
8/18/2020 20:08 – Facebook Post

2:41 p.m.
3:28 p.m

B D A Being Doing =Awareness.
C B H: Consciousness Being Harmonious ( Being Happy)
Beautiful is the result of Consciousness Harmony

Harmony Results … P.i.

Akin to Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy opening scene.

The results of the Examination Tests ( E.T) have been posted..
but on my page.
The play was about who can cross over to the E TT.

As all examinations and tests, a curriculum is given and at the end of the ages, or completion of sum total of knowledge expressed which allows a species to evolve by all the colors representing ages, having been expressed, which allows any Individual of the species, or groups of Individuals to take all the data floating out there, and organize it and align it, connecting with that which is True and Fact, and cutting out that which is a lie and an illsuion ( Mirage… Mi Rage.. Mi is the 3rd note, and represents the 3rd planet, who is representing the consciousness of Existence energy as expression speed of Light- to reach Sol..
5th note and Origins of Man and everything.
What can not evolve is the bestial nature of man as rage.
this is anger, rage temper tantrum which the The Script, represented by Total Solar Eclipse 2012, Jeron Satya and Tree Sage and linked to Arden Gemino states.
6-12/ 12-6 Pause.

* Such as Tree Sage paused on his way to Oregon 33rd stated to join Esteban Miguel Filgueira at the portal Nathaniel Thomas Bywater created.

Yes Nate.
Nathaniel Coury – Ardens Friends rep of the Original Script as “Beautiful Youth” “He Sings Holy Sacred Truth in Thought Speech Action.. T S A…
“The Script.. The Source.. Arden Eden Loves Creation Eternal land”

N C/ C N = Pi

Yes, my Uncle- married to my mothers sister U.K ( Eucharist meaning “Holy Communion” ) who are only bio family of mine who live in New York State.
He is the gentle fair, and handsome Doctor and Pharmacist ( D P) who saw me clearly as a youth, and he came to 17th Street, where Axel Love had connected to me to Marianne and which took me to her Loft in Hells Kitchen and that play with a woman from the royal family of the King of Nri- Tabansi” where a woman who looked startling like my Mother- ( a carbon copy but something missing E Light) with her two sons names Emeka and Nnamdi… Chukwuemeka Nnamdi.

I never met with my uncle “Uche” which means thought.
Uche Charles .. remember how he arrived after Arden’s friends Coury and Nathaniel arrived and i had opened the door for them?

I never met him there, I went to his home at Mt Vernon and waited 2-3 Days until I left.
and he came by 17th street when I was not there.
But he was present..”thought” at it did not require a great leap to see the connection..
And how it led and linked to the Forest People play but as the OI Nri Igbo people, descended from the Beautiful Ones, who came down at the Full Moon- really the full Circle of Completion of expression moving to energy and then the play of embodiment as exemplification and then Awareness via hindsight.

… A play took play today, a continuation of last nights.
Again, the quietness of my being the only one living in this consciousness, and truth, perhaps the only one in this world fully aware of it and what it means and represents, I am invaded daily by the “reality” of this reality all about me, which seems so far away from any possibility of my truth being True.. A fact.
And yet, I am aware of the illusion, that the illusion or the lie is that what I see with my eyes, is the truth.
Each person, groups, all have an inner world and a reality of friends, a circle and an individual way of being which has nothing to do with this “Collective Facade”
Cee .. as speed of light, pierces through this veil, this mask and facade on the streets, around us, in language which seeks to convince you that this is actuality even for people who live ans exist here.

The play, which takes me off guard, is the being Spirited Away – by the cause and effect of my being with others, not in my own home and space, but in the worlds of others, and thus being affected and stimulated to respond the equation and E M F of the play theater of the W.E.. S T…World… as The Historic Map 800-1500.
Rather than what I have been proving in this Endgame, that they were all programs planted in humanities green house, matrix earth school to aid them in thier evolution and then the exam at the end which is a process identical to the systems of education qualification present in this reality.

-Align the Sum Total of human Expression; Wisdom & Knowledge to create an Art Science of O8.

That ended the play of the Universal Simulation Awareness play test of “Awareness of Perfection”
“Can you tell me why you are beauty?” purrs The Creation of Self Regeneration.

Ajay was here today.. 20 year old.
A package was delivered here through a code of names E to C to me, E… its code on it was 110 95.
see sacred portal 110.. E Family first last and only family of Existence Eternity”
1 10 is A J..

