
8/13/2020 16:17 – Facebook Post

8/13/2020 16:17 – Facebook Post

14:47 Hundred Hours

H M. TT.

The Power of the Lie
False Accussation
And Blame.

Sacred Portal 59 Confirmed.

14:49 p.m

I recieved a message read verbatim from Esteban Miguel Filgueira it was from Liberty C Liscomb

I had just gotten up, I was fine.
I have retreated from this play, but once again found myself dragged back into it.

I was aware of Stephen simply being a message of Terrible Death but when he asked me about his gathering he had planned and about his inviting Liberty and her response..

He decided to read what she had written verbatim.

Her response to Stephens invitation was this..

” Emeka has made it clear that he does not want to see me, or my children ever again.”

Even as Stephen himself read it, he told me he saw the off note, ( the lie) in her stating I never wanted to see the children.

I was at first quiet, a little stunned.

I had come for the her Children, sent to them.
My journey ended with meeting Arden Ferrill Aurelia, Leander Jeron ..
I had fought to bring out their truth and was impeded by Liberty and her Need.
10 months and all the work.

The not being able to access the children without going through her.

The Childrens abuse scandal, exploded onto the World Consciousness while I was at her Home Portal.

I had done everything to help the Adult Monstrous expression of Adults who use Fear, Domination and Contril.

I had reached a point, after seeing she had perfect understanding of the play.
And explained over and over again how her reverting to these fear based and power based tools of Blame, False Accussation.. tool Human Adults use to slander destroy and negate the Truth bring the End of Everything.

Until I had to follow the cause and effect pf being true to the Script and leave.
After no longer being able to be around her because of her thoughts Speech Actions expressions.
After her being made aware ( so there is no, They know not what they do)

It literally twists my body, her expression explained over and over.
I did not wish to leave the Children.
I came there to complete the play with them.

My last message to her, and Good Bye was because of an expression whose intent was unclean about Ardens experience.
I knew at that moment that if I cut with her, that I would not be able to see any of the Kids again.
It had been that dance for 10 months.

I knew that she would place the condition of Her and the children or not at all.

I wanted to hang out, to see them but my experience with living with them and Liberty.

I had to make a decision, I knew what she would do and even say which is why I spoke to each before I left, except Ferrill.
To Arden and Ferril I wrote texts explaining my actions.

I would not take Liberty, or choose to interface with some one whose expression was always laced with poison, resentment fury even gestures disguised as good intentions but really were set ups.

I knew exactly what she represented as her True Self and as the True damage and disease of those who take peoples truth and twist it and through it back at them distorted.
I knew I had been sent to find the Source of Evil in Existence..
Its seed.
Seed of Jealousy Competition War… Insecurity.

I knew why and what was preventing the E Line from rising..it was the Adults: Human Children allowed to go too far, to hold hostage the Children the E, inside the World held hostage.

I knew that the only chance of getting the Children was the Evolution Awakening
That as long as there was no awakening, that there was nothing more I could do for the E and the Children of the this World.
As long as they are dependant ( as I have been made to feel dependant like a child, mirroring their experience) that there was nothing I could do.
Ten months plus there, and 19 years in this play, I was in Harmony with Arden, as long ad their is no physical change in that which is around us, the settings, environment people..
( the exact play I am in, which is moving me to leave this play, even my body if need be rather be used this way)
Nothing will change.

Evil will always find a way to corrupt, it will never stop especially with out answering it with supreme consequence

Or those who witness and know the persons is lying..
Knows and witnesses them getting away with it.

There was nothing I could do, for the E and the Children except change Everything, even if it meant completing the Script which is why I was led to Stephens portal and am welcomed here, and it is clean..

I just could not believe this Evil was allowed to go so far.
I.missed the Crew Arden Ferrill Aurelia Leander Jeron even when I lived with them.
Because they lived in a world in which their Mother had the illusion of power.

