
8/17/2017 19:38 – Facebook Post

5:31 p.m.


“The Awakened One…
Tall, Dark and Elegant working on a system of evolution of consciousness and awareness, where the True meaning of Beauty becomes the entry point of a new era”

I just saw this on Pinterest..
I do not know who wrote this but I just saw this for the first time today.
I have one follower… but it is the most articulate expression of what I have been doing and have just completed on reaching Angela Dawn as a face book friend, in what she represents in her arrival as a Face Book friend, at the very end of 16 years in New York, of my being conscious and aware of being “Summoned Called” ( Huta) to New York, and then to Face Book to answer the Challenge of an Unseen Play of the Universal Systems ( which was open to all) of what was a Contest and Race against a Computer System.

A Matrix, in which One’s expression is passed through an Alogorithim and equate, quantified reflected through a sort of Question and Response, as well as a Quiz, of Awareness and Perfect Timing is echoed back to you to reflect not only your truth but whether your expression can evolve human consciousness.

Of course, I had no idea that this would be the Challenge when I came to New York, or when I was led to Face Book.
A Test by the Universal Mind to solve what I gradually became aware was the Riddles of Existence.

I knew who had nominated me… I wrote about my Family of E, and how I wrote about that as a boy.
And a Mission.. I wrote about this here on face book as I moved through this Simulation Play. I wrote about how my whole life was trained and had been groomed for this contest.
But I had written that vision as a boy. and then put it to the back of my mind, only to find that reality governing every stage of my life
Of meeting a person while in University in Nigeria who went to Yale and was from the other frequency of awareness who began training me and preparing me to come to New York which I had no intention of coming to..
Because I saw a vision of myself so harrowing ( which came no where near to the reality ), but I wrote about how everywhere I was being trained, meeting “Strange” people moving through Human Beings, speaking to them as literal Avatars telling me Remember the Mission. Training me, everywhere I went…
I was wrote about it all here, but in Hindsight of a Life which finally made sense.. but which I could not believe was real because… I was here.
Because I lived here now… and because no one asked me, asked my permission if I wished to compete or submit my Awareness Memory ..thesis Fact of what I did not even realize was the Truth of the origin of the species.

They were just my Awareness, Memories.. real…
It was my secret, my truth.. that I came from a world not of here and that I was secretly looking for my Family who dropped me off…
And stunned to find pieces of them scattered in a people, I was led to,with my collecting each piece and fragment of them, in these Human Avatars.
I was in the Matrix, and that is where they had led me, to a Matrix to Lisa Natalie Johnson and the project of which I realized today is what ends this play before I can leave..
A Promise made…

… Jesus… Forgive me.. but this is a bit overwhelming…
that this is happening…

A Promise made to my Little Sister Harmony who is now rising in this World Embodied in both Male and Female in perfect balance in WU-Man… Yes.. amazing sacred portal 37…

A promise that Harmony inherits this World that I leave behind.
Harmony.. Of Higher Ground, Healing Arts…
The company being formed by Lisa Natalie Johnson.

Higher Ground H.G… 87…. Jesuus!!! See my Sacred Portal 87.
Bringing the World back to their Senses and Sensies…
Healing Arts.. H.A… 8.1… See sacred portal 8 and 1…
8 is Love Links Desire… Dawn Piercy Painting
Lisa Natalie Johnson worked for company which helped the Homeless called Personal Dynamics…P.D/ D.P…
See Sacred Portal 1…’Love Links Joy Us Existence Divine”
( Not Existential Death) That is the First Sacred portal I created.
and the last is 155… 15 is O and 5 is E…
I leave through that Portal represented here at Delta Manor by Jose Anthony Roque… formerly of bed 5-004 when I was in bed 5-006.
And now bed 5-16.. E.P… Expression Pure..
While I am in Room 4 Bed 4… 44 8… 44 16… 8 16… 8 7…

Dear Lord..

So it would appear that I spent 16 years moving through so many Human Avatars, building up thier companies, their lifes which none of then gave me credit, each time my Work on thier Wishes and dreams Ideas manifesting into reality but not being sustained after the initial successs because of a lack of integrity, a lack of giving credit, respect acknowledgment not simply to me but to the Energy and Expression I represent.
All I had asked of these people was to spread the Intel, the Beautiful News that the E Consciousness work…
That my Art and Science of embodied Frequency raises them to Higher Grounds, Heals… makes even the barren the impotent fertile.
It was never about proclaiming me, but what I was and have been representing.
Perhaps this play was all about that, people not being corrupted after they getting their wish made true.

Recall, I was hired by Make a Wish Foundation but it did not work out because it was not clean.
Just as I was hired by Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film company, and it did not work out,
And for Avalon Church with the Nightlife kings of New York…
With so many New York Companies…

7:06 p.m.

I knew I had the golden touch, Jon Jason Lee once wrote me being the first to inform me of it..”When you walk and touch people flowers with perfumes sprout up” he had written in a note to me once in Istanbul..
I was speechless… But then why did nothing work out…
It was because they Energy I came with had to interface with its Twin.

