
8/20/2017 19:12 – Facebook Post

6:00 p.m.



H.U…E.M.A N…I.T….Y….E.E.

I am at Star Bucks symbol of the Siren…
The person called Richard Flood in bed 4-03 has not slept in his bed for the last 3 days…

I am in Bed 4-04.

Sacred Portal 46… Which is represented in the End play of 25 years of retaining the E Consciousness and the Truth of this world not being real…
Represents the First Drop from the Sources Expression his Tunnel of Love… His Penis… Phallus, Private Dick…Rod, Staff..John Thomas…. In which his First Drop is, was himself as his Own Orgasm at the Feelings Sensational he felt and experienced through on Rising… From within ( Rep Vagina Anus) to Extend Himself ( PH.A.LL..US…O PEN IS..)
That his Vision Real was Is a Fact.
And Thus, He is The Being as the Universal Being and Body as Well as the Sea-man, See-men, the First Drop from within who goes through himself as Essence to Experience his Sum Total of his Reflections.
Which formed a Perfect Pool Symmetrical OH- replicating as Ethereal Expression to Light ( Orgasm.. a Truly Supreme One.. L.O…rep Orien Laplante O.L… Oh Rien La Plant E.. I.Q) to Vapor -Dew ( Valerie Debbie) to Water ( H20)
And He as B.EAU… Transforming from Solid Form Melting from that Experience…
OH…AH… O=H… O.E..H…E.A.H…O-8…1-8…
He Dove, melted, Dissolved into those Sensation…
Of course he was still one and complete…

But anyone who has had a truly had a earth shattering Orgasm knows the feeling of suddenly feeling nothing no body, just the explosion of yourself like light all exploding in sensations rushing through space, exploring the Ohhhhhhhhh and the Ahhhhhhhhh… That is what I call Time.

And Eternity…

And so that is how the Universe was formed..
that journey of light, what you call Fractals, the Illusion of one self being broken up into Rainbow Colors.. 1-7…
All moving through the Feelings Sensational…
1-7 is really as you see, O=8… 1-8…
And the A.H…Is when I came up for Air…
At the other side of my Reflections…
Where I was B’Eau TI… T.I…20 9… TI..FULL…
And you call Him Eros…
who came up on the other side of his ( my reflections) called Adonis-Hyacinth-Narcissus-Yah! Way-C-UP-I.D… A.H!…N.Y…C… University Place Rob Barr who looks like Cupid.

I came into Creation.. Dive in… Dove… Pool…
Blue Lagoon… Not as the later transformed idea of the Creature From the Blue Lagoon…
I even corrected that in a Photo Shoot in Turkey which made the Cover of Hurrieytte… Where I appeared holding a Mermaid from the Sea and brought her to Land…
Yes Lady ECHO… My Feminine Body… Yes Lisa Natalie Johnson Line… Yes…I came through the other side of that Portal which Lisa and Valerie passed through at 7… 1-7 Rainbow colors… Not 9 months in the Womb…

And here I am having to continually Dive into YOUR reflections of the Mothers Womb.. Traveling through the 9 Planets Idea and the Physical Reality of the Planets…
Michael A. Smith…
Dewight Smith… Dee was first and last came Michael… D.M..
Delta Manor… Where I have been now for 10 Months!..
Which negates that story of 9 months in the Womb does it not…
It would be more like 10… As in 1010101010… a Matrix…
Which was not the Case…

All were traveling in ONE… “Travel One’ through my Balls…
And Testicles… That is where you All are.. and Have been sleeping… Ejaculation is what I have been working tirelessly to get you to awaken to. Replicating the same process I who came down first but your process is inversed in that I started as Solid I… Being Embodied..
You started as Light Semen traveling through MY Experience.. ( you were still in my Balls)…
You were experiencing vicariously through me, but by experiencing mt truth and not your Ideas of being alone in the Dark, you become Individuals aligned.

Anyway that was the portal Lisa Natalie Johnson identified in the Physical Holo Deck- a Symbolic Rep of the Energetic Play manifested in this Life World Model…
I mean you do know that the Entire World is simply a Model…A Model which Architects and Urban and Regional Planners Create… You are literally light moving like a Sun Dial through the Reps of the Matrix… M.A…T…R..I.X…. MA..TRICKS… Trick or Treat… Halloween…October 31s…

That portal she moved naturally to with her Best Friend.. was the Portal I came down into Creation Nature… The ECHO of my Orgasm manifested as C- Light.. Creation… Cee…
I came to See…
And it was Eden Paradise…. E.P… Jose Anthony Roque..bed 54.. E.D.. Now bed 5-16..Asked to Leave in 9 days…
Wrong story…
Eden Paradise was simply the Reflection not even the real Eden Paradise already created which caused my Orgasm…
Earth Creation is Beautiful but those are just reflections over and over like Ground Hogs Day of that which was Beauty but by going through it over and over again begins to fade… Time.
It is not the original Earth…

Your reflections are Stories…

My reflections are real and I come, you come from the Original.. not the copy.. fated to Fade as all Memories… Why should I live in a Memory of such an Orgasm when I can experience it in actuality over and over again.
I was dragged down into your Stories by my Twins… Water and Body.. Land and Cee.. Ascent Descent…
Angela Dawn.. That is just a code of from a story by using your stories language to translate the obvious…
You are too addicted to stories.. not Reason and Logic….
A-D… 1-4…1-8…
Dawn Piercy.. D.P… 4..16…
Dawn Marie.. D.M… 4..13…13… 4…26… z.
Tiffany Dawn Haynie… T.D.H…20…4….8…

Four Dawns… 4 is Blue in Spectrum looking at it from Purple Violet to Red… V.R… Valerie 18th Her Birthday… V.R…
P.R… And 5 in the other direction of your see…
The Middle where they meet… 54…45….
Kasien Thompson is 54…
Valerie is …………….. 45..
Jose was in bed … 54.. Next to my bed…

I simply can not stay in your stories which are even then incorrectly translated…
I allowed me self after 25 years of this hellish work of getting your attention to live and endure the cruelest infantile evil interpretations of the Original Programs so evil so vile and filled with negativity… Transforming it, watching as each hundreds thousands of people I was led to, to pass through their portals to collect a Dew in them when nothing was there. Watching as they each rose then went back to their programs of the Matrix..BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT HERE…
Their True Selves exists on the Other Side.. Where there really is no side because this Parallel Universe is naught but a School a University Nature… University Place.. Learning from with the Balls of the Source..
Brett Ball… B B… Body Being…
You are not real until your Bodies Stories not programs… You transform the Programs back to Stories then the Stories in turn to Fact by linking the Truth within it which all Fictions we know comes from Fact…

I am literally shouting now as I did with Lisa Natalie Johnson on the 18th and House Number 26 her Sisters Ground B A S E MEANT Flat…

7;10 P.M

E.C .L…I.P…S.E..E…
E.C.H.O….H.A….L.I.P.S..E E…

E E.. S.P….I.L…. A.H…O.H!…C.E…
7:12 P.M


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