
8/15/2017 21:17 – Facebook Post

I Have Harvested the Last of the Line of the Family of E L AND B…

That took Place Last Night.

Heather is a Flowering plant which as an Ever Green symbolizes Immortality.

*An evergreen plant is a symbol of the immortality of the soul. The ancients, therefore, as well as the moderns, planted evergreens at the heads of graves.”


I am posting today, because of the True Play of Heather Hastings versus the Story of Heather Heyer…

I have Face Book Friends Heather Hastings, Heather Dowling, Heather Sanchez…
H H… 8 8.
H .D.. 8 4.
H..S.. 8 19.

888 8 4 19…. Yes 3-8…19 84…19..Supreme.

There is no such thing as White Supremacy…
Transparency is Supremacy and is the True Rocket Fuel from traveling through Space… Death as Transformation.

And yes I had 38 Cents left in my Wallet…
And Yes 19 People were injured and one killed – a Woman, a Caucasian Woman.
Not Emeka the H H…28 Harmony… 11 28…
The Ten and the One Dollar Bills given to me by Brenda and then Lisa…

And yes, 1984 is my date of birth listed.
And yes, Rahul came in wearing a T-Shirt with a Rocket on it and provided me a dollar to have coffee.

And Yes in the true play I am 32 years old… or that is what I transform into….

*An evergreen plant is a symbol of the immortality of the soul. The ancients, therefore, as well as the moderns, planted evergreens at the heads of graves.

“The name Heather is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Heather is: A flowering evergreen plant that thrives on peaty barren lands as in Scotland. Heather

What Does the Heather Flower Mean
The heather flowerÂ’s meanings goes as far back as Celtic and pre-Celtic times. But, it has always had a few straightforward meanings including:

Good fortune
Good luck
Victorian meanings:
Purple equals beauty or worthy of admiration
White equals luck/protection or fulfillment of a dream”

It comes in the colors Pink White and Violet/ Purple…

Chandra was the last in the series of person I encountered today.
She just appeared as I was researching Heather….

Immortality is that which has conquered death.

I have conquered Death as a Story and A Lie given to me to live through Heather Hastings linking the post which Nenad M. Djurdjevic posted and shared of his having gone to the Underworld.

I went to the so called underworld manifested in this Universal Simulation of Human Awareness…. Not based on Fact but Gossip.

I also proved through reason, logic and common sense grounded on empirical evidence of the Age of Reason that Humanity are not real, but mere Shadows of their true selves who were traveling through Space called Time, a voyage and an adventure of the The Full Circle of Two Loops called Infinity lying down and then standing up.. basically returning to it is original Position, from the Idea of Sleep to being awake.
Traveling through Stasis ( If you will) back home.

The Journey earns the Evolved beings of the Eternal Realm an immortal body which self regenerates.

Energy is Eternal.. It comes from Expression Eternal and once Expression is Aligned in Two Realms.. Really one realm given the illusion of being Divided into two.. Day Night… But when Equated, Expressed to the = II.. Meaning that they are aligned to interface as One Expression…
Within the 4th Dimension called The Square the Book.. The Story Fiction then aligns to Fact ( Expression from the 5th .. the E dimension) The Two Interface and become as they were one.
E E= E…
5 5= 5.

Lisa Natalie Johnson aligns to my Truth, by her expression and Experience mirrored in all levels right to her body.

Brenda G.Booth represents the Past- Truth which could see the full circle of the Truth but which missed to to place themselves in the Circle of Truth.
I have spoken about this for years before I ever encountered Brenda. Thus, this was a play set up to determine the Truth of my expression of those who were guardians of the Truth being Blinded by their Truth that they did not see or hold themselves to that same standard.
Calling others out while not seeing their own complicity.

It was a play, a script set up by Woman as Death, just as I had Endured Man playing Death to ascertain my truth.

Thus, it has very little to do with Brenda or Lisa, they were simply used as all others where in a play in which each could free themselves from that role if they had paid attention to the roles given to the to play, but as it was the Universal Script brought me here to free them myself by proving they were simply being used in a Script set up as “It is Written”
All of you were set up, but then you were also each given a choice to be aware of the role you were playing and to decide which aspect of it you would embrace.
It Truth or Its Lie, once I was sent to the person to point out the play.
What each person who was linked to this play decided to do with the knowledge was up to them.
The same being said for the face book Friends who were “Summoned” here..
You had a choice to pay attention to the posts and what I was saying and what I have been doing or you could ignore it.

When Will Woods let me know that I have half a million views on my Face Book Video…
It was the first time I was made truly aware of just how many people were and are aware of my Existence and my Work.
But on my page the illusion is that hardly anyone is paying attention.

There were some people, whom I tried to reach in the very end, like Rob Barr people whom despite no longer caring about peoples fates after having gone so so far to get them to pay attention… whom I still reached out to, only to watch the choices they made.
After 18 Mountain View, the play of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan and the effort, the non stop effort I made to to get them to get out of the play.. A the response.. Money… Just as I knew would always be the factor at which people would judge me in the end, judge my contribution and my efforts…
How they chose to see me, then Erik E bright and my then being brought back to this B.R.C Shelter in Green Point…
Then my old class mates, Patrick Okolo to Dean Dunkwu P.D… / D.P Dawn Piercy all the attention the mental and emotional effort. The deprivation the discipline to pass through all the test of the Spirit world while being possessed by Evil, those who “Lived” the Dead. Memories….who were allowed me to use my body as a portal.. Make me experience all their misery and suffering while I transformed their point of view corrected it showing they as a whole age mass how they had been the cause of their own misery and suffering.

How through out the ages they had been given signs, sent messengers, that Nature Existence was alive present – having given them the Blue Print, in Nature, in Body, in Being, to see the Harmony, to see the plan.. to chose well..
That they were always taken care of but it was how they chose to perceive and see which was the cause of their suffering.

