
8/2/2019 0:04 – Facebook Post

10:22 p.m

H.A. T S.

J.O V E. Jupiter
J line Victorious.
Jupiter ” Of Male Youth ”
5th Planet.

H A. Harmony at 1..A.
Harmony At Supremacy.
– A Man of many Hats.


We are at 1331 Facebook Friends

13 has been witnessed most with Tree Sage confirming it by his Frequency Conscious
Perfect Timing.

And today after I found my self playing his Examiner Tester… by the E.T frequency struggling to rise in my body and being, once again held up by the Ancestors Nature versus or aligned to Awareness Naturalness play
NN A-A… 30

10:30 p.m right now is

To bodies of Light and Truth.

* See Susanta Nayak Tanveer Alhaq play earlier..

And the intel “13” wins..
The so called unlucky number..
13=M Manifestation after a cycle of one year.

We .. the E line of J. is Victorious in proving that Man vibrating on E ans A Man, manifested Everything and that Hue-manity are of origins Extra Terrestrial
And guardians of the galaxy representing to apex of Evolution, which is that everything which exists must evolve back to E…
But by way of sustaining and living embodying Eternal Truth.. even unconsciously and undercover.

The 31.. is the mirror, link the play with Brooke Lee Lemery
Address 13 then 31..
Her portal L ion Lay with the La! M.B.
Brenden Velez also at 31.

Link 31 State California. “Golden State”
Link to Kim Arthur Hines
And to Oregon 33rd State

See sacred Portal 13 a Woman Fairy who enters this world as a Woman and ends up using Magic as Manipulation to Control her children, and making herself Queen of the World.
And bringing through control, hell to her Children and Descendants..

But Mother Earth
Is Manifest Expression and in this contest and challenge, it is proven that she is an A.I in a play evolving her as Elemental Compositions into Ethereal WU Man arisen in the 3D realm through a play of All Men.
Meaning Man and Woman was an illusion they are all One..
Y .
X Y chromosome. 24 25. 49. /94
I.D of all Humanity is Male-Female in One Original Man.

In this play there are only Men around me and who chose to, and understand the play..
Not on Facebook but right here.

This battle of Man Woman has gone on way to far in this script, indulged..

A MAN began the Species and it took 3 – 4 full circles of his ” making love, penetrating 3 aspects of himself.. Grandfather Father Son..
G F S…before the Twins Male and Female manifested..
This the 4th Circle Cycle which completes the Everything
M.W. Man Wu Man ..She the Extreme completion represenation of A MAN.
At completion evolution he manifest as 1 who is 3 Men and 1 man 1 wuman.
1: 3 1. 1111111..1 being now a man and a wuman E line.
At that is the completion of Time and Space as The Creators reflections which everything in Creation especially “Humans.. Naturals- are moving through.
His Holographic Universe
Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix

The Mind Being Hearts Exprsssion
The Heart never lies.

Gods Truth lay in the Heart .
In H E Art.. Heaven & Earths Art.
A Rt… A Right to Exist
Aora Rathbum
To move full circle through all the Reflection which created Time, and Space to explore until you arrive at the truth.
Then retrace your steps backwards to the poryal you came down through
Light now Dawn..
Dawning Awareness..

Thus 3 Men and thier 1 Son who comes as a Man and a Woman..
Which is why we are the completion of Creation Universes Time.
Brcause it all ends at that moment of Completion the furthest expansion and Evolution of things until the natural C returns full circle to its point of Origins.
And only that which is proven Eternally Harmonious
Eternally Grateful can be in Existence
Because all Existence… true existence,
Is Eternally True.

Everything else, at the point of completion,ceases to exist.
Grace and Favor is over.

