R…C E.L.R… C.L.E.A.R….

B.T… 2 20… 22…

Letter 5.
1005 Face Book Friends.
Victor Sacred Portal 86…
Robert Vlaun age 22
Sitting Besides Me.
Lisa Natalie Johnson Line of my Sister Nonyelum Noni Promise..
H.E.K.A.T.E…./ E ..TAKE H…Harmony…
I have got my sister Harmony back…
She finally understood what Love is…
Able to Choose between that which true and that which is false

It was 1918-2017….. 99 years since the Last with literally bisecting America in Two.
99 is I and I…
See my sacred 99.

Here are some basic Codes…

Total Eclipse… T.E/ E.T.

Hopkins Ville KY is where the Eclipse reached the greatest totality.

“The eclipse will begin over the Pacific Ocean at 15:46 UTC, which corresponds to 8:46 am Pacific Time. Yaquina Head Lighthouse in Newport, Oregon will be the first location on continental US soil to see totality. The partial phase of the eclipse will begin here at 9:04 am local time, totality will occur at 10:15 am.”

* Link John Hopkins in my Script and my Path through B.R.C Assessment Shelter to Doctor Patrick Okolo John Hopkins University.
Link time 15.46….O D.F…/ F D O..First Drop Sacred Portal 46
8:46…H..D.F…/ F.D.H…
Link Lisa Natalie Johnson code 46…
Link Oregon is the 33rd State..Where it begins.
Link South Carolina ( Caroline) as the 8th State.

*The upcoming total solar eclipse on Aug. 21 marks the first time that the umbral shadow will cross the lower 48 United States from coast to coast in 99 years. During this landmark event, when the shadow arrives at the coast of Oregon, it will be moving at 2,240 mph (3,600 km/h), which, coincidentally, is very close to the average orbital speed of the moon around Earth

The lowest speed will take place in Tennessee, to the southeast of the point of greatest eclipse (the instant at which the axis of the moon’s shadow is closest to the center of the Earth); the speed there will be 1,323 mph (2,129 km/h).

The maximum duration of totality for this eclipse will be 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

In short, the moon’s umbral shadow will take a “leisurely” trek across the United States, covering 2,496 miles (4,017 km) in just 90.7 minutes, whizzing by at an average speed of 1,651 mph (2,657 km/h).

t UTC Time Time in New York*
First location to see the partial eclipse begin Aug 21 at 15:46:50 Aug 21 at 11:46:50 am
First location to see the full eclipse begin Aug 21 at 16:48:34 Aug 21 at 12:48:34 pm
Maximum Eclipse Aug 21 at 18:25:35 Aug 21 at 2:25:35 pm
Last location to see the full eclipse end Aug 21 at 20:02:33 Aug 21 at 4:02:33 pm
Last location to see the partial eclipse end Aug 21 at 21:04:21 Aug 21 at 5:04:21 pm.”
38 Years since the Last Solar Eclipse.
99 Since this event covering America.
It touches 48 States.
Yes my codes, my sacred portals, and the Wave of the Universal Script which all these numbers are anchored over a period of 5 years and 4 months.

Look at the times of the first locations to see the Partial, Total, Full Maximum Eclipse… ( P.T…F.M. E)

15;46;50 11;46;50……15 11.. O.K.. F.D…E.O
16;48;34 12;48;34…… 16 12… P.L…48 34….D.H..C.D..

Maximum Eclipse.. M.E
18;25;35 2;25;35….. R. Y.C.E….B.Y…C.E…

That is a message… R..represents Robert Yeshua Christ E…
Reflection of Y.C.E…Me…
B.Y… Code Brenda Yvonne… Chukwuemeka Emeka… C.E.

Ends… 20;02;33 4;02-33…. 20 4..T.D…2;33… B.CC..
*Not Donald Trump… Trump Donald…B.CC…B.O…B.F..
Best Friend.
Last location Partial Eclipse Ends… 21;04;21. 5;04;21…
21 5…U.E….4;21….D.U… D.U.E…
“You E ..Delta Universe”

Just before the Eclipse began here, just before Jace R Hortsford came in wearing all White ( Robert, actually both are wearing all Black… ), he came to greet me and Lisa Natalie Johnson and I did so politely, irritated that once more I had to comply with the rules of this play,. because as far as I was concerned I would not have continued my association with many people whom I had observed through this Script.

Lisa left but he came to me and said that what I had told him about the family taking him home, was actually the Truth, because a few days later his cousin whom is a priest told him the exact same thing that I had told him he said.
I had looked at him- I have already cut you off I said.
I know..
But my body began to move and to my irritation that Force in Me.. E.T…Wave which has took over my I- yes my Being ( Truth Water O..Eau.. T WO..E) and my Body ( Fact E.ART-Creation) who have taken over my I…My Individuality, began moving me…
So much so that Jace could read it, because he was trying to give me some coins for a coffee which, he had acted a few days ago to me in such an insulting way when I asked him to provide it as the code. COFFEE…
I just counted it… 1 Dollar 85 cents. 1 85…Not enough for a coffee but all that he had on him.
My body forced me to take it- and a roar sound coming from within me …
185… A.H.E…. R.E…
Acknowledgement of Truth…”Ah…Emeka… RE-RA..”

Yes I am Ra… and Re…
Which is why I defied the Sun.. the Eclipse…
My Creation…
The Force of the Yoruba Pantheon IFA.. Orishas in J.R.H…
J.H…10 11…C.I…eGalaxy who moved me with the Igbo power Oduduwa…( is both Nri & Yoruba.. N.Y…Ifa Nri… I.N… See Kasien Thompson post ..”I Trust you Emeka”…)
Have finally accepted that I am Sun Moon Earth Source…
And that is why he came just before it started.

