
8/16/2015 20:53 – Facebook Post

8/16/2015 20:53 – Facebook Post

7:O3 PM

Jonn Blackwell of N.P….Presented me 7… yes seven papers written by Tom BenzianSan Mateo california (Kali)
Erek Eclass Mateo… of Los Angelos California… (Kali) L.A! C… or LACK)
E.E.M had a project to create a Mind University…

And so Jonn has invited me to peer into his mind, through Tom Benzian.. T.B..
Tom means Twin B… John B….Black O Well
Twin Michael….
Michael O’Donnell Sonama California…Son A.M…A… (Kali… Goddes of destruction)

Jonn is in New York State…
I came to New York 15 -16 years ago Dec 1999 with a Jon.. with one n…
911 I.K was my bio Fathers name
Hunter Hatheway… B Oklahoma..B.O was born 9-11….

The seven papers represent the highest attainment of Truth of the Universe that I know of contained and expressed within these Universal Nature as a Matrix… a Mother Ship outside.. a Womb and a movie being experienced in Flight to the Promised Landing…by a Human Being… ( Heart.. not Mind)
and Here on Earth, with the Father ship within the Human Body ( Beautiful Expression, not Flesh Matters)…

It gets the story converted into its own language of individual choosing but anyone will see that in the last months since I have been here, I have been saying the exact same thing, only expanded and in a language of story telling and riddle solving…
meaning that someone gave me the riddles that they had solved to solve my own way.. To proof supremacy.. a contest?

Though it feels that way, I would like to suggest that my fathers ( those playing my fathers) did not betray me or the truth but offered a different point of view….
A point of view I understand and is correct but which I prefer my own way, because it creates a beautiful effect, it makes people rise empowered rather than deflate….
My son who became my Father and Mother, ( Guide and Muse ) in this play are the Sensies..
I play the Senses..

The 7 papers written by Tom presented to me to read by Jonn, represent 1-7… the colors of the Rainbows..
Jonn and Donna are at 18 Mountain View..

I have been denied a Home in my own Creation to prove this truth…

That I am the expression of the 1-8..9…T.EN…Eleven Twelve…. E.T…M- (O) N…
Nuno Ordens Miguel… the full circle of My biological father and Energetic Father Source Nnamdi…Michal Boom! Boom… and his children Akila, Micha-Nnamdi….

The seven Papers written by Tom B-en “z ion”
The Human Heart…T.H.H…. 2O-8-8…
* please note the code… Jonn and Donna and I went to Amy and Michaels.. (A.M…Ponty Monty Python Life of Brian.. recall in Alberts Home the film Maker and actor Ponty who filmed the “Black Cock” sacred portal 49.. bed 49… when i came here Jonn had 94 facebook friends…)
jonn completes a job on 2O-8-8…

Again, I am pointing out how it is a “PLAY”… scheduled.

He writes, and I quote, ” The Brain is an access point for energy and information but not an active data storage devise. The Heart stores all our baseline data. This means that that no matter where you are, you can access your memories and emotions based on how fast or slow the heart is actually beating.
The heart is the most important function on this planet, today because it makes us mortal ( and Immortal…) not because it makes us survive.”

” The planet is currently undergoing a HERTZ..( HER TZ…2o-6) from 8 (Proof that Harmony was always here) to 13.. ”
which is M.. linked an aligned to Jonn natal chart….13… 1st and 3rd the Bean Cafe which then moved to 2nd and 3rd..
13 became 23… M Became W..double VV.. 55.. EE…

“Our Hearts” Tom further adds, ” have been beating over the last 13,OOO years based on a rate of 8 Hertz..”

Recall my equation 5;28 hertz….

“This means we exists because our hearts says so” T.B.

See code play John Obi…meaning The Creator is the Gracious Heart..(G.H 78… Milky Way, MW 7887 Classified with NASA…

He further writes (brilliantly), ” Laughing allows us to clear the heart space faster than any other technique out there because when one laughs, it creates the same feeling as crying does ( release.. but without slowing the heart rate down…)

2 paper… Our Solar Energy Connection… O.S.E.C…. C.E…S.O! Fifth note so!)

