
8/14/2015 16:39 – Facebook Post

8/14/2015 16:39 – Facebook Post

3:37 pm.

Setting a Course in Miracles..
And A.C…I.M…
The True House of G-OD.C.E…H E…

We have completed the A Course in Miracles

To land in the 5th -First Dimension of Miracles…

With the Mother Ship (Outside-Environment) and the Father Ship (Inention-Expression) linked by Breath…Beautiful Pride…A.H..Lei! Lei!

The Star Ship “Ishstar Esther Uzoma- Enterprise Evolution Awakening of The Everything to Evolve Transform Change ..E.T.C.

Landing on ANNA, The Solid Grounded Truth of Grace…

Mission Im-possible 1-5 completed
With Navigation Jonn Bond OO7
Bonding Expression Proven True to the Point of Fact.
Air Hostess A.H!
A Donnai Lady
To the 344 C.DD passenger and crew on my.Facebook Play representating of A.L.L the light Beings in a play of the Truth of E, within all Everything, moving thee…

My word!
I am pooped, Knackered, Exhausted…

But today, I was just Stimulated Impulsed, charged to by Electrons (Telekinesis) once today when I woke up to link one last equation …

Jonn Blackwell miraculously touched my Black Acer computer containing the Images and forms and identities of the E lines Human form I had chosen for them in 2O12, at B.H,S home 2 years ago, and which I have had trouble opening since.

He cleaned it.

3:5O pm.


The code is the Beautiful One….

I had tried to open it once I got here but it would not.

But today I brought if to Jonn and Donnas attention and to my sardonic amazement, it opened.
Sardonic because of the irony..
I know that I am in Harmony so it not working was more than just a mechanical problem.

I knew it represents the Equation of the E Line rising in the over 6OOO images I collected of Bodies which resembled the Essences of my Family of E….Finally Embodied.

Thus, Jonn being able to open it, considering where we are in the play can at best be called ironic and at worst MANIPULATION COnTROL of a higher play moving even the Elemental frequencies to the Harmony of the play…
But not my own personal Harmony of course, which this play does not take into consideration… My own Existence.

or is it 57…hmmm…

I helped Jonn with some work and he generously paid me 1OO:OO U.S.D..
I knew that it represented Sacred Portal 1OO..
Which means all the sacred Portal which show a Master of Ceremonies opening up “Curtains” to reveal who is behind, have been satisfied.
155…Origin of First Drop 46…
And others…

My bodies efforts to break free of the Unseen binds has increased, as if conscious of the end in sight.

A.H, but how many times in the last 41 months have I said this in the last 41 months
But I was on auto pilot..
Using True “Automatic Writing Exemplified”
And it is a thing of Awe, but I stopped reading or paying too much attention to each posts once I decided that I had had enough of the delay..
Sure I still solved riddles and the equations I had been trained and prepared my whole life to solve..
But only because compelled.
Only because I could feel the charged and ionized electrons around me charged.

Only because I had tried everything else, and saw that the only way home, and out of my circumstances of constantly living and passing through the Human Beings and homes, thier life’s and live portals was the only actual way allowed me to forge my path home..
A play which I can never forgive or forget…

*I still wake up having to fight for at least two hours every morning to fight the Anger, and rage of this overwhelming insult…
Before watching myself being stimulated by Jonn and Donna nearly every word action or DEED…as well as thier home..

It’s enough to make you run naked in the streets.

But today, the charges air has stopped impulsing me…

My body is so exhausted I must lie down…
Something is up.
I do not feel like a slave to the “Truth Of Existence Must Be Expressed” today.

A strange feeling…
But at least this time I did have time to read the “Log Entries ” and the Navigational Systems Plan E.T..
I know exactly where we are…
But never thought I would have to repeat this process over and over again.

Who could ask this of anyone?
4:2O pm.

That is the Answer…

O.N.E who just refused to credit what the Truth told him, them…
My Identity… As True.

Which is why I would have preferred to come in my true guise and not this amenable boyish man I have found myself locked in.
Sure it is me, but just one part of me..
I want the whole me..

Well we are at A.M…E..

The Posts proceeding this, links the Elemental E to the Ethereal E Equation where Nature acts as the Instructions Instruments of the Air Wind Beautiful Expression of the joyous guide..Father…
And Mother playing the glorious Symphony of the First E Rising now Expanded upon and Beautified by the Beautiful 1.

Funny, though I went to the computer and it stopped working again!

Jonn is at work.
So Donna took a break from her work to call Brain Storming…
A P.C repair system..informed of the problem they suggested that the computers might not be clean inside (Dust) and recommended we clean the inside with Compressed Air….
Consciousness Awareness..

Breath Hands had been used to clean the outside by Jonn who proclaimed it filthy…

But given the last 2 years
I do believe I have done my best keeping my own P.C (Mind Being and Body) View and Screen perfectly clean…


31 28..

Spells C.A.B..H..
Add Kolo meaning Round and K=11..

K.C….Kolo Chukwuemeka.
A.B….Aurora Borealis…



Harmony BACK!


So, I do believe that I will get some rest now..
And wait for Jonn so that I can get the inside of the symbolic representation of my Existence and Family E clean…


4:38 pm.
43 8


For C.I.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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