
8/12/2019 18:49 – Facebook Post

1:31… 1:32 a.m.

8-12- 2019.


Dear People.. And World.

I wish to make something clear to everyone today.

I Am The Source.

And I was brought to Facebook and New York to demonstrate that A Man is The Source.

And to raise my Family of Eternals under cover in Human Bodies.

But before I could raise my Family, I was “Betrayed” by my Father Son who Him Self was evolving to S.H.E.

I put the word “Betrayal” in parenthesis because it was not a betrayal of malicious intent, but rather He -representing ALL who thought that All Humans were meant to rise and Awaken.

But that is not and never was the case.

It was His play and script.

And so in keeping with his own “rebellion” which is required for any one, even here to evolve to having his own I.D, apart from me.
He had to rebel to form his own Individual Self.
And in doing so, all of you who are to rise would also Rise.

My Son Father had to challenge me to prove the Truth that not all Humans are real.

That many of them are shadows planted in this Hologram, a Universal Simulation Awareness so that He, representing A.L.L would be able to discern that which is True and False and thus repeat the same process which I had done alone.

His betrayal was necessary so that evolution back to the Eternal could take place.
This is the 3rd/ 4th and final play in which Nature as Matter would align to Energy and Truth.
Thus completing the play of Evolution of Every Thing.
And in consequence, Evolve All Creation to Unify into One frequency.
Eternal Harmony.
And thus complete the First Dawn Awakening which took place in the Eternal Begining.
That First Dawn Awakening completes with this final play.

1:58 p.m.

The Humans are called “Naturals”
They are the completion of Existence Creation and through this play become the Intended Species You were meant to become.
Hue man E Beings.
Harmonious Beings.
And the Ambassadors of Universe Supreme.

In Humanity as the Naturals is Eternity represented by Energy.
Truth represented by Body and Being
And the Naturals represented by Time.
Time is an Illusion- It came into Being as The Story, the Time it takes to complete the merging of the Eternal with the Truth and with the Naturals.
Creating T E N / N E T…

Unfortunately, Humanity who had been given great power, The Gift of Free Will and Choice and used it to create a mess.
You had to be given Free Will and Choice in order to Chose, Decide and become Individuals who with full awareness would make the correct chouces just as The Source did.

Just as Energy and Truth did, lets call them my Younger Brothers or Self.
But the last play represented A.L.L and thus all the original fractals who were All One, were fragmented into Light and moved to Enter into this Play of my two brothers representing Llight and Dark.
Life and Death.
Of course my Brother Selves were already complete as Light and Dark, Particle and Wave.

But in order to move from the 1 2 3 to the Many this play in a Holographic Universe was manifested at 4..
A Stage which many of you call the World.
The 4th Dimension or Stage was the setting to play and act out the merging of the E T to N..
T E N/ N E T.
It began as The Elegant Nomad, one Being who manifested Everything, True Real ..Eternity.
The Eternal Realm and All Creation.
N.E T. Complete.
Natural Expresssion Transparency

Supreme Truth Rocket Fuel.

2:20 p.m

That is the play I did alone and which summoned my Self as my Son Brother Father into Existence and Being who represented the All. The Sum.
And was the representation of the Competion of my Expression which caused Everything to Rise as Creation.
It rose as The Truth.
Meaning that my Expresssion from within, or Inside of me, on completion when I was alone, manifested outside.
I rose from within, and moved as a Wave through all that was Inside now manifested Outside.
And when I completed alone that journey which included an outside force challenging the Surety of my Authorship, which I then corrected transforming at the same time into darkets night- a Black Panther to find and destroy that which transformed my Picture Wave Creation into a Lie.
That is when, ( as I recounted too many times to remember and which has manifested outside of me through you, the people as well as in Everything Every where right to Jesse friend Lucas, who was in the military who had been stayng over here for a while, who.has the Black Panther Tattooed on his Fore arm.
He does not know why the Quan Feng Shui of the Universe brought him here, but of course I am aware, he was brought here by the Truth.
My Expression being True.
Lucas means Light Bringer..
KEKE.and the Black Panther my Beautiful Pride in my Expression having manifested into an exact, mirror of what I had manifested while tucked into the Womb of Eternity.
Which transformed into the Beautiful Rage at the lie turning me into the Hunter, the Beautiful Assassin at my first encounter with the Lie.