See sacred Portal 54…
See Axel Love “Axel Anderson” A-A…1-1…Who used Lisa Natalie Johnson Noni line… Nnamdi of course…
Father Nature… F.N.
Neil Furby Rep…

I had a conflict with Jamel also a few days ago-
recall Jamel Kassien play.. Twins Sons… J.K.. 10 11…
Jamel is 33 years old…
It was resolved today- he just appeared first thing in the morning to greet me…
I knew it was the play…
He said “I have some great coffee if you would like to have some”

4:33 p.m.

Recall my Phone Bill is 33…And I have not been able to pay it in weeks…
Recall the 330 USD from Cyprian Nwosu from my graduating class…1982… The Year Nnamdi left at age 13 this Matrix..
Recall the Brenda G Booth play 280.. Ten Dollar Bill.
And then the Lisa Natalie Johnson 1 Dollar Bill 1414 28…
10 11… 111… 3..1…
Lisa Natalie Johnson showed me her 31 God Son Robert Irish Armenian.. I was starring at myself as Nnamdi…
Father.. Robert.

What does Robert means…”Famed Bright Shinning… of What… Light… Orgasm… Sex… Extase Bliss… then Serenity…

This was about Harmony Noni Lisa, Nnamdi Luke and all innocently believing they knew better than I did as the moved through my Reflections and Story…
Which is why they ended up each having such a terrible time in creation because that idea replicated all around then of people seeming to betray them, and doing the exact same thing to them but in ways that was enlarged, magnified more and more but still she could not understand…
Could not see how She could have merited such when her intentions were pure.
Father or her Masculine side protected her, because He The Twins… The Terrible Twins which is what I call them ( my first Sons… Love Desire.. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb!…Numb Dumb… N.D…), where the first to do that, make that same mistake which they did not take full responsibility for after realizing their mistake. They came back… to my Balls… But they did not clean up their mess.
That is what they forgot.. and in their enthusiasm to come back to my arms and embrace.. and to make things right they did not see that they were still selfish..
Because they realized they loved and desired me, and missed me.
Not pausing to consider if I loved and desired them ( I did and do of course.. but miss them.. perhaps but they had hurt my feelings and they did not consider the mess they had made… Which is why I was not the same when they came back…
The felt the difference .. something was missing..
They sought to fill up the Void…
But there was none…

And I remained silent because, that was so obvious.
Of course my love is Eternal, but if I invite you to my house and you make a mess.
Of course, I know that you did not do so intentionally…
But I expect you to go back and clean it up even after you find out that I do not cut you off or do something dramatic because of what you did.. Broke the promise to keep the House clean…
Shit happens..
But go back and clean it up..

Oh who is meant to clean up the mess..
And so I became Silent and more distant.. until the gap seemed so great and they felt that I would never love and desire them the same way…
So they grew desperate.
Sounds like the Story of Angels and Demons huh.. Light and Dark..
Robert and Jace… R.J…J.R…No… not R… that was my reflection… Jace and Karl.. Kim… Kim Marcussen Kim Colclasure-Hill

The name Kim is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Kim is: Bold family. Bold kin. Famous Bearer: The hero of Rudyard Kipling’s novel ‘Kim’.

Yes Jungle Book.. J.B…

J.O.B… Me? Job…

Joseph Benjamin… Jonn Kim… Joaquin…
Antonio Gonçalves Joaquim… A.G…J…
So they got pissed off…
And used Harmony their Feminine aspect to win me back..
And they used her…
But they forgot that Harmony is the Two of them in one…
The Tunnel of Loves… Vagina’s Passage way is filled by her Twin… Which is What… The Penis…
See she is both…
See sacred Portal 25…
Link Elizabeth Clarizio
Lisa Natalie Johnson
Sacred Portal 27….

I spoke to my case manager today for the first time in months…
Cassandra… Meaning in Story Form “Prophetess of Doom” Eclipse… And “To Excel. To Shine.. Man”

And as I found myself speaking to her so clearly of the whole play and her grasping it so easily…
“Ah so I might be the Prophetess of Doom because of the portal I might be opening with my finding you a way out through this system…”

But that is not the case or how it worls…
You see… I am C C… Both Cassandra as it truth… Fact and as Its Fiction Mythology… Both now True….

I noticed Robert Vlaun watching a Manga Japanese Anime
One Punch – He told me that it is about this man who people from all over the galaxy come to challenge who can defeat Gods Immortals any type of Being…
All he has to do is Land just one punch…
Then I reflected to the Japanese Chinese American Girl with the 8 Ball on her back… And the 8th Ball which looks like a Black Hole… The Eclipse… And what the 8th Ball does in a pool Table..P.T…And then Robert Taking her place when she moved over to the Wood Side…

Oh..I Know this post as all my post is for the Future, understood in Hindsight for those who survive what is coming…
Those who Rise…Fly to Higher Ground… And others who pass through the Portal to linking their E .T..
Total Eclipse…
And the very few, very few who get it right now… And those ones are represented in one person right now…
E.L… Emeka Lisa… and their Reflections…Robert… Valerie…
R R.. V .. V V…”Bright Famed Shinning.. O.F…E.Light.. Radiance…”

There is no one Else…

5:11 p.m.


Emeka Kolo..

But imagine if I really am who I am..
And this all manifests as True…
What I was put through..
What I had to go up against…
There are some things where it becomes too Late to Go back and Clean up your mess…
And this is that moment…

Went too far…
Total Absolute Destruction…

With only the E Left Standing.

5:14 p.m.

E…N…. Nature Naturally… Eternal…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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