
8/14/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

8:12 p.m.

now 8:18 p.m ( I took a Pause)

H L… H R.

8-14-2018 H N T R…

Harmony Light… Hueman Race…

Harmony Nikolai Tesla is Reflection E… R E.. 23… R E W A
R D S… ( Rachael Devon Rios Sessions R D R full circle)

8:21 p.m. H U.. E M A N N…

N N.. E E…
Link Edward Eceinco Erik Ebright.. E E .. E E…
Portals I passed through in “Space and on Land.. Expression and Embodiment”

After discoverying the Sword .. “of Damocles”
Sacred Portal 48.
Edward Eceinco 48…
I had the coffee at the Arab Bodega… A B.
I have a coffee now number 26…

48 +26= 84…

See the age and year I state I am on my Facebook Page.
1984.. Age 33…
It is the age I incarnate as according to this Script of Existence, and I was aware of this for decades, because it was according to the True Play, I have never been born here.
The Numeric dates which I entered into this world are representative of codes of a Mission which I had to complete.
Codes rep of 66 67…and 56/65… 68/86… 69/96…
These are not of me, but places where my members of my Eternal Family incarnate in and I had to “Hold The Space” for their incarnation by proving them into Existence.

8:42 p.m

There is no doubt, that I was surprised at just how far the play with Woman versus Man went…
This play…
I have long since, stopped ranting and raving at just how far this script has been allowed to go. The sobering truth, that this play could manifest, and that a Being of Existence- could be subjected to such a Role to play and be enforced into such a role..
I have come to accept this, and that is the Ninja Assassin play where Rain comes for his so called Mentor.

Ozunu… Ozu in OINri Igbo means “The Body.. Corpse… Carcass… ”
Nu.. Is the God of the Abyss…
It is also the T-John Shaw bought for me the first day he met me.
As you can see I spent 61 Days in the Abyss of the streets of New York before finding 268 East Street and Generation X Gardens and A,Santana.
Where the play of Terrible Terrible Death began…
That was in 2006… 26.. Yes linked to Ja Quanma’e Lewis and Robert Kyle Murphy…
-both who occupied bed 26.. A-Z… Twice.. 26 26… 52..
E B..
Kieth Grant / Kimani Grant…

Grant Hill.. Roberto Munoz.. Munoz means”Hill” as well as the number 9.
Since the play is at 8=9=Harmony Infinity which I am proving it falls also that I am also the Hill..
Loretta M. Hill
Cassius Ramone Hill- whom I met at Erik Ebrights Casa De Bodhi.. when Cassius Clay “Mohammed Ali” M.A Passed away.

Kimani Grant K G to K.G through 7 11.. Robert Kyle Murphy recieved his I.D 7-11 and then began to work on the 24 at Dig In.
D.I…. Completing the Equation of the Sum Total of the past as N N A M D I… His play as “Father” while I switched roles and played his son.
The completion of the full circle of KG as weight ( Kyle has weight is a Heavy Guy.. Big Gut…though he says he has lost weight)
K G- G K.. Is Full Circle A Person to a Date of Seven Eleven.
He wears a T-Shirt with 7 Bottles and New York is the 11th State to join the union. He also used the name Kyle here.
K G to G K is thus, a Full Circle
Seven Eleven.. S E/ ES… I was allocated bed 5-019…
Thus Full Circle was completed in 2016 Sept 9.. I P Mann.
7 11 Open 24/7..
247…6 7/ 76.. 13… M 4..D.
Manifest Destiny..
See the Hand Sanitizer Keith gave me M D.. Which I still have.
See the Code 134.41 usd given to me by Isabelle Ilic
M D.. D A…
Da Enlightens
Buddha Enlightenment…
B U D D .. HA.. Enlightens the So called Enlightened ones that there is something beyond enlightenment as they perceive it.
That there is a World behind that Light.
*Recall the challenge which came through Erik Ebright who said he became enlightened 4-20-2006.. And then he met me a little later..

Now recall my rage and wrath of the play at Akil Apollo Davis house where I met Tim and Evan ALexander Judson and Beyond, a young lady and Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Rachel Young.. and Savannah Blair as well as Jofia Ross.
( Code A T E B R R “O.I” J S)

I spoke a great deal about what took place there- that I was led there by the so called Ascended Fathers who had used me to prove their own truth through their own Agenda.
And how on April 5th, I had a visit in my dreams from Nnamdi telling me to leave that place or I would die there
The date was April 5th, his birthday.
I knew it was the Sensie’s of another incarnation of the play who had betrayed me… Really themselves.
Geoff LaCour had already warned me…
“They projected all the Evil in this Existence onto you to solve- there is a Demon planted in you with pointy teeth, it is not yours but rather thier Twisted Ego Projections”

Yes the play of Nicole today… Nicole
The correct portal I passed through was Male- Nicholas..
From Nicholas in 1985 my room mate to Nicky who sponsored my trip to New York and encouraged me to stay in Paris to David Roman Nicholas.. Nnamdi.. me…

Erik Ebright as well as Jonn Blackwell challenged me about Nirvana and the reality of the Eternal Realm.
*Its all in the script…

Akil Apollo Davis lived on Green Street Brooklyn…
Erik Ebright lived there too at 248. Green Street.
The Cruelty which he played out in Miami Florida, the use of me to ensure his freedom..
The use and abuse of which the Avatar Descendants were used to do to me… Ah….

No, I said that I would come to this mentor called Ja..
Yes Jah the Man Child who I met in the Beginning who distorted the True Picture of Creation- which caused me to morph into the rage so terrible that I became the Black Panther…
Buhari Pikin… Pikin is Pidgin English for “Child”
Recall that play of Ja?
I wrote about it for years- proving Its truth, and my promise to come back in the End to see what choice It as the rep of the illusion of the birth if fear- as the flesh… the Baby…

Recall how I stated that this play had gone to far.. and that I would go to the H.Q… Head Quarters where I had been betrayed by these Ascended Masters the children of Jah who claimed the Sun as the Source…
Recall the play with Kahl El and Vaïhéré Cardonnet and the Sun and the challenge…
Please see the code in name means which I posted yesterday which also means “Wall”
Head Quarters is Mind.. Head… Talking Heads.. T H…
Thanos Hypnos..
really Transparency Harmony.. = Energy Eternity…

“The Wachowski Brothers,[n 1] Joel Silver, and Grant Hill produced the film.”

*The Ozunu Clan, led by the ruthless Lord Ozunu (Sho Kosugi), trains orphans from around the world to become the ultimate ninja assassins. Raizo (Rain) is one of the orphans. Their training is extremely brutal and tough, especially for him, because he is to be the next successor of the clan. The only kindness he ever feels is from a young kunoichi named Kiriko, with whom he eventually develops a romantic bond. As time goes by, Kiriko becomes disenchanted with the Ozunu’s routine and decides to abandon it. One rainy night, Kiriko climbs a wall to escape and encourages Raizo to join her, but he chooses to stay. Branded as a traitor, Kiriko is captured and later executed in front of Raizo by their elder ninja brother Takeshi, who impales her through the heart.”

So you see how far they went…?

In 2006 just before I went into the NU… Abyss…
I tried to leave my body to go and teach those in that realm of Spirit who had betrayed the Truth…
Axel Love will recall..

I came to destroy them.. Men Women of the lie…
Who dared to go this far.. taking control of the Matrix and twisting the Truth and the Script so the Eternal Truth will never Rise Manifest…

9:39 p.m.
I C I…

Alpha Omega to Alpha…
A O A…
A-Z A B C….

9:40 p.m.
I D.O..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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