
8/2/2020 16:28 – Facebook Post

16:19 Hundred Hours

P.S. 16. 19

The Rose Quartz Heart is from
Liberty C Liscomb

I only could place it there two days ago.
The I Cut with Love.
H-art Ford Connecticut.

As I was posting this
Liberty sent me a text in response to my last text sent on 7-24-2020 when her message read “You are Loved”

And my response

” I know what Love Is… BYE ”

*B Y. E. 2-25-2019 Jeron Satya birth day ”

She sent me a thumps Up at 16:18 Hundred Hours
Public Relations
River Phoenix

16:26 Hundred Hours.
16:27 Hundred Hours right now.

4:27 p.m

27 8 D. 90
Morgans Car

16:28 Hundred Hours

4:28 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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