
8/2/2015 13:38 – Facebook Post

8/2/2015 13:38 – Facebook Post

1O:22-3 A.M.



I have a new Facebook Friend.

Hello John Obi

My 334 Facebook Friend
334 is C C.D.
See C.D.

John we already know means “The Grace of the Creator”
And the name “Obi” means Heart”

Thus C C.D….see the C.D of the Grace of the Creator is the Heart.
Time 1O:22-23 pm
J.V…Double VV
Date B.H.H…
H.B H…

Thus, See the C.D of the Creator is the Grace of the Heart (Beat Poets) in Balance Victorious of the two Double VV, Being Harmonious….

Thus Krsnakumar is the representation of the Subconscious that which comes before the “OH” the Orgasm called White Light..
And the Radar is the Lady Echo Radar – a Sonar whose source is the Heart of Grace.
Meaning that this code through Facebook Friends name meaning is moving us towards the structural Creation of that which brings memory from beyond.
Step by step, Facebook Friend after Facebook Friend, we are constructing how the Walls of Jericho (Joshua and his Trumpet which led the chosen people to the promised land. Obviously an energetic story of which the Jewish Culture appropriated this for themselves in thier history is really an energetic play of the literal steps of accessing memory from beyond…
The Wall of the Truman Show, where we reach the end of Known Human Existence and have reached the Threshold of that which was said to be the Unknown and the Unknowable, but which I have proven is not only knowable but also accessible…
A Realm which is the Eternal realm where the Beautiful Ones, the Line of E, the True first born of the Hue man Species Dwell…
And have dwelt, as well as the True first Creation at which this present reality is naught but a poor imitation of it projected on a Green Screen or Viel…

For over 4O months, 41 infact, I have found myself linking Equations sent to me by the True Hueman Race who Exist already as the Hue Man Potential already made manifest, to give evidence to this realm of “Shadows” that they are mere Shadows of thier True selves, Body suits of “Nothingness- Nature” illusions moved by the E in them…
This code is represented in the name of one of my most enduring Facebook Friends named Orien Laplante…
Code O Rien LA Plant E
” Full Circle of Nothingness- (Light) LA (6th Note of Sound” is the Planted E…
That within the Human host vessel is planted the ” seed of Energy Consciousness E.Harmony…

*please note that Jonn Blackwell is born August 5th. .5-8…E.H.

I have for 26 years, my entire adult life, found myself in a play of removing layer after layer of the Viel of the world of E hidden from most Human Sight and perception, by thier focus and ideas of Creation.
As I walked through the Ideas of Existence lived out Individually and then Collectively (I.C) for the last 26 years and then publicly on Facebook for 41 months (creating a code A-Z; 26 years, 41 months 41-14..55..5..1.. )
Aligning through and by proving the Consciousness the E within all- the Truth of thier perceptions which the people could not see even though it was right before thier very eyes…
I demonstrated not only the Existence of the Family of E, moving all humanity unaware, to the E Truth, but to literally see beyond the layers until what appears to be currently playing out with Jonn and Donna, is finally that “Viel” dissappearing to reveal that which is behind the Darkness of Forgetfulness, beyond the laws of this temporal world of Physics and philosophy where there is only the Nothingness of No form just Bliss or Oblivion.

The Unseen is becoming seen.
I have been demonstrating the method of First Contact, the play which I have been in, while focusing my attention on quite another play which would be too much of an arduous task to explain and convince a world still asleep.
This play weaves a story which is constant and a step by step correlation of linking through the perfect arrival of each Facebook Friend and thier name meaning linked to the previous Facebook Friends name meaning which link to form a sentence and create a picture of How I have been walking in my Being through Unseen worlds of Human Expression and my Body, through the Seen world of Human Expression..
Walking simultaneously through the world of the Human Spirits-Thoughts-Ideas-Philosophies, and the Physical Material realms which these Spirits Thoughts Ideas manifested
I have walked through a Circle which became a Spiral, and a Straight Line, which became an Arrow which only now pierces through the “Warp Core” – The Heart of Matter; The Nothingness, to the Truth of the Code Name “O Rien LA Plant is E”
In the Nothingness exists E.
I walked through the “Great Spirit” realm of Nature as the Nothing.
The Song Lines
The Okwu Mmuo of the Spirit World
The Dantes Inferno…D.I (49)
To prove that all that Exists, all that is True is that E which moves you without most being aware or even paying attention, is the True you, the highest potential of you who rose with E Ros-E in the beginning but who existed as my drawings as the Ethereal Elemental ones EE the Essential Expression of E, are the ones who Exist not you

And that the Human Species is that “Nothingness” which can literal dissolve decompose into Nothingness if they can not raise the Consciousness of the E Harmony within them.
Which can only be effectively done by your aligning your Human experience here on Earth in this movie called a life time or linear Existence which has a beginning and an end, (the Circle Spiral has no beginning nor end. Just a point)
With the E Harmony you, your highest potential.

