
8/15/2018 10:52 – Facebook Post

9:01 a.m.
8 15 38… 8 6 2

91 and 8 62.

A.I… D I…. / See Queen Idia

*Why this is relevant… the name o’Kolo has ties in the Edo language, including the Edo People in this Script, My Mother was born in Idah and speaks Igala. There is or was a connection with the Edo People and the Igbo People.
The great was or the Stone whhich fell from Heaven and which the OInri people possessed and legend states/ and history..
*See Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula intel.

“Queen Idia was the mother of Esigie, the Oba of Benin who ruled from 1504 to 1550. She played a very significant role in the rise and reign of her son. She has been described as a great warrior[1] who fought relentlessly before and during her son’s reign as the Oba (king) of the Edo people. When Oba Ozolua died, he left behind two powerful sons to dispute over who would become Oba. His son Esigie controlled Benin City while another son, Arhuaran, was based in the equally important city of Udo about 30 kilometres (20 mi) away. Idia mobilised an army around Esigie, which defeated Arhuaran, and Oba Esigie became the 16th king.

Victory over Igala peoples[edit]

Subsequently, the neighboring Igala peoples sent warriors across the Benue River to wrest control of Benin’s northern territories. Esigie conquered the Igala, reestablishing the unity and military strength of the kingdom. His mother Idia received much of the credit for these victories[2] as her political counsel, together with her magical powers and medicinal knowledge, were viewed as critical elements of Esigie’s success on the battlefield.

First Queen Mother of Benin[edit]

Idia became the first Iyoba (Queen Mother) of Benin when Esigie conferred upon her the title and the Eguae-Iyoba (Palace of the Queen Mother).[3

BENIN….BE NINE… Munoz… link Roberto Munoz- Room. and 2012.

In Spanish, the name Benin means – blessed.The name Benin originated as an Spanish name. The name Benin is most often used as a boy name or male name.

Beni… Blessed…
Ubini… Oduduwa….


9 2… I B… Nine Two… N T.. Nikolai Tesla link Edward Eceinco.

Dear Lord, I was just about to post that I wonder what on Earth there could be more to post or link to this Equation.
That there can be nothing left to solve.
All that is left is manifestation.. not more linking..
And suddenly, I found myself posting, linking this.

I am at 1162 Facebook Friends…
That Links to Robert Munoz… “Agents’
63 Links to Donald Leyton Turner…

D T… 4 20.. 42… / 24…
R M…18 13… 31../ 13

66 44…. 3 8…. 20 18.. 38… 11.. 2.. 1..
42 31= 73
24 13= 37

*I had a coffee a few days ago number 73 and then two days ago 37…

DR…/ RD… T M../ MT…
D O R… R O D… T O M ../ M O T….
My bed is actually 4-018..

“The original people and founders of the ?do Empire and the ?do people, initially were ruled by the Ogiso (Kings of the Sky) dynasty who called their land Igodomigodo. Igodo, the first Ogiso, wielded much influence and gained popularity as a good ruler. He died after a long reign and was succeeded by Ere, his eldest son. In the 12th century, a great palace intrigue and battle for power erupted between the warrior crown prince Ekaladerhan, son of the last Ogiso and his young paternal uncle. In anger over an oracle, Prince Ekaladerhan left the royal court with his warriors. When his old father the Ogiso died, the Ogiso dynasty was ended as the people and royal kingmakers preferred their king’s son as natural next in line to rule.

The exiled Ekaladerhan, who was not known land, gained the title of Oni Ile-fe Izoduwa, which has been corrupted in the Yoruba language to ??ni (?gh?n?) of Ile-If? Oduduwa. He refused to return to ?do, but sent his son ?ranmiyan to become king in his place. Prince ?ranmiyan took up residence in the palace built for him at Usama by the elders, now a coronation shrine. Soon after he married a beautiful lady, ?rinmwide, daughter of Osa-nego, the ninth Enogie of Ed?. He and Erinwide had a son. After some years he called a meeting of the people and renounced his office, remarking that the country was a land of vexation, Ile-Ibinu, and that only a child born, trained and educated in the arts and mysteries of the land could reign over the people. The country was afterward known by this name. He caused his son born to him by ?rinmwide to be made King in his place, and returned to Yoruba land Ile-Ife. After some years in Ife, he left for ?y? , where he also left a son behind upon leaving, and his son Ajaka ultimately became the first Alafin of ?y? of the present line, while ?ranmiyan (the exiled Prince Ekaladerhan, also known as Izoduwa) himself was reigning as ??ni of If?. Therefore, ?ranmiyan of Ife, the father of ?w?ka I, the ?ba of Benin, was also the father of Ajaka, the first Alafin of ?y?. ??ni of If?. Allegedly ?ba ?w?ka later changed the name of the city of Ile-Binu, the capital of the Benin kingdom, to “Ubinu.” This name would be reinterpreted by the Portuguese as “Benin” in their own language. Around 1470, ?wuare changed the name of the state to ?do.[2] This was about the time the people of ?kp?kp? migrated from Benin City. Alternatively Yorubas believe Oduduwa was from the middle East and migrated from that area to the present Ile Ife. Because of his power and military might he was able to conqurer the enimies invading Ife city.That was why the people of Ile Ife made him the King or Oni of Ife city. In any case it is agreed upon by both the Yoruba and Edos that Oduduwa sent his son Prince Oramiyan of Ife to rule Benin city and found the Oba dynasty in Benin city.