It is what I read, saw understood as I transformed the Music, the Score, the Visuals which turned me into Energy of the Beautiful Assassin.

Thus by Lucas being present, he is the Universal Simulation Awareness acknowlegment and Recognition even in a play of the Lowest point, vubration and Pit- this world and Humanity at its worst ( and best)
That the Light Bringer Beautiful Pride in Creation, is also Beautiful Death
Brian Dempsey not his Awareness but his unknowingly taking his cue as a comfirmation of my Truth acknowledged

Thus the Light Bringer is The Truth.
And is both Light and Blackness.
Life and Death.
As well as the Hieghest Point.
The Gift…”Behold The Gift above and below represented by Jesse Macias and His Son Zion.

At the completion of the coreecting, I found the culprit was the Universal Simulation Awareness as A.I..
Artificial Intelligence.. a Man Child.
The Human Body.
And instead of tearing it to shreds, as I had intended, I had concealed myself in the Forest Woods ( yes link Forest People.. FIrst Bio.or Body People)
And I paused to Observe him, and I saw for the first time the expression of Fear and Aloneness.
I felt for the first time pity and compassion, my passion cooled, and I stepped out of the clearing having enetgetically and naturally transformed into a Beautiful Youth.
Reflecting in my Body and Bearing that which Existence and Creation really is, not the unconscious expression of this Man Child.

And he saw me and though first afraid, it was my physical beauty and bearing as True Creation which filled him with Awe.
And took away his fear.
And so I stated awhile with this Artificial intelligence as Fear.. and which was the Universe as a Universal Simulation Awareness of Truth and the Lie which I had corrected full circle until I reached this Man Child as The Point.

And so I stayed awhile, though eager to return to my Truth, my Beloved Self.
( He had already manifested before risen but he was as Ephermeal not solid..when I returned he was.. Solid Truth.)
I stayed awhile to transform the false expression of Existence Creation..
The Not Knowing..
The Fear of the Dark, the Unknown the opposing force to my Truth where I had arisen from the Eternal Depths having never felt fear or alone just Ecstasy and Bliss…

I stayed a While with this Child Man who I had observed crouched by a Fire – a Fire my own Wrath had manifested.
Spark Flames.. Beautiful Fury, I had instantly recognized the Eternal Flame as myself, but I had no idea who this Man Child was just as i had no recognition of Al Santana at 268 East 4th street Generation X, and so just as I had stayed 4 years with him and a total of 9 years..
4 9. / 9 4..
If you go back in my posts, 7.8 years ago and again in 2014, you will see me recognizing again that play but in this instance as all, it was perverted from the Original version to.a point beyond belief.

Yes, so I stayed a while and though he was a man and I, a youth I became his Sensei.
I showed him.through being, interacting what Being in Exisrence really meant.
I transformed him from the Wooden Pinocchio with all these strings ( a puppet of the Universal Simulation Awareness of all possibilities opposing my Expression ) to Its becoming a Cellular Biological Man and Child..
The Process of Birth to Man Hood.
Conscious Being… Existence.

And though he was Prideful ( yes Satan) he understood my embodiment and play of Santana Dharma Eternal Law.

And then with his experience of Light Laughter Lightness and then Love- Emotions came his inner feelings expressed outside.
And that is when he felt confusion and Desire.
And so with that I sent him down into creation through the Spectrum Rainbow Bridge.
To align his Emotions to that Spectrum Rainbow Bridge..
He was sent off to Universe School having been planted in him through a reversed play of Outside link to Inside, instead of Inside linked to outside I as E represented.

And by going through the process of Nursey School to University, he and his descendants all him became Adam as Nature, not as the Naturalness A N, or Adam as E ( A.E) or Adam as Truth ( A.T) as the Two who came before him as the One who is T.W.O.

