
8/10/2018 12:26 – Facebook Post

10:55 p.m.


Jace delivered to me Two 5…
See sacred portal 55..”Universal Sensie” of the past

* I just wrote a comment explaining on Gabriel Binky Signar post
“….you made a Mistake and Move on” of what happened to the way home because people, societies nations would not go back and clean up thier messes- sets things correct and how the cumulative stagnation created a black Hole and Creatures so Unnatural who manifested from what was discovered and trace back to Human Inaction.

Those people who do something are not trapped by this awful Cause and effect created by Human Irresponsibility, refusal, Denial and down right cruelty.. Hatred… which created such a Hatred which came back to haunt humanity making them Insane…
Are those who did something.

I would like to further elaborate the code play invovling Isabelle Ilic..
Recall the play which moved up to the Dawn Piercy and the four other Dawns..
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Chimento..

There was Dawn Marie but she left in a huff when i alluded in a post that she led me to the wrong portal- it was not her, but the energy which was moving her.
But if i know some one personallyy and they have been a face book friend for 6 years.. and do not have the courtesy to ask me for clarity and insecurity.. then good riddance.

You may recall that this is a play of the Two Men linked now To Lady E.. C… H… OE…

Dawn and Isabel… D I…
Robert Kyle Murphy works at Dig In.. He got the job on the 24th.
N N A M .. D .I….
I D MA N N..

Thus we are at the end point of the play with R K M.. Representing the passage, safe passage through Terrible Death which I reprsent and which has been resolved to be linked to Jah- Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis line Jacque means “the Usurper The Supplanter.. the Thief… who claims credit and takes that which he did not earn and is ungrateful-
this represents a great part of Humanity and how they treat Creation and Nature…
The galling, appalling self entitlement.

And then there is the correct portal through rep of R K M..
E R.. E K…E M E K A…
R K M..
E M… E K… E R…. E M E K A…(G)- H E R A….

Recall the Equation of Isabelle Ilic when she first arrived…
Ohm Home Homme code which she recognized in here own blue print.
Recall her code of her home address linked to mine… 42…
* Link what is the meaning of Existence – 42…
And most importantly link the Sacred portal 42
it shows the image of teh Buddha behind a man and woman linked in “Tantric Sex.. Sting”
Budhha Man Woman..
B M W… Yes, the B M W Sheild I found along with the Cock Rooster Domino with the Number 2 on it and Puerto Rico..
P R.. Which means the Port of the Eternal Ruler.. E,R..
Emeka Robert…
Elizabeth Ruth…

And recall how Isabelle Ilic her intials link to I and I… Which is 9 9… right.. ?
And had asked months ago from Kyle and Jah for a gift for all that had been done for them- a token.
Jah was disqualified because his play was so vile and instead i went back to Jace…
8 Usd from Kyle who is fully aware of the play and is loyal to it and has stated over and ober that he will give the 8 usd even after I told him that he did not have to, he insisted.

I also so the connection between himself and Ant…
K A…
Klien Alicia…
K A..
E M E….

10 +8= 18..
9 9= 18…
I am in bed 18… 1+8= 9… I.

Recall the Literal Vision Real which Isabel had? It was of passing through a Tunnle.. I posted it..

The Portal .. The Spin…
Thus you can put two and two together…The Two masculine principles rep by Jace and JKyle.. J K… Represent E GA LA XY CI 1O 11- my portal home.. and also sacred portal 79 where the Two aspecys called the Ethereal and Elemental twin Males who eneter into the Illusion of Space as Woman in the Begining of the play of time and with her now Emboded in form and informed.

THUS N N A M D I… AND WITH the D.I. PLAY COMPLETED with the last money code linking From Isabel to me E.K.. THROUGH Kyle…
* D M I C… T P/K 115 AGE..

It now completes as the Tunnel of love.. rep by man as me…

The Buddha has eyes of One fire One Lotus..
Fire Fox…. Fox Xie Inariusagi
Lotus Santana
Fire in California the 31st state…I have not seen kimani see yesterday…

The Tunel Vision of Isabelle Ilic with me as the Guide

“Can I speak french?
In two dreams. First with my two dogs, black Melissa & white Maya. With Someone I don’t recognize. We are outside and walk a long time, à travers la campagne. Jusqu’à une ville parce qu’on doit traverser une grande route à plusieurs voies et à double sens. Les voitures filent à vive allure. Route qui tourne en pente.
Je suis à l’intersection et hésite à m’engager.
L’homme qui m’accompagnait a déjà traversé. Au même endroit, mon chat Lulu, dead a few month ago, vient sa frotter contre mes jambes. Grise et blanche mais toute poussiéreuse.
On se couche tous en boule au bord de la route, le chat contre moi, mes chiennes nous entourant.
Puis, plusieurs scènes différentes de la traversée. 3.
*On réussi (le chat n’est plus avec nous) et commence à descendre la route qui s’enfile dans un tunnel. Un groupe de personnes marchent devant nous.
** on traverse direct quickly et rejoint l’homme qui parle à un automobiliste.
***on traverse et un camion nous fonce dessus. Je crois que Melissa est percutée.