The Portuguese visited Benin City around 1485.’

Sky People… S.P…Light Blue…
Cielo.. Where I was when I met Geoof Lacour…
Heaven Night clun my first professionla Choreographing work.
Enu Igwe… Enugu Ukwu.. E U Where my Great Grandmother was from .. Links Sacred Portal 88.. Elvira Adams…
Adams Family…
Murphy Adams… Kyles Mother married Murphy and then Adams..
The Link to Spain Portuguese S.P…
The Sky People

1485… N H E.

Malije Okoye was a childhood friend who went to the University of Benin, I recall being for some reason mystified by that- why he decided to go to Uni Ben..
M O… I never saw him again after High School despite being what I felt was rather close.
He once ran away and hung out in my Uncles and Aunts home – my guardians.
Ekanem Uffott was hsi school Father as well as Patrick Okolo;s..
My First Scar – on my Thumb came from wahsing his shirt…
I was cut ot the Bone…

He was powerful as a youth because of his intellihence and his spirit and true strength of character…
M O/ O M

Eweka.. Emeka…
Their land called “Igodomigodo” “Igodo”

The link btween the Edo people and the Portugese
E.P…U E…
Edo Yoruba…

Bendel.. Delta… Edo… B D E…

Bendel… Henri Bendel…H B.

Bene.. Blessed

*Last name meaning Bendel: There are two possible sources of this interesting name, the first being that it is a diminutive or patronymic form of a Germanic personal name, which derives from the Latin ‘bene’, meaning well or good, with the intrusive ‘del’ denoting the ‘son of’ or ‘little’

South German: metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of ribbons and cords, from a diminutive of Middle High German band ‘band’, ‘cord’. English: variant spelling of Bendell.

*”The capture of Benin paved the way for British military occupation and the merging of later regional British conquests into the Niger Coast Protectorate, the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria and finally, into the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. The British permitted the restoration of the Benin monarchy in 1914, but true political power still lay with the colonial administration of Nigeria.

Following Nigeria’s independence from British rule in 1960, Benin City became the capital of Mid-Western Region when the region was split from Western Region in June 1963; it remained the capital of the region when the region was renamed Bendel State in 1976, and became the state capital of ?do State when Bendel was split into Delta and Edo states in 1991.”

Bendel State… 1976… ( The year I was nominated for the junior Olympic Team..by my coach Mr Parker.. Park Chest E.R)

Sacred Portal 76…
B D E..States… 1991.. The Year I set off to Paris Spain Via Devon London..

Okay.. this is crazy… I understand thsi just as I understood yesterday that Isabelle Ilic has posted images linkd to the literal path I walk each day to starbucks..
The Bridge ,, the passage through the Woods…
Dawn Piercy in perfect harmony her Beautiful Transformation skit in perfect harmony with my 48 / 84 … 127 play..

Kyle links to Star Bucks the Water People Atlantis- Sky People..
Reflection Water..

Look at my three last face book friends..

Brodie Mcdougall B M/… M B.
Lorna Lynne Borgeson L L B…/ B L..L… B E L L…/ L L ..E B…X..E B… F..E B… Fact E..B..

Saw Kirtan L…then Randall Michael then Kimani ( Key Man E) Gordon .. Fash Gordon ..

10:18 a.m.
J R.

A O R…
Roseane Bar.. R B..
O R B… Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic Angela Marie Alexander.. SP 155.. They were men before .. All females were.. TRANSFORMATIOMN took place in the Woods..
The middle Plassage.
Thus the chains I found .. 1 Infinity links…
Became Symbol of Slavery…
Benin was known for Human Sacrifice.. I remember when the Obas died… The air was thick for hunters ooking for Human Scarifices…people were warned to not go out alone…

8 13…
The battle for the control of the Orb.. the stone which fell from heaven…
David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi told me over and over “Emeka I saw you descend from the Skies.. from the Heaven…’

Eri Ile Ife.. Yeshua…

Okay… I get it.. enough…

10;25 a.m.

