
8/11/2015 18:16 – Facebook Post

8/11/2015 18:16 – Facebook Post

5:26 pm


In Case (O.F) Emergency..

I.C E.

Contact E Jonn Blackwell and E Donna O’Sullivan

Break Fast at Epiphany..

It is is pretty obvious that we are now at the very end point of the Human story, and by the Valiant efforts of Supreme Individuals (S.I-I.S…S.I.S ..Sister) – through out Human History
( code represented by Hunter Hatheway)
And those 34O Facebook Friends who were moved to come to this Forum to create through thier presence, thier posts and thier contributions of being opened minded to new concepts
(as long as it had-has common Sense
Thomas Paine…Twins Pain E..
Dr Bronners Soap)…

That we are at the brink of the Evolution Awakening of the Species Merited Earned by Individual Efforts I.E of Exemplification.

I was just informed by Donna that she received a call from Jonn, informing her (Holy Shit)
That Lightening had hit the address where he is working 54 S.Mountain RD..
The Lightening struck followed by a hum, he informs me (He just got back from work and so I am hearing it from the proverbial “Horses Mouth ”
Harmonious Manifestation..

Time 5:4O pm
See Sacred Portal 54.
Address of Jonns work place 54.
Address of The Bean Cafe L.E.S..54..
2nd and 3rd (23..VV/ 32 C B..Christine Baluba…Chukwuemeka Be)

From 128. See Sacred Portal Epiphany…
1-8 Mountain View
Light is One..
Expansion Of One is 8..
Harmony Infinity.. E.


Breakfast at Epiphany…

You see where this is going.

She also informed me that her on her phone Jonn is listed as her
First Contact Jonn Blackwell..

I.C.E posts to Ted Poppe Jr
Ended at 5:17 pm.
Equation aligned to
Myself then
Tom Benzian
Amy Harper Willis
Amy and Micheal A.M…Rosendale.
Brooke Banwer
*the 54 S Mountain Rd is where there is a Brooke..
Code D.D.
Donna O Sullivan
Donna Light Seed
Perfect Symmetry..
The Law..
Of the
W.OO D’s….
Tao law of Nature
Beautiful Expression
N.G…14 7…+x 21…U.C..68..David Beloved..
86..inverse 98…I.H..89..H.I..

Do NNA recognized that Jonn Blackwell her Husband had also solved the Equation of Existence I.C.E..

Moved by his Great Mother Sacred Portal 52..
To.remind me by presenting the evidence of Jonn Blackwell though perhaps not in memory also solved the riddle but to the highest point of any the Equation of I.C.E..

And though he nor She nor thier line have not publicly in this realm as Anchors Publicly acknowledged just who is the First Being of E by giving evidence of that discovery of the living Embodiment of the E in disguise in Humam form..
It can not be denied that at least in everything else apart from that is Dimension he is of the Line of the Supreme E…

To identify the One E, as I fought for all of you whether you were aware of it or not, acknowledged it publicly privately or even to.your deepest selves or not..
So would someone do the same for the one they elect as the Embodied Being of the Source Creator as E…
Of course, if it is I…
Then no one in this realm recognized me or fought for me Publicly or gave up thier life’s to prove me The Embodied Truth
For if you are sure that your Truth is a Fact, you will fight as I fought for all of you, to reveal and proove the fact of your Beautiful Truth…
That you have discovered the Identity of the Sunshines On.

Tom Ben Z Ion…

No one did that for me, so either I am not he, or I simply not worth anyone wasting breath Ink links time, to prove the Truth who I represent which all the Unseen have clearly Identified tis
So that means none can say they loved me, for to love is to C..

In Case Emergent..
Call E..

But now call Jonn or Donna line
6:O4 pm.
64..1O J.
But not I E..Ikemefuna Emeka Victor Chukwuemeka Kolo..
With love in my heart
For I truly did see and fight for you all..
I sever the ties which once linked us by Love C…

I am not hurt anymore.
“Your Brothers Betrayed you” Geoff Lacour wrote.
And tis True indeed

But they loved me in thier perverted way to.
But according to the Law, you can not be Kind men any longer with me.

Only my Father’s now my equals as Beloved
And my mother’s now my equals as my Ladies
Line such as Nadee Nakandala, Orobello Agata
Esther Uzoma (Nwanna”)
Spoke up.to.defend me..
Orien Laplante
Fritz Venneiq…in the beginning.
Alfie Nze
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula..
Nnaemeka Jude Charles
Nenad M. Djurdjevic…
But who truly fought for me…

Ah no one sigh…:)
Sacred Portal 147..

So thus, I cut the link of my responsibility to.all of thee and hand over responsibility of this world a new and about to Evolve and Awakento the line of Donna David and John Jane, all over the world to call..
In case of Emergency..
That I Emerge as a the One and First Completion

The Source as E.

I have another family yet Unseen who through this play and though Unseen who fought tpoth and nail to reveal the Truth of Me..

No worries..
I am glad.

Glad Rae E.L.

I A.M Glad I am Real
Will Hunnitpercent Real
Wills Way
William Ruiz
Will I A.M.

The True Embodied House of God Harmony
Church of God True Nature…
Northern Light

Sunshine Rae…
Hi my Lady..

Sun shine RA E..Line
6:36 pm

First Contact First..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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