2eme rêve, on veut me compromettre. Il semble qu’on est dans un hôtel avec mon mari. Il me dit que la commande est passée (cannabis) puis disparaît. Je dois quitter la chambre. En bas, le maître d’hôtel est énervé, veut que je paye + que le prix ( pourtant pas une énorme somme, quelque chose comme 13€ au lieu de 5€), ça correspond à un ticket de caisse dans mon sac (que je n’utilise pas en vrai), c un achat dans une boutique de livres et d’objets spirituels.
J’étais accompagnée de deux amis qui me remettent un petit morceau à fumer que je mets dans ma poche.
Je les perds de vue, je traverse une salle de restaurant style bistrot, je me retourne dans tous les sens pour retrouver mes amis. On m’appelle, c un jeune homme, je le reconnais. Il me remet un autre morceau mais je dois partir. Je sors, traverse une grande place. Puis une simple route.
Là, je vois une voiture garée sur une autre place en face, qui redémarre et a failli coincer sa roue dans une énorme fente sous elle.
Je reste le temps qu’elle reprenne la route.
Je traverse la place. Un groupe de personnes se rapprochent de moi. 1ere question d’un jeune (je crois que c’est un étudiant) : vous fumer souvent?
Là je comprends que ce sont des flics en civil.
On s’arrête à une sorte de table en béton.
Il me demande de vider mon sac. Un autre me harcèle en posant sa main au dessus des fesses, un doigt appuyé sur le coccyx (1er chakra). Je ne sais pas combien de temps ils me retiennent. J’essaye de me détacher mais l’homme se repositionne tout contre moi… Ils veulent des informations. Je ne dis rien. J’ai l’impression d’être sans conscience, comme à moitié endormie lorsque je sors le 1er morceau de ma poche pour le remettre sur un plus gros morceau, les différentes couleurs se mélangent.
Une petite dame asiatique vient vers moi, en me parlant je remarque qu’une adresse est inscrite sur son tee-shirt, c’est là où je dois aller. Elle me fait signe que j’ai compris. J’arrive enfin à partir et retrouve plus loin mes amis qui se sont changés de vêtements et rasés. Ils me montrent mes deux chiennes prises en charge par un autre en attendant qu’on se rejoigne. Elles ont l’air bien. Elles étaient dans un bar ou un petit hall de gare.

Je me suis réveillée à 6h30 avec encore le point de pression sur le coccyx (ça s’est déjà produit, je sens encore là où on me touche contre mon gré)

* I am at 1163 Facebook Friends..

I was at 1164…. that aligns with my name E M E K A K O L O… = 35 53… 88… 8+8=16… 8 X 8= 64…
16 64.
P D F…. Klien Alicia sent me a PDF.. It would not open.
16+64=80… 8 O…
That is the code on my shoes codes 69 with Thunder and Lighteninging Bolt.

88 Squared is 8888888… square… 4 Delta…Kyle said he would be back by 4 p.m

Isabel could not send the code today because of the phone connection to the interent is bad just as I have the same with my phone.. it will be sent code 133.92 usd
Conts Isabelle Ilic

Je mets en lien avec l’autre rêve dont je t’avais parler, les retrouvailles familiales, parce qu’un détail dont je n’avais pas parlé m’est revenu en mémoire. À table, un homme à côté de moi m’a touché les seins. J’ai cru que c’était mon cousin mais son visage a changé.
Il m’a dit : “si tu es comme la chouette (ou le hibou) tu auras les réponses. Il a dit ” si tu es…. Mais tu l’ES”
En lien avec la vision

My Response..

Jul 13th, 9:41am

Melissa et Maya melisa means Honey Bee and Maya means Illusion…. The Dogs / God Black and white – The Body and the light ( Matter and Light.. the Body and Being) the crossing is frmm the world of matter Illusion back home into the light. The Doubt caused you to pause and that is where the cat represents the intuition the seeing in the dark – it is the guide while the dogs instinct. MM.. 13 13…26…8… 13 Euros 5 euros….M E… The Cannabis is a code it figures in my sacred portals 34… and represents the passing through death and the spirit world. It is the tester and again it reflects pour moi, le meme chose comme j’ia entendu don le premiere rev que tu a eu.. leaving the Material world or better the life you had or the perception of it… The Base Chakra is the sexual energy which creats the rising and the power to link from the base Maya to the Melissa H B.. Honey Bee.. Harmonious Being.. It s all about your alignment to Harmony to trust that harmony which is connected to the sex base and the 8th ( Magician and Light… 1 +7= 8… white light clarity and vision…) the whole point I am seeing is that you are ready to cross over to come home but you are battling with the memories of the life you had here and the experiences of it. you are letting go but not fully trusting your self but you listen to you Animal instinct of 6th sense… But you must trust your own Human harmony. I represent the crossing over and those who come are drawn to me are those candidates who are ready to cross over. In a way I am ready to close shop.Because the crossing over is simply linking and aligning and recognizing the link in you from the 1st to the 8th chakra. There is no reason for a person of your level to have doubt… I called you I and I …. Instinct and Intuition … i and I .. the third I is the Individual is the Individual alone links bridges the two I and I… To form the H… Have no doubt… you are linkd again and again to Youth which is the power to BEE… And then the trauna of family.. there is always the theme of being left behing and yet each time you are able to cross to do… now Bee… You are in harmony…You must excuse me I am exhausted and so so tired and comming down into the lower dimensions of being which is Non existence and painful to me. I am have been living and moving through this realm of non existence for too long and yearn to rise back to myself . But I am used in a play… Bretixt 29th MarcH.. CODE 29 I just complted .. 29 nations… Nato… I am incensed that I am still being moved by Death as Father Mother to align the World affairs using my codes which the world is yet to realize and recognize… ( which do not matter) but yes.. This is the end of the World it is being destroyed and this is the play of it happening first in the Invisible realm.. of those who rise and those who stay in the illusion and cease to exist… Do no doubt that which is in you and see your life s a riddle and experience very important but not a weight to hold you back from rising…


It’s amazing!

12:22 p.m.

L V..
That is the code of the Louis Vuiton cologne from JJace Horsford
Kimani showed me a code a Scar with an L on his wrists..On mine there is a V…

L V.. O E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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