Let us be clear, the Highest potential has nothing to do with fulfilling your desires in this worldly realm, or becoming rich, famous or successful.
It is about aligning your Being and Body to one..
Your true Being exists as the E in you which some call your Spirit or Soul or Chi, but it is literally your Being…which must align to your Body…
The Being exists in one Realm, the True realm of Existence called the Realm of E or to some interpretations “The Kingdom of God” while the other part of you called the Body lives in this realm of Nothing ness given the Illusion that it is something when we know that everything is temporal… It is constant changing transforming dissappearing into Nothingness only to appear again but with a slightly altered form.
All things live and die and transform but the E remains constant.
Energy can not be destroyed…
As I have witnessed and experienced through this long ardous play….
Where I have remained constant in my perception of Truth of the Existence of the Family of E, thier presence within all things, the E mission to make them rise through the viels of Illusion called the Body covered in a transparent Viel, layer afte layer through misperceptions of the Experiences of this Universal Natural Movie Matrix of which the Body was meant to recall through Being that the Truth, through experiencing this thing called a Body.
And through a process of refinining thier Bodies by watching and learning from the E Being called Chi, moving them to look back at the trail of thier life’s and daily activities to reveal another meaning and story behind thier actions and expressions…
This creates an awareness of the Duality of Being they will at first percieve as almost two separate universes (Andromeda Milky Way..A.M.VV) existing togrther.
-Your perception of your Existence and the Existence of your E Being or Energetic Signature who is really the one inking (and Linking) your presence in this world.
But this Duality does not Exists rather it is really the story of two lines of Infinity and Eternity moving together to finally converge at the End point as 1…
The merging of the E Being to the Experience of the Body..Embodying the Truth of the E.T you who is the True you moving you to its Expression in two realms Energetic and Atomic Material .
To align both as all One..E.

Thus, the Krsna in you is the Subconscious or the dwelling place which might appear as a deep Blackwell of Forgetfulness… Where the waters in the well contain knowledge of Everything and the Waters of the Transparent realm which exists beyond the realm of the Light.
That behind the Tunnel of Light that there is something which the Light may at first blind you to for so carried away by the utter feelings Sensational of the Light itself.
That perhaps you loose Consciousness once entering the Light of Consciousness Awareness..
Or perhaps, you simply forget once you enter the Light…
That you are moving through the last Portal which is the Rise which created this Bright Beautiful Shine…
And perhaps that is the only memory of Death – the forgetting…
….that there is more but you have dissolved into Nirvana….
And so how can you realize that you have not reached the Destination “The True King Dom and Palace” real as Energy as 1 as the Consciousness of Existence..
Rather than this world of Illusion of Duality….

But only by having acted out the Being and Body aligned by the E Being to Embodiment of Nature Naturalness (N+N..14+14=28…Today is the 2-8/8-2….8)
And here I am without prior intention or even Awareness of what I was to write about today, not even caring to investigate where we are in this play or even if it is real or not, naturally correlating the Equation of Radar Sonar..
Circle Line.
Spiral Arrow to Jonn Obi..
The Creators Grace is his Heart.
Heart Beat.
Beat Poetry.
Beautiful Pride..
At advancing the equations and post to bring forth Manifest Truth even undercover unconscious and in the guise of not giving a Damn any more about solving these riddles or the Evolution Awakening being literal and placed irresponsibly by default of the majority not paying attention to the True Devine Plan…
Placed so squarely and irrevocably on my shouldes that it has become a straight jacket placed on me by this insane perception of Existence by the incurably insane. While I play Houdini.
Yet using Ink of the Blackwell to turn that which is pencilled in to become inked in as Fact…

By Embodiment where the two universes of Body and Bring aligned to V….by linking to become the Point and the Arrow..(P.A) and then P=16, A=1..16+1=17..
Q..Quantum Level
1+7= 8 Harmony

Meaning beyond the Quantum level, that the deepest Nature of all Expression is Harmony and its Source is the E…
The First Line who live behind the Viel but who now merge as 1, as the Viel and the Wall, is proven out of Existence to mean the Great Wall of Forgetfulness in Light or in Dark (as Life or Death Bliss or Oblivion), never was..
But it was just an illusion which prevented people from not only seeing to otherside, but that there IS only One Side, called the Everything which Exists everywhere, which can only be percieved if you use your 3 Eyes.. 3 I’s….
III…..I.+ C…..L.


E 12+12-24-X.

No H.A.LL…
I C Harmony All…

Everything is Harmony
And if there is no Awareness of Harmony your Body I.D can not Exist..and it can not cross over to the Palace of I.
The Body will decompose and you as Expression will return to the “Light” of that first Orgasm…OH.
You will return to the Source but now the past…
Because he is no longer seen as The Light nor the Ethereal Krsna..E K.
He passes through the Light of his First Reflections (*See the Play with Yonathan Yohannes aligned to his Birthday and year of birth 1992, and my experiencing the Light in same year in Paris, which would not let me Cross over even though I had been fully aware of what lay beyond on the other side…
I wrote the Sum total of my reflections the very day he was born in June 22…and exactly 6 latee in December 22 I journeyed through Death to its Portal.)

But when the B.B is embodied herein this play to V then to I.
4 in Illusion… To the Green Point
A O…
Then you have become solid and in One, in three four Dimension…. And thus, retain memory and thus form- when crossing the Light of Creation or Big Bang “Big Orgasm” they retain that form and Body and Individual: Personality is now solidly embodied in the 1E…
The One who truly exists.

The One of you -the Original you not version of you, who Exist now here, there and everywhere.

I went out to lunch with Donna O’Sullivan, Mike Ponty and Jonn Blackwell…to a Turkish restaurant for lunch.

1 8
A H ..

They each had a sandwich called Nicky Nirvana
1= A O…

Nicky meaning Victory of the people
Nirvana… Bliss.
3 NN…in Harmony
*Compassion made them vegans.
3 in Harmony
38…C H…
The Consciousness of the full Circle of Light represented these three.
Medical Doctor Jonn..

But I had Lamb…
I am the lamb and I eat meat.
I understand that statement each was making..

But I am
And thus, I too was making a statement in response to Nicky Nirvana that I the Wolf Fenrir and the Lamb of Christ do recall the True Compassionate ones..
The E who live on the other side of Everything where There is no side..
Where all is eternal because it is realm of original True..
Origins of Everything words meaning in formed..

And that realm is the realm not of the C H ..the peoples Victory to reach the Light..
It is the realm of the victorious I..
V I.
Victorious Individual.
The I.E who understand…

1:38. Pm

I A.M.. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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