Joe just arrived…
he is wearing a T-Shirt with the words ‘Slick Rick” S R.
A Cool dude with a Crown and eye patch…
I know exactly what it means…

At 17th Street and Mount Vernon where my uncle lived, was a crossing of paths, no quantum jump required to see the connection between the E W.A.V E S.. of Perfection I have been moving through and the connection to the OINri linked to the true First Forest people- whose path and trail i was compelled forced to walk right to living in the Forest while at Pelham bay park where, Albert Sananta.. A S witnessed me in the forest in his dream 3rd Eye, which was exactly what I had found myself doing alone in the forest which, drawing a perfect circle in one stroke…while a full moon was on..
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka age 33 had trabelled from Amsterdam where he lives to Southern Nigeria to his village where he witnessed the age old dance “Egwu Onwa” E O.
Dance of the full moon.

C N… Chukwuemeka Nnamdi
C N = Pi.. 3.14..= 17.. Arden G.
Emeka Nnamdi E N… 5 14 =19 S 10 J.. 1 O A O .. A F..
S.J.= 29… *8-29-2019 -2020.
2 as 11 I I and then I.. alone connected though
T E N..

Emeka Kolo… E K 5 11 =16.
E I I…
5 11= 55.
5 A-A… 27.
5-27-2019 moved to Jesse Macias Orejuela home.

The person I was reflecting about in Thought yesterday was Arden Jeron… the it turned to Athena Sarah Kaizer I sent her a text, she wad been feeling a bit under the weather…

The day began with her text, calm cool..
I was still present here, as we engaged, but then, a moment later, I was Spirited away into a world and a play represented by Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen and Kim Arthur Hines..

.. a continuation of last night.
I was calm, I had finally mastered the incredibly disturbing feeling of be taken away from your present and actual reality being Present Here and now, and swept out onto a play which only revealed itself in the end as a examination test to me also.
Who Chiefy, Kim had mentioned that phrase, “its like the teacher being given the same test and his students.. its absurd”

“But that its exactly what, I have been going through, i informed him, as your being tested, by this force, it has also been testing me.

*Ardens last conversation to me, in answer to my question, was “i was testing you”
I had responded “yes, and I had checked you”

Yes, this whole 8.8 years on facebook,
this entire 19 years, and last 43-44 years had and has been one none stop examination and test. I wrote extensively about this in my journals ‘talking to the silence”

And the test, was based on which to link with of the E.K they represented, in a set up… In which emotions were involved and it seemed like children’s play time and squabbling…
Appeared …

It ended up being about the pause…
that right to evolve, that self mastery of expression to pause and taste your words, to make sure you are aware of the effect your words will have on whom you are addressing.
awareness conscious expression.
a c e..
p l a c e…
It is see through but the lace, is grace, its beautiful, it is a screen see through and beautiful of courtesy and manners…the essence and beautiful pride which exist in the nothingness as sound and sight.. that which is the communication message is enveloped in.
See through.. respect and self respect.
energy of in the way we express ourselves to others, is that essence which even goes beyond the communication, the intel, the life giving force…. within that nothingness is something beyond the graciousness… of the sharing- giving..
There is that unspoken acknowledgment of caring, in the words about your feelings…
who you are… I Cee You…
I see you…
Your point of view as i express mine.. and I include it in the way I speak to you”

I observed how it began, and played out last night, in hindsight.
the one representing E and S… expression sound… the thread… the healer, the warrior…
And the one Golden King Arthur of the Round table..
*( “Kolo” means ‘Circle- round hand links dance… a dance)
Hines… linked to Gregory Hines
G H.
“White Nights… White K-Nights..
W N… W K… Wisdom & Knowledge.
White Nights is 1 1985 Movie with..;
-“White Nights is a 1985 American drama film directed by Taylor Hackford and starring Mikhail Baryshnikov, Gregory Hines, Jerzy Skolimowski, Helen Mirren and …
Story by?: ?James Goldman”

*Kim Mentioned James when I mentioned Joe…

It was all self evident because Kim ( Tree Sage ) began to immediately about a conversation he had that morning with a person who when I asked his name, he later found out that the person is called “Nate”.

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater is also Stephans brother, and his girlfriend i met, is also called harmony.
N T B was born 4-11… Kim 11-4.
I was led to 114 Grant Moor by E M F…S F my first post of call or stopping place after leaving bed 4-019/18 at Delta Manor- beach street.
K is Knowing and Knowledge.
K is 11
Kim told me he had conversed with Nate about Doppelgangers Twins.

