
8/17/2017 21:24 – Facebook Post

7:45 p.m.

So, that is it…

This is now about Lisa Natalie Johnson not just Lisa but the whole healing line.
Lisa Levine of Maha Rose is a Healer… Acupuncturist who was able to access what no doctor was able to understand and see of what was happening in my Body…
Even to the sound of a Voice a frequency of a Boys voice in my Liver….
And the energy pulling my body out of Line.
Samantha Yurkosky a woman of E.T brilliance.
Who asked the most fundamental question about how would the Harmony of my Science work, how could it be accessible to everybody and would they not abuse it.
She was the witness to my discovery and then reading about how Russian Scientists had discovered that conversation transforms reality.

Rachel Young who was the only person who read the Manuscript “The True Conversation between Ahtom and Energy E”

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions who wrote her thesis on the inner War of Energies and Frequencies which would take place in the Human Body between that which is Natural and that which is unnatural literally taking place with me…

Marina Burini whose understanding of the play was exceptional and supernatural…

Ritz Montes who could read through essence oils perfumes Music and Vibrations….

Ms Brenda with her power of the Oracle…

Then some of the extraordinary, ladies met here in Face Book…
Elizabeth Clarizio. Gay-Marie Bradshaw, Esther Uzoma, Kristen Green, Dawn Piercy, the list goes on and on…

The Journey on Land and

I have witnessed this, and i know my Journey to Lisa Levine 97 Green Street at Green Point Avenue.
To Full Circle Land and Space to Lisa Natalie Johnson.

Whenever I am around Lisa Natalie Johnson I had observed that children, children always would be around her, and the codes which I could read of the Matrix always came through children when around her.

I know, as all you who have been following this equation and my this riddle that it has ended with Lisa Natalie Johnson and Angela Dawn.
L.A….J.D…. 12 1 10 4….
This is a code… LA! is the Code of Sixth Sense which is Feminine Intuition now manifested as a Fact.
Sacred portal 121… is My Brother Twin expression calling to my attention that Our Mother… The Lady Di… IS…
This is the Snow Queen Line.. Healers by Touch and Scent…
10 4… is Dream of the One Father represented as the Horned One… Baphomet also linked to Capricorn…
Goat O… Linked again to Lisa and Kelvin… L.O.O.K…
K.OOL…Kolo…. Sacred Portal 4 links “Love Links the Raine Reign of the Goddess Rain, Long may He Reign”

Sacred Portal 104 is Death as the Cross Roads…

Sacred Portal 12 which I must share, Love Destroys Disharmony Dissonance Manipulation and Discord…
Hologram says” Happy Valentine Day Suckers..”

And Sacred portal 1 is Joy….

LA Joy Divine…
That is the Story of the nature of the play I have read through my sacred Portals and the story of the last 25 years, and especially the last 16 years.
It ends with the code of Dawn Piercy and Personal Dynamics…
D.P/P.D… And that is conversation which is the the truth of Personal Dynamics… P.D… D.P… Pride Dignified…
Creates 16 4… 20… 4 16.. 20… 20 20.. TT… 2O 2O… B B…
Portal Brenda Booth in feminine form in the Reflection but really represented by me… Body Being… B B…

And then to B V B… B H B…2 8 2… 12… Lisa Natalie Johnson so you understand how the Equation of Lady Wu-man speaks for itself.

The Crying Bawling children of the world require a Pacifier.
That is what Axel Love had told me to do in 2006 when I first encountered Albert Santana and that rage that cry… Which I did not identify could not recognize as even real or of the Story.
Pacify him.. ?
With me as the Human Sacrifice?
But that is what happened and it was an experience which I never wish to repeat.

Because there is a better way.. than sacrificing a Human being to appease another whose hurt has reached such a point as to demand Existential Death of the Entire World and Species…

A perfume…

Bring forth a Master Perfume which moves through the Air…
A Perfume which is “God.. Huta.. which Invokes, recalls summons the awakened memory of the beautiful Story of the Lord.. That Song.

And that Beautiful Story is now Embodied in the Line of the Ladies… and Gentle men the true embodiment of the Story…
The Story is now… embodied in Body and Being Victorious Expressed and aligned.

It has landed….
I have the evidence.. you have the evidence.

As such, despite my fatigue…
I can full fill the last equation or Promise of writing with Lisa Natalie Johnson the interface of her Company Higher Ground Healing Arts…
There is not much work this time since it is embodied in here and over the last 9 months of which I had to figure out and navigate through the meaning of the maze and the play I was in, refining and finally arriving at the conclusion before all your eyes as to the Harmony of Lisa Line .. the Line of Woman in this World which she represents… The Harmony of E and my little Sister Harmony grown from that first Drop of Perfume
See Sacred Portal 46…
And then 64…

To became the Sacred Book…
A Perfume.. not a Pandora’s Box of Chaos with only Hope left at the Bottom…
But Pans Daughter… The True Devil… The Beautiful Devil who Lived… And though D-Evil was done to me to achieve this Goal… He was not Evil…

Just Determined… To L.I.V.E…Delta… through a Story…
Death.. and through that Story.. HE..She could be transformed.

I do not wish to express my personal feelings as how I feel about this.

I am content that during the next few days to be working on the Structure of Lisa’s company,grounding it and linking it to the Eternal..
Not in my wildest imaginations did I believe that I would be called to use my skills gained here in this World as a Conceptualists, a Director and all the skills I learned here and then had to give up to work on this riddle.

9:20 p.m.


But it is what it is…
And anything is better than the last 5.5 years here where everything appeared to be focused on me, when in truth as you can all see, it had nothing to do with me at all…

But my Little Sister Evolving as an embodied principal and inheriting a World…
Using her natural Being and Beautiful Expression of the E to pacify bawling children who are crying throwing tantrums in this World from Top President Richest to Bottom-Homeless and Poor…

The simply required a Scent.. Sent from the Beautiful Story of the Lord Harmony Eternal….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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