
8/15/2020 19:33 – Facebook Post

2:52 p.m.
2 E.B Full Circle

23-20/20= 23 at 1.
Double VV at 1.

9-23 @ 1.


Last night or very early this morning, I opened my phone and suddenly there was Christopher Gemino page was on my phone.

I stared at it wearily, warily…
I had met Christopher Gemino before- his energy.
In Paris, he was called Eric.
I had met Christopher’s through out my journey and my connection with them had always been profound and pivotal.
I knew who they were, Krzysztof Solek in Istanbul ( DV 8 )
Christoph Brule link to Merzuka Dubrule and Safter Taskent.
Christopher was someone so close to me heart and way of being.
Cupid, and a descendant of the french royality- relevant only in this play of the true Christ line.
C L which is one of the things I was made to prove to the unseen.
Christian Poille Sur Vegre near Le Mann France- in 1996, The Pianist and the Two men, Gerald and Christian… and Pierro. It is the place I had painted their portraits “The Portraits from within” and the Theater Piece in which I had created them as Characters -and the opening scene was a lone man walking on stage and after playing his part role for a few moments, stops acting his part to address the unseen and the audience asking “Who wrote this ridiculous script, and created this role for him, me.. us, to play.
Christian and Gerald.
C G.
Christopher Gemino….
C G..
I had met Eric with his girlfriend- a hen, petty and constantly complaining young woman who i really could not stand the way she spoke to him and treated people- critical of everything they said or did- It was this Eric, a wine and alcohol drinker- a Bon Vivant who his girlfriend was the constant negation of this his nature as if in her cruel belittling of him was he rage at how dare he love Live and be so joyous.
Eric had a hell of a voice and could sing…. I met him just before I moved to Le mann.

Christian from the modelling agency in Paris “Specimen” who had wanted me to be the star and groom me to be a Top Model for his agency and who I saw in the streets of New York, along with a photographer called Gerald who also met me in Eric ( Ekayani’s ) Chamberlain’s house I was staying in after the experience with “That Light of feelings Sensational” this script keeps bringing me back to.
Yes, I was with Stephan and Manu… Esteban and Manu…Script late 1992.
I called that place and space- Temple of Dreams.. ( TOD/ DOT) And it is where I wrote ” Freedom Song. F S- 6 19= 25.
I know What Love Is…
My name is Woman said She”
All posted on this page through the years…
It was 1994.
S..I D.
Stephan I.D…
Crowned I.D Humanity..
… It was while at our shared apartment owned by his family, ( just as is this house of Esteban Miguel Filgueira follows the same pattern.
It was from that portal that I wrote “And so I sought Deaths Door” ( A S IS DD… not A Sis D D… But linked to Arden and his photograph codes “Wisdom & Knowledge A S ( Art Science ) O8)
Thus, it is not a numeric code as D D.. 44… Liberty’s age when i left 900 South Road.
D D has been in the script as linked to Dean Dunkwu whom I knew 1978 and had not seen in 34 years before he contacted me at Delta Manor and sent me 800 Usd in 200 usd installments and helped me get my passport.
( yes and I met Patrick Okolo Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo.. P.I..O who had not seen in 28 years who contributed 510:00 usd. P. is 4×4= 16.
8-16.. H P Esteban Miguel Filgueira Birthday. H P
P H Poverty Hollow the house Chris and Liberty C Liscomb bought as well as 765 Horseshoe Hill… where their first born Ferrill now lives, which was why I was offered his former room where the last of the objects required to finish the equation of play of my piecing all the pieces of the puzzle by recognizing in each of the 64 portals I had been through, and left for me to solve, had been. Including the Fencing Sword.
* Arden stood holding a flower standing with his back to a fence.
510 E J E A O…
800 usd H.
1,310:00 usd.
see sacred portal 131 “Siamese Twins”
13 10
M J.
Yes, the Money Play..
Forest people.
Dean Dunkwu helped me with my passport since he lives in london.
He connected me to Chike Nwosu ( C N 3.14 ) and my graduating High School class in Nigeria, class of 82 ( H B) the years Nnamdi had left this realm.
They sent me a gift of 330:00 usd for my work.
33 is yes Oregon the 33rd state.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira has been moving people to Oregon where he and Nathaniel Thomas Bywater have organized a space for people to work with the True Green Plant: Mount Vermont-
sacred portal 34.
Tree Sage heads out on the 17th.

Chike Nwosu sent the money after I recognized the person in bed 4-019 and David Dawn who was in bed 4-017…
Delta Q… Delta A.G.

