
8/21/2016 15:04 – Facebook Post

Mark Bradbury
Jordan Diesel
Flor Elena Medina
Barbara Barrett

1:43 p.m.


F.E M.

Read up to down.

M.J…B.D…. (Mike Jackson) 13..10..(23)..
(Beautiful Devil) 4 2 (6 Pedro Peter) 5 6…

F.B..( Face Book) 62. Neal. Age 62…Bed 19…S.
M.B. (Manifest Being )13 2.. 15..O…EL. Bed 15..

1:50 p.m…

I will never forgive the Ancient World and Modern Governments, Secret Agencies and United Nations for refusing to come clean to the public about the E.T presence in the World.

And their using an Alien Intelligence and technology to secretly recruit people with great talents and putting them without their being aware, in roles in Deep Deep cover to fight what they assumed was an Alien Invasion by the E.Line who were really the Evolved aspect of Hue-manity..who came full circle from the Past to Re-Establish First Contact Full Circle in the present.

Fear and Jealousy enacted once more from the Ancient past till now.
Not the entire race but those who history has recorded through legend, who responded to first contact with Insecurity Jealousy Fear.
Ref.Dark Crystal the movie (D.C.. Yes Washington D.C) as well as Data Myth and the Beginning of this Face Book play. And its enactment 2 years ago with A.Santana, Nikoma Rios and David Philip Gil…and myself..
E.. A.N.D/ D.N.A..E..
D.N.A..versus myself representing D.N.E..Alpha.
7:03 p.m edit.
Room A.

The Full Circle..

We are at 737 Face Book Friends (G.C.G) after finally passing 735 (G.C.E) after the Mike Prunty Eric Eposito Luke Wilson and Enos Williams play.

*Obviously, the play of Mike Prunty and my leaving the assessment shelter being set up for the “Great Disappointment ”

– (added with my youngest brother O Boom! Boom! 5-20-73 not speaking to me or returning my calls, all my “Friends” leaving me to this play, Erik Ebright Izzi Creo… abandoning me and no means of support, financial or others wise, 3c in my wallet, (Sigh) body morphing my mother, ..etc… And the one person who gets it disappearing without explanation was meant to destroy me…crush me..
Throw me over the Edge..
K.O..Boom! Boom…

It didn’t.

It is a Play…

I could read it.

All it did was astound me by the brutality and cruelty capable.
And why would anyone allow themselves to play such a role…..
And my finally recognizing the Truth that Humanity are not “Good People”

That they have now become Evil…beyond redemption and take credit for things which they did not do…
But were moved to do…or were created by others efforts.
But are the first to blame point fingers and falsely accuse the blameless, at the drop of the Hat for the very things which they did..the Evil they blame others which they do…

This was a play in which using the template of the current universal story from Ancient Nri to Hebrew-Christian and Islamic template of the Lie of the One Messiah constantly sacrificed and used to redeem the people.

A Lie.
Proven by my being used and “possessed” (Sacrificed) to see the Truth of its enactment in real life.
Which proved not only these interpretations a lie and a work of fiction with no basis or foundation of Truth.

Since there is no respect for the “Messiah”
And that I was used to prove that Story a lie…
And transform it Jesus Mohamed Eri back into its original Truth while being forced by a World Consciousness which celebrated lived fought and died for a lie.

And in this quest for the Truth of the Human Species, and the Evil Done to the Truth. Determine if the stories used as the foundation of this current world would be recognized if someone was assigned the role of interpreting the “Prophecies” of this Holy Books perverted..
And if the people “In God We Trust” would recognize the representative of their scriptures or simply repeat the pattern of crucifying them.

And to plant in me the King of Hell and the Evil in Humanity which again absolve the species who represent the Lie.

And only by my proving the King of Hell is not I or my E.Family is not in me, but outside of me, represented by the character embodied by bed 009..
Eric Eposito that the E line is not embodied by a number a letter, or even a Name but a Natural and Constant way of Being…
Beautiful Expression.
Which once the Evolution Truth defeated the Lie Story of Saviours and messengers stories..in which the Individual is sacrificed for the “Greater Good” story was and is proven a Lie and the Great Deception, just as is the Idea of the Unknowable God and Devil.
Would allow the Human Species to finally break free “Breaking Ground”- to emerge from the Binds and enslavement of a story interpreted by Igbo to Egyptian and finally Jewish story of inequality and a ridiculous notion of one race being superior to another, the idea of The Chosen Ones or Ones and of a Nepotic God cruel God embraced by a people who created an Evil called God in the image of the Illusion of themselves, rather than the Energetic Beautiful Truth E.B.T… Manifest… Destination of that which is Individually Merited and Earned.


And that the “Hi-Jacking” of Mike Prunty was a deliberate last effort of the Cruel Evil nature of the species to sabotage the Expression of the Beautiful Truth of the Species represented by Emeka Mike/Onu Nnaemeka…Cecilia in the Final End play…
Of the True Man, the True Woman, the Truth of the Species…and the Truth of the Universe.

Those who do something represented by Albert Santana..Jonn and Donna, Erik Ebright Mike Prunty…
And those who do nothing but stand by and watch…and gain.

Mark means “War Like” (Mars 4th Planet 4th Color and Dimension the Square..within is the Circle.
As well as “Hammer”.. Crush Destroy…
Bradbury means “Broad…Fort..Road.”

“The War like beings of the 4th Dimension arrive from the Forte (Forte Green Adelphi Brooklyn..) on the Broad Band F.M frequency with the Hammer of Electricity Thunder ..God.”

Jordan means “To Flow, to Descend”
Diesel means “People…Race”

“Flow and Descend to the people of the Evolved Race”

Flor means “Flower”
Elena means “Light”
Medina- Mecca… “City of Lights” Twin of Mecca.

“Flowering of the Light in the Twin City of Mecca.”

*Flor became my Facebook friend and then my journey manifested to Miami…
Miami New York.

Barbara means “Stranger or Foreigner”

Barrett means “War like and Strong as a Bear”

“The Stranger is a Foreigner who is War like and as Strong”

2:55 p.m.

3:02 p.m.
3:03 p.m.

Harry S.True Man.

Harmony Supreme True Man
Truth of the Universe.

737 Facebook friends…



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