
8/20/2015 14:08 – Facebook Post

8/20/2015 14:08 – Facebook Post

1:19 pm


See Sacred Portal: Alien Father. A.F.
A.F A.
Means N.A.M.E in Igbo.

Nam U My OH O Renge Kyo…

Yesterday Jonn Blackwell saw me my Energetic True Form at this moment…

1:22 pm
See Sacred Portal 1:22

A Being of power and wrath.

He said I was immense..
He had seen me grow to immense size before but yesterday he saw me clearly..
I was wearing Black, Blue and Grey (Silver) with a red glow in my center….

A few moments later Michael Ponty, A friend of Jonns pulled up…
Donna O’Sullivan
And I were present.

James Dean Me?
I noticed the three cars formed outside were Black-Donna.
Blue (Royal)-Jonn
Grey (Silver)-Michael…


I recalled Jonns Vision of Me…
The three cars formed the colors I had worn…
Red ..Erick the Well Read is me as well as Black-Death (Enter the Night.. Sting..the Ritz)
Royal Blue..The Blue E.T…Awareness…Witnessed by Nikoma Ruiz)

Silver…Emmanuel Luna…Grey Matter-The Brain.

He saw me a second time but with orange (Flames) and Black around me, little did he know he was seeing the Flames of Hell.
Hells Kitchen..
*See yesterday’s post…

I Fought a Great Battle with the Sources of Witchcraft Voodoo, and all who use Expression Vibration anchored with Malicious I intent in Hells Kitchen where a Woman who looked like my mother who was from NRI in Nigeria hid with her two sons, Emeka and Nnamdi in the floor below as I fought the Shamans and Sorcerers Black and White bent on each others Destruction.
Hells Kitchen 2OO5…
All is recounted here on this Sacred Page.

That was 10 years ago.
I already knew who I was, am.

I fought Africa and South America and A Super Computer and Created a Beautiful world with pieces I had found supplied by the Unseen to fulfill that specific role…
To recreate while at War a life sized model of the Realm of E, and the way to get there.
I had to prove it into Existence for 1O years!!!

I had to prove I could remember, that it Exists…

1:41 pm.

Jonn then spoke of Stings and the Police their first appearance of their Tour “Enter The Darkness” which was not at first previewed in Paris, as legend states, but at the Ritz…
I had been sent to the Ritz Paris in 2OOO..
But if had not been the Portal…
New York is…
Ritz Montes…

Donna then saw my face turn into a Void, the Abyss before her very eyes…

Then today Jonn returned from work to speak of seeing a horseman on the Cloud Shape who projected its consciousness to him..Affirming the Intel I had given Jonn…to Shift a Focus he had been representing for far too long.

1:55 pm

He spoke of them later seeing me once more appear but in Red White and Blue with a silver sheen…

Red White and Blue.
18 23. 2..
American Flag.
A F.
Alien Father.

Considering the Alien Father play which Albert S of 268 East 4th Street and my share of his screen saver which appeared in affirmation of the play of Father Destruction….
And then Jonn Morphing into him in such a complete way that Donna exclaimed
“He Looks just like one of your drawings!”

Jonn was Hosting my Alien Fathers aspect who now merges with me…
And yes, every single person I had to live and intereact with had something of mine I had to retrieve.
The humans were unknowingly hosting the E.T family of I.E.

Red white and blue is the code of American Flag..
I am the Truth of Colors
Thier Source is Transparent Light..
Consciousness Being

2:O3 P.M

Considering the perfect timing of Jonn and Donnas proven see, the play, the evidence…
That they found Tom Benzian and Anna and the Truth of the Universe..
And Me…
When Jonn Blackwell first contacted me…

I would suggest that with their proven track record that all they witnessed and saw yesterday and today is True…

They witnessed me rising as Death and Destruction.. Extinction.

D.D E….

A Deborah…. DE BORE..AH…
A friend of Donnas came today.

Donna Deborah Emeka.


2:O8 pm.


Donna born 8-28….28-8

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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