Christopher Gemino means
“Follower of the Wave..Supreme.
Words, Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme… Perfection are Gemini… Twins- Particle and Wave.”

Christian and Gerald in New York… again, same names, met in Paris 1994.

The Original Creation Story which “rose up in me- literally with the family of the two 5.. 55 E who represent the 5th element called “Personality” which is the Source behind all frequencies, waves… They have personality. And enter a play of the 3D-4D .. “Circle and Frame” to play “Characters” which indent in the story, a Form to that which is Unseen but seen ( a person personality the God head), now has a body, an energized, atomic molecular form ( E A M F) and thus that which is the Fifth Element- The Eternal becomes seen by it being Interfaced with by Supreme Energy, in all playing out that Personalities character in a story and the two as Ethereal and Elemental- meet and converge at Essence…
E motions…
of Perfection and Creation.
Personality… and the Character and Vessel it has chosen to play in Dark Matter, in order for that personality to be in solid form.

Character Personality.
C P 3 16… 33… the Family car, i had to be present when Arden got his learners permit and then drove, and just before leaving to Vermont with Morgan.

I am aware that I am ‘Quatum Jumping” via this post.
Jump Man!
J M… 10 13…
T E N..
The Elegant Nomad…
The Elegant Nomads of the first personalities eternal… 55… 10… 5/5= 1… 10… 25 Y.
We Surf as Silver Surfers.. Ag… Electric Impulse Stimuli… Awareness Activated – the Words anointed vibrating expression Supreme.. Truths Point.
The Epiphany inside we recognize expressed outside by another, our own quiet epiphanies matched outside by another…
“Ah See Same M.E!”
It moves .. this Electric E Motion through the Truth which is Golden.. The Eternal Sunshine state.
And in through this story of non existence- the Lie ignores,
It acknowledges only that which is golden.. brings that Sunshine state, A smile on reflection.
For Au Gold is simply the body of Truth which Ag Silver has already passed through…

Personality Sculpted from playing a Character- who proved to be Experiencing Embodiments Expression Truly Constant and Consistent .. E T C C until 33 C C the two Particle and Wave interface and come alive as 1..A.
For The Character in the play of Nature 01-4, proves that even the extreme place he or she is stretched to, enact .. play a character placed in situations to stretch you to such expremes to determine if, as in the Fabulous 4 and the animations “The Incredible’s”
( F 4, T I…. FD T I… 6- 4:20- 9
yes, Fifth Dimension 20 9… 29.. yesterday 2 days ago on the 13th, the 4:20 party.. 14 16 15 17 people including Serenity age)

…Elastic man… Elastic Girl…

but you always snap but to center…
there is only so far the characters given to play, the characters truth- true personality can be stretched out before it says you go too far…
that is not me, nor a role i intend to play. It is not me.
Who is you?
Your Personality.
The energized crystallized truth natural expression which rose out of the Blue… the nothing.
It had personality…

“God has a sense of humor”

3 16 33… 3/3=1 6….
3+16 C P=S 1..A S A= 20 T. 1
19 1 6
20… 19 6 25..

45..Yes the Planet and the 10 usd I was given with the number 45 written on it.
Personality is Energies expression of Union.. Harmony – it is Magnetic…
Personality is the magnet…
Sacred portal 11.
Infuse it into a body, and through its being in a play and checked tested … the personality and the encactment align, perfectly .. that which is eternal and that which is 3D merge in harmony to become Solid Fact.. Real..
No longer a Reel.

Arden means Eden Love… E L.. Eden is Paradise Harmony Eternal – ( meaning that every thing has meaning and can be read understood and so no Fear…shock to the system.. ease.) Love is Conscious empathy.. desire to imagine being in their shoes… to Cee for yourself what you imagine because you can see that person truly and thus can see yourself truly…

yes.. A RD E N….Emeka Nnamdi ( in my personal blue print)
Eternity – Naturalness… Pause.
or Expression Nothingness- E N 5 14= 19 S Stephan 1=9=10 J.
Jay Jeron Joseph…
10 + months I stayed at 900 South Road.

A Gemino…. A RD EN of Love beautiful.. Supreme..” Esther Uzoma
Esther Ufomadu
Eternal Eden Love Liberty Freedom Facts… Please Explain.. Perfectly Expressed.
Clarified Perfection…
How do you add to that which is already perfect?
Add Clarity
Truth and loves Cee…
T C… Gemino the two Ways .. he is a Gemini two is 4
4 is 2 is 1 1… 1.

