
8/21/2015 13:30 – Facebook Post

8/21/2015 13:30 – Facebook Post
8/21/2015 13:30 – Facebook Post

11:14 A.M.



Is the Evolution and Awakening here yet..?

Oh yes…Believe me, I would not be writing, posting and reporting after all this time if it was not.
I check and made to see everything (even when I do not wish to), no it is all set…

Which is the reason for my frustration with the hold up.
My physical body and the process Tom Benzian calls “Crystalization”- but what I call a pain in the ass, is a constant reminder of how real it is….
A 24-7, constant reminder for the last 14 yrs.

If there is one personal Dream, it is not the Evolution or the Awakening, it is to finally regain possession of my body.
To have control of it, to dance again, to move by my own free will and not by the extradinary powerful presence which is shifting me, untangling me from inside from knots…

I wake up grumpy every morning from solving riddles during the day, and at night, untangling the riddles of my body by breathing into all the places it has been perverted.

The Truth is my bodies discomfort, it fight to rise is my greatest ” Fardeau” weight and burden.
What should rise naturally, elegantly (I have experienced its rising before and it was blissful and immediate).
But this time, it is being held down, linked to the play which has been linked to Humanity rising and my using Expression, these posts to move the play forwards.
11:28 pm.

*As I was writing this Sumon Khan sent me a text
“I Kiss you”
How sweet.
But I also know it is a message a Code.
Summon the King..
That is what her code name meaning…

Sigh..Su Mon King…Knew My King..

“He Knew my King”
And I have summoned the Kings…
(Male and Female)

“Return of the Kings”
Affirmed by the Arrival of Matt Lewis…
“Return of the Kings”

What is the delay if All is ready…?

The delay is you…
The last step of the play was placed in your hands.
The Human Children about to evolve to Eternal Youth …
The Consciousness Vibration of Spring.
Eternal Renewal, ending the Species called the Human Children who were created to evolve to Eternal Youth.
Meaning that the Human Species evolved to the H U.E Man Species…(Notice the E added to the name, and the meaning of the word “Hues” – which means to Lighten Up the colors of your emotional experience in the play of your life from children to Children Man Woman, by looking back now that you have returned to the Truth of the seat of your heart…
Cleaned up your focus.
Gotten rid of your bad habits..
Refined yourself to a point that you feel Shinny bright clean and new..
And then view your past with a greater understanding which sheds light on experiences which dragged you down into a place not real because those perceptions are not real.

I am not in an enviable position despite the “secret idenitity I have”
I am Awake but forced to live in Consciousness below my natural state while living in a constant acute Awareness of linking event, every Impulse Stimuli which wracks through my body causing such discomfort that I am forced to solve the riddle.

I am being delayed by the “Selfishness and Self Centeredness of Children who place themselves as the Center of everything, some unintentionally, others intentionally and others because they have been conditioned and programed.
Spelll Bound.

Everything that is happening to me is all about you, I am being affected by all the hurts and spells and traumas of the Human Species
The Binds in my body are the Binds and Spells which have bound a species who imprisoned themselves, bound themselves by believing the expressions and actions of others which caused them to fear.

Humanities greatest enemy is not ” God” who is really called Harmony but themselves…
And thier playing God…
Their great fear of Judgment Consequences taking responsibility.

Is that not a childish fear…
But with the True innocence and purity of the magical Consciousness of a child…

Yes, the perverted Consciousness of the Child which became adults is the horror….
For an adult acting like a child, without the innocence, that purity and Wise naivite is the horror which I find which literally causes me physical pain.
That ability to wish to Judge and condemn and subjugate others to thier will.
This is what children do who have received no proper training or discipline and wisdom..
This is what children do when they are not properly seen, given the right attention..
When the foundation of what is meant to be thier experience of life is perverted..
And thus, never given a chance to step on the path of thier Natural Existence.

The Children is why, Geoff Lacour informed, me, I had to spend A Decade more, undercover when I completed my task in Hells Kitchen in 2OO5.

Who are the children?

You all are…

And without going back to clean up the unstable foundation of your childhood experiences with the Outter world…which was in such stark contrast to the Beauty and Light of a child’s inner world…An inner world so terribly represented in this accepted reality, which caused children to become so shocked, traumatized and confused that they went deep undercover.
Burying themselves deep within as the bravely and wearily so to adapt to a physical world, a society whose perversion of Truth, whose Enactment reflected on the mirror called life brings only a sense of despair and even sickness to the Truth of the Baby then the Child…

I can not begin to tell you what I have percieved and experienced after roaming, interviewing and conversing with people I met all over the world in the last 26 years when I began documenting the Adult Child..
The War going on with that Indestructible Seed, groomed before the birth of time, to reach its full potential and evolve to the Eternal Youth…
And the compromises to its integrity they had to make to exist in this world.

This is what has been done to Beauty..

For a long time as a young man, I used to weep after speaking and interacting with people.
I would go off to a private place and just weep with such a great sadness at what had been done to Beauty, the Child, that Consciousness of magic wonder adventure and Joy.

But the Baby the Child is Energy Light- made out of an Indestructible force..
Meaning it can not die.