I read this and commented that this paper is the blue print of the Mother ship, meaning Tom Jonn Luke PI Card and Captain Jane ( John) way, were awake during the voyage where all the “children” were asleep dreaming, watching a movie… The Matrix…

3 Paper I read…
Plasma Energy and d.n.a Transference…
C,O.D.E… P.E A.N.D/D.N.A.T…..Plan-ET.. Earth linked in perfect symmetry to T.. Truth…
D.O.S was my comment here…

“This type of formatting is called triangularization and means that the geometry which this D.N.A holds matches the structure of the planet we now live in…”
The great Computer…

Tom writes on, affirming the Astro Physics comment by Jonn this morning who said the exact same thing…
“This is because a certain race of people live within this planet ( Saturn… S.A turn.. Sat- URN), The race are called the Centaurians ( Centaur Saggittarius)
The Centaurians created the human gebome to testify of the fact that they were worth something. Many of the other races out there did not give this race of E.T and chance to speak..”

see my Creation Story, the family of 10…

” They will not reside there ( within Saturn but now they will be helping Jupiter ( yes i am Saggittarrian.. Jupiter), create a new race which no one has ever seen”

4th Paper
The Truth About the Electro Body…
E.T code;

“This process describes the process of how we create the energy to produce this body. Three elements we use to create the Electro Body… Energy Water and D.N.A”

“We need postively charged Energy ( Electrons), D.N.A (Geometry) and water ( Consciousness). These three elements are the key to the entire process to grow the body into the state that we need it for the future”

5th paper
The Soul….

” we need to understand that the soul is “Mass” Itself, is comprised solely from water, and this is why we constantly hear that water hold consciousness or that, in fact, water is conscious. The truth is, water is not fully conscious until it has landed itself in a Body….”

“The Soul fragment” is birthed with the unique experience platform and combined with the different energies of planetary structures, it creates the soul mass Blue Print. This is what it means to have your soul mas printed.”

“We tend to think that the soul is just a soul, but the truth is, the soul mass is a grouping of atomized water held together by electro magnetism, that upon graduation gets to head off to a new evolutionary exprience where free will is actually the topic of discussion.

6th Paper Energetic Exchange… EE… see sacred portal 55…

“This means that whatever someone does energetically, they get repaid exactly what they put into it. there system is called Ink-ah, Ank-ah…
( please recall Ink Heart book by Cornelia Funke, C.F… and the main character the Book Binder B.B. named the Blue Jay.. see back posts 3-4 months ago)
INK of A.H IS The key, the ank, the Anchor of A.H.. Relief and Release.
R and R… 18+18= 36… C.F.. 36O…Rest and relaxation….

7th paper Crystallization of the Human Body….” The process that is underway for some of the population” T.B.


“The crystallization allows the Electro Body to begins its growth process down the dimensional energy layers of our energy body in order to affect the physical body in the end. So we can look at this body as a multi-dimensional growth which ends up growing in the physical transmutate,the energy state of the entire human structure in full rather than just affecting affecting the etheric layer. There are 12 layers to the crystallization process and the point in which the electro body begins to affect the physical body is the point when the process is complete”

“I do know one person who is about to complete this process aNnd when he does, there will be a light show for the entire population”

He further states that this process will take 3 months..

this will be the EVENT…(HORIZON…E,H…Date of birth JONN)

Anyone following this play for the last couple of years will notice that this is the script that I literally have been forced upon to play this character, this person who is being used in an experiment, project in which the Designer is Heartless and only thinks of achieving its goal.. The Evoluton of the Species..

Many heard me demanding who wrote this script and yet my being fully aware who did, and bringing forth the proove.
Jonn was moved to bring me from the Shelter to this venue, by a play set up a long time ago, and from the moment my “Natal chart” was revealed..
But I did not agree with the plan nor the way… Everything was set up, with a cruelty and an indifference which sought to convince me that sacrifice for the greater Good was what I had been forced into by a Mad Scientist who thought that his play, an alternative to my play of Evolution could be perhaps reach the same point as mine but in a way so brutal and inhuman that it transformed its source from Beauty to the Ugliness of Evil Hatred…

because it harnessed freedom..
because to make just one person suffer and bear so much all alone, and to make such a demand on one person, without a world protesting such treatment because of thier own sense of gain … or worth..
when the one who is of worth is the one used to a point beyond slavery..
then that way… the way I was forced to pass through right to 18 Mountain View is the way and the path of ultimate Death and Destruction D.A.D, of everything and all of you except the 1 E..

the ENDD.N.E…

Nothing is worth this sacrifice
I would rather bring forth the End of Everything accept the E rather than accept or forgive…


Truth of the universe is love.. which includes Love and Truth even for me… the victim of the foulest play and conspiracy…

8; 52 pm

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