A- 1… G = 7… Twin.. Twin… 2-7 77 4-77 77… B 14 22 4.. V D 28… 5 10. 510 Usd… P.O. P F
800 D D 800 David Dawn 17.

Do you understand the play of C to A..
Chile Argentina Esteban Stephen told me about the next Eclipse.

The F P… Forest People versus the Free People…
See how far the predetermined route of the script went…
It had created its own route.. The Forest people had to challenge the truth and to have the Free people prove that they are indeed First and Last.
and of 8:16 Harmonies Perfection which is why the play of “are your Sure” meddled with Arden and the line he represents especially on turning 17.

Have you every wondered how its it that Arden friends, world were all integral in the script and play.
And that Stephan also has a large body of friends and each had a part to play in the Script, not all but the ones who came as if summoned and there I was as the stenographer, journalist, reporter, and spider man, superman putting all the pieces of the daily Jig Saw puzzle together.. Solving the case .. Devils and God.. “Eternal law and Eternal Truths”
Desire and Clarity’s Truth back into one picture forming daily…
One moving picture of the The Elegant Nomad uniting with the TEN aspects of himself now Independent and their own version of Self… Personalities.

I sighed as I looked at Christopher Gemino’s page with is Fiance LA C E…
P L A C E..
C P L A C E… ( In the play of Person place and thing.
each had to be identified).

C P L A ..C E C Christopher.
A P E R S O N… E A=Arden
S T H I..N G E…
E T. H I…N G E

C A S E P P And Thing.
P P AT ( link Patrick Patricia P 16 .. 44… 8 16 H P/ P H
Patrician Noble… P N P I N code A T M A 33 A 1 A-A, AF
Blood line of Christ…

Patrick Dean… ( Dean of a University School)
P D.
16 4

The C A S E P P TT… A E TT..
the missing H.. 8.

P.H D… / D H P.
Sequence 16 8 4…./ 4-8-16.
William means “Desire Protector Helmet” D H P.

Private Dick… P D…Horny H is Harmony Desire… its Point?
its Object of Desire… Attention..
.. Person Place or Thing… P POT..? Weed..
No all of above…
P P And Thing.

O Penis
John Thomas…
Attenna Radar in the full circle.
The Drill S-argent and the slow comfortable screw…?
pounding at the door…
Of that which is already open.
Sex.. oh yes..
But before there was SE X
There was S.E X…
as E.N..E X..U.S.
E N E X ..T… U S… Our Turn.
E E X U S…
X Factor.
E is N and S .. it is the center.. from which N as Gold and S as Silver.. Au and Ag emerge from and return to…

yes S E X U S…
and penetration on the object of Desire manifested first through the E spirit, the imagination rising to prove that what you imagined is true.

that this was a script of the forest people, of which is was usurped and modified to appear as a nightmare in which none would ever escape…

A Script which none would dare walk through- neither would I if Eric Christoper… E W IS D O M.. who knew my thoughts, could see and cee me…
C A…
no it was A C … A is A A A… 33 x 6… F
He came first before the Followers of the wave even the E wave.
A was always the First, A.. Particle to rise and from A came all.. and so yes, he was the missing link..
P D… required the H… Harmony of I and Infinity, the Individual.

that is yes Arden line of Alexander…
Defender of Man. Eternal. D O.M.. I
of the C… the One A.
M U S I C is
W I S D O M E ( 45 M E on the Ten dollar Bill)
55 IS DO ME.
Ee is Do me
22 22= 8

The missing Harmony is Me and M E M E…
A and E linked to Esteban Stephen.

I called him, today.. I had heard the summons, all last night the number 8-16 kept coming up whatever I watched or looked.
And then it grew more intent when I kept on feeling he had called me, it was like that which occurred when I contacted Arden via text and he was going through a play of sacred portal 34 and it linked to him being so much an I…
He did not need me was the play and it was correct, yet i did miss his company, his presence.
This was the same but different and not so much as a shout as it had been with Arden or the pull of my insides with Jeron.. or the quiet beautiful sadness when I thought of Aurelia..

It was not need from Stephen but rather that of the play which links us…
I called him and he told me that he was having what i saw as the similar experience Arden had just before his Birthday.
His birthday was something I had been aware for a long time, his 17th, was one I knew from instinct, the play script and my own desire that I was not going to leave that portal until Arden had turned 17.
it was so much about his birthday.
And so i saw the familiar pattern repeat with Stephan, how each responds to it and my own either quiet moving obstacles out of the way.
I was physically present for Arden birthday.
but not with Stephens… in touch though…

A is Art. Natural Expression.
S is Science – Science is the break down of that which has already been created…
Its is the past..
Art is the Awakened Moment..
The Present.
Science is the Past.

