
8/15/2018 1:32 – Facebook Post

From Gabriel Binky Signar

1:00 a.m.

Never has this statement been more apropos.

.. Each evening, I return to this Delta Manor Shelter,
the last portal of a mission which began 43 years ago.
And 17 in New York.
A Mission so improbable and seemingly impossible to fathomn that I was never told about it.

– A play to prove the Eteranl Truth and a Family of Extra Terrestrials who had been planted undercover in the Human Sub Conscious – See Dark Matter- See Heart- See EMF- See U F O…Unified Filed Oh.. Of the FulL Circle.
They Lived Before Adam..
The Beautiful Ones.

They walked the Earth in the Begining of the Play of Creation
They then went undercover into the Ether.. and the C of consciousness..
Dark Matter and Creation as C =Matter Speed of Light C transformed into Mass. Mann..
And then They waited…
– They waited to be activated from within through a process of Evolution through Expression and Action of the Beautful Truth of Creation Existence- which had almost become lost to this realm as the Ugliness replaced the Beautful Truth as the Plain Truth….

The Activation of Action and Expression
Above and Below
Inside and Outside
A B O I…
( A BOI… A Boi… A BOY..)
North South..
East West…

Yes.. and Center…. Circumpunct…
To reach the Point Dot.
D.P.. That is what D P Represents in the play as
Dawn Piercy
David Powers.
D P…Di-Vine Perfection.
4 16.. 20 T.2O.. T B.O… O=15.. A E..=6..F…
T.B.F.. 2 6…
2 6 8…

Where The Evolution through action ( Acting out in a Play Theater) would bring forth the Point and Meaning of Existence…
Truth Beautiful….
A Meeting with H… I. O..
Elemental meeting Ethereal..
Proving the Dark Matter Dark Energy is The Body Matter and tha it is made up of Love.. Consciousness Complete as Love.

And so it was a mission impossible…
Literally impossible.

And this is what I was not told,
this is what I was moved to do, moving blindly and with knowing..
but questioning doubting refusing to believe that this would be the play or what it had become transformed into..
Such a task, knowing when it was meant to end, yet it breaking its own laws, rules… as human do.
Becoming a mass of contradictions… as Humans Became..

Until I no longer could discern what it really was, Truth transformed into a lie.

But I am not a lie.
Nor has my experience been a lie.
Nor the truth of it manifesting all about me as I decode and watch it manifest…
Today it was Alexis who got me my dinner… E A..
It was Yuin who sat alone outside in the court yard and then
Y – 25
E or C.E… E Y.. C Y… C E Y…
and then Kirtan joined me a moment later…

Y E K… in order of appearance…
K E Y…..

1:29 a.m.

But each day, I come back here getting the confirmation, I feel the quiet of an emotion beyond incredulity…
I have told the truth.. and fact… the play the script…
“What is this?”
Why am I still… in this abominable play..
Why am I in a Mental Health Shelter having solved Everything..
The Truth of the E…Be…

It is not a question one can answer anymore….

1:32 a,m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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