Meaning that no matter how deeply you forget the “True You” the Seed you, no matter how much you shhh him or her, no matter how much you bury her or him alive, send It to Davy Jones Locker…
The Captain of the Black Pearl, will go down and reacue it…
And it will rise..and fight back..
It will rise from the Blackwell…
Jonn Blackwell..
Because it is the meaning of John Charles E Blackwells name…
It is the Eternal Grace of the Creator, the Freeman, the Freedom Song… E Van-e…the Black Well…The Portal to the Palace…gateway to Eternity…
We can not forget that Truth…
That Eternal Truth…
That there is a place we had to get to.
An Eternal Place imbued in us before conception, known to us in childhood which we fought for in youth…then were forced to deny when “Dragged
Down” (D.D… Andrese Harris Burton sent me a link to that song at 8:28 am.. Donna O’Sullivan Birthday) Death and Destruction by D.A D?
But we saw that we never reached 3-48 Facebook Friends as Sacred Portal 48..
Thus only Destruction Sacred Portal 48…
Lewis…Meaning “Famous War…Warrior”

And who is the Warrior if not the Indestructible Truth of the Child… Who knows the inescapable Truth, that it is not finished, that the play is not finished until He or She are finally home in their Palace…But first they must rise from the Blackest Night, the Bleakest View and the Blackest Well…the Womb where they have hidden.
Having retreated so deeply into themselves they do not realize that they have re-entered the Womb of their Mothers, Mother, the Mothership with the question and the Quest Ion (Sperm)
“Why was I born?”
And what is this play called Life…the Lie.
Where everyone Lies…
“I am fine..”
“I am Good”.
Everyone complicit..
” Deny”
Plead the 5th.
But the Silence as the 5th Dimension..
Makes a sound.
-Can you not hear me Roar?”

And so, this is the Great war..
Of the Eternal Expression versus a lie..
This is the Indestructible Nature of the Child who can not be Death, can not be destroyed..
So pray tell me why this Script forced us to Sacred Portal 47..
Aligned with 347 Facebook friend..
346 was face Book Friend “Pure Harmony
But we went to Sacred portal 47/twice..
Ink Death…

Ink Heart ..Jonn .C.E B line.. I Harmony

Ink Spell …Donna O Sullivan Andrese H.B line..
I.S….((The lady affirms)

Inks Death..
Sacred Portal 48.

I am reading this Script as anyone else.
I am being used to write a script, form a picture and relate it to the world.

I remembered the play…
The Original play but this is its perversion which I am living, while literally transforming it by experiencing daily its perversion back to its Beautiful Truth by my stance and war…of refuse.

Then transmitting the outcomes, the play into a script, -because obviously it is a Movie which I am making and a Book..
About Manifest Being at War with an entire lie and Illusion of yourselves not seated in your Truth..True Being..T B…Tom Benzain…
But in your lies- illusions and Projections Ego of yourself on the Movie Screen the Still called Life.
And even to Expression on Air through words, onto the Earth through Actions..
And in subspace through deepest concealed thoughts which most think no one but themselves can hear.
But I am at the Black Well..
I am O’Sullivan (8:28)
Hawk Eye..H.E.
My sister the Owl
My brother the Cool Cat..
The Heart which goes
“Boom Boom!”
Creating answering response reply to this hidden thoughts in the Black Well..
Which form ripples and then Waves, then Tidal Waves Tsunami’s in response as an Echo of these hidden thoughts, concealed actions and expressions which they thought no one heard..

But I.E..the E in you
Sees and hears all to well.

And so from the Black Well..
The Hawk Eye
The Cool Cat..
The Eagle Eye..
Boom Boom
Arch Angels of Destruction open up the Portal to non Existence
*See the Temples of Bali…
Beauty and Oblivion..

This why, I know we went up to 347 Facebook Friends twice..
C 47..
It was to end once and for all the lies.
And the Arch Angels who open this Portal..
Are the Kings
The Return of the Reyes….
Ashlea Reyes…E.
A R E..
Kings of an almost forgotten E.R.A..H
Who are Wise Children
That which was once the Heroic Best of the Human Species, the Ancestors of legend
Who demanded on last thing before evolving to Eternal Youth..
Which was to cast out their descendants whose bodies they helped form, out of Existence for betraying thier Truth and the Truth they as the Ancestors planted within them so that in this End play, of Evolution… That they could do the line (Ray):which brought them into Existence proud.

And so we moved back from 3-47 twice..
Destruction of Body with seven Chakras and Destruction of Being with 7 Charkras (Body and Spirit… Because they have no I.D.
No identity
Made no true indention
Into the play of Universal Simulation Awareness
(P.A.System Supreme)
To the Truth of your Life.
The Truth of the meaning of Life.

Matt Lewis..
“Gift of the Universal Lord is Beauty, and the Famous Warrior..
The Famous War.
The Holy War..
Is InĂªs Guerreiro
Sacred Portal 97.
Light of the World.
Is that Energy Expression Eternal Indestructible
Which sustains the Child to rise from the Womb and the Mother, and the Mothership, where it retreated in Horor and Fear..only to find a wall that blocked going any further..
Until it sees and understands, that the Portal Home to the Palace is at the other side..
In the and through the Lie..
The Matrix Illusion.
Erik Ebright..
Through finding the True Meaning.
True Nature
Of Life.

You must Fight.
Because the Child remembers the way to the Palace..
Through a Story..
Which I have been enslaved to continue weaving
Of a Live story.
Heart Beat and Loves C..
Aphrodite Heaspthtis the Black Smith
Of Greek Legend..

That they are Indestructible.
And that this lie is naught but an illusion.
For I Emeka the Slave to the Two illusions of
Have paved the way.
Given evidence proof fact that it is all an Illusion
A Story, A Script of a Love Letter from Father
A Love Story -Roman-CE…between Father and Mother
Brother and Sister
1:23 am

Turned into an illsion
And the most terrible lie.

The passage is clear.
Rise to Eternity
But you must be a Warrior
To earn the Rite of Passage to the
Eternal Domain
You must Fight
Rise through
Your body..
And let the shadows of Grey matter as Thoughts die
To reveal Quick Silver.
The messenger from the E realm
Which reveals the Light
And commands your body being and self to rise.

1:28 P.M

Fight for your life’s.

No one is going to do that part for you.
You are no longer children.
The responsibility is yours.
You must Rise.

1:3O pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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