
8/12/2015 20:40 – Facebook Post

8/12/2015 20:40 – Facebook Post

6:47 pm.

Hello I have a new Facebook Friend….

Welcome Lady Helen Ze Habesha


As we can see the “Quiet Play” of the Evolution Awakening (EA- 51…6)
Is taking place very quickly…

Jonn and Donna are off to see the group Church at Northern Lights..
Code First Contact Aurora Borealis..A.B..12/21…
L.U….or A.B.B.A…Father NNA…

But just before they left, (My Body increased activity somewhat like agitated and Awakening did not allow me to go…)

I went out with Donna only to witness a rainbow Orb of such Ethereal Beauty appear in the sky-which Donna O’Sullivan immediately recognized as the same Orb which appeared in her photography she has posting which reveal the Gift of second Sight…
I wished to share her excitement and Awe but I couldn’t…
I live in the realm of E, even as I have lived in this world seemingly physically present yet, as witnessed by many walking existing living only in the Realm of the Truth of the E..
A recollection of another world, the True realm of Being which was and is here, but under layers and layers of expressions of “Lost in Translation”

I was asked my the E in 1994 which family do I choose as real..
I chose the E, knowing that All, even my Biological family whom I loved so fiercely where of the E…All True Humanity came from.the E.T realm.
And with that descion made I spent the last 21 years being tempted by the World here to forget about the E Truth ever Manifesting.

Lonely no…But never has a Human Being felt the Solitude, Isolation Aloneness of taking the Stance of the Truth that not only was the memory not a figment of my imagination, but that it was and is real True solid and present even here in the pit of what was called the Blackwell….
Jonn Blackwell…
The subconscious.
But how to bring it up from the place of Human Subconsciousness…
How to draw the knowledge of the “Well of Zem Zem”… To quench the thirst of the Humans stuck in a Matrix dying in their Plato’s Caves of ignorance and fear of the unknown.

How does one prove the ” Unknown is Known”
The Unseen is Seen ..the Truth existing deep down within layers of layers of human Creation stories containing in each the grain and seed of Truth, but each perverted twisted (as my body) by intentional and unintentional deliberations and deliberate lies…?

I had no idea but the E who rose in me, rise in me of an on only to depart in my greatest moments of requiring thier comfort and reassuring presence as I faced the consequences of my decision all alone.

Yet who would rise in complete strangers who would deliver the message whispering in my ear…”Finish the Mission ”

It was enough to drive one mad…

I abandoned this mission, ran away not because I ever doubted for a second thier Existence or my Truth but I never imagined it would be so difficult, so hard, so full of sacrifices and that I would have to prove the Truth of thier Existence alone.

I.witnessed the cruelty beyond belief of that which could demand and ask so much of a person…
And a play which seemed designed to make me disbelieve my very Truth and experience bit which went out of its way to mock and deny the Truth which I had watched as Everything and Everyone who all had thier revelations leave me alone with the responsibility of the play.

Hang on a minute…
I work for the Truth and if I prove it into Existence for all to see, they who put me through such hell in thier Denial and castigating me for not being rich famous and successful, squandering all.my talents and “gifts” on a play which none could really imagimd Manifesting and more so..why through me?

That is where I had the biggest resistance to this play…
I become the Slave and am crucified murdered tortured and buried and have to resurrect my Espirit again and again as I was told and made to live through murder after murder for a Truth in which my only gain would be my body free of this agony Supernatural orgins, peace of mind, my home at last and satisfaction that I told the Truth.

No…The Truth was not worth that much pain and suffering, such absurd conditions made so impossible and taunted to a rage beyond belief.

But 21 years later, 21 years after a Chinese M.D and medical doctor told me that if I did not stop this work that I would be dead in a year…
Over a hundred moves later, here I am..
Quiet Calm and True to this Truth but pissed off beyond belief at the Cruelty Beyond belief capae of humans in false Ego (Projections)/and Spells.

Having witnessed the abomination of Human Spirits who no longer believe in anything ..not even themselves..
Yet who hold on with a tenacity to thier Existence, to self preservation no matter the costs…

I spent years seeking to figure out how could such a play be..
Until Geoff Lacour, revealed to me what I had finally figured out but could not bring myself to believe.. Your brothers Betrayed you

Who are my brothers ..Men…?
The Creator God’s..
Those humans who where Embodiments of the higher (not highest who really are the Deepest) creative force…
These sons of the Daughter of what humans called Woman the Creator God.

Jonn Blackwell came back with the Album Church Deepest Future…it had the code image of the Evolution of the play of the post of the Donna O Sullivan share of that one Drop
*See Sacred Portal 46…..
The planet 4.6 Billion Years old..
Which is Jonns Liscene plate, number and my code at 146 Clay St..of Freeman Street.

The first Drop of Seamen :Light which entered the still pool of the Source Creators Pool of reflections- which same called a Mirror but which was really a View which when the Drop fell became the play of sexual procreation..forming two doors or portals of Out and In…the Ass Hole A.H and the Man Vagina ..A.H. 18…M. V…in one.

Drop was a perfect Circle O of perfect Symmetry 9+6=O.
9X6=54…9..2O…29… Zeina Hanna and Sophia Daughter or Passed of Donna O’Sullivan…

7:39 P.M.