J Y…

Loresnzo was sittimg besides me he was playing a singer called ADA.. igbo..
And as kept ranting each time I pass by fot the last two days about a book Called “In search of lost time”

“I S O…L T ” I S A L T… / T L E.A…S I…
***T L E.O.S..I EOS..I… Eos… Dawn is I.

This is crazy whay I am solving..

The Stone from Heaven was a person… THE orb…
B R O…D P.. David Powers Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic I and I.

In Search of Lost Time (French: À la recherche du temps perdu) – previously also translated as Remembrance of Things Past – is a novel in seven volumes, written by Marcel Proust (1871–1922). It is considered to be his most prominent work, known both for its length and its theme of involuntary memory, the most famous example being the “episode of the madeleine” which occurs early in the first volume. It gained fame in English in translations by C. K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin as Remembrance of Things Past, but the title In Search of Lost Time, a literal rendering of the French, has gained usage since D. J. Enright adopted it for his revised translation published in 1992.

In Search of Lost Time follows the narrator’s recollections of childhood and experiences into adulthood during late 19th century to early 20th century aristocratic France, while reflecting on the loss of time and lack of meaning to the world.[1] The novel began to take shape in 1909. Proust continued to work on it until his final illness in the autumn of 1922 forced him to break off. Proust established the structure early on, but even after volumes were initially finished he kept adding new material and edited one volume after another for publication. The last three of the seven volumes contain oversights and fragmentary or unpolished passages, as they existed only in draft form at the death of the author; the publication of these parts was overseen by his brother Robert..

The novel had great influence on twentieth-century literature; some writers have sought to emulate it, others to parody it. In the centenary year of the novel’s first volume, Edmund White pronounced À la recherche du temps perdu “the most respected novel of the twentieth century.”[2

Initial publication
2 Synopsis 2.1 Volume One: Swann’s Way
2.2 Volume Two: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
2.3 Volume Three: The Guermantes Way
2.4 Volume Four: Sodom and Gomorrah
2.5 Volume Five: The Prisoner
2.6 Volume Six: The Fugitive
2.7 Volume Seven: Time Regained

3 Themes 3.1 Memory
3.2 Separation anxiety
3.3 Nature of art
3.4 Homosexuality’

Edmund White introduced me to George Andreo..
And Susan Train to Edmund White…
I Never understood the Gay World of thing…
But I did understand sexual attraction and desire to beauty which had no gender… No rule..

But Gay no… Gay to me meant ‘Happy’
Rainbow.. meant Colors of the Rain-Bow…

It Rained yesterday the moment I found the sword and was under some foyer 1822 address..
I knew I had brought the RAIN… Assassin Ninja…
I knew that Natures Expression had finally bowed to me that I am man am was His.. and Her.. Thy’re Source..
Heaven And Earth.. Reflection .. of My Expression… Intent Direction “Voi ce” Expression…

H E A R… O M..E…. I D “V,C” E..
The Point..

Are you perfect?” Nicole demanded..
I respond to every situation impulse stilmuli perfectly adapted to it.. Echo…
“Yes” I could have said yes..”
But now was not the time..
So I remained quiet…walked out picked up the sword rigt outside..
Walked to Cross Bronx… RAIN… INTENSE Flash Floods..
Thunder Lightening…
I smiled gromly to myself…

Nature… and Natures Expression.. responding at last to the knowing resaization and the challenge test they gave me as to who is Source of Who..

10:45 p.m…

j d e… j a d e…. Elephant.. Stone from Heaven..
Memory Records…
M R.. E C.K.. O N IN G…
Consequence…. for Conning the Sequence with Sequins Rhine stone cowboys- Gay world…Marcle Proust..
M P… by the use of Words…

My J A D E..Elephant- the symbol is with Joe Carey..
APT 91 .. 2nd Ave.
Held Hostage…

I am its embodiment.

Held hostage…hmm.. people have the wrong impression of me I am not a nice guy… Beautiful Dangerous if you cross me..
but nice… no… that was me beig forced to play a role in a script…not natural.. where it allowed for to long peoplee to get away with murder in order to reveal thier truth… and mine…

True Rage..

10:52 a.m..

So well Restrained until I understood this Scripts point.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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