I had noted this morning that Athena- Sarah Kaizer was aware that I had sent her a text at 11:11 p.m- I had not bothered to point it out, ( not doing that any more.. thank the heavens)
But she had noted it.. ah.. awareness.. supreme…?
Yes, because I observe what it links to in the perfect symmetry of the Moment…

11 11. males and a female
11 two males…
1 male alone at 8-29-2020
The Place.
T.P… 20 16…. 36 S F just turned 36… Chris Filgueira resumed contact after almost a year… 11 months.

1 11..
That was the monies left in the drawer by S F for me.
1 11.. 1 11.. 222 6

I am representations of the e judged by the E Q as A Q .. H Q in A G..
Examined and Tested as you were, but mine broadcast on a loud speaker on my page and my nature of being, cornered in U S A for the last 19. 5 years on the 20th of august.
Posting even now and linking the thread the Fil… The Eli…”Eli” in OINri Igbo means “Thread rope”
Same as Fil in French…
And I have been linking and connecting in Igbo and French centered on English.
I.E F…

Yes back to the code on the package E to C to me as E..
5 3 5= 11.. K.

E linked to the K..Gold. K G
E A F K G ..H E-VA-E.H.

Do you see what I mean?

It was my test…

To connect by simply what point of which all became True.
He mentioned a discussion with Nate which had not only raised his spirits to what he said was Joy, but which transformed his first impression of arriving at Oregon the 33 state and the beginning of the story.
It is not the same.
Staying behind will not be a Journey of pain and suffering as Denzel Washington depicted in the movie “The Book of Eli”
see sacred portal 87.
represented by Christopher Filgueira and Tree Sage Kim Hines..
C F … 3 6 =9
T S… 20 19= 39…
48… Kamora Herrington
Sacred portal 48 Beautiful Death Beautiful Transformation.
C T F S…
Connecticut 5th State.. Feelings Sensational… 23 25…( 2003) =48… 3 C

C F 9 I.
K H.. 19 S

I S.

C K Chukwuemeka Kolo
F.H. Foresight Hindsight.
Fahad Hassen “Beautiful handsome leopard”

Ardens Mentor… mirror

Frank’s Dream.. Alicia Norris

Black Panther – Leopard.
B P L… A C E…

Chukwuemeka Kolo.
Emeka kolo…are all in One.. the same person now separate and apart.
Chukwuemeka is my C…
Emeka is my Expression…E
and always in Harmony…
C E H… but which came first.. ?
E C E… 5 3 5…13
Emeka Nnamdi..
E M A N… E A Man.

we are three now…
Nnamdi Kolo.. N K..
A K A… Arden Kolo… A K.
A N N A..K K A N K..E Man.

N K … 14 11= 25 Y ( AFKG)
C K … 3 11= 14 Vermont A.M
E K …. 5 11= 16 P..88 11 Doppelganger Twins.
P is Perfection.

N E C K…
E N always come together…
Expression Naturalness..
Energy and the Nothingness which contains Somethingness

E N= S. See beyond Sight.. that is C-Speed of Light… consciouness as Cee…
See is the anchor… to Cee S.O L.. S C.. South Carolina..
Two males.. two Man Youth… Two ..South Carolina is the 8 state and the end of the 2017-Total Solar Eclipse script.

And so N K
C K…
K K…
H K..

N E C K…H.
KK K K K.. 5 K 5 11

It has always been about my neck.. Its not sitting correctly, it is the part of me which is the source of my body being twisted, and thus affecting everything else.

N E C K… H … E K.

6:00 p.m.
It is the seat of transformation and where sound as 5th chakra comes from out of the Blue Note.
it as the body, is the receiver of all five senses in one.
Connecting the Head to the Torso Body.
The bridge.. is the neck.
it is that which creates Harmony.. yes, Like a Swan

P.S 5 K means 5 Kilometer race… of 5 K as 1000.
I will link it to 1000 since in code roman numerals, 1000 is M.
also 13.. 1013…J M..
A J M was yesterdays play.
but is is also a race to reach E…
Connecticut in the play… My entire life.. when I am and always have been but it was the play to prove that All are e but so few are aware..