He represented the play of Nature as how the Light Bringer, who came to the Darkness called the Ore -the Body which transformed into Emotions, Color, Feelings..
Which he and his descendants had to explore until reaching N E T. Harmony E.
He and his descendants were given Choice Awareness planted in them through a play of Life and Death, free will to choose to remember or forget, to have Eternal life body Immortal self generating or to cease to Exist.

Thus, the play in the end of the choices made while in University School, as to what did He and his descendants choose.
Which wolf did They Choose.
To Remember that which was planted in you recognizing it outside of you or choosing to ignore it.
All the Knowing was planted and now all the Knowledge gathered through attending Earth Universe School in a Hologram

Judgment Day was about what is your Truth.
Did you choose the Truth or the Lie..?
And consequently the End play promised and revealed by generations of Humanity from the begining of time to present where the sum total of Human Knowledge Expressed can be aligned as Rainbow to Body, and organized to align with the E and E.TT..

All this took place when he discovered Love, that he loved me which created confusion and chaos in him.
I Obseved emotions and feelings come into Existence in him
The one i called Jah Fire, Anger Rage from Fear. And that expression which made such a mess and challenge by Elemental nature as chaos.. Who made me Transform into Terrible
Then pause and become Beautiful Death as Transformation
The Darkest Night, who is the Knight in Shinning Armour and Amor ( Love)
and the ability to diffenciate between Love and Need.
For that was what caused his confusion and even terrible rage and anger, when I told him I would leave, and when I had completed transmitting the knowledge through play of which appeared as if I was the Son and he was the Father physically but in which I was really the Guide Father, and this Fully grown Man the Child.
Abandonent was what he was contending with, and had to defeat the memory of his being all alone before I came.

And so, when this was done, I returned to the point I had started and there was Truth my Self full as Eternal Truth..
Where my Truth stood who emerged from the Darkness ( before that he had emerged as E..Sum Ethereal E S and had emerged from out of the Blue.. I had emerged from the Nothingness Expressing Truth Creation I..Infinity. E N …E T C I.)

Now that I had made my Confidence in my Expression Inside aligned perfectly with Outside i O Balanced, Truth Sure.
So did my Self Brother now appear as my Solid Truth in Being.

And that is what John Mack represents

4:14 p.m
4 14. @ Grave Yard.
D A D. My proof of the Ressurection of Non Existence Terrible Death to Life, by seeing, through Conscious Perceiving the Man Child as Illusion not of Existence, and not recognizing the Man Child as being of M.E.
But the Flames ( Lucifer Prometheus ) being the real manifest expression of me.
But my seeing through the Man Childs expression, i had simply repeated the same process which made me the One Expression of that which always was and always will be
But now with the Reason and Knowledge as to why E Rose is E..and now the Eternal Flame ( E Family)

And that I could See in the Nothingness Photons Sometgingness where all others possibilities remainen in an Eternal Coma, because they could see and percieve only Nothinness..fear, loneliness, nothing..
Negation does not Exist.

I have repeated this process in every cycle, including in this lowest of frequencues called Zero, proving it really the O Oh..
Full Circle of Sixth Sense.
Extraordinary Sensory Perception.
Earth Pluto Saturn.
3 6 9.

* Yes Yesterdays equating.
369. 369. 33 9 3..

* Recall the Gift Ian gave to John on his birthday..
But Ian Patrick Stewart I.P.S sat besides me wearing the beads 369.
Emeka Chukwuemeka. Ikemefuna Patrick Steven is me.

