
8/16/2018 11:10 – Facebook Post

9:46 a.m.



H P.. T R..UE


I have sought to bring to peoples attention for years the truth.
The Truth of a Script that I, as well as all Creation is in.
A Script which I do not believe in but which I respected enough to go to the very end.

This is a play of evolution-
It was set up, and each person here on my Facebook Page and who were my face book friends were representing a Frequency and Vibration- some representing the Beautiful Truth of the Original True Story of Creation.
And others the Frequency Vibration. atitude and mentality which has brough misery pain suffering hatred and evil to all those who are true.
This was a play, which I had to discover myself, of that which could be seen as a transparent enactment – which I was forced to not only act and play my part but also document for history and finally enact the play of Death as Transformation and Death as Extinction.
Beautiful Death and Terrible Death.

It was never personal.
It was representative.
It was also a lesson in Respect, to not assume…
to be care ful as to whom you are addressing.

i was aware that people would not listen, that the arrogance of men was so far gone that there was no point i going through this charade of making me or anyone play a character which Humanity had demanded was thier idea of a Higher Being.

Humanity do not decide what IS.
This play and script was designed for Humanity to be judged.

This is that script.
That Revealation.
That Apocalypse…

It will never cease to amaze me the arrogance and conciet that people would assume that a man such as myself would spend all these years, go through so many tests of endurance simply to entertain them.
That I am so stupid that I would come out on a forum such a Face book to prove to a species who are so diseased in the way they perceive existence and express, to be insuled by them or try to convince them that I am the Cretaor or that this is Evolution.

Its is a play.. A Play a Script which does not care about Human opinions – it is a play to transparently and publicly prove and identify that which can not longer exist, set up in a script which offers a mirror and reflection to all Human Projections of Ego.

The Ego was created pure. It is as a Baby..
It is the mirrior of the soul.

I am not on Facebook to convince any one in this reality- the idea is so absurd ridiculos.
I live in this world albeit, not in this mentality.
I know this world much more than anyone can imagine, I spent my entire youth being forced to study it.

I am here not because of you, or to convince you of anything, I am in a Script and have obeyed the Sript, the play, and played my part and did my role.
I post and am responding not to you- but the Script.
I an addressing the Script, its author.
And when I speak to you, I am speaking to the Eteranal in you…
And the contempt I express is the Lie of you.

There is nothing, no one in this current reality whom I am truly addressing excpet the few who have have been identified in the Script and who I have identified, again through the play of this Script, who know their lines.
Thus, i am able to discern what the Script wants but also its point.

The last key players, chosen no by me, but by the Script and by thier own Free will form the code
D.I.. G…

Dawn Piercy.
Isabelle Ilic
Gabriel Binky Signar…


D.I… / I.D

Thus after 6.8 months on this Forum, in this play and so many meandering turns, so many interactions, battles conflicts whith the absolute stupidity and arrogace- conciet which makes one understand the current state of the World but why Donald Trump who trumpets his own deeds, is the president of the free world.
The Realm of Liars…
He lies and all Lie…

This world is a Lie.

I am not at all surprised by what has been done to me, to anyone who comes with the Truth, especially the Beautful Truth.
And without the power of Fear, Violence Rage…
Who comes with love light and laughter.. but not the love which the liars call Love- that love which in itself is a lie, because it absolves them of all responsibiity, accountability, consequence for actions and expressions which they know is a lie but believe they can indulge in because there is no whip or sword to respond.
The love the liars speak of is one which allowd them to get away with murder, they expect to be exalted, have thier egos faned and others to bow to them as they condemn and judge others who are their exact mirrors.

No, I am The Creator, a man, sent into a script and play which had beautiful Intentions but which to me, did not take into consideration just how diseaded, evil and cruel the species had de-evolved to.

No, I am not adressing you personally, except for a few whose personal expressio to me warrants a response which serves as an example.

I have been in a script, playng a role, unraveling as I went along, horrified apallled at where it wished me to go , the venues- that which it expected or did not take into condsideration what such a role would costs me, in a realm of Liars…
And how far the Liars would go…

Or how much balls and gall men and women would have in their corruption and delusion of thier opinions meaning anything.
If they meant so much then why are they not in positions of power in the world..?

