
8/20/2015 13:12 – Facebook Post

8/20/2015 13:12 – Facebook Post

1O:56 A.M.



Good Morning…

A Personal Note.

Death and Destruction.



This is the amount of time I have been doing the work with people in New York, and transmitting information from what I call the realm of E.

41 months going on 42 months on Facebook.

I was forcibly summoned to New York, to complete my training and finally come on Facebook.

26 years since I began the “journey”.

Every post is a translation of a play and a script which Links to the next…
I found myself writing a Script of a play which is inhuman, being a Scribe and translator to a Consciousness which would move a whole world and Galaxy to Harmony….

I did not wish to partake in this play because I could already percieve that it is way was and is Evil…
But nothing could prepare me for the Truth horror of this play….
This play which has perverted and interfered with the Original play of the Awakening, by creating a play in which my body is bound, tied up and given no chance to escape this play.

Which created a Way- a Pathway to ensure that the Evolution Awakening failed.
By forcing a Hue-man Being to pass through Portal after Portal, home after home, and engage with hundreds of people.
To prove a Truth which every one was aware of but which none I was led to fought for.

Each chose to focus on thier own personal needs, many took advantage, many did nothing.
And many could not concieve of the treatment I was forced to endure.

How could an a play be so cruel and demanding
How could a play pervert the Beautiful Way so well by using the worst in human nature and send a person to such worlds over and over again for 14 years day and night: to deceive, lie, distort and mock the Truth of Creation…

How is it that this Play created such a Way of Death and Destruction.

This is all I have witnessed.

No one has taken up responsibility this Consciousness, which I alone have been bringing to the world’s Consciousness.

Books, Films, Drawings Manuscripts, Designs- a life time of work lies dormant.
I have no right hand man, no person who this play directed me to has assumed the mantle of the bringing the books, the knowledge the codes even the Beautiful Way to others attention.

41-42 months I have witnessed the Self centeredness, Cruelty, Indifference Selfishness as the response to this Script and the proof and evidence presented before them.

All I have witnessed is War

All I have witnessed is Selfishness

All I have witnessed is people taking and taking…

Reading the Posts and doing nothing.

Waiting to be fed information even as I walked the street, even as I went to a Shelter, even after obeying the Way of this play and translating the “Film” into a Script before everyone’s eyes..

All I feel is horror at the response of people to the price and demands made on me, the physical, emotional and social demands.

There is no doubt in my mind that it is better not to Exist in such a play.
That it is better to leave ones Body than to submit to one more day of this play.
To the Truth of perhaps not humanity, but the Truth of this play of Evolution Awakening…

It is true that at the base that this play has revealed one thing to me- that I was sent to people whose portals I passed through, people who I had to live with an encounter while my body existed in such a state of discomfort and horror, who the Creator of this play either hoped I would destroy myself by the response of people.

That it wished to use people to destroy my Truth.
This play was set up to either bring my Destruction or the Extinction of the Human race.

I am not capable of despair, or depression, because even this play designed to either destroy me or bring about the Extinction of the Human Species…
I always return to joy, to my own Truth.
That this play may have been made real but it is not.

Each day for 14 years, I have watched in incredulity what the most beautiful play has been perverted to.
I have watched the ugliness in people and thier expressions and interactions with others…
How to my song of “Can you tell me why you are Beautiful” they responded with “This is what we have become the beast 666…
And they each enacted so that I would have no doubt in my mind that they had chosen Ugliness…
It made them feel better.

And yet the Creator of this play knew me so well, cast me in this play which Chris Franco already knew and expressed..
” They put you through a Rat infested hole, when you already knew the outcome-putting you through that hell again and again”

I had observed this, fought this, sat in stunned disbelief… Asked how this is possible.
Asked how such a Hatred can exist.
I never questioned my Truth, my memories, my experience…
I knew I had experienced only the Truth.
But I could not concieve of anything which had the power to create such a play of such profond Hatred and impose its will on a person. To enslave him or her to such a Self Destructive path….And bind the Evolution Awakening to walk through such a path.

I recall moments of such profound Realization of this play and its implications.
“Finish it or leave your name Body”

I chose to leave my body, to be released from the Hell inhabiting my body.
I knew there were Human Beings who existed who had not given up on thier Beauty, who had remained clean.
But I was not led to them, I was led to those whose Need filled them up to become in my eyes, seen through my perceptions horrors.

But I could not leave my body.
I could not destroy my body..
I could not.
And I knew that this thing which had perverted this play knew this about me…
That I would not leave my body because I knew the Beautiful Truth.

And so I knew myself as Indestructible but capable of suffering and experiencing in every moment the Truth implications of this play…

The depth of an insult of the role I have been cast in to play from the moment I was born into the world.
The original plan and blue print subverted and distorted to such a degree..
I was trapped.
In this play.

Die or complete the play.
Yet no avenue to die was open to me.