A S..
Arts Science…
all a code.. a sign like a sign board…
like the sign place in the Hi way in Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy…
sine wave…

It was clearly posted on the 9 year old Arden Gemino photograph, taken by his Godmother Charleen Johnston.
Linked to Angelina Jolie.
“Beautiful Messenger”

In fact Athena Sell A S.. my last face book friend was then proceeded this morning with Athena Sarah, who I met the first time with Stephan and instantly called her Athena, much to he surprise because it is her middle name.
That Train of Thought she represented was clean.
it was welcome and pleasant and impeccable exchange.
A S..K..
Athena Pallas… P All AS.
A P…
Advanced Placement.
AT HE NA is the Palace…
Yes, my Home is a Palace in Cloud 9.. C I..
Nelson means Cloud Passionate Champion.”
N- C P C..

One of the first codes at Liberty C Liscomb portal I had called out was the magazine on the deck with Neil Armstrong.
N A..
Neil Furby of 3, he alone remained. Linked to 147 2nd avenue in Manhattan the other Cafe bean where I was with David Philip Gil when he arrived.

Man on The Moon.
M O T M…/ M TOM.. M Twins Two lines of vision.
Two Destinations which merge back into One…
Rising and Destruction.
R D / D R… Death Ray…
Devine Divine Ray
Devi Deva… sacred portal 71.
1.7 85 71 4 ( 7 14) 2 9.
They return back to one after delivering Boom Boom! Bomb of destruction of the central head quarters of the lie..
Its structure.
System of the damned.
Delta Operating System.
Gossip.. Ah the stories they tell others.. and themselves, until they begin to believe it, convincing themselves that it is the truth, forgetting the facts…
The bomb set.. the two beautiful assassins.
B… P L A C E…D.
as the lie of the Garden of Eden as a place, rather than a place manifested via perfect expression in the Infinite Beginning of I and I, Infinity and the Individual…

The Two get out…
How by moving back to One I.
ID EA… S E..

Slick and Smooth…
My nick names.. ours.. as well
Slim and Slender… Lean Grace…Lean= Harmony…Body.
With your body… muscle memory.

Thus the two.. I I join and link in One..
O N E…S P.. H at Eden now earth.
At the Crystal Clear Palace.

My Home in this world is called Palace.
P H…Hotel is just a place I ( we) pass through, a nod to Harmony attained by cleaning up the story of the past.
Then off to the Palace..
Link Taj Mahal..
Loves Craftsmen.

Yes, I am aware that I am saying that all the palaces in this world belong to the E and the E Family the original designs were for and from us…
Of course, it is to be revamped, the true palace is not of this world but is manifest here by this play.
Marina Burini saw it.. an idea of our true life style.

No we leave the world behind in Harmony.. Beauty.
And harmony destruction H D.
19 84… Its A wave which takes every one not in harmony emitting 5″28 Hertz in whatever lan-gauge they chose, is carried on a wave of thier Attitude manners words …on a wave into a place on Non existence and there they will forced to fight for their existence as there is nothing in that frequency which supports that which they emit.

No we leave Natures Harmony behind and then move to the realm of Perfection.
Eden is a Place of Otherworldly Delights only the representations of Perfect expression of Self and ID…
Can find themselves, led by a wave more life a flying carpet.

Thus, Flying Car-Pet.
Up Pegasus…P E GAS U S..
P E-G-A. S U S../
S.. U S.. A-G..E P
Sacred Portal…?
E K.. A man… H B …I..T S TT. 20/20=1.A

H B I T S-A.
A S…T.. I Be H…Infinity is Harmony.

So you see the correlation with Douglas Adams “Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy”

D A..H-G..TT.. G…-H E.
4 1.; 8-7….2020… 7..is 8 5…

sacred portal 87
S..Supreme not Superior…
Supreme Harmony Grace=Movement Motion…A H..
= Perfection = Perception Piercing The Veil of sound..
What do you see… Intention.
Piercing the veil of sight what do you see?
the beautiful Truth.

I B T…
9 2 20…
9 22..
I V. Ikemefuna Victor.
F K… Fred Knox…
6 11…F K… F A-A… Two Paths.. One Road.

I V F K…
F I V “E” K. 6 9 22 K…
6 9 22 11….
11 22 69 and 68… 8 9= 8 same thing.
David Roman Nicholas.
Nnamdi Jay Kolo. Cecil Cecilia Onu.. is Nnamdi his first Female Incanation First Harmony.
F H.
Beautiful Handsome Leopard.
Arden = N N.. Nnamdi Nnonyem.
NN NN… 1414 1414… 28 28…
56= 11.

