
8/13/2017 17:07 – Facebook Post

4:16 p.m.


Dawn Piercy… 4+16=

Tiffany Dawn Haynie… T=20

Dawn Marie 56…E.F…Eternal Flame.. Eternal Fact.


Maida Vale…
Mountain View…

D.P.T… D H…@ D.M…Delta Manor/ M.D….M=1000 D is 4
2 2 is 4 add R.. Response from Reflections…
9 9… I I… rep Lisa Natalie Johnson Joseph Carey – Brenda G Booth… (And myself the Link)..
J.L.. 10 12.. 22..V…. B is Being..
1000 M.. D is E… 4 is 5…

4:32 p.m.

8-13-1O… H.M. J… H 13 10… 23.. 5.. H.E… H M A.O…
/ E.H… 58…13..4…M.D…. E O A.M…Harmony….

Dawn E O.F…Awareness Manifest Harmony.

13-8-10… M.H.J… Manifest Harmony J.B.. Portals linked to Joseph Carey and Brenda Booth… J.B…L Lisa.. U.E…

Every signs of the Awakening, the Light which pierces through the Darkness, that Coffin of the illusion of the Flesh covering the eyes.
The Blindness, the awful blindness which transformed into Existence into a Pathological Nightmare of constant competition while those who grasped a glimpse of that which lay behind the veil, instead of sharing it, so others may add their own intel and A Festival of Sharing of information to link and Individually and collectively herald the Evolution M.V… Movement of Individuals -Peoples back to their senses…
Outside of the Matrix…

Instead, they took over the Dream, which they could not control because they did not understand the Principle of Harmony is what manifested all creation.
And this brought such chaos…
Because of this desire for control…
Control … is Fear.

But I won;t go into all that…

I am the one who was betrayed and forced into the role which was the role of the Individual People, to re-align the Eternal Facts in this Nightmare by being led into a this Pathological Competition.. P.C… Which is what peoples minds, their Personal Computers ( really their Bodies) had transformed everything into..

It is a miracle that I am here today posting, but then not really, that which you call God, who is really Death… My father who is my brother, the Everything now evolved by using Evil.. playing the D-Evil and Satan, in male and female aspects which allowed him to do the Unthinkable.
Possess me to Do his will of God… The greatest evil of All, at least the Human rendition of it as Need and Slavery…
To realign the mess of ages, the Pathological Competing Liars… to the Path O Logical Consciousness Light… Eternal.

When I saw Joseph Carey yesterday, once again the full weight of this being true just crashed down on me…
There is no feeling so crushing of getting the evidence to such a precise degree of that which you know happened, but which you are looking for some glimmer, some ray to tell you that it is not so…

Yesterday, that last glimmer of Hope vanished forever.
As I stated Hope and Belief have never been my friends…
Perhaps you can see why now.

I.K was my Bio Fathers Name…as well as Maurice…
4:56 p.m.

And then after using Evil Beyond made me used me to clean up his mess.

And so, I know now…

For sure…..

Here is some intel from Lisa Natalie Johnson..

“Oh, Yes!!! Seriously. I mean it! The Controller archetype aka “False Father” is going, going, gone…you were correct. The feminine is returning and they(E.T. are messing with stuff trying to derail and confound the inevitable…that’s why you’re twisting…they are trying to keep us in the 2 ND chakra, the addictive body space. Annoying and stressful for you, I know. Smh
It would have been nice to see you as well, but I dropped my laundry home, and had to scoot back to WestchestersterA.S.A.P.
They are mass brainwashing, messing with our astral bodies…our twins are being split. Our higher selves and lower selves are not aligned. 3rd dimension 5th dimension & higher. The Overmind…ET. Pathological Envy…People are walking up and yet we are mostly asleep. Staying up. Must seek Higher Ground within. You told me that. It’s important. I feel it.

Our souls split in gender to come to 3d to make it easier to experience. I meant they are keep us NOT aligned. *Sigh*
The signs are in everything and everywhere. Jeez!”

So. I am full aware by locking me in, with money, no place to rest, to place to have a reprieve except to do His will to find the solution to solve the Impossible evil which Ikegbunam Obiekwe Nnamdi Obiekwe, Obumnme Ndubusi I.O.N O O..N… did to me making it so that I would not be able to exist unless I solved the riddle… I O N… O O N.. Chukwuemeka Okolo… Emeka Kolo…
O O..N.C.O…”Naturalness Consciousness Full Circle Existence Circle Round Princely Manly Warrior…Circle Round…in Being Victorious…
I would be trapped in this play forever unless I left my body…

I.O.N…O O…N.C. E.O.E.K…

Threre.. 5:05 p.m.

505… 5 O 5… E O E…
So forgive my lack of enthusiasm.

5:06 p.m.
56 Spring Street – Entrance 6th Train.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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