
8/20/2018 21:37 – Facebook Post

7:41 p.m.



H-T T R…


The only response is Concrete Solid Manifestation…
All these riddles, codes – all which confirm the Truth-
Of Creation, Existence .. origins…
Should have brought manifestation by now.
My body should not be going through any longer.
The portal home should have manifested by now.
I should not be in Delta Manor- A Homeless mens Shelter

I know.
I can read.
Even this Vile Script.
I understand the play, even if I am the only one…
I know that this has gone on far to long.

Truth manifests.

And if It is not the Truth, it will not respond with constant confirmations.

I, and all the E line should be free by now.
Nor is there a force which exists which can deny the Eternal Truth-or is Power of manifestation.

I am not going to lie to you and say that all is going alright.
When I am fully aware of the plays truth…

And if such a power exists – then it means that everything I have been made to prove, document is a lie…
And if so I would not be in this state of being brought back here again and again to serve as Crossing Guard and crucified being.

Kyle told me that he just got news of housing on the 28th…

Thus, it is a response to my last post as to whether I am the crucified being or playing the Crossing Guard.

I sat at Taylor Avenue- the bile and contempt for this play making me seek any means of no longer having to deal with this script or Delta Manor or Starbucks…
I know that I have had enough on every level. and am amazed that I am still in this script.

A person came by me as I sat- he was riding a bycycle and had the word Guard” on it.

I reached Starbucks- and the people sitting to my left were speaking about Crossings..
I moved and sat near the window- again a conversation- they were speaking about crossing guards for school children..

I know what the play which took place between Lorenzo and I represented.
And what it represents for the world locked in their delusion.
I am still shaken by the set up of that play I was forced to act in..
29 years lafter…
28 Since I began writing to the Silence…

I really should not be posting any more, I am well aware of this from my state of Mind Reflections of all the evil and deception in this Script.

But every plan I make to get away from this, is thwarted.
That anything has the power to do this.. after such a battle..

In my personal experience, i can no longer find words to describe it.. “Evil.. Beyond Evil… Absolute Sadism…
There are no words.

I do not believe in it.
I despise it, and wish to simply have space to mourn and grief that which I now know is true.. real .. a solid fact…
As I have stated many times before, it would be better that there Existence ceased rather than such a script be possible.

I know you are not able to see from my point of view, and I have sought heroically. if I do say so myself to fill the gaps with the beautiful truth.
But I am also aware of what I am seeing experiencing with full knowledge awareness and clarity.. understanding and made to understand the implications of such a Script existing but which has the power to enforce such a Script and Play.

People want me to fill some sort of delusion of that which it should have been…
Or play a character who appeals to the images created by movie writers and comic characters..
I have never sought to be anything other than I am.

And I am a mann…
And I feel.. have feelings…
And despite my being demanded by this Script to subjugate my Humanity for something which was simply not necessary- such a Script of Evolution Awakening- I can not negate my logic, my intelligence and by Self and Being – which the utter selfishness of this Script has power to set up something this foul…

I know you the public do not understand just how bad this script it, what I have seen endured and fought..
I fought with all my heart soul and might.
Everything was taken from me, I stood alone and proved the Truth the facts right…
-And it made no difference… to the cruelty and evil.. it was as if I had solved nothing…

I will be honest, I do not know what this is…
I do not know how such a script could come into existence and forced upon anyone to play.
For a life time every day.. alone and still not make a dent in the cruelty, the selfish the wave and wave of set ups….

The truth that such a script exists, is personally…
It has negated everything which makes it absurd to have have participated.
But I was forced .
And the Truth… well I can no longer even call it the Truth.

8:02 p.m.

I really should not be posting or addressing you the public any more because that which I knew for sure could never be, Is.

But since, I really have no say, in this Script except to make such comments for the record, to make you understand perhaps now, or someday in the future of my state of mind and the reason I am stupefied that there could be such a force which could have the power to subvert the actual Eternal Laws of Existence to sustain such a script…. Such a script and demand for a person to pass through- know to me personally that I am completing doing this under duress and that I do not endorse this Script.
It is not Human Evil or the Cruelty of humanity and creation which gets me; i was fully aware and thus knew that..
But what as you probably realize is what I can not wrap my head around is the agreement let this be the Script of Existence and then force another in that role.
To use a power which is not even in Existence… Manifesting it in non existence which has the continued power to delay that which It demanded to be be proven.

Something is wrong…
Something is so wrong because this is too evil… too much so ..to much … it… to deny a being life death, relief.. To enslave after each code is solved and bring only evil beyond belief as reward and compensation…
Excuse, me… I am more simply shocked..
My true Being is Fine- despite what I have endured and what I have understood was set up and enforced… this far…
The ability to exert control on every level of being… body do this to mind soul…
Nah… I do not know what this is…
I represent the Beautiful Truth… Beautiful Death as Transformation.
I have worked in impossible conditions against impossible odds…
I do not know what this, I do not recognize it.