AS..1 19= 20 Vermont… Ti 20 State.
Sacred Portal 20 Lady ECHO E
Ti.. Aurelia… Arden Morgan…
2 O
Best Friend.
Infinity I and Harmony H…
I – I I I…
I = H.
98 17.
A H.
I A -A G H I..O..F…

17 @ H…with PH ALL US…A-E.
Captain America?

Kim Gold is the Past…
Silver the Present..
The Silver Surfers…
The Elegant Nomad.
The Elegant Nomads
10 10… 1 20 100%
Bodies Beings as One Awareness Expressing as SIA ME SE TW O IN E.

1010… is simply 1 20 100….
121…13 22…M V….35 @ D.V.
Durek Verrett
Krzysztof Solek

Met them through each other..
D K 4 11… K D 11 4 Kim Arthuer Hines.. Tree Sage 11-4
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater 4-11

N K..( N T) .. B H… Nnamdi Kolo.
114 Grant Moor.

11 4 4 11
11 8 11
2 8 2
1 8 1

C.A S E of the missing harmony was solved by the Private Detective P D…
The Private I..
PI.. O
who set up the mission David Dawn Dean Dunkwu the heart as Balance 44 not 43… the story, for 44 does not exist..
Dawn already took place billions trillions of years ago .. beyond measurement as time.
At Eternity Eden…
No this is a story of the missing I harmony…
who was never missing at all nor was perfection.
D H P…. not really PH D but that would be the translation of this play of the Super Naturals evolving to the Eternals just as some Humans-“Naturals” are evolving back to the Eternal’s…
one could equate and associate it DH P, as the gaining of a PHD – the height of specialization in a Field.. even A EMF field…
In this world as a Narration a Retelling of the Zoror aster” Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn… of Oscar the Golden Man..
But in truth it is the meaning to the One and the Two and of which all things which come to life to be Alive…
Bibiana Fabbri!
Will I A.M.. E..

6:08 p.m

De Sir E E
Helm ET. E
Protector E of Man.. E.

The Cap of the Penis…
To enter the two Mysteries…
Anus Vagina..
The Two and the One.
and prove your truth a Fact by simply being constant and truth in both realms.

When I contacted Stephen, I mentioned how Christoper Filgueria page had pooped up- he too said he saw something of Christoper Gemino today.

I had looked at the image and saw all four of his children and their grandmother in the center of a couch.
I stared at each one of them at first reluctantly, then finally entering…
I did not feel anything, or allow myself to feel anything… it was only potential activated except with Arden where it had been set into motion.
I can not see we had all become close in the naturalness of how i knew then to be, and me in such an unnatural state of 24’7 working on a play in which each had to qualify by being natural and if necessary pointed out the consequence of adopting a temperament, the choice to use a better method, or chose.. be made aware.
It was beautiful yes, but moments only.
The atmosphere, setting and even their being taught by their mother not to trust… others because of the nature of this reality she had educated them about …
but which i felt she went too much to the extreme in the horror and fear factor rather than what they I saw in them in thier being… that they were evolved beyond her, as all parents are meant to desire and be proud of.
But they were not of this world… they were.. are Extra terrestrials undercover in the Anointed bodies of Christ Nnamdi David had crowned…

I never really asked if they loved me, Arden was different.. an intense play was focused on him and I.
I did not feel loved by them- I felt seen by them…Ceen…
But I was aware that we were in a play and these were the line of the best players in Existence and Creation.. Actor Gamers..
And in those moment that we did Individually connect..
I felt so deeply the connection that I would not have even explored to deeply because it would have prevented and detailed me from the play of us getting out of the bloody costumes..

No, I did not really need of cared if they loved me in return, I was working i could see them, and I liked them as people but loved the Spirit i saw in each of them,,
That will I am… but how quietly and in such subtle and brilliant languages, human and not human, Humane and like assassins beautiful assassins I observe them lash out … very very preciesly.

It was their veiled but very open personality, their true selves they would reveal if you cared, and respected it and let it come out and speak…
this individual way they existed, lived expressed.. was what i saw because they were not a family they were 5 Individuals in harmony with the nature of being who they are.

And the one Supreme is the one who made first contact with me..
Arden and .. linked with Jeron.

While I studied the picture, devoid of emotions, objectively and making sure i did not allow myself to go any further… except with Arden where he sat. I could feel even his thoughts, energy being rising through the photo- so I turned away and took in how Ferril sat on the other side of the couch it extreme and Aurelia besides Arden, and Leander near his Grandmother and Ferrill..