But all they were interested in not just the Dead Evil/ Live both just wanted someone to suffer as they had suffered.
They did not care about the truth, they just wanted some one to pay- to suffer as they suffered for their own stupidity and mistakes.
They refusal to see the Cause and effect which created the current circumstances of their lifes…
The convinience of ignoring all the warning signs which were given to them. The Laws they broke. the Gossip amd lies they spread- they hurts they inflicted on others.
they were always the innocent, the blameless .. it was always some one else’s fault.

Oh I lived that, as the observer, I lived it watched it, called it out to people out of love and for that was punished and punished flogged and lashed to a point that I have been through RAHUL… “Sum Total of Human Suffering” ( yes he was here today arriving immediately after Brenda and Lisa Natalie Johnson left…
I love them both and Lisa Natalie Johnson rises to the E while Brenda will go home to the Past and chose if she wishes to rise to the E by taking responsibility of the true meaning of Perfection Kamel…
Which I believe she will since her Avatar Descendant Brenda has taken care of her Son and at the same time been loyal to me.. despite making me work just as Lisa did…
But he arrived immediately they left, that was the second time and I knew what it meant for I had listened to them both we had a conversation and I could not reveal the true horror of what I was understanding by the expressions of what I had been put through by what they represented and how lightly Woman carried it.
Not them, but what they represented the power which used the as Avatars…

After experiencing all this right to Heather Hastings liking that post and then reading Nenad M. Djurdjevic expressions..
Linking all that I had done, written fought…
I look at my posts, even as Heather’s Espirit confirms that this Person on Face Book literally walked through Death.. Through the Human stories myths of death which he never believed in…
That he walked across Death as well as the Milky Way..
Through the Woods and the Metropolitan .. The Spirit World of Nature and the Cities of the World…
Lived in the Woods in the Cities, lived with 55 people to the 56th place and never lied…
Was transparent to the point of Water so pure it broke down to its original component parts H 2 O…
And despite all this he was still able to break everything down each day, while living in such a place where peoples demonic sides had taken over their true natures…

Posting from a Star bucks cafe while living not only in the ass hole of the World and a Shelter…
And Everything conforming that he is telling the Truth right to the New York times, to the Horrors happening in the World, to his own private and personal life…
And even then he is denied the basic things to exist and if it had not been for Brenda and Lisa…
But even that was arranged..

And despite all this, Nothing… More demands. betrayals Hate…
Just relentless Hatred Selfishness Cruelty…
Even after the truth is revealed …
It is more convienient to not read it, to act Indifferent…
Until there is a result…
Until somthing happens…
Ikenna Iheanacho…
I welcomed the Destruction of the Species and my role in brings..

8:47 p.m.

Today I saw Brenda
Roosevelt bought me a coffee… I accepted ( but the rage in me growing not to him but to the source of this play… you)
Roosevelt means “Field of Roses”

James Alexander Fields age 20… Kills Heather Heyer…
I inspire Heather Hastings to share my posts…

then I saw Yvonne… Lisa Natalie Johnson mother, a Beautiful Proud Dramatic Woman…
I listened to Brenda and I observed so much in both women…
But I just read the codes… Brenda 56… Yvonne 67..
Roosevelt 71…
Then Lisa Natalie Johnson arrived after her mother left.. her mother was wearing Biege… The color of my mothers 305 car when I was in Nigeria…
Lisa was wearing Black… B B…
Benda G Booth…
Beige H Black…
Beige is the color of the Beach.. Sands of Time… Sand and Blood… See the White Supremacist Chant….

I am on Beach Street… B V B… B H B…
Field of Roses.. F.O.R…

Then Rahul arrived then Robert…
R R… While the 23 Year Jace Harcourt sat respectfully at my extreme Right where I normally sit…
R R… J H… 10 11…
18 18… 36… 360… 9.. 10 11 C.I… E GALAXY

Then Lawrence came…
He did not ask how I was he cane over to feed…
But his Espirt gave me intel… There is negativity in the Air… I feel it every where…

Life is all about True or False I told him..
Not really about Yes or No…
But it could be applied to the Exam…
Alot of people are not real..
Yes he said they are Androids , thatis what I call them he said.

Androiids, Changelings, Illusions Shadows, Demons, Ghosts, whatever you wish to to call them, they were all part of the program I told him…
It was for human themselves to determin to discern that which was True and that which was false…
That was the Exam… So simple..
Discern chose True or False… Mark Yes or No…
101010… 1O 1O 1O…
And by the end of the equation you would find the Truth of your own self .. if you are true or false…
Solid or you yourself a shadow… False not real…
Because you Expression your truth is not a Solid Real…
It projects and reflects back to you…
Thus, you have to include yourself and take responsibility for your own Shit… Shitty Expression…

It was not my job or anyone elses to do that for you..
Because that is the Shittiest Job in the World Existence.. No one cleans up your mess.. your shit.. cleans your ass unless you have no arms hands or are not able…

To make others point out your shitty expression…
And then you do not pay.. you refuse to pay for that Incredible Service..

I am the meaning of Love and I protested being the Ass Cleaner of the World of those who do treat Love as their ass wipe..

I am so astounded by this all…
By that which has been done to the truth of Existence and the R.O.LE..Given to me to play.

B.E Y… B.Y… Rose… B.L..U.E… J R H… R R..L…

Existence thus is Crap….
And since Truth means Nothing in this…
Then the World should go to hell…
And what had had the power to do this to me to my Beautiful Truth… Evil is thus greater than the Beautiful Truth.

That is the Story this Existence, this World has chosen.

So be it…

9:15 p.m.


I do not want anything to do it and nor do I wish to sustain something like this by solving its riddles…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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