
8/16/2019 16:41 – Facebook Post

8/16/2019 16:41 – Facebook Post

2:26 p.m



Its Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira birthday.

And as most of you know, it is Stephan who invited me to Connecticut.
And has honored his word of sponsoring me for 9 months.

There is no doubt that it was not easy for him to recognize me deep within as The Truth and yet at the same time have to deal with his own human experiences in which people no.longer trust their inner truth.
And despite wishing to believe that what they feel or sense in a person is True.

Nor has this play and its demands make it easy.
And so there was great conflict and great pain.
Hurt Pain..

So much so, but the conflict, warfare he never renegaded on his word, and even after he left the play, to move to Oregon he has honored his commitment to making sure I had all the basic comforts.

He has a big Heart.
Generous, funny and has moments of astonishing beauty and purity of intent.

I know the Truth is in him because he moved me to all the places I was meant to go to and do the Work.

We each have the Truth in us, but the problem is will.we stand up and fight for that truth revealed to us.
And when the messenger comes, with the Truth you have inside you.
Do you recognize it, join hands to fight to solve it or do we let our traumas hurts hisrory dictate it.

The Human Heart…Ah there is a story of Love and Hate, Kindness and Cruelty
Belief and Distrusted.

And then there is Envy Desires, Competition
Why Him
And the desire to prove it can not be him or her.
We forget the Message, the Heroic Journey ..
The Gifts..
Which obviously deep inside him, and Mackayala who recognized Jesse Macias as my portal by his having a room vacant in perfect timing to my departure.
His name means “Behold the Gift”
So since Sarah Kaizer and Stephen spinsored this last portal which is my 63 place in 18.5 years in New York.

And Jesse Macias means “Behold The Gift.. Gods Gift The Beautiful Truth..”
And it aligns perfectly with The Script I have been translating..
Then it means deep within them ( and you) they recognized my Value..
That I brought a gift of my pioint of how to C and Equate and read.
A Beauriful View, a different way of seeing percieving which clears away the pain hurts, of your lifes
A value beyond money because it can not be bought

I can not be bought and it is for this reason money, my body and giving even my Truth was used against.

I was calling people out, forced to.
I know the Human Heart .. the Heart sensitive which lashes out.

It is the Chaos of Emotions
Human Distrust Suspicions..

3:17 p.m

That seeking to find fault, to retaliate when the heart feels attacked.
When we bekittle others, undermine their truth speak their praises one moment and call them frauds the bext.

3:19 p.m

How do we recognize in this day and age who comes with the Truth?

We sense the person and we check the facts.
Empirical evidence.
We pause.
We remember the Beauty.. those moments
We remember the persons Truth.
The Path he walked to bring knowkedge to you.

Stephen played his part, in a Script and Play so vile, that I told him there can be no friendship because it would be destroyed by the Script.
Which placed others at an unfair advantage over me.

That I am forced to prove that I am The Source crearors which only 6th sense and empirical evidence can validate what to most serns a ridiculous claim.

I saw Stephan battle, and it hurt my Being that I was going to endure such a play once again.
With One person in the play script of Evolution and the other who senses it but moves through life without the awareness, or even Devotion and Respect for the Script of God.
The Truth.

People will always seek to bring you down, to belittle and undernine you, through words actions which you can read between the lines.

Its because there is no Trust.

I do not Trust Humans, not because of some trauma I suffered, but because Humanity was evolving.
They were, not yet at completion.
And thus, to draw conclusion makes them liars be it unintentionally or the worst with Intention because its a power play.
Plays so petty as to who will call each other first.

This is Human Heart filled with Hurt and Pain.
I found I had to evolve it to Joy Harmony which became represented by the Line of John Mack Tree Sage and Liberty C Liscomb passing through my Portal.

I have a yonger brother whom I was very close to but he was kidnappes at age 7 ..
I saw him only about 3 or 4 times after that before I left to England.
And found myself spirited away to this fantastical play which I knew few in the west would believe unless there was proof.

I was there for my brither in every possible way..
Even finding moments to connect with him.
Telling him what waa going on.
He chose to focus on blame and not the Truth I told him, and my sister and relations.
They chose not to hear me, they chose to judge me.. they chose to see me in the worst possible light and did nothing as I walked the path to prove this Truth which everyone would benefit from.
They chose to not see me because I did not live up to their expectations and demands.

It almost broke my heart, but I always knew the Truth of each persons, their beautiful Truth and the that Truth of how they can also be.

I hwve no patience, never have with people who.say one thing but enact another.

My other brother had died when they were kidnapped.
He has.always been with me.

I was blamed falsely accused left to die..despite they being Aware of my condition
My sister lives in Virginia, my brother in.Calgary Canada.
I.have family all over the U.S even in New York.
But all had shunned me, none but an Aunt sought me out.