Until finally, I have realized it is because my Espirit and Being are Indestructible that I was cast in this role.
That this Thing, which created this play
(the Consciousness of Human Children so perverted, whose expressions and Temper Tantrums and seeing only through their own point of view, denying the Voice, the Experiences, The Truth of others…
People so selfish that they did not care if by ignoring the Voices of others Existence that they were saying ” Your Existence does not matter- You Exist for me, and by refusing you your own Individual right to exist, to have a voice.
I am sending you not to death but to nonexistence…)

Was created for me to be used as the Tool to end Human Existence
Simply by how It knew, deep inside what this way it created would do to me…
Change me forever and tip me to a wrath, such as yesterday in a play set up here, which brought forth yesterday’s posts… That I would move into “A Sane Madness” and Rage so powerful that I would Incarnate the power of emotions able to end it all…”

But despite that, I found another way, Beautiful Way to bring Death And Destruction…
*For It must be… What I have experienced in this last 14 through ppl, what I have seen and quietly understood how people had made me non existent.
My feelings, my Existence My life…

The utter Selfishness, Self Centeredness of being the Center of the Universe…Creator Gods when they have created nothing, added nothing but a trail of Death and Destruction of the Human Individual Existence and experience and contribution….
Throwing them into non Existence.
Creating nothing but an awful overpowering desire for people to simply wish they had never been born..and simply go home..forever never to enter the Womb, the Room, this Life…

No, there must be the Death and Destruction of the Entire Human race, and all Children of what was called the Illusion of White and Black Light…
The Big Bang.

Rather than the big OH!!!

The Human Race must entirely cease to exist.

And only the Hue-Man Species Line of 5-82O
E Harmony Beings True- Of Perfect Symmetry.

The Line of E.

This date, I am aware of why I am posting on this Day, it links to Fritz Venneiq birth year..
To Pelham Park…Nature…
To Mountain View… Nature..

This was a Court.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic testified of a Vision being revealed to him of E Beings of another dimension observing this play on this Sacred page- affirming what I had sought to bring to peoples attention for so long that I aligned for chose to put the welfare of others above my own.
Only to see it taken advantage of..

This is what the realms of human consciousness I have been led to do….without thought.
They use others.
Say thank you.
Or “Sorry”
Meaningless words to placate
Yet in a blink of an eye, they would do it again.
For it is all about getting what they want.
Doing things thier way.
Deliberately acting as if you do not Exist,
even when giving a gift..
They do not see you,
nor wish to see hear or acknowledge you..
Only themselves thier Need to Control and make you into what they decide to perceive you to be and then call these “Binds” Love.

Committed Mad.

The Human Race at this “End of Time” consciousness majority Exist in, and refuse to budge from, can not evolve..
But they are not mad.
Nor are they insane.
They know exactly what they are doing.

Nor can any of them be left behind.
Good people or Bad it does not matter.
They are not stable.
And the damage they create irreparable horrors and inflict on each other even while peering at thier hypocrisy in the mirror.

They Judge.

No the Human Race is Dangerous.
They are not threat to the Indestructible..

But they are capable of Horrors so unspeakable…
The worst being to the meaning of the word Love…
And I.C.You…

Because I have at least found a reason so Beautiful ..a Beautiful Way to bring the end of the God and the Human race, which is by you who have given me and the Beautiful Truth, the E…
An “Eternity” of Non Existence in out own creation, rendering us Invisible in this world, “powerless” without recourse, “helplessly” ensared in your sticky clingy web of “I love you” morass-Making us prisoners in your homes, minds, by creaing conditions were we are imprisoned where none of the tools are given us to be free and independent of you.
But rather you bind us by creatig the illusion of economic and material dependency…

Everything created where you are the sole beneficiary..
We do not Exist.

The Best and most Beautiful of you.
I.am alone.
Brought to serve you?

The response I have is that I have found they Beautiful Way to prove you do not Exist.
By proving what Truth is.
What Love Is
What Consciousness is.
What Being I.S
And what I S…E.

That is my response.

Only the E can …

C B.


Enter the Night
At the W-Ritz..
The Sting which has already brought the End.
12 Bites
Plus 1.

Resurrection of Death And Destruction
Through Disease
Killing you from within
For the Unclean.
1:O3 pm.
See Sacred Portal 1O3.

For the Absurd
Who do nothing to aid the Truth in Manifesting
Who dared say I love you..
When they do not even know what Love and is.
The ability to simply see and stand for a moment in anothers point of view and their shoes
To be them for a moment.
To forget yourself and experience being them…
That is how to C.
That is what True Love is.

Thus, brings the end of Children
And the Era has been opened for only Eternal Youth to be born.

Children Humans cease to exist for they are naught as proven in this play 14-41…
But bringers of Death Destruction Disease..
Through Silence and Sound.

Only E.Y Consciousness Exists.

1:11 pm

Proven fair and square.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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