I know so much about them, so much after ten months of having to code them.
No, I knew how we would communicate after the Awakening when they were back to themselves and allowed to be fully themselves and not confined by the live and role they had been given to play.

So, I was not that concerned about love being returned, just making sure that each rose when then time come, to be that Beauty I saw and which was being confirmed by their E spirits linked to their True Personality i could see.. and the characters they were playing… Aphrodite, Alexander Poise-I-don, Hephaestus, Anubis Jah…

So when I saw the image of the Gemino Family
Chris Lace..
Arden to June Leander To Ferrill.
A-A J.. F L….( yes F L is Ardens Birth-Day 6-12-2003 23… W Double V …
June being the 6th month… 66 =12… L Leander… then to Ferrill meaning Valiant Victorious Man D VV M…. and
all from Arden code
and A C L….E
M.I R A Cle…
MI Response Robert 1818

Mirror A Cle… A Key Note..
Gem-in-o… Twins.
and inside him another Twin Gemini…

…I kind of figured this is the confirmation of the A J E Family sacred portal 110.
A A June… 6 12 .. 6.
A to F F to A…C L E O..F E.F
56 56…11 11 all in 1 with the one undercover and in perfect harmony with me..
Crowned by the A E M F…
Crowned Chakra
Universal Body
C C 33 = 1 C A C…. of E

that my post refuting Liberty C Liscomb expression was extremely unjust…
and this is the echo response of that from the Eternal Family… the True expression of F-air e Y E.

Haidong Guan H G 8-7
Brandon Hoop H B. 2 8
Lettie L. 12

Haidong means “Fire”
Guan means : City Gate
Guan(?or ?) – meaning is City Gate, or Close the City Gate – originally name for an official, then became a surname. During the 23rd century BCE, Dongfu (??) was a descendant of the ruler Shuan (??) in Chifeng within the old Rehe Province of the Khitan state.”

City Gate..
C G 3 7
Chris Gemino.

Brandon means : In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Brandon is: Derived from a surname and place name based on the Old English for ‘hill covered with broom’. Broom is a prolific weed. Also, ‘From the beacon hill’.

Slender sticks…… twigs…
Witches Broom.
A beacon.. used in ancient days as a signal on hills, Fires lit from twigs… sticks.. branches..

“From Middle English hoop, hoope, from Old English h?p (“mound, raised land; … (dated) To utter a loud cry, or a sound imitative of the word, by way of call or … (See the entry for hoop in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C.” …
and…. do you recall the Hula Hoop on the Deck at the house in 900 South Road?
It was a tool used in the play of Arden and Jeron and the E.
It also alludes to sacred portal 98
:Diamond Clarity Hula Hoop Ear rings. EAR HEAR HE A RD EN 98 the T-EN-T… 17 8 H Q.

It also forms the entrance to a tunnel…
tunnel of love?
Tunnel Of Truth.. TOT…
Tiny Tots…
Toddlers.. Jerone…

Tunnel linking I and I in the pause.. not paws…jaws…
Pause.. 6 12…An Underground tunnel in the basement…
Quantum representation on the Human Body…
as the grid…

a circular band or ring of metal, wood, or other stiff material.
such a band for holding together the staves of a cask, tub, etc.
a large ring of iron, wood, plastic, etc., used as a plaything for a child to roll along the ground.
a circular or ringlike object, part, figure, etc.”

* Keith Grant built Giant Concrete Tunnels.. C T… in Texas… the Lone Star State: 28th.
M A N…

A Way out of this World Simulation about to Self Destruct.

Realms of the Liars and the True has to be separated.
My Grandfather used to say that if you stick you finger into a barrel of Palm Oil, and do not wash that finger, it will soon stain all other fingers…

Evil does not effect us, nor the lie, but it does affect and distort the beautiful view and gets in the way…
But to cut out hat which is Evil and affects by infecting even those it can not infect … it will go on to the end of time and if allowed.. beyond.. still trying… to get you to become that which you are not..
A lie.


Lettie comes from the name Leticia, origin french meaning one who brings joy.”

Fire City Gate….
A Beacon lit up on the Hills..
a Sign…
A Hoop… A raised piece of land.. A Hill..?
A hidden passage way linking I & I to form I H… Harmony E A RD E N… Crowned E S P… H ..ear D..

bringer of Joy…. Jay…

1499 Facebooks friends.. and 1500 in a moment.

14 99… A D I & I.. 113..A M.

1500…. A E OO.. O:00

8-15-2020 Vision..

7:33 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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