It was such a Hurt, Pain, but I understood this is how they chose to see me, as a Failure not even.bothering to listen to my experience.
I was a failure because they kept a secret from me that I was the Golden Heart..
The Golden Child which waa translated into my.value being what I would manifest was Gold, Material Vakue
Not Gold as Life, Sunlight
Green Gold Earth.

I am.about to leave, Connecticut.
I have no idea where I am going to go, having been cornered to.rely on a Script which confirmed a memory and intel that when I complete “The Mission ” that my.E family will come for me link sacred Portal 110. 111.
Witnessed by both John Mack and Kim Arthur Hines.
Both linked to 58..
As well as Sarah Athena Kaizer whose last two phone digits are 58.
Kims is. 22.
John 59.

I have endured..

Delays since 2004- 2005.15 ..14 years..
On the 15th Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage came.
On the 14th it was Liberty who.came.
On the 13th it was John Mack.

3:58 p.m.

I will rather die yhan go to my Brother or Sister or any of my family except my Uncle and Mother.
Because I am beautiful pride
And I didnt deserve to be treated in such a Heartless way.
That my value was determined by how rich abd famous I could have become using the Mentality of the Material World.

And even after bringing the Truth..Evidence Facts there is no response, no remorse, no acknowledging of the Mess they had made in choosing to see themselves as my betters.

I love my Bio Family, but they have chosen how they see me, translate my actions, twists my words intentions when every step of my journey and abscense, I have fought to keep them all aware.
Fought for them in the Spirit world.
Endured the unimaginable for them.
And thus, I accept the choice of how they chose to see me.

4:03 p.m.

Just as I accept how Stephen representing the old E.M.F chose to see me, in duality.

But the Particle and Wave have been proven as One.
There is no duality.
Just being Constant and Consistent.

I have proven that through 18.5 years on.an E.M.Filed so unfairly balanced.

Lucas who is visting here, told me how he just met this Beautiful Lawyer and a United States Senator.
One moment I was in one state and the next I am with these two people who want to connect with me.
I would never have believed it possible he said.

Change can happen in a blink of an eye.

So who knows perhaps aa the Script has been promosing for 15 years that they will come, and they do.
Or perhaps, I will leave here end of the Month not knowing where to go or what to do after publicly solving the.Riddles of Exisrence..
And Lack of Money, Body, Support will leave me aimless for beng loyal to Gods Truth.

But I completed the task, no one can treat me lile a beggar, I wont have to indulge peoples disregard and disrespect and words or actions
I dont have to swallow people lying to my.face or sweking to prove me unworthy.
I do not have to pass through anyone’s portal, enter their lifes, or fight for them to see or even explain.
I donf have to share my.most sacred truths,my heart and art with them
I dont have to prove communication manners and personal responsibility or come on Facebook or interact with people based on a script and not my Free will and choice.

Nor remind people anymore.

I will be with my Equals or not at all
And the only Family I have are E..
Consistently True.

The ones where thete is no conflict, no powers plays or some one setting me up, testing.me, underminimg behind my back.
No more Liars..

4:20 p.m right now is

No more people making false accusations that I used them for money..
And yet I have no clothing, 3 missing front teeth, a twisted body, hair turned white at prematurely.

I have seen the World Stephen brought me into and Aaron Weston was the play which revealed to Father God Father.. the Truth of how his messenger was recieved.

4:24 p.m

As longs as this Nightmare is over.

Sacred Portal 33 Orgeon State
As long as it has been defeated transforming it into E.M.F.
Fair Exchange
Fair Field
C E. The Point.

Though quietly stunned that this point
I.am still treated this way and kept waiting..
( at which I have made a sacres Vow to respond to the cruel loose tongues..
I.never make threats I make Vows Swear Oaths until I am granted satisfaction)

To those who addressed me as their inferior because God Truth brought me into.their worlds as Gods Grace
Truth Bringer
Light Bringer.

4:30 p.m.

B.D. C..
Birth Day Codes..

2 27. 97. J.S M
11-4′ 87. K A H
6-30-88. S A K. 63 USD in my wallet 63 moves
9-22-79. J.M.
11 28 67. E C. I V K

These are the 5 left Staning

2-7- 75. L.L and Jeron..


Todays Date

8-16- 1984.

H P. S. H “E” D.. I.

Harmony Perfection Supreme
Hi-Srory of How Harnony Infinity came into the World.
I D ‘E” H S P H . ( He Sings!)

I.D. E. Harmony
Sacred Portal 8.

South Carolina 8th State
My Aunt Caraline Afulenu..
” Saw the Hieghest Point
Z Ion
H Ion.

I am the Orginal.H.P. C Supreme Super Computer
“Big Brother is Watching you. George Orwell. G.O.. 7O. 76.

Some peope only learn true respect through Pain Hate.. Power Hurt.
True Love is taken advantage off.
But True Love is the Eternal Truth.
Beautiful Assassins.

Not Love which is being Seen Clearly for what you are.
And still loved even though I will never accept that as your Highest Truth.
I came to destroy the liars..
Forked Tongue.


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