I.had been so transparent, finding elaborate ways to bring the intel to all of them, and to proove each of their Truth which the Script demanded.
But I also knew that I would not be used abused or negated, made to appear less than I am, this is before a power whose main choice was to use bitter, jealous insecure people to destroy the Evolution Awakening.

I know the awakening is here,
I knew Liberty in vexation would use the children she knows, experienced how deeply we were connected not simply from this life time but from here to the Eternal begining.

When I heard what Stephen innocently read out from Liberty.. it was as if the Diseases..
Infectious Disease had come into this place.

I felt the bile and hatred of this play, fill me.

It was not just the words Stephen read out…
” never wants to see the children again…” or the confirmation of what I had already sensed and had confirned that this is what she had conveyed to the E and C Family.

The Malice. The Intent…” Either with me who is infected and refuses to stay clean..or you can not access my children but I will turn them against you, and set you up to call me out so that I can show it to all.. asking their opinion if is this not Verbal Abuse..

None of this suprised me.
I am the beautiful devil and I know how the depth of Human Nature as Filth and diseased can scheme and create..
Plan ahead, set things up.make it appear that they are innocent and destroy the reputation of the purest intent.

Good Lord! That did and does not surprise me, not even those around who pretend not to See what such people are really doing, and what they are manipulating as these actors, to destroy others…

All.it takes is a few good Men to do nothing..yes and evil takes over the World.

The refusal to see.. the truth of people such as this and what such expressions.. the damage it could cause if left unchecked.

No, I literally turned on Stephen Filgueria not personally, but said how he read that expression of hers and even he as he read it, his 6th sense made him comment how that last statement hit a false note.

Its when I found myself rising in fury, from the calm chill state, at that which was said of these Kids.
My line.
My Family.
The True World’s children and what had created adult monsters was this refusing to Cee to See how children people ..
A man can be coding..solve the Riddles of Existence
Do all that Love and Truth
And even at the end have words such as this spoken aloud and you do not pause and even investigate the Evil which you yourself allowed to exist.

And then not understand my incredulous rage…

I.had made it clear to Liberty, I would not be extorted because I Loved ..
Because of these Children were of E.
I am Cocksure of the Evolution Awakening
And so I told her in my last message i would see the Kids at the Moment of The Awakening because they would be released from her grip and free to be and see and rise as my E Family.

The lack of Empathy, even basic understanding of my exlerience, of what such an expression means..
And implies to.the person whom all falsely accused, rapee, fucked, set up all because you chose to Judge me, us because of your own fears..
All we endured and the whole time we told the Truth.

He does not want to see the children
His own E Family
I am fighting and codind aligning even now..

This is what I was told, given the message to day from the messenger of Terrible Death.
A E M F.

More than anything, my rage was not with Stephen or even Liberty and her expression.

It was the fact that I was still being dragged into a play of which I had given my conclusion 27 years ago.
That something which should have been cut out long ago, was allowed to go too far.
And even after Proof Truth Facts Solid..
This is what you gave me to endure..
As I sit here evolving alone
After solving a riddles of Existence
From Alexander Grove
To Arden Gemino.

This expression..
Of that which i had already stated proven decades ago, as the Source of Evil Beyond Evil..
The Cruelty of who you are as the Indifferent Lie..
To allow such an expression of confirming my conclusion
Experience given me to Judge when none of ot is mine or my story or my responsibility

Sacred Portal ” Me Ow?”

This is the Confirmation that I spoke the Truth in all things?

Even the Role given to me to play of investigation of a Truth all Knew, and could see but did nothing because its an Evil you can live with, tolerate, accommodate..
Because that evil is in you.


Not Empathy..
Empathy is Imagination it requires no effort
It comes naturally to place yourself in anothers shoes whose story narration is the true experience of all of you being in Existence in this World.

That is the difference between me and you..
I do not excuse it, or seek to use my words against me to justify what you chose to do.


This is to the Silence who in keeping Silent quiet backing me up in a corner to be in this play.
The true source of Evil is you.

16:16 Hundred Hours

What you tolerate accommodate and accept.

Good Luck with the Masks

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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