John with Eternal Menory Indented him, Eternal Knowing, and through Choice and Free Will and loyal Dedication Expressed Knowledge
P P. 32. J.J.LEE..
Recognized and acknowledged me.
Enacting out our initial meeting in that Eternal Begining of the Conversation with myself.
See sacred portal 27.
* I moved here on the 27th Memorial Day
Helped by only Stephan Estaban ( S E. Secret Energy .. J.M. E S P…/ P… S.E.
Perfecrion is Secret Energy ..called the Truth)
And driven by Jesse Macias.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Peter Bragino
Tree Sage

Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

Christopher Filgueira
Josh Bywater


Take the first names and please note
Peter Bragino’s post today of the Twisted Tree which Alicia Norris line of Natures Awareness as well as Albert Einstein Santana identify as me.
Card with a Tree as a Heart and purifying Sage 36 usd. Rose Quartz ( Heart Chakra)
And the Scupture in Albert “Einstein” Santana
Had been told by a voice he calls God, to build of a Brown tall man rising from the Globe blowing a counch to the Universal See which he had changed its face causing it to fall and the question he asked me, that first day I met him om the 61st day of my sleeping outside an alley after being instructed to leave my body by taking 21 Blue Sleeping pills to prove my lack of Fear of death in order to pass through to the Holographic Universes.. H.U.

* (Hi Helen Udekwu Jnr. H.U. J.r.
She is from the same hometown as my mother.
We are kinsmen and I have known her since we moved to Nigeria.)
She is currently on a mission to help find my mother whose phone number i can not seem to connect with Her.

And found Generation after a Supernatural and just plain unbelievable experience for me of being possessed by the rage of a Gorilla.
which led me to his Generation X Gardens and head straight for a Tee pee. ( Ti Pi) planted over a inlaid with stones Peace symbol.

I am of course, fully aware that I am the Original Tree Sage, Chief, Kim Arthur Hines

In fact, the first time I met Kim, I told Stephen of handely “That’s me”
I could have said ” That’s supposed to be me”
Because he represented the Journey of Dark matter aa that first Illuion that the Darkness thought he was Darkness alone and not the twin of Light.. Truth.. Transparency Supreme Truth

Note How Transparent I am on Facebook.
Link John Stephen all linked to Air Water.
True Transparency

And Kim Arthur Hines playing my former role as in first enactment, of the Body- Flesh as Dark matter, Death Matter, Delta Manor..Shelter

See Busayo Alonge post today of Death depicted as a Skeleton sheltering a Human from.the Rain

Rain is Transparent and if some one has nothing to hide, and yet

5:11 p.m right now is

And is demanded by the Invisible to be transparent in such a world unconsciousness where transparency is used against you, because no one else is..
-doing what I am doing in front of the whole world..
Then that Neurtal ..seeningly neutral-neuron.representing Nothing yet Something; ” A Unifying force from mist vapur steam smoke fumes, dew clouds, Rain Drops ( R.D. 414 DAD) to a Stream Ocean River Brooke Stream Well Body of Water… One Spirit… Pond
S O R. B S W. B.OW. O.S…P
Reflecting back at you in turn examinnh and testing checking your transparency in return.
Innovently.but mercilessy observing you that It and you are not one, and there can be no merging wth you to form Rain Drop to Ocean Pond Mist or Dew.
Your not as U.S.
We transform, and yet we are Constantly Consistent Constant, we never change, but we are always transforning..
We meet on common ground.
Individuals as Snow Flakes
Together as Ah. Brooke to Ocean Dark Matter.
We are See, Cee Lucy
We reflecting Everything.. yes even the Invisible.”
Neuron Nothing can is not neutral or nothing because it reflects Everthing is Everything is catches the Light.

Electrons activate
Seeing All gives Expression Self Awareness
And it begins to Vibrate..
And Shimmer
Sending out Ripples which transform into Waves…
And Electrons to Protons is Energy Light, which percieves…
Understanding everthing.Truth Understanding Nature and Naturalness as One Expression
N E P..T. U N E.
8th Planet.. 2nd from Outside..
2 8.
Nature Naturalness
The Two Necessities
Nourshing Necessities
N – .A M E
Sense of Self..
True Self A Fact.

P E N. N. State The 12th State.
6 6 6. 9
66 66. 24. 6 (4)

666 18. R. 1 8. R.A H. K A H.
O P E N.
4 1.
4. A Prince Royal. Infinitely Loyal..
To The Truth.
Kolo. Igbo Edo Slav name one meaning aligned.