And Today as I observed Brenda G Booth and Yvonne entering as I entered, and both of them sitting opposite me and besides Larry, L..B.Y…E.. Then Lisa Natalie Johnson came in, I realized that in the E-Spirit world these Three had elected Lisa Natalie Johnson as the representative of the Wonder of Woman.
The Line of Woman in her truest form.
But these Two Mothers and and Third mother as Male Larry.. had used these Human Avatars to train her, prepare her.
And Lord, I know how hard and confusing that training can be…
They training is something which I have and had protested through out my life.
My Bio Father my Mother, my entire family and all the people who I had loved had been used to train me, I was aware but the Training preparing me for this…
I had refused.
There is a better way.
I knew this.
I know this.
But here I am.

And here she is… 7:14 pm.

I just heard Brenda’s Laugh…

Larry bought an order of Essences from Lisa Natalie Johnson.. 26 usd.
That is my sacred portal 26… “There is something in the Air… a Perfume… Aphrodite Erose…”

Suddenly, I realized that, that is why I posted Lisa Natalie Johnson card.
I noticed when I came into today, not even money to buy ciggarettes but knowing I had helped build so many companies so many dreams.. The Last being Beautiful Dreamers for Marina Burini which became successful- a Life style shop… But she let go of the E Consciousness… then sold the business…
Billy Hung, who sponsored me for a year made a fortune, with bit coins, was healed of the portal where he had no spirit or memory to memory of the realm before he was born – the greatest gift one can give another, the memory of something beyond the material.. a Realm he recalled as Perfect Joy…
Albert Santana got the custody of his sons…
But they were never grateful, it was never enough.. they always wanted more….

And so, I was made to feel that I was worthless… When I know I am the meaning of Anthony… “Priceless”
Transformed into seeming like the beggar…
And so when I saw a Woman with Baphomet the Devil in Tarot on her back following my line of vision…
A Young black Girl who I noticed when Yvonne Lisa mother came in…
And I recalled that the Devil/ Lived was is Woman.. The First to assume the Role of Goddess…

And it is also the 6th color seeing from the correct alignment and True Sacred Feminine as Wu-Man – Lady DI… Lady I.S… Lady Delta Infinity… Mouth of God.. the Beautiful Stories Song has finally been born and that it is She who heralds the acension of Wu-man Supreme.

Higher Ground.

And the 4th Dawn…

Linked to Angela Dawn.


Todays post is different from any other post, I have shared.

Today is rather an announcement of the last phase and action an interface between two realities: The Eternal Realm which I have been expression for the last 16 years with the Story, the Box which I call the 1-4 Dimensions.
Represented by Lisa Natalie Johnson.

I woke up today to a person in bed 4-007, a man from Dominican republic who can not stop talking about his problems loudly in Spanish.

I had realized that what this man represented with his constant whining and complaining about the injustices that he was going through as an older man who also stated that he was illiterate, was going through represented the very Evil which has beset humanity.
That refusal to take responsibility and worse still, infecting the air with his misery. Not allowing anyone to rest, to have peace because he Rant and complaint ( though not unjustified ), was that sense of Misery Likes Company which is dragging so many people in this reality down.

Polluting the Air.

His bed 4-007 Represented my sacred Portal to the abyss, and I had noticed once more this play. the codes of when that number began to pop up in this Universal Script that is when he began to become vocal, more and more so..
And today, tired so tired of reading and observing all the cause and effect of why this reality has become this way, and doing everything I could despite the literal discomfort and quite agony that he is not aware that is going on in my body.
And his constant insistence that his being loud and noisy was to bring to my attention and to the attention of all that he needed help.

“You are writer, working on solutions to Human problems why do you do not help me?”

This play for attention, to such an extreme to a 58 years old man who was inadvertently using all the tools which the System has used to separate and create conflict- Need…
That sense of entitlement that “You must help me”

I understood very well his cry, and the reason for his whine, even his rage.
They system which he thought would save him, help him in his old age- ( I think he must much older than 58), had betrayed him and he was panicked.
Crying out like a Child who refused to stop bawling, really bawling, that kind of baby who parents are tempted to strangle or hit…
As I found myself rising to almost… almost do today.

I had done enough, I could see Donald Trump in this man who acted superior and even racists, like a slave owner.
But in all fairness, I could see the same brain washing the same spells which had made the 20 year Jason Alexander Fields ram his car into a crowd.
The same whining, bawling of the petulant child who forms the White Supremacist, the Black Rage, the Hispanic community, the Asian community… All caught up in the rage of wanting basic needs met and wanting to be seen heard…

Wanting to know that they are suffering, that they are important and not caring if they trampled on others, not caring if they negated the comfort and the existences of others…
They felt no responsibility, no consideration and just as whining bawling children which has become the mess of the Human Race.. he wanted a pacifier.

If not, just as Donald Trump, from top, to this man at the Bottom in bed 4-007 he would through a Tantrum, unaware, even indifferent when made aware that he was at the very entrance of entering into the abyss.

I was reminded of my former host at 268 when I had met him, and his rage, his rant, his screaming at the top of his lungs that he wished to go into Non Existence, to not exist but wished to take the whole world with him.
Because they had betrayed him, they had made a world, where the Word he had believed in as a child was a lie.

There was a picture of a Baby in his home, a baby painted by a well known New York artist in the lower East side who had painted a portrait of my former hosts as a an orange baby…
Orange is the 2nd Color in the Rainbow.. A Linear Equation
R O Y (G) G B.I.V….R…
And it is also the 6th color seeing from the correct alignment and

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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