No, this is a Script which had boiled down to two points…
DI.. Represented by Dawn and Isabel…

D.I… Which can be read as Delta I…
and I.D… Short for Identity….
I.D…Which links to Kyle who got his I.D on 7-11.. this year and began to work as a Sous Chef at a restaurant called “Dig In”
D I G… Dawn Isabel Gabriel…. I N… 9 14… / 14 9…*Dentist-Grand Concourse.
Sacred portal 149…
Robert Roberto Munoz wears a T-Shirt with the number 914…

Dawn Isabel.. D.I…
Isabel comes from the name Elizabeth…

D I ..
D I .E… See Sacred Portal 49…Existential Death..

David I Emeka… my first bed in this play was 49…

So I.D.. 7-11.. Seven Eleven.. Bed 5-019.. E OS .. Eos.. Dawn.
Isabel means God is my Oath, my Vow…will bring me satisfaction.

I demanded satisfaction from Kahl El and Vaïhéré Cardonnet and to all who went too far to insult and challenge my expression on my own page after I provided evidence as I did above, that this is a Script.

Robert Kyle Murphy in room 5 C.. ( E C… 5 3.. Keith Grant BED 53 When I was in bed 49)

D.I.. E…K..
D.I… C K… Private Detective…

I D.. Came 7-11 and on the 24th we went back down from 25 back to 24 to bring D.I.G.. I N … FEAST on the Fesh of Humans Unnatural Meat…

I D already played out I David.. I Dawn..
The D I / I D was confirmed already in 2016- 2017…
With the Play of David Dawn to Dawn Piercy..

Gabriel means “God is my Strength”
Then a Vow, Oath and Promise.. that I shall have Satisfaction for the Insults done to me and my Kin by the Big Mouths…
To show them a true show of Power ( 42.. Isabelle Ilic 42.. ohm Om.. )
Strength .. Gabriel Binky Signar… G B S…Green Blue.. 4-5th color.. April 5th 1969.. N N A M DI.. God…
Yes my younger brother is what you call God.. Harmony really.. aka The Truth…

And he wants Revenge… Vengeance Anger… Wrath..
For the insult has gone too far…
DIG IN… Feast on thier Bodies, Drink their blood, make sport of thier Suffering and make them pay and pay for twisting the Truth of Lord God.. L G/ G L…
And I agree…
Because this is what I witnessed they did to my Father-Brother, Lady-Daughters Truth.
And to me, in my presence, to my face with all my evidence all my patience through all these tests .. explaining.. moving me to see the truth of what they did to my Son Daughters story.
Twisting me own words and designating me as Yeshua and to a shelter for the Homeless with Mental Healh issues…?

Ha… There is no wrath or consequence, which can match what these Creatures did..
Nor any wrath to equal that of my Father Brother. Son..

Dig In..
D.I.. N N A M D I…
ID… Was already completed at 7-11-2018…
He sent me back to enact out and encode Revenge..

V for Vendetta..
“Remember Rememeber the 5th of November… 5 11…
11 5.. Kahl El… I am coming for you tonight…

I D.I. O… T…. B E…?

E B..T O I D I…

You EBT..Staten Island .. “I can’t Breathe’ a Choke Hold…

You dare…


Dawn Piercy
David Powers

Isabelle Ilic
Ikenna Iheanacho…

D P Masculine Feminine…
I I… Mascuine Feminine..

D I… P I

I D.. I P.. MA N N..


11:04 p.m.

Arrogant and Concieted men…
Sacred portal 32…
I will make you pay and understand the meaning of pain…

Save your New Age Hypocritcial Bull Shit to those who love to lie to themselves. Ilusion Delusion..
There is Justice Balance and Consquence.. and what this Script has shown me, that which I knew.. there is no remorse.. and so there can be no forgiveness..
only your regrets… which as I write and post right now.. is already too late..

Feast on them alive and let them feel every excuriatig bite – the same way I felt it as they feasted on my flesh by blood my spirit and used my energy to build a world of such evil and cruelty that it almost took my breath away.

11;10 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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