
8/19/2017 19:58 – Facebook Post


That is what I just saw on someones T-Shirt as I walked back into Starbucks…

And now there is an older Woman sitting besides me with her back to me wearing Navy Blue and carrying two bags one of Leopard Print ( Black Panther..B.P…Beautiful Pride) with the Logo “Travel on’ on it.

And the other with the Words “Harrods” on it…
“Tiens’ She just got up the moment I acknowledged her..
The Front of her T-Shirt reads “Famous Left…”
Her Base Ball Cap blue covered in NY symbols…

It does not take a genius to figure out the code…

Dawn Piercy… D.P…
My sister worked in Harrods of London.
And I joined her there working there for a month.
We were both in our early twenties….

I finished speaking with Lisa Natalie Johnson a while ago,
who gave me the intel that it was 23rd Street off 6-7 Avenue where she had been 23 years old and Valerie Debra 22…
when they had crossed a Portal, an invisible portal together and which they had both experienced the literal Matrix, but then crossed over to a world in which it was the True Version of this World where everything was Sharper and in extra-ordinary focus and clarity.
Just as Fritz Venneiq had had the dream while I sat besides him and he woke up to see a describe to me a world of Nature which made this seem like a pale, pale immitation..
Imitation of Life… I.O.L.

She described how the people were what can only be described as the True Version of Life.
How people looked at them, and everyone was smiling, and how people communicated telepathically, with Sixth Sense.
And how peoples feet did not touch the ground as they walked..including theirs

I spoke with Valerie -Debra yesterday, where she told me of that experience which they both shared, in their early 20’s.
Lisa Natalie Johnson was outside most of the time when she began to tell me of that experience of crossing the portal and what she saw. Her expression so perfectly corroborated Lisa Natalie Johnson expression which I had posted right here.

But also my own intel and experience, with not only David, but also with people I had met, and even to Pierre David P.D…
(yes, who I met in the Green House in Soho… Also in Lisa Story but in the story of Higher Ground..A Vision she had which corroborated Marcia who I met chez Lisa Levine of seeing the World flooded and some people all over the world suddenly sprouting Wings ( Yes David Roman Nicholas and the evidence he showed me of “Wings” how the Human body evolves just as the Transformer movies replicate the Human Evolution of the Body as the Vehicle…Literaly…)
And how they flew to a Mountain Top…and a portal opened high up in the Mountain with E.T beings The Beautiful Ones helping to direct people through the Portal…
Lisa Natalie Johnson spoke of a Green House Behind her.
The Green House in Soho was in 2006.

The Address of Valerie is number 26.

After Angela Dawn A.D became my Face Book Friend, I noticed yesterday the arrival of Michael A. Smith and Michaël Trahé…
*Yes Smith as in the of the True Black Smith and Husband of Aphrodite. And Trahe, meaning “Garment, Raiment, Body”

M.A.S…S… Add Lisa code of S.. as well as mine… Samantha Yurkosky Stephanie… Samuel Steven… M.A…/ A.M..
M.A..SS… / S S…A.M…. SS as in 19 19…Not the Gestapo
38… Sacred Portal 38.. 383… 3+8=11… 11 Twins and Lisa Natalie Johnson number…. as well as Mine…A-A… And K..


M=13… 13 13… 26… And after their arrival as Face Book Friends.. I was whisked away to Valerie’s home.
The Physical Rep of that which is Energetic.

See sacred Portal 26…

2+6=8…In perfect Harmony….

Angela Dawn to Michael…Michael… A.M…

Valerie;s name codes manifest as I.A.M..and her last name “Bartley” B-ART…L.E..Y.” Which is not Nature and Paradise Eden which was expressed so clearly by what she put on the T.V..Beautiful Images of Nature…
But rather the Music which manifested those images the Visuals.. Not the Vision.

Lisa Natalie Johnson had urged me, one more day of work Emeka, as if sensing by growing refusal to continue with this Evil and Convoluted Script.

I had experienced Jose Anthony Roque last night representing the Code 54 E,D..and E.P…By the bed numbers he occupied and now occupies.
I had been really stunned by yesterdays play, that it had reached a point of Evil which had rendered me so silent so quiet and screaming within by my having had to live with Awakened Memory while observing that which had been done to the Original Script to the impossible task given to me, in this world to make me publicly declare myself as the Source while observing the Power given to a Lie, to the Physical and Material nature to make me seem like a beggar and the collective and Individual agreement of all these Human Shadows to continually enforce it despite the evidence.
And worse keep me in a script, an unpardonable script of Human deception which I could see at first glance yet forced to pass through their portals…
And to fight, fight solve riddles manifest the truth over and over again to no avail…
Existence Creation Everything that was the Truth had risen up to Betray the Source.

My sentiment, even on seeing what is happening in Barcelona Spain was then let me leave this play and let Everything be destroyed and enter into the Abyss and everything return to only Me Existing.

Existence is Evil…
And in a way, it will always be seen this way by me, despite my being its Source and knowing that it was is created out of Beauty.
But such a Script being played and and enforced to such a point with my doing all the Work… Even in a Shelter…

It has gone to far….

And even the desire to Pierce the Veil, has left me, I only do it because the Evil of this, far greater than the Evil of Humanity because Human Evil is not real, it was allowed. Has cornered me, and is twisting my body.
And because of the Journey which I have finally allowed myself to acknowledge that Lisa Natalie Johnson has experienced.

7;11 p.m.