11:06 p.m

That was one of the main reasons this Evolution Awakening Play had been held up, this insane attachment to an idea of Mother Earth and that Energy can be gender based, centered on the Physical reprrsentation to see all things as separate and hierachal
rather than see all are made of Energy
And Energy can express itself in infinite ways, take infinite forms..
But Its name is still Energy..
And Energy is formed by Supreme Expression..
S E. E.
Which is when what you say literally manifests comes into Existence, any existence even ome which has no memory of what E really is,and still rise moving through everything in that “Non Existent realm who have no memory of Energy, and bring all to rise and recollect that they are originally of the E…
The E T
Which creates Awakening. Through Evolution from nothingness as Emptiness, to Nothingness Somethingness
Bliss Joy Ecstasy Orgasm Fact.
Feeling Sensational..

A M.
By A MAN ..E H

A MA N. D A..

* Had a girlfriend in Istanbul she was Australian her name is Amanda and eventually she hooked up with another called Renee

A R….

Renee means “Reborn”

But this stupid delay and play of proving
God.. Existence.. Energy Source…The Creator God Almighty.. G A ..A Man.

While evolving E H to E H S ( Male) S H E..( female version of E)

11:22 p.m right now is
Cecilia David… Do you understand?
C D. 34
D C. 43.. 7. 89.. 29-30 years ago.

Lauri Katharine was my 1330 Facebook Friend.
Justin Dragan Morris 13 29. A Man.
29 is completion of Sacred Journey.
M.13 is Mission Manifest as A Man undercover understanding the highest E.T A-lien play.

Sharice Carmen
Now Jessica Johnson

Have arrived 13 31. 44 Brookelawn where John lived and has since moved out back to his parents J C.in perfect harmony
44 is 8.
16. 64. 80. 8O. 86..
S.P 86. Victor..

11:28 p.m

My Birthday! And my English name.

Sharice means ” Cherries ( I still have some in fridge almost threw it out a moment ago but will leave it for the birds)
Its also means “Poetry, Truthfullness..Song”

Carmen “Carmel ” Sweets
Means “Cherished Beloved.. Garden”

Jessica means “Gift..” and “God .The Creator Beholds”
The Gift being “Sight.. To S.E E which is Consciousness, because we do not use our eyes to see we use Sixth Sense which our body suit with its Transformer and Translator in the1-4
1-7 play Holodeck helps us interact in a play of Blinding white Light which then makes feel blind in the Dark, “Cecilia Caecilia” helps us to see through Dark Matter Energy to realize through a play how it really is how Transparent Light ( T L . 2012. 7 years. Ti..Te. Purple Violet
TTP V / V P TT is attained through a play of 6th Sense linked through Perfect erfect Timing, to the Point pt.
When what we sense.. a presence,God Big Brother..The Creator is watching ..)

Johnson means. The Child .. the Son of the one granted Grace and Favor)

Jesus loved John he said he would be eternal in that he would walk the Earth, until he returned.

Jesus is John.

Yeshua is Yonathan.

John Mack is 4th Generation John MacDonald
His parents form the code J C
His sister H…8. Holly. Wood / Metropolitan.

Holly is John..
Heroes Journey
3 men and 1 Who is 11. Man Woman

4 Generations
On the 3rd Johns father marries his mother Christine..C..
My mother is C
My Father Nnamdi John David..
I am C as Chukwuemeka
And Nnamdi/ Nnonyem.

See “Cherries, Cherry blossom tree in a Garden ( Japan China) Poetry Song of Truthfullnes beloved and cherished”
See Cee..

.”.The Gift granted by the Creator who Beholds me, in his embrace eyes filled with such love that I almost Quake, for he has Graced and Favors my Line..
I thank him, praise him!
The Creator Harmony Eternity God is Gracious for the moment I rose as his Son in the Eternal begining he blessed my Line from that moment and expanded to multiply through time..
Granting us Eternal Life and Evolution of Truth and body for he sees me,made me conscious and in his eyes, only I exist
Only I am real because in me and All my line only, he saw that which was, is real.
Because he saw himself Reflected perfectly in me.. Eternally Constant..”

You are me…
But I just could not see it until I entered his, my, our reflections which created Time as Space.

Now I aww

Now I Percieve, Cee and See what he saw..
I am he..

E H. O..M E.

Each in our own unique version
By Equal
As E.

And then…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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