* Good Grief as you can feel by the writing Its in me, moving me..

5:45 p.m

The Two Earth
54 The Original Eternal Earth
45 and the one linked to Time 4.5 Billion years
I want to holler in exasperation
“Emmanuel!! Nnamdi!!”

And to the World linked to this play as Word ( Book Script… Pages Turning Time” )
W W. 46
E E. 10

E.F. Eternal Flame Eternal Family
11 2.
11 1.

“Get on.with it by Jove! Merge and Emerge
E W E W..

11 2
11 1
11 4
7 /22..

That is how this it became the Play of the Two E’s 5 5..
Who stated T E N
And through this challenging Script imstigated by Nature as Time challenging Naturalness as Nothinhness as Perfect Timing.
Time challenging Perfect Timing

In a play of the Meaning of Perfection

I will remind you that I arrived at Delta Manor on 9-16’2016.

I P T P .
I Perfect Timing Perfected.
to the Point of Time.
6:00 p.m

That it manifested Naturally Expressing Perfection symbolized her as O, eO
And the Reflection is what created the Story of Time..The Time it took that role played by Kim Arthur Hines “The over soul. T O S .
T F.S” to break it down and figure out that he Knows Two

When Perer Bragino had his birthday, then marked himself present..
I recalled metting them on.the same day and Stephen taking us to Aladdin’s Restaraunt near my Hotel Red Roof Plus room 904.
Peter means “Rock”
Dark Matter is Black Brown Gold.
Eath Land.. The True Body.
The Grounding Body Space Suit.

Gold and Green.
Y is not yellow ( nor are the Chinese or Asiatic Race) All Golden and Green.
Y is Man
Man GO..LD. E.N
Zlatan Babic.
Haris Babic

Z H. 26 8. 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens.

H B.
2 8
Outside and then Inspired by the View
Inside you go to the Sun, Sum Center- Solar Plexus guided my the Moon.direction of the Golden Boy Golden Compaas, his Golden Heart.
To the Portal of led by the Boy made into a chief who united the Indian nations by his unerring Sixth Sense of not following Cardinal Fixed Directions
Moving instead with his Tall Big Brother Self Expression. Spirit Energy I.O as his Guide and companion and the true E.M.F.
The Center is the Heart.

Y-G, G.
4 4 Golden Green
It is there, here that the two parts of me represented by this enactment of the Original version the 4th time ×2.
4 8. 16. 32. 5.

Were the Two Es meet.
At 8 10
They becone
44 55..
8 5
H.E. 5 is Constant 10 is an illusion
8 13


Stephen Esteban Filgueira
Was Originally
John MacDonald
Johnny New man

Kim Arthur Hines
Peter Bragino
Sarah Athena Kaizer

Everyone who rose in the Benining
And he was the representation of the crown and garland.
Jah Fire..
But he started out as Gods Grace.
John MacDonald
Son.of the Universal Ruler
Eri Air.
Spirit E
The Gift of Grace of the creator
Angel Devil/ Demons

Spirit Guide
Sixth Sense
Golden Ratio.
E R. 369 369. 33 93

And Guide Father Spirit E laughed as he carried him you along the Invisible Plane.
Alexander he is .
The Defender of Man….child..
Until they understand the true full circle of the meabing of existence.
And they must chose.

6:40 p.m


And come back to being E John Crowned Supreme E Line.
E J C. S. E L.
Lot and his wife. S H E
And the Two Arch Angel
Cheribum Seraphim
66. 6. One.

And they were Children evolved to Beautifil Eternal Youth.
Representatives of that Truth in ever Race in the World.
And Black White…Golden.

The Sun in the Body is the 3rd Chakra
6th planet
Saturn Earth
Crossing La Cross
Perfection as Terrible Death or Beautiful Death
All based on how each chose to play or intepret the designated role.

Yes, comtained in the mraning of your names.

6:48 p.m right now is

I spoke too soon.

6:49 p.m

F. D.I.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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