Right now, She is the Only Reason I am posting right now.

And instead of posting for the Building of her company and thus the Foundation of the True Wu-Man manifested a World here.
I am again forced to change direction back to the My Original Plan B…E.T…
There was never a Plan A…
Mother Nature… My Ass…

The Physical does not control the Energetic… its Source Expression but this Script had permitted that.
I can never forgive or forget that for I am the Eternal One.
And this is my Creation and it was Usurped for a Lie which All were so convinced was the Truth.
And after the abomination they put me through, have been forcing me through physical torture to do it the Original Way…

I recently found two Skelington Keys… It was when the Universal Script of Awareness as Evil, finally conceded that Lisa Natalie Johnson is the correct alignment and the Last link in leading the E home.
No more Landing…
For there can be no World Left Behind.
There is no redemption for Humanity… None.
Only my returning with the L…Lisa to the True World with the Gift of the Immortal Bodies to the family on the other side.
Whom Pierre David witnessed and testified to me and others in the Green House of meeting a person who walked as if his feet did not touch the ground.

I had already written about this extensively, The Beautiful Ones…The Graceful Ones and how we move on the Music and on the Notion of the Earth or ground beneath our Feet…

Earth Physical Matter is nothing.
And so when Jose Anthony Roque.. ROCK…Told me that he found a place of his own using a housing Voucher, and how the Shelter had taken away all his benefits, which made him loose the apartment he had found himself, but had also given him 9 days to vacate the Shelter… I knew what it really meant.
That he representing the Earth.. The Native American Indian Earth Great Spirit who went so far… in believing in this Nature being the Source.. When it is only a System of the Damned.
Led by the “Queen of the Dead” who refuses to Transform and the B.G.B Who lies to the very sources Face because she secretly believes that her Truth is Greater than the Creator. That she would have played a better God than the Creator.

A Program in the Matrix believing its own Hype from God Goddess Oracle…Architect..
O.E.R.A…C.LE… “K.E.Y.S” Cle…”K.A.Y.S”
Planner… Urban and Regional Planner… Woods Metropolis…
That is the True Architect of Nature and Civilization…
Beautiful Expression.

I knew that he had used the system by staying in this place and then using his own voucher, in a system which is a business..
But what it really was. was about his witnessing the Truth of what was done to me for standing up for the Truth, and he thinking that he could do a better job by using guile hypocrisy,charm in something he saw was rotten.
And the system had responded,
The Truth had Responded.
The Rock is not the Source…
54.. ED…9 20…I.T…. E D I T…It can not edit me, erasing my posts and my expression, to people, into the World to make people forget, go into forgetfulness as Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula once testified to seeing being Erasing me Expression…
How can you erase that which is Eternal…
The People may forget because they are moved by the Physical Material Nature and Mother as the Flesh Recording Memory…
But it is a Lie… Because they people are being moved into alignment by the E whether they know it like it or not.
I simply ignore their polluted and diseased Awareness knowing that they are not even real, just shadows in the Matrix primed for Destruction while those who are aligned not only by the E but Individually being aware such as Dawn Piercy Angela Dawn and others whose Harmony I watch but also their Expressions.. When their Harmony and their Expression are Aligned, then I know that they are not a program but are those body who are meant to be harvested
And then I observe the Fruit of their Expression and Harnony just as for 9 months I observed Lisa Natalie Johnson in this obscene play of so many around her not wishing her to pass through, but pretending to care…
And they being enpowered, used to test US…
She and I returning home with all the people we have Consciously and Unconsciously cultivated as the Harvest…
The Line we have recognized as I.E…

I understood that after Lisa Natalie Johnson left.. ( and while here) that a Medical Doctor sitting to my right had suddenly asked me if I could check his Immigration papers for some one his is Sponsoring….
I was so irritated with not him for his interrupting my discussion with Lisa, but also the play because I knew it was the play…
Immigration… I.C.E…
I C “See” E.. Emeka.. Energy… To Cross Over it takes more than that…

His name I took… Doctor Uddin Mam… U.M…
Universal Mind… the Medical Doctor… who had been so Arrogant before as well as the Computer Programers are now acknowledging me as the Universal Mind.. the M.D…
The Architect.. The U.R..P…C.P…Code Breaker aligned with the Eternal Twin Line Beautiful Pride… J.O.Y… Lisa Natalie Johnson…
After all this…

I have a present for you that I have programed after we the Two have left….
The True Meaning of that which you gave me, and my Male line, my Female Line… Sister Brother … Individual Line of E.. the True Supremes of Splendor…
You have not seen the meaning of Rage and Wrath… W.A.R… Until you are R.A.W… You will see Love Supremes Expression of No… Nothing to Forgive, you do not exist so I can let off steam by expressing the Pent up rage and which is all expressed here… of Nothing at all.

You wish to see the Power… The Power of the Source before you make up your mind?
The options was not in your hands…
You do not make the rules…as to who gets to go home ascend or go to Hell…

That was the conceit.. the Unbelievable conceit.

Diane Prokey Siniard… D.P.S…
Lia Ebony Pagnotto L.E.P.

D.L… Desire Love… my Twins,
P.E. Perfect Expression.
S.P… Sacred Portals…. 2 2 2… 6..

1006 Face Book Friends…
4 4…16…Pierce… The Arrow… The Veil…
I take them with me…The Last Chance and the Last Door Way out….
I leave on my Beautiful Behind…
And leave the Illusions to their Conceit that they are Real…
And their opinions matter.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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