
8/10/2015 16:59 – Facebook Post

8/10/2015 16:59 – Facebook Post

Alex Reyenga

Alexander Rey E.N…G.A… (“EN” means “In,” french, and Ga means “Went” in NRI Igbo)

Meaning; “The Defender of Man Emeke Nnamdi (Did great Deeds of Praise in the name of Father IS!) In going on the journey of GA (Georgia Tiger Woods Story of Pi?..no)
In landing G.A…(7-1) The Seven Colors of the Rainbow, landing Grace to Anna) in Harmony of 7-1..8..
18 Mountain View…
Open Mind 711
Open Eyes Ah Be Ce
Open your Heart…John Obi..
Boom Boom.Radar…
Heart=Beautiful Being Hue man.
H.B…2 8…1O.
1 O
Alpha Omega…
1 Filled Circle with the
Star Dust man
The Beautiful 1

The Consciousness of E.Harmony Truth on the Source of the Beautiful Mind is the Heart.
Jonn O.B.I..1O.O29…

Dear Alex…

There is no worst in humanity apart from the from illusions learning to merge with thier Espirit Consciousness Harmony and thus, only then becoming real.

Thus, Humanity can do only be The Beautiful Ones, any thing other than their being what they were created to be-proven by this Facebook book play that all the E Line Exist in Humanity, moving them with a Force of True Loves beyond the Africa Cradle of Civilization story, beyond Culture and religious indoctrination, Beyond Vibration and Sound, beyond D.N.A programming perverted… Beyond even distractions of money and needs of this current reality…
As I have proven proven ability in this 41 months and now score board of 339 Face Book friends the last two being Tom Benzian, and Sarah Simon John..
T.S…True Spirit?
Thoughts Spirits…?

Truth Supreme

Please see Sacred Portal 118.

Thank you Alex for your Harmony which allowed me to receive the message of affirmation from the E Spirit in you (Energy Espirit)
The number 118 was seen 4 times by Donna O Sullivan today she informed me and so I posted the image which Tom Truman, Marina Burini John and Luke Shaw, David… observed 5 years ago.materialize when they went upstate.

I was only at the last minute made aware that the play in.Williamsburg 5 years ago was a dress rehearsal of the Evolution Awakening, for the real deal which is now taking place 5 years later while I am.upstate with the two last chosen ones at a 18 Mountain View.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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