
8/14/2018 10:33 – Facebook Post

“Supercritical Elements Of Deus Ex Machina”

In placid machine of higher matter
Form, —I find an inner machine at
Work enlacing —Deus ex machina;
Truly —these lifeforms are present
Manipulating energy—dark energy,

Various forms—of matter and dark
Matter —by supercritical elements
And their inner forms of quasi and
Tachyonic crystals; so, ever-higher
Forms —of pure antimatter can be,

Are instilling their existence, Deus
Ex machina —‘in many time fields,
Purposive—to undergo or tax time
Waves, gravity waves consciously
Throughout —space of multiverse
—/the Poet/8.13.18
#supercritical #deusexmachina

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