That anything has the power to do this.. and since I am experiencing it, first hand, this abuse, use.. use of my energy for others- used siphoned my own will and direction…

No, I spoke of Father Mother.. Family all the Naturals the True- the Beautiful Ones…
All those truths dissolve into Nothingness before this Script.

See.. ? I really should not be posting anymore…

But I do so because every portal, forces me back here…
And yes, I can read it, and yes it makes sense… but its is not of anything I recognize which could exist or which existed even in the realm of the most terrible nightmares….

It has proven to me personally that Creation Existence .. Everything … is essential sourced from a diabolical evil and this was enforced as True Fact and it was defended with a force which challenged Source Creator Itself.

So now that I have made my statement which perhaps means nothing to you or the force behind this, but at least it means something to me.. and I could speak up for my own personal truth and experience.
And so I will continue with the facts

28 was the number on my page…
I walked outside this morning and Kyle stood talking with Cleveland and another…
He told me that the play was unfolding because he just received the intel that he was meant to and see an apartment on the 28th..in Queens.

I looked at him, reminding him of the money play of 8 usd and 2 usd…

I had 28 usd in my wallet…

I am born 28th…
Nnamdi left in 1982… Age 13…

I have no confirmation about who won the war of the room 4B..
I of course do know, but this entire script is a subversion of the Truth and that which is..
It can not really deny it so it covers it in shitty toxic expression.
I realized that nothing matters, it did not even matter the outcome because it was all diseased…
It was all toxic the entire play and script…

Kyle said that he was aware I had fought Beautiful Death… Lorenzo Widget… “You mean terrible death?” I said…
But he said it was Beautiful Death…
I had fought that which is sought to stop the Beautiful Transformation…

The apartment which they are taking him to see is in Queens.

I am Q… Not Queens..
Queens Park is where my sister has an apartment..
Queens is the name of the High School she went to…
Queens, the borough is the portal I went down when forced to leave the apartment I was meant to be staying in when I arrived in New York.
I was quietly astounded by how blaze and seemingly unconcerned for me, and that which I was moving.. for him included, but I did not say anything about just to lightly point it out again because I could not hide my expression it was so disturbing to me..

17 was my coffee…
I bought another the number 47…

17 years in New York…
47… 11… 28…

8:47 p.m.

Kyle mentioned Vlad the Impale, his sire.. and Dracula…

Dee mentioned that her daughter has a sprain in her neck and is wearing a neck brace and can not go to school until September 5th.
Yes same code as 95%
Her daughter was born 7-28 same day as my sister and Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon…
I have been stiff in my neck, and since yesterday it has intensified.
Kimani came up to me three days ago with Ant.. He immediately began to massage the exact spot in my neck where my torso and neck are twisted.
I moved away from the intimacy of his touch but at the same wished he would continue- as if he knew where and what was happening to my body.
He is the only one who has asked amongst all these people I have playing crossing guard – where some great evil has been able to use my energy of my life here to expend on others it chooses…
The Full Circle.. ? Yes I know what is doing this, that was never the problem but rather that power to do this even now…

The truth is, I am no longer interested… and the will and desire.. the passion which fueled me has ebbed, to the point of a natural indifference which I welcome now that I have have accepted the Truth of this is at base Evil… Hatred…
Not Love… even if the Hatred is simply being done to me..

I just checked the codes of Vlad the Impaler…

*Vlad III, known as Vlad the Impaler (Romanian: Vlad ?epe?, pronunciation: [?vlad ?t?sepe?]) or Vlad Dracula (/?drækj?l?/ (Romanian: Vlad Dr?culea, pronunciation: [?dr?t??wlea]); 1428/31 – 1476/77), was voivode (or prince) of Wallachia three times between 1448 and his death. He was the second son of Vlad Dracul, who became the ruler of Wallachia in 1436. Vlad and his younger brother, Radu, were held as hostages in the Ottoman Empire in 1442 to secure their father’s loyalty. Vlad’s father and eldest brother, Mircea, were murdered after John Hunyadi, regent-governor of Hungary, invaded Wallachia in 1447. Hunyadi installed Vlad’s second cousin, Vladislav II, as the new voivode. ”

And his source is meant to be Caligula…

1428… 31…
1442… 1447…. 1436…

All these code numbers appeared today on my screen…
14 is N…
I am at E..
E 28.. E 31… E 76… 77… E 42… E-47…E-36…

9:36 pm.

I have had enough of these childish games…
A Crossing Guard .. not for School Children…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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