6:56 p.m.

A S.

E K…
E T…
110 95…
A J… I E.
A-Jay… age code 20.
AJ as one peron..
110 Sacred portal 110
A J….1 10
One Family of E and the other the past family the the 1 who was and is 10.. TEN.

The First Elegant Nomad who moved alone through the waves of expression but then he was never alone..
He was always aware…
that there were T.WO of him.
E and A… Expression and his Awareness and his Awareness is his Naturalness…
and now through a play of 3-4..
C..as C.K his Consciousness present now joins the fold
and Harmony Energy…
The beginning, yes Eden Eternity always having been present.. but no one bothering to prove this First landing…
F L..until now.

N E C K.. H .E K. P H..P.+ Anthony Joseph added…
Add the Precious Priceless and of inestimable value the Flower of life…
and Lily..Liac… Susan…add the Leaves… laurel…
Alexa Vertefeuille line..
Laurelle Rethke

Lauren Francesca
Laurell Eden

Lauren Harkrader
Laurel Love…

Sophia Oscar Lauren… S P 37.

C S.L…A V….
C is Supreme Love…

N E C K… E H..K .E K ..E.
Throat Expresses… Harmony Knowings
Explains Knowing-
( 6th Sense)
through Arts Science – Knowledge
Voi C E… H
The “Voi” “the way or path”
of how the E See by the effects of our words and Victorious Cee on other…
True False or Need Improvement.. Refinement.

Ella Graham E G Example.. 5 7

Lily Perry L P. Long Playing Record. Dee Jay..
Obianwuna Anulika O A…Omega Alpha..
A O Alpha Omega…

E G L P O A..

E L O. / O L E!
G P A…/ A P G

*An abbreviation for the Elo rating system, a mathematical system that rates players according to their relative skill; originated with chess, but also adapted for other games such as League of Legends (LoL).

A grade point average is a number representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in courses over time. More commonly called a GPA, a student’s grade point average is calculated by adding up all accumulated final grades and dividing that figure by the number of grades awarded.Aug 29, 2013

Arden tested me… E.T Examination Test.. E T.. 5-20-1973… Boom Boom.. 5 20= 25…
100…125….A B E ( Abe Lincoln.. a story and a lie… L E…17. Actuality Freedom Liberty.. F L..18 Alexander Grove.. A G
Arden Gemino A G=H Q H ..I
Actual Fact Here Present.

I Checked him… Chess…Check mate… Di… Mari…

Test Check … Mate.

AP G Advanced Placement..
Attained Perfection… G.. at G Gemino Gemini…

OLE! In Spanish .. its means Victory…and links to sacred portal 50.
Which represents the bull
Raging Bull..
Bull of Wall Street.. meant to be the Wolf of Wall street.
me representing FE-NRI
Born day of the Wolf..
“Two Wolves undercover..”

It is the battle with the Human ego as well as my own ego, “Self Projections”
as well as money.. and time…
and the O.G..Old Guard…energy..
Those too stubborn and hard headed to change…
I met Esteban Miguel Filgueira while he was in the 50th state.
.. Unless the are placed in the space of learning the way they asked to…
Experiencing my truth for themselves to understand…
With no more reminders or slaves sent to align and refine their expression…
Who chose what they will Focus attention on…

I mean all this is school.. is it not?
The results of the E Graduation are posted after making the process so transparent, to supremacy…T S… and with me and the A e line udercover providing Rocket Fuel.. R F
( Ferril Reilly..)

You can not expect to lynch the guy who is asked to post the result after making him the do everything else include warn teach guide instruct, cee, love and share all with you…

No, this time I am armed with I & I and the e family with a Gun 007 License to Kill…
L T.. K… 12 20… LT Chevrolet
3 16 33…
Death Ray.. DR…Gun.

8:02 p.m.

I have had not had a break from this work and vile play, since i woke up.
It has been like this for 8.8 years..
19 years..
27 years..
31 years and 8 months…
non stop…
Non stop and in the last years, quickened to a pace, that I have no time to eat, rest, pause until each days play is complete.

* 8:05 pm.

85.. H E… Merited Earned…
8 65…. The lie of me there is only 56 56…1 11 11 5 in 1…
Area 51…
6th Sense.. A Fact.. not an Act.

8:06 p.m
86… 8-6-2020…
89… 6 9…

8:07 p.m
87…Sacred portal.
8 O7.
8 67…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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