An Orgasm which began above as in the Third Eye A.B.C (Three Eyes in One) which manifested through the O Pen is rising as the Tunnel or Serpent representing the hollowed out passage way ..the Black Well…called the Birth Canal…
Oh began above and straight ahead then full circle before OH!! then below rising…

Thus on seeing the Album cover of Church which Jonn just happened to place on the table was that Equation of the First Drop called Light but transformed into what Light really is…
Not White, but transparency ..Rain Drop..
Rain Drops…

And that is what is the Album cover shared by Donna… A Drop which reflects both sides perfectly and in side A.B.RA H.A.M. Father of the Multitude Rain…!!! affirms my post…
And Donnas see..
And Jonns extradinary Cee of not having to do riddles with me as I do with Donna but as if he heard me…

I also noticed days before that on.thier bathroom wall is the literal code of Sacred Portal.87
“Returning the world to its Sensesvand Sensies”/
On thier Dr Bronners framed image…
“Health is our greatest wealth ” K” 1973 All in One”
” May 2Oth 1973 is my youngest brothers birthday..

And this is how thier home is, a clean Elegant simple but stylish Expression of the E.T moving through them lay thier Creation Expression with information and messages so clear that thier Subconsciousness is at the verybrinko and threshold of thier Consciousness..
It is almost eerie and disquieting…
To have my life Truth so near so close but after such a play which brings a tear and a tearing asu der of my Trust forever…so far..
Drawing only closer by my relentless posting by responding to the 24-7 Stimuli of both Jonn and Donna but thier very home.

18 787…76 53 ( Elizabeth Clarizio..E.C 53)/2..

A.H…7-87 is the NASA code for the Milky Way MW87…Really MW 787…
Sacred Portal 87…
76 is Sacred Portal the Awakening..

Recall all my sacre portals were drawn from a Well deep.within me beginning in Williamsburg Bedford on 11/;28 my birthday where I was with Marina Burini Tom.Truman (Luke and John Shaw his brother) and friend Drew..who began my drawing by his drawing a portrait of me from the Omo Valley Ethiopia…
That was in 2O1O and it took me years to figure out the 155 drawings +1 by Drew (1 56..1..11..
15-6…O.F where portals through the Illusion of Space Time to my home.

8:O5 pm..

Which is through passing through the physical representation of Existence Universe I have transformed the way of “Peering at the Past” (Atomic Matter..A.M…Amy Michael, Amy Tom (Twin)
Micheal means “Who is as God”
Response Amy..meaning “The Beloved.. B)

The last digits is 532..
Which played out to Elizabeth Clarizio..
But since Keith Grant represented bed 53 in the 146 Clay Street play…
The code would be 5-32..
32 is Sacred Portal Eros E which I did not share intentionally…
But as most of my Facebook Friends are aware was the play of True Love True Life which took place at 268 4th street over a period of 4 yrs straight and 5 years 4-9 (Code 26-8 Z.H Zeina Hanna meaning Beauty is the Gift of the Creator… 49…bed 49 at 146 Clay Street… Shelter..
My former host used the code 2O12..
Which I had to.prove was not Fear but
True Love= True Life..
(sacred Portal 43..D.C played out on F.B by
InĂªs Guerreiro and Ana Leonardo Caixas)

T.L.is 2O +12= 32…54 The Bean ( T.B.. Tom Benzian..Z Ion) 3rd and 2nd…
Where I worked my ass off from the moment I met Axel Anderson there in 2OO5 when it was on 1st and 3rd…13/31…before moving to 3rd and 2nd 32/23…31-32/13 M 23 W…
Then the play moved to 147 The Bean 1st and 9th…
32-31…1…1st and 9th 147 Sacred Portal “Emmy- with the Tear (Amy Mc Tear… Amy Harper Willis listen to the pure voice of the Voice like the Harp sound ..the Weather Man…WM..
Milky Way becomes invalid…

It’s real name Illusion being Micheal my brothers name E.T 19 73…37..91…
Yes see the Portal.

The Bean is the representation of the D N.A power house..
But is proven to really mean Tom Benzian..
Truth Beautiful
Jonn Blackwell
Julian Brown…
Eric Lile Brown..

J.E.T…Li GHT (7-8-2O…) 747…plans..

We are in a play…


Which now moves us to 343 Facebook Friend
H.Z H.
From Voice of Truth
342 Facebook Amy Mc Tear…
*I have a Tear scar on my face carved out by me as a Boy as if I knew the outcome of this play at age 8…And tears roll down my eyes when I post sometime all unbidden…

3 is C..
42 is answer the Female computer gave to the two Girls who asked in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, ” What is the meaning of Existence?”
Response “42”

This E is 5-32…

18 787 76 532…
Pure Castile Soap.
Personal Computer Supreme?
The Clean…

Which is here with Jonn+ Donna
And with E to read..

The last image on their bathroom wall is the Wave shaped as V arriving on the Shore off an
Man H AT AN-NA T (Truth) At Harmony NAM.E…

8:39 -4O pm

Jonn and Donna happened to mention that they taking route 87 to North Lights I.E (L.I.N.E-

The